Valid Names Results
Unaspis permutans (Green, 1899) (Diaspididae: Unaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Chionaspis permutans Green 1899a: 130-131. Type data: SRI LANKA: Pundaluoya, on Antidesma bunius. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Chionaspis permutans verecunda Green 1899a: 131. Type data: SRI LANKA: on Antidesma sp.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Rao1949, 63). Illustr.
- Dinaspis permutans (Green, 1899); Malenotti 1916b: 192. change of combination
- Dinaspis permutans verecunda (Green, 1899); Malenotti 1916b: 192. change of combination
- Graphaspis permutans (Green, 1899); MacGillivray 1921: 359. change of combination
- Dinaspis (Chionaspis) permutans (Green, 1899); Ramakrishna Ayyar 1921a: 353. change of combination
- Diaspis permutans (Green, 1899); Green 1922: 460. change of combination
- Trichomytilus permutans (Green, 1899); Lindinger 1933a: 165. change of combination
- Unaspis permutans (Green, 1899); Rao 1949: 63, 65. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 2 | Genera: 2
- Phyllanthaceae
- Antidesma bunius | Ali1969 Green1899a
- Rutaceae
- Euodia | Green1919c
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Aphelinidae
- Aphytis diaspidis | Garcia1912 | (= Aphelinus fuscipennis)
- Aphytis mytilaspidis | HowardAs1895 Morley1909 | (= Aphelinus mytilaspidis)
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 3
- India
- Kerala | Green1919c
- Spain | Garcia1912
- Sri Lanka | Ali1969 Green1899a
- NiuFe2019: pp.579 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Unaspis]
- Watson2015a: pp.437 ( Adult (F) ) [slide-mounted adult females of Unaspis]
- Rao1949: pp.65 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Unaspis]
- Maleno1916b: pp.192 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Dinaspis] Key as: Dinaspis permutans
- Green1899a: pp.108 ( ) [Synopsis of Chionaspis species] Key as: Chionaspis permutans
- Systematics: Green described two species from Antidesma bunius from the same locality, Pundaluoya, Ceylon, one being U. flava and the other U. permutans. The two are very similar and may be the same. However, they differ as follows: in U. permutans the scale is much more slender; the area occupied by the sclerotized prosoma of the adult female involves one more abdominal segment in U. permutans than it does in U. flava; and the dorsal ducts of the pygidium are much more numerous in U. flava, which has up to 40, than in U. permutans, which has as few as 26 (Rao, 1949).
- Structure: Female scale elongate and moderately slender, very slightly broadened posteriorly, yellow, transparent, showing the form of the insect within, 2.0-2.5 mm long. Male scale white, tricarinate. Adult female elongate, but narrowly elliptical. Median pygidial lobes set in an apical notch, with their apices scarcely free, narrow, their mesal margin somewhat convex and serrate, the mesal margin much longer than the outer margin (Rao, 1949).
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustration by Rao (1949). This species was reported as occurring in Illinois, USA by Fulmek (1943) but there is no evidence that this record is correct.
- Ali1969: distribution, host, taxonomy, 82
- BhasinRo1954: host, 79
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 107
- DEDAC1923: distribution, host, 6
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 221
- Ferris1937a: taxonomy, 4
- Fulmek1943: biological control, catalog, distribution, 24, 32, 34
- Garcia1912: biological control, 84
- Garcia1930: biological control, 54
- Ghesqu1933: taxonomy, 346
- GillMiDa1982: taxonomy, 8
- Green1899a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 108, 130-131
- Green1919c: distribution, host, 438
- Green1922: taxonomy, 460
- Green1937: catalog, description, distribution, host, 323
- HowardAs1895: biological control, 635
- Lindin1933a: taxonomy, 165
- Lindin1943a: taxonomy, 146
- Lindin1943b: taxonomy, 265
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 359
- Maleno1916b: taxonomy, 192
- Morley1909: biological control, 277
- NikolsYa1966: biological control, 204
- NiuFe2019: key, 579
- Ramakr1919a: distribution, host, 11
- Ramakr1919b: distribution, host, 96
- Ramakr1921a: catalog, distribution, host, 353
- Ramakr1930: distribution, host, 19
- Rao1949: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 60, 63, 65
- Takagi1970: taxonomy, 34
- Takaha1933: taxonomy, 46
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 229