Family Callipappidae

Callipappus Guérin-Méneville


Callipappus Guérin-Méneville, 1841: 129. Type species: Callipappus westwoodi Guérin-Méneville, by monotypy.

Callipapput; Perroud & Montrouzier, 1864: 247. Misspelling of genus name.

Gallipappus; Signoret, 1868: 519. Misspelling of genus name.

Gallipalpus; Signoret, 1869: 932. Misspelling of genus name.

Callipalpus; Lindinger, 1937: 181. Misspelling of genus name.

GENERAL REMARKS: Good definition and characters given by Signoret (1876a) and by Morrison (1928).

SYSTEMATICS: The adult females of this genus are remarkable for their immense size, attaining about 4 cm in length. In this genus, as in several unrelated genera, part of the abdomen of adult female is invaginated to form a pouch, called marsupium, that receives the eggs. In Callipappus the marsupial orifice is at the posterior apex of body, whereas in other genera the pouch opening is ventral (Morrison, 1928). Koteja (1996a: 68) and Hodgson & Foldi (2006) assigned this genus to the family Callipappidae.

KEYS: Morrison & Morrison 1923: 43 (female) [world].

CITATIONS: AustinYeCa2004 [distribution, evolution, life history: 220]; BenDov2005a [taxonomy, catalogue: 44]; Cocker1902q [taxonomy: 258]; Fernal1903b [catalogue: 31]; Foldi2001a [taxonomy: 197]; Foldi2009 [taxonomy: 33]; Frogga1921b [taxonomy, description: 41]; Fuller1897b [taxonomy: 1346]; Fuller1897c [taxonomy: 10]; Fuller1899 [taxonomy, description: 435-437]; Guerin1841 [taxonomy, description: 129-131]; GullanBr1998 [distribution, life history, natural enemies, host: 2-7]; GullanCo2007 [taxonomy: 413-425]; GullanSj2001 [taxonomy: 257-278]; HodgsoFo2005 [taxonomy, phylogeny: 35-48]; HodgsoFo2006 [taxonomy: 125-126]; Koteja1996a [taxonomy: 68]; Koteja2000 [taxonomy: 166]; Lindin1937 [taxonomy: 181]; Lindin1937 [taxonomy: 181, 185]; MacGil1921 [taxonomy, description: 98]; Maskel1887a [taxonomy: 90]; Morris1928 [taxonomy, description: 18, 62, 82-86, 219]; MorrisMo1923 [taxonomy: 41-44]; MorrisMo1966 [taxonomy, catalogue: 26-27]; Signor1876a [taxonomy, description: 374-375]; Targio1868 [taxonomy: 723].

Callipappus australis (Maskell)


Coelostoma australe Maskell, 1890a: 280. Type data: AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, Sydney, on Angophora sp.; collected by A. Sydney Olliff. Syntypes, female. Type depository: Auckland: New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, New Zealand. Described: both sexes. Illust.

Callipappus australis; Cockerell, 1902q: 258. Change of combination.

HOST: Myrtaceae: Angophora [Maskel1890a].

DISTRIBUTION: Australasian: Australia (New South Wales [Maskel1890a, Frogga1921b], Queensland [Frogga1921b]).

GENERAL REMARKS: Description and illustration of nymph, adult male and adult female by Morrison (1928).

STRUCTURE: Adult female of a dull blue-black or very dark purple colour, elongated, distinctly segmented, convex; length averaging 0.5 inch, but some specimens reach 5/6 inch (Maskell, 1890a). A characteristic feature of the male of this species is the long brush of white glassy filaments springing from the abdominal extremity (Maskell, 1893b). External appearance of the adult male illustrated by Froggatt (1921b).

KEYS: Morrison 1928: 86 (female) [Species of Callipappus]; Morrison & Morrison 1923: 43 (female) [world].

CITATIONS: BenDov2005a [taxonomy, host, distribution, catalogue: 44-45]; Cocker1899n [taxonomy: 4]; Cocker1902q [taxonomy, distribution: 258]; DeitzTo1980 [taxonomy: 50]; Fernal1903b [catalogue: 31]; Foldi2001a [taxonomy: 197]; Frogga1921b [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 41]; Fuller1899 [taxonomy, host, distribution: 438]; Guerin1841 [taxonomy, host, distribution: 129]; Maskel1890a [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 280-282]; Maskel1893b [taxonomy, description: 242]; Morris1928 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 82-86, 222]; MorrisMo1923 [taxonomy: 41-44].

Callipappus farinosus Fuller


Callipappus bufo Fuller, 1897b: 1346. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, on Casuarina, Banksia attenuata and Banksia ilicifolia. Syntypes, female. Described: female. Synonymy by Froggatt, 1921b: 42.

Callipappus farinosus Fuller, 1897b: 1346. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, Perth, on Casuarina beneath dead bark. Syntypes, female. Described: female.

Callipappus farinosus; Fuller, 1897c: 10. Notes: Again described as n. sp.

HOSTS: Casuarinaceae: Casuarina [Fuller1897b, Fuller1899], Casuarina humilis [Fuller1899]. Myrtaceae: Eucalyptus marginata [Lindin1913a]. Proteaceae: Banksia attenuata [Fuller1897b], Banksia ilicifolia [Fuller1897b, Fuller1899], Banksia menziesii [Fuller1899].

DISTRIBUTION: Australasian: Australia (Western Australia [Fuller1897b]).

GENERAL REMARKS: Description and illustration of adult female by Fuller (1897b, 1899).

SYSTEMATICS: Callipappus farinosus and Callipappus bufo were described (Fuller, 1897b) on the same page, but the former has line priority. Fuller (1899) again described C. farinosus and C. bufo as "n. sp.". The synonymy of C. bufo with C. farinosus was introduced by Froggatt (1921b).

KEYS: Morrison 1928: 86 (female) [Species of Callipappus]; Morrison & Morrison 1923: 43 (female) [world].

CITATIONS: BenDov2005a [taxonomy, host, distribution, catalogue: 45]; Cocker1902q [taxonomy, distribution: 258]; Fernal1903b [catalogue: 31]; Foldi2001a [taxonomy: 197]; Frogga1921b [taxonomy, host, distribution: 42]; Fuller1897b [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 1346]; Fuller1897c [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 10,11]; Fuller1899 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 437-438]; Lindin1913a [host, distribution: 348]; Morris1928 [taxonomy, distribution: 86,223]; MorrisMo1923 [taxonomy: 41-44].

Callipappus immanis (Maskell)


Coelostoma immane Maskell, 1892: 49. Type data: AUSTRALIA: exact locality not clearly indicated, probably interior "somewhere in the direction of Cooper's Creek; collected by Mr. Crawford. Syntypes, female. Type depository: Auckland: New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, New Zealand. Described: female. Illust.

Callipappus immanis; Cockerell, 1902q: 258. Change of combination.

HOST: Fabaceae: Acacia aneura [Maskel1892].

DISTRIBUTION: Australasian: Australia [Maskel1892].

GENERAL REMARKS: Description and illustration of adult female by Maskell (1892, 1893b) and by Froggatt (1921b).

STRUCTURE: Adult female of a dull dark-red or reddish-brown colour, sometimes nearly black; elongated and, if viewed from above, more or less elliptical; length from 0.3 to 1 inch (Maskell, 1892).

KEYS: Morrison 1928: 86 (female) [Species of Callipappus]; Morrison & Morrison 1923: 43 (female) [world].

CITATIONS: BenDov2005a [taxonomy, host, distribution, catalogue: 45-46]; Cocker1902q [taxonomy, distribution: 258]; DeitzTo1980 [taxonomy: 50]; Fernal1903b [catalogue: 31-32]; Foldi2001a [taxonomy: 197]; Frogga1921b [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 42]; Maskel1892 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 49-51]; Maskel1893b [taxonomy, structure: 241-242]; Maskel1894 [taxonomy: 69]; Morris1928 [taxonomy: 86,224]; MorrisMo1923 [taxonomy: 41-44].

Callipappus rubiginosus (Maskell)


Coelostoma rubiginosum Maskell, 1893b: 242. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Victoria, Melbourne, on Banksia integrifolia; collected by Mr. French. Syntypes, female. Type depository: Auckland: New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, New Zealand. Described: female.

Callipappus rubiginosus; Cockerell, 1902q: 258. Change of combination.

HOST: Proteaceae: Banksia integrifolia [Maskel1893b].

DISTRIBUTION: Australasian: Australia (Victoria [Maskel1893b]).

GENERAL REMARKS: Description and illustration of adult female by Maskell (1893b).

STRUCTURE: Adult female dark reddish-brown in colour, but covered with great numbers of short, slender, semi-waxy filaments of lighter colour, the whole producing an effect like rusty iron. Body elongated, thick, much wrinkled but not distinctly segmented, and the margin shows as a ridge running round the insect. Length variable, from 0.3 inch to 0.6 inch (Maskell, 1893b).

KEYS: Morrison 1928: 86 (female) [Species of Callipappus]; Morrison & Morrison 1923: 43 (female) [world].

CITATIONS: BenDov2005a [taxonomy, host, distribution, catalogue: 46]; Cocker1902q [taxonomy, distribution: 258]; DeitzTo1980 [taxonomy: 51]; Fernal1903b [catalogue: 32]; Foldi2001a [taxonomy: 197]; Frogga1921b [taxonomy: 42]; Fuller1899 [taxonomy: 438]; Maskel1893b [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 242-243]; Morris1928 [taxonomy: 86,226]; MorrisMo1923 [taxonomy: 41-44].

Callipappus westwoodii Guérin-Méneville


Callipappus westwoodii Guérin-Méneville, 1841: 130. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Swan River. Lectotype female, . Type depository: Paris: Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France; type no. 8727. Described: female.

HOST: Myrtaceae: Eucalyptus [Fuller1899].

DISTRIBUTION: Australasian: Australia (Western Australia [Fuller1899]).

GENERAL REMARKS: Description and illustration of adult female by Guerin-Meneville (1841), Signoret (1876b), Fuller (1899) and by Froggatt (1921b).

STRUCTURE: Adult female up to 25 mm long, adult male 6 mm long (Guerin-Meneville, 1841).

KEYS: Morrison 1928: 86 (female) [Species of Callipappus]; Morrison & Morrison 1923: 43 (female) [world].

CITATIONS: BenDov2005a [taxonomy, host, distribution, catalogue: 46-47]; Cocker1902q [taxonomy, distribution: 258]; Fernal1903b [catalogue: 32]; Foldi2001a [taxonomy: 197]; Frogga1921b [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 42]; Fuller1897b [taxonomy: 1346]; Fuller1897c [taxonomy, host, distribution: 11]; Fuller1899 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 437]; Guerin1841 [taxonomy, description, distribution: 130-131]; Lindin1907a [taxonomy: 17]; Lindin1913a [host, distribution: 348]; Morris1928 [taxonomy: 82,86,227]; MorrisMo1923 [taxonomy: 41-44]; Signor1869 [taxonomy: 876]; Signor1876a [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 375-377]; Targio1868 [taxonomy: 723].

Platycoelostoma Morrison in Morrison & Morrison


Platycoelostoma Morrison in Morrison & Morrison, 1923: 34. Type species: Coelostoma compressa Maskell, by monotypy and original designation.

Platyceolostoma; Morales, 1991: 53. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Morrison & Morrison" as authors.

GENERAL REMARKS: Definition and characters by Morrison & Morrison (1923), Morrison (1928), Morales (1991), Gullan & Sjaarda (2001) and by Foldi (2009).

SYSTEMATICS: Morrison & Morrison (1923) placed this genus among the group including Steingelia, Matsucoccus,, Stomacoccus and Kuwania. Diagnostic characters of the adult female were outlined by Gullan & Sjaarda (2001).

KEYS: Foldi 2009: 34 (female) [Species of PLatycoelostoma.]; Morales 1991: 24-25 (female, male, nymph) [New Zealand].

CITATIONS: BenDov2005a [taxonomy, catalogue: 39]; Foldi2001a [taxonomy: 213]; Foldi2009 [taxonomy: 34]; GullanCo2007 [taxonomy: 413-425]; GullanSj2001 [taxonomy, description: 257-278]; Lindin1937 [taxonomy: 193]; Morale1991 [taxonomy, description: 53]; Morris1928 [taxonomy, description: 88-91, 220]; MorrisMo1923 [taxonomy, description: 34].

Platycoelostoma compressum (Maskell)


Coelostoma compressum Maskell, 1892: 45. Type data: NEW ZEALAND: Reefton district, in bark layers of Podocarpus totara; collected by Mr. Raithby. Lectotype female, by subsequent designation Morales, 1991: 55. Type depository: Auckland: New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, New Zealand. Described: female. Illust.

Coelostomidia compressa; Cockerell, 1902q: 258. Change of combination.

Platycoelostoma compressa; Morrison & Morrison, 1923: 35. Change of combination.

Platycoelostoma compressum; Williams, 2011: 67. Justified emendation.

HOSTS: Cupressaceae: Libocedrus [Butche1987], Libocedrus bidwilli [Morale1991]. Podocarpaceae: Podocarpus totara [Maskel1892, Morale1991].

DISTRIBUTION: Australasian: New Zealand (North Island [Maskel1892, Morale1991], South Island [Morale1991]).

GENERAL REMARKS: Description and illustration of nymph and adult female by Maskell (1892), Morrison & Morrison (1923), Morrison (1928) and by Morales (1991).

STRUCTURE: Adult female red, elongated, convex, segmented, active; excreting at gestation a quantity of white or pinkish cotton, covering the dorsum, and forming an ovisac behind it; this cotton frequently takes the form of curly laminations; length 0.2 - 0.3 inch (Maskell, 1892).

CITATIONS: BenDov2005a [taxonomy, host, distribution, catalogue: 40]; Cocker1902q [taxonomy, distribution: 258]; DeitzTo1980 [taxonomy: 50]; Fernal1903b [catalogue: 30]; Foldi2001a [taxonomy: 213]; GullanSj2001 [taxonomy: 257-278]; Lindin1932f [taxonomy: 198]; Maskel1892 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 45-49]; Morale1991 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 53-55,114-117]; Morris1928 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 89-91,223]; MorrisMo1922 [taxonomy: 10]; MorrisMo1923 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 35-38]; Willia2011 [taxonomy: 67].

Platycoelostoma rauppi Foldi


Platycoelostoma rauppi Foldi, 2009: 34-37. Type data: PERU: Cusco, Tambo Machay, ruins near Puca Pucara, on roots of Medicago sativa, altitude 1000 meters; collected M.J. Raupp, 10 February 1980. Holotype female. Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA. Described: female. Illust.

HOST: Fabaceae: Medicago sativa [Foldi2009].

DISTRIBUTION: Neotropical: Peru [Foldi2009].

GENERAL REMARKS: Description and illustration of adult female by Foldi (2009).

KEYS: Foldi 2009: 34 (female) [Species of Platycoelostoma].

CITATIONS: Foldi2009 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 34-37].

Platycoelostoma tasmanicum Gullan & Sjaarda


Platycoelostoma tasmanicum Gullan & Sjaarda, 2001: 267. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Tasmania, Mount Field National Park, Robert Tarn, altitude 1000m, on Diselma archeri; collected 3.ii.1992, by P.J. Gullan & K. Qin. Holotype female. Type depository: Canberra: Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Entomology, Australia. Described: female and first instar. Illust.

HOST: Cupressaceae: Diselma archeri [GullanSj2001].

DISTRIBUTION: Australasian: Australia (Tasmania [GullanSj2001]).

GENERAL REMARKS: Description and illustration of adult female, first instar nymph, female third-instar and second-instar nymph by Gullan & Sjaarda (2001).

CITATIONS: BenDov2005a [taxonomy, host, distribution, catalogue: 40]; Foldi2001a [taxonomy: 213]; GullanCo2007 [taxonomy: 413-425]; GullanSj2001 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 265-278].