Qaxxorova, H.R., Zokirov, K., Sobirov, O.T., Rogojnikova, O.A., & Turg'unova, O.S.H. 2024 Parthenolecanium corni (Bouché, 1844) Turning Molekulyar Genetic Tahliliga Oid [On molecular genetic analysis of Parthenolecanium corni (Bouché, 1844)]. Zoologiya fanini rivojlantirishda zamonaviy tadqiqotlar: Muammolar va istiqbolli yechimlar [Modern research in the development of the science of zoology: Problems and prospective solutions] Surxon ilm nashri Termiz 419


  • DNA sequencing
  • distribution
  • molecular biology
  • phylogeny
  • Notes: [This species has not been sufficiently studied in the conditions of Uzbekistan and there is little information in the literature, so our goal is to clarify the information about its distribution and molecular genetic identification in the Fergana Valley.]

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