Valid Names Results
Tachardina aurantiaca (Cockerell, 1903) (Tachardiidae (= Kerriidae): Tachardina)Nomenclatural History
- Tachardia aurantiaca Cockerell 1903c: 65. Type data: INDONESIA: Java, Garoet, on grapefruit, Citrus.. Syntypes, female and first instar, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name
- Tachardina (Tachardina) aurantiaca (Cockerell, 1903); Chamberlin 1923: 205. change of combination
- Tachardina aurantiaca; (Cockerell, 1903); Hall 1935b: 475. subsequent use Notes: Incorrect citation of "Green" as author.
- Tachardina aurantiaca (Cockerell, 1903); Kapur 1958: 36. change of combination
- Tachardina aurentiaca (Cockerell, 1903); Varshney 1984b: 370. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- Yellow lac scale KondoGu2022a
- Insecto laca amarillo KondoGu2022a
Ecological Associates
Families: 7 | Genera: 14
- Fabaceae
- Acacia auriculiformis | OngNeKh2014
- Acacia sphaerocephala | Chambe1923 Morris1921
- Albizia | Green1913
- Cajanus cajan | Chambe1923 Morris1921
- Chloroleucon | Varshn2020 | (= Pithecolobium)
- Inocarpus fagifer | SchroePeCo2008
- Millettia pinnata | OngNeKh2014
- Pithecellobium | KondoGu2022a
- Pongamia pinnata | KondoGu2022a
- Moraceae
- Ficus | Kapur1958 Takaha1941
- Oxalidaceae
- Averrhoa carambola | MartinLa2011
- Rhamnaceae
- Ziziphus jujuba | Takaha1941
- Ziziphus mauritiana | Kapur1958
- Rubiaceae
- Ixora macrothyrsa | Chambe1923 Morris1921
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | Cocker1903c
- Citrus aurantium | Varshn2020 | ssp.amaram
- Citrus paradisi | Varshn2020
- Salicaceae
- Flacourtia | Green1913
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Encyrtidae
- Tachardiaephagus somervilli | CranstGu2017 NeumanODGr2018
- Tachardiaephagus tachardiae | OngNeKh2014
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Formicidae
- Anoplolepis gracilipes | OngNeKh2014
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 6
- Christmas Island | AbbottGr2007 ODowdGrLa2003 OngNeKh2014 SchroePeCo2008
- Indonesia
- Java | Cocker1903c Green1913 Varshn1976
- Malaysia | Varshn1976
- Maldives | WatsonOoGi1995
- Singapore | Morris1921 Takaha1941
- Thailand | Takaha1941 Varshn1976
- Hodgso2020: pp.163 ( Adult (M) ) [Kerriidae]
- Structure: Scales usually separate, sometimes coalescing, round, seen from above, 4 mm. long, convex, but flattened dorsally, so that they are not half as high as broad; surface thrown more or less into concrete folds; colour bright orange; median dorsal area ferruginous, with radiating ridges and the usual orifices, the minutely transversely ribbed larval exuviae in the middle. Young up to about 2 mm. long, orange-ferruginous, with rather obscure radiating ridges (Cockerell, 1903c). Resinous test of adult female (fig. 1) circular, somewhat flattened dorsally: the larval pellicle forming a crenulated ridge in the centre of the dorsal area: anal orifice circular or broadly oval, its posterior rim raised into a prominent tooth-like point: respiratory orifices small, very slightly prominent, situated one on each side of and close to the larval pellicle: sides more or less distinctly broadly radially fluted. Colour bright fulvous to castaneous, the larval pellicle reddish; semitranslucent. Diameter 25 mm (Green, 1913).
- Biology: Found on bark of branch (Cockerell, 1903c).
- Economic Importance: Female wasps are known to adjust their offspring sex ratios depending on host size, with a female biased sex ratio on larger hosts. A significant relationship was found between the size of female T. aurantiaca and the number of emerging Tachardiaephagus somervillei. Rearing of T. aurantiaca on larger size host plants under optimum conditions in the field is likely to produce larger females at a shorter development time with more crawlers produced per female. Therefore, Ong, et al. (2014) suggested that this parasitoid could have important implications on the biological control of T. aurantiaca.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Chamberlin (1923).
- AbbottGr2007: biological control, distribution, ecology, host, 1238-1246
- Balach1950: taxonomy, 9
- BenDov2006b: catalog, taxonomy, 291
- Chambe1923: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 205-206
- Cocker1903c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 65-66
- CranstGu2017: biological control, natural enemies, 75
- Gavril2017b: distribution, illustration, 146
- Gavril2018: reproduction, 229
- Green1913: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 314-316
- Hall1935b: taxonomy, 475
- Hodgso2020: description of male, illustration, key, taxonomy, 163, 164-166
- HodgsoMi2002IMa: phylogeny, taxonomy, 511
- Kapur1958: catalog, taxonomy, 36
- KondoGu2022c: biology, control, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 378-379
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 21
- KondoWa2024: distribution, 2
- KozarDr1998l: 455
- MartinLa2011: catalog, distribution, host, 45
- Morris1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 647
- NeumanODGr2018: biological control, natural enemies, 66-73
- NeumanODGu2014: ecology, 27
- NeumanODGu2016: ant association, dispersal, distribution, host, 159-166
- ODowdGrLa2003: distribution, host, 813
- OngNeKh2014: description, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 435-441
- OngODGr2019: biological control, natural enemies,
- SchroePeCo2008: DNA, biological control, phylogeny, taxonomy, 256-266
- Takaha1941: distribution, host, 138
- Varshn1977: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 79
- Varshn1984b: taxonomy, 370
- Varshn1997: distribution, taxonomy, 30
- Varshn2009: catalog, 8
- Varshn2020: distribution, host, taxonomy, 43
- VeaGr2015: phylogeny, 64
- VeaGr2016: evolution, 4
- WatsonOoGi1995: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 59
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 239
- WilliaMi2010: distribution, host, 46
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 172