Valid Names Results
Sananicoccus Huang & Yan, 2023 (
Nomenclatural History
- Sananicoccus
Huang & Yan
2023: 228.
by original designation
accepted valid name
- Systematics: Sananicoccus is similar to the genus Synacanthococcus Morrison, 1920 by sharing the large dorsal tubular ducts each with discoidal pores next to the orifice and absence of anterior ostioles, but differs by Synacanthococcus possessing posterior ostioles and dorsal cerarii, and all cerarii, including dorsal and marginal cerarii, each situated on a prominent sclerotized area. (Huang & Yan, 2023)
- Structure: Body of adult female broadly oval, membranous. Antennae each with 7 segments. Legs well-developed, claw with a denticle. Anal ring situated at apex of abdomen, bearing 6 setae. Both ostiole pairs and circulus absent. Cerarii numbering 18 pairs, each usually with 1 or 2 conical setae and 1 or 2 trilocular pores. Dorsal setae minute, conical; ventral setae flagellate. Dorsum with large tubular ducts, each usually with 2 discoidal pores situated next to orifice. Multilocular pores and quinquelocular pores restricted to venter only; trilocular pores present on dorsum only. Oral collar tubular ducts present on both surfaces. (Huang & Yan, 2023)
- General Remarks: Description and illustrations by Huang & Yan (2023).
1 Species