Malumphy, C.P., & Salisbury, A. 2014 First incursion of manuka felt scale Acanthococcus mariannae in Britain (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae). British Journal of Entomology and Natural History 27: 21-24
Notes: In the autumn of 2008 a large infestation of an undescribed species of felt scale (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae) was observed on a single Leptospermum sp. plant growing outdoors in a private garden in Essex, England. The insect was subsequently described in 2010 as Acanthococcus mariannae Pellizzari from specimens collected from Manuka plants (Leptospermum scoparium) in Italy and France (Corsica). This is the first confirmed incursion of the Manuka Felt Scale in Britain. The biology, geographical distribution and economic importance of this scale are discussed.