García, A., Martínez, V., Basso, C., Cayssials, V., & Altesor, P. 2024 Optimising the mass-rearing of Aphytis sp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) to biologically control San Jose scales. Biocontrol Science and Technology


  • biological control
  • natural enemies
  • Notes: This study aimed to understand the biology of Aphytis sp. to optimise its rearing for mass production and augmentative release to control the San Jose scale. To this end we evaluated: (1) the scale developmental stage during which oviposition and parasitoid emergence were the highest; (2) longevity, daily oviposition throughout life, and daily offspring emergence during the first 10 days of the parasitoid’s life; (3) offspring production at different parasitoid densities to maximise production on a host plant scale.