Falanga, V., Francini, S., Parisi, F., Cavalli, A., De Fioravante, P., Cucca, B., D’Amico, G., Chirici, G., Lasserre, B., Ottaviano, M., Munafò, M., & Marchetti, M. 2024 Near-Real-Time Detection of Insect Outbreaks in Urban Trees Using a PlanetScope Time Series. Forests 15: 2261
Notes: The aims of this study were (i) to evaluate the effectiveness of PlanetScope satellite constellation images to monitor damage caused by the infestation of T. parvicornis on Pinus pinea; and (ii) to identify the advantages and limitations of combining ground surveys and remote-sensing data for insect-outbreak detection, monitoring, and management in urban areas.
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