Poinar, G., & Vega, F.E. 2023 A new coccid family, Adocimycolidae fam. nov. (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha), with extended hamulohalteres in Burmese (Myanmar) amber. Palaeodiversity 16: 125–134


  • description
  • description of male
  • diagnosis
  • distribution
  • fossil
  • history
  • illustration
  • male
  • morphology
  • taxonomy
  • Notes: The present study describes a male coccid in Burmese amber. The male specimen of Adocimycolus aarondavisii gen. et sp. nov. is quite unique by exhibiting the largest known hamulohalteres on a male scale insect. It is questioned whether these giant hamulohalteres are evidence of a plesiomorphic state of an Early Mesozoic lineage that had fully developed metathoracic wings or are the result of a genetic mutation. https://doi.org/10.18476/pale.v16.a5