Song, Z.-J., Zhao, Q.-Y., Ma, C., Ma, T.-B., Chen, R.-R., lI, Z.-H., & Zhan, G.-P. 2023 Quarantine Disinfestation of Papaya Mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Using Gamma and X-rays Irradiation. Insects


  • control
  • irradiation
  • Notes: Infested commodities in international trade should be subject to phytosanitary treatment, and irradiation treatment is recommended to replace methyl bromide fumigation. In the gamma radiation confirmatory tests, no nymphs emerged when a total of 60,386 gravid females were exposed to a radiation dose range of 146.8 to 185.0 Gy. Following the standard-setting principles, the largest dose value in confirmatory tests is the minimum threshold for phytosanitary treatment. As a result, we strongly recommend a minimum dose of 185 Gy for the phytosanitary irradiation of papaya mealybug-infested commodities, and the treatment efficacy is not less than 99.9950% at the 95% confidence level.