Stavi, I. 2022 Ecosystem services related with Opuntia ficusindica (prickly pear cactus): a review of challenges and opportunities. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 46(6): 815-841


  • ecology
  • Notes: The Opuntia ficus-indica offers a range of ecosystem services. Its provisioning services include food for humans, feed for livestock, and medicines, as well as fuelwood and feedstock for bioenergy. As for supporting ecosystem services, this cactus benefits biodiversity by providing wildlife with food, pollen, habitat, and shelter. However, establishment of commercial monoculture plantations may accelerate environmental degradation. Further, the species invasiveness may lead to land infestation. The potential risks to natural ecosystems necessitate careful planting of prickly pears in the future, to ensure environmental sustainability. During the past decade, the infestation of the insect species Dactylopius opuntiae Costa (Prickly pear cochineal) throughout the Mediterranean Basin has put the prickly pear populations at a serious risk across this region.