Arias de López, M., Molina-Moreira, N., Herrera, I., Rizzo, K., Vinces, J.A.V., Chirinos, D.T., & Kondo, T. 2022 First record of two invasive species of Crypticerya (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae) causing outbreaks in urban green areas of Guayas Province, Ecuador. Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria 23(3): e2890
Notes: In the present study, Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo & Unruh and Crypticerya genistae (Hempel) are reported for the first time from Ecuador. The two species of fluted scales were found to cause outbreaks in urban green areas in Guayas province on the Ecuadorian coast, attacking native and alien plants