Ben-Dov, Y. 1989a Saissetia Deplanche, 1859 (Insecta, Homoptera): proposed designation of Lecanium coffeae Walker, 1852 as the type species.. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 46(92): 114-118.
Notes: Proposal to conserve the accepted interpretation of Saissetia Deplanche, 1859 as a genus of soft scale insects (Coccidae) with some sp. of economic importance. Lecanium coffeae Walker, 1852 is commonly taken to be the type-sp., but the genus was originally based on Saissetia coffeae Deplanche. The description of Deplanche's coffeae shows that it was a mealybug (Pseudococcidae), but the species cannot now be identified & the suppression of its name is proposed.