Nucifora, S., Mazzeo, G., Kaydan, M.B., Ricupero, M., & Russo, A. 2025 Carulaspis silvestrii Lupo (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha, Diaspididae): redescription and neotype designation, with a key to Carulaspis MacGillivray species. ZooKeys 1228: 127-138


  • description
  • distribution
  • host
  • illustration
  • key
  • molecular biology
  • taxonomy
  • Notes: This study provides a detailed redescription of C. silvestrii, including drawings, SEM images and neotype designation for taxonomic stability. For the first time, molecular characterization of C. silvestrii was made using a partial 28S ribosomal gene. In addition, a morphological key for distinguishing species of Carulaspis is provided to aid the scientific community in taxonomic and identification endeavors.

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