Lin, L.-H., Shi, M.-Z., Chi, H., Güncan, A., Özgökçe, M.S., Atlihan, R., Li, J.-Y., Zheng, L.-Z., Rostami, E., & Fu, J.-W. 2024 Demographic characteristics of Paracoccus marginatus on papaya fruit and potato tubers with an innovative method for efficient application of the multinomial theorem in demographic research. Entomologia Generalis 44(4): 949-959
Notes: In this study, we recorded the development, survival and reproduction of P. marginatus reared on papaya fruit and potato tubers. The addition of life tables on papaya fruit will offer a comprehensive understanding of the fitness of P. marginatus on whole papaya plants. We also developed an innovative method that permits the application of the multinomial coefficients in life table research and other demographic studies by students, ecologists and other interested researchers.
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