Valid Names Results
Russellaspis pustulans (Cockerell, 1892) (Asterolecaniidae: Russellaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Asterodiaspis pustulans Cockerell 1892h: 142. Type data: JAMAICA:. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Shandong: Department of Forestry, Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong Province, China; Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name
- Asterolecanium pustulans (Cockerell, 1892); Cockerell 1893d: 8. change of combination
- Planchonia pustulans (Cockerell, 1892); Cockerell 1893h: 77. change of combination
- Asterolecanium pustulans sambuci Cockerell 1903d: 112. Type data: EGYPT: Cairo, on Sambucus sp.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Russel1941, 165).
- Asterolecanium pustulans seychellarum Green 1910: 3-5. Type data: SEYCHELLE ISLANDS: on Hevea brasiliensis.. Syntypes, unknown, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Russel1941, 165).
- Asterolecanium sambuci Cockerell, 1903; Bodenheimer 1935: 265. change in status (level)
- Asterolecanium morini Mamet 1937: 176. Type data: MAURITIUS: Port Louis, on stems of Pentas cornea.. Holotype, female, Type depository: Paris: Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France; junior synonym (discovered by Mamet1939, 239). Illustr.
- Russellaspis pustulans (Cockerell, 1892); Borchsenius 1960d: 154. change of combination
- Asterolecanium pustulans principe Castel-Branco 1964: 629. Type data: PRINCIPE ISLAND: on coffee and cacao, December 1963.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Lisbon: Coleccoes do Centro de Zoologia do Instituto de Investigacao Cientifica Tropical, Portugal; junior synonym (discovered by Lambdi2022, 367).
- Rusulaspis pustulans; Ülgentürk,, et al 2022: S116. misspelling of genus name
Common Names
- oleander pit scale StumpfLa2006
- fig pit scale AbdRabEv2021
- Akee fringed scale Lambdi2022
- escama pústula Lambdi2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 70 | Genera: 174
- Acanthaceae
- Eranthemum | MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955 | (= Daedalacanthus)
- Graptophyllum pictum | Ballou1926
- Justicia | Riddic1955 | (= Jacobinia)
- Justicia spicigera | Ballou1926 | (= Jacobinia mohintli)
- Strobilanthes | Riddic1955
- Adoxaceae
- Sambucus | Russel1941
- Viburnum tinus | Habib1957
- Amaranthaceae
- Alternanthera | Habib1957
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera | Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Mangifera indica | Ballou1926 Habib1957 Lepage1938 MohammMoMo1997 Zimmer1948
- Rhus copallina | Ballou1926
- Rhus copallinum | Ballou1926 | (= Rhus leucantha)
- Annonaceae
- Annona | Lepage1938 Russel1941
- Annona squamosa | Ballou1926 Habib1957 Riddic1955
- Apocynaceae
- Asclepias | MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955
- Carissa | MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955
- Carissa macrocarpa | Habib1957 Riddic1955 | (= Carissa grandiflora)
- Carissa spinarum | Habib1957 AbdRabEv2021 | (= Carissa edulis),
- Marsdenia floribunda | Ballou1926
- Nerium | Lepage1938 Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Nerium oleander | Ballou1926 Brain1920 Habib1957 WilliaWa1990 Zimmer1948
- Plumeria | Russel1941
- Stephanotis | MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955
- Stephanotis floribunda | Ballou1926
- Tabernaemontana | MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955
- Tabernaemontana divaricata | Riddic1955 | (= Ervatamia coronaria)
- Trachelospermum | Riddic1955
- Araliaceae
- Hedera | Riddic1955
- Hedera helix | Ballou1926
- Schefflera | Riddic1955
- Schefflera morototoni | Ballou1926 | (= Didymopanax morotatoni)
- Arecaceae
- Cocos nucifera | EFSA2022d
- Phoenix | Riddic1955 | (= Palma)
- Asparagaceae
- Agave | Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Asteraceae
- Tagetes lucida | EFSA2022d
- Bignoniaceae
- Bignonia | Russel1941
- Bignonia callistegioides | Russel1941 | (= Bignonia speciosa)
- Jacaranda | Habib1957 MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Jacaranda mimosifolia | Habib1957 | (= Jacaranda mimosaefolia)
- Pyrostegia | Riddic1955
- Tecoma | Habib1957
- Boraginaceae
- Cordia myxa | Habib1957 | (= Cordia mixa)
- Heliotropium arborescens | Ballou1926 | (= Heliotropium peruvianum)
- Tournefortia pubescens | Kuwana1902a LincanHoCa2010
- Brassicaceae
- Brassica oleracea | Habib1957
- Burseraceae
- Bursera simaruba | Riddic1955
- Cactaceae
- Melocactus | Russel1941
- Cannabaceae
- Celtis | Riddic1955
- Trema | Riddic1955
- Caprifoliaceae
- Symphoricarpos | MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955
- Caricaceae
- Carica papaya | WilliaWa1990
- Casuarinaceae
- Casuarina equisetifolia | Russel1941
- Chrysobalanaceae
- Chrysobalanus | Riddic1955
- Clusiaceae
- Clusia rosea | Ballou1926
- Combretaceae
- Combretum indicum | Ballou1926 | (= Quisqualis indica)
- Convolvulaceae
- Poranopsis paniculata | Ballou1926 | (= Porana paniculata)
- Crassulaceae
- Kalanchoe | Russel1941 | (= Bryophyllum)
- Sedum | Russel1941
- Cucurbitaceae
- Momordica balsamina | Russel1941 | (= Momordica balsaminal)
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros | Riddic1955
- Elaeagnaceae
- Elaeagnus | Riddic1955
- Erythroxylaceae
- Erythroxylum coca | Ballou1926
- Euphorbiaceae
- Acalypha indica | WilliaMa2009b
- Croton | Russel1941
- Euphorbia | Riddic1955 Russel1941 | (= Pedilanthus)
- Euphorbia pulcherrima | Ballou1926 Riddic1955
- Hevea | Russel1941
- Hevea brasiliensis | Russel1941
- Manihot | Russel1941
- Sapium | Russel1941 Zimmer1948 |
- Fabaceae
- Acacia | Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Acacia decurrens | Habib1957
- Acacia farnesiana | Russel1941 | (= Vachellia farnesiana)
- Acacia nilotica | AbdRabEv2021
- Albizia lebbeck | Habib1957 | (= Albizia lebbek)
- Bauhinia | Habib1957 Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Bauhinia tomentosa | Ballou1926
- Caesalpinia | Habib1957 | (= Poinciana)
- Cajanus | Russel1941
- Cajanus cajan | Habib1957 | (= Cajanus indicus)
- Calliandra | Riddic1955
- Cassia | Riddic1955
- Cassia fistula | Habib1957
- Clitoria | Riddic1955
- Crotalaria | Riddic1955
- Erythrina | Varshn1992
- Leucaena leucocephala | Cocker1896d Russel1941 WilliaWa1990 | (= Leucaena glauca)
- Peltophorum africanum | Russel1941 | (= Baryxylum africanum)
- Pithecellobium | Habib1957 MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955
- Prosopis | Habib1957 Russel1941 Zimmer1948
- Prosopis juliflora | LagowsGoHo2022
- Robinia pseudoacacia | Habib1957
- Senna alata | Ballou1926 | (= Cassia alata)
- Sesbania sesban | Habib1957 | (= Sesbania aegyptiaca)
- Tamarindus | Russel1941
- Tamarindus indica | Habib1957
- Tephrosia sinapou | Russel1941 | (= Tephrosia toxicaria)
- Tipuana tipu | Riddic1955
- Vachellia nilotica | Habib1957 | (= Acacia arabica)
- Fagaceae
- Quercus | Riddic1955
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium | Riddic1955
- Pelargonium radula | Ballou1926
- Lamiaceae
- Callicarpa americana | Riddic1955
- Clerodendrum | MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955
- Mentha piperita | EFSA2022d
- Ocimum basilicum | EFSA2022d
- Orthosiphon aristatus | EFSA2022d
- Lauraceae
- Persea | Russel1941 Zimmer1948
- Lythraceae
- Cuphea | MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955
- Lagerstroemia | Riddic1955
- Magnoliaceae
- Magnolia | Russel1941
- Malvaceae
- Abelmoschus esculentus | Habib1957 | (= Hibiscus esculentus)
- Abutilon | Habib1957
- Bombax ceiba | TangHa1995 | (= Gossampinus malabarica)
- Ceiba pentandra | Russel1941
- Dombeya | MerrilCh1923 | (= Assonia)
- Gossypium | Habib1957 Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Guazuma ulmifolia | Habib1957 | (= Guazuma tomentosa)
- Hibiscus | Lepage1938 MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955 Russel1941 Zimmer1948
- Hibiscus mutabilis | Ballou1926
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | Ballou1926 Habib1957 | (= Hibiscus rosasinensis)
- Malachra | Russel1941
- Sida antillensis | Russel1941
- Sterculia | Habib1957
- Theobroma cacao | Castel1964 WilliaWa1990
- Thespesia | Russel1941
- Thespesia grandiflora | Russel1941 | (= Montezuma speciossima)
- Thespesia populnea | Ballou1926
- Meliaceae
- Melia azedarach | Ballou1926 Habib1957 Riddic1955
- Trichilia emetica | LagowsGoHo2022
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus altilis | WilliaWa1990
- Castilloa | Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Ficus | MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955
- Ficus aurea | Riddic1955
- Ficus benjamina | Habib1957 | (= Ficus nitida)
- Ficus carica | Ballou1926 Habib1957 Lepage1938 MohammMoMo1997 Riddic1955 Theoba1904 WilliaWa1990 Zimmer1948
- Ficus drupacea | Riddic1955 | (= Ficus mysorensis)
- Ficus elastica | Riddic1955
- Ficus lacor | Habib1957 Riddic1955 | (= Ficus infectoria)
- Ficus lutea | Riddic1955 | (= Ficus utilis)
- Ficus minahassae | Riddic1955
- Ficus racemosa | Riddic1955 | (= Ficus glomerata)
- Ficus religiosa | Ballou1926
- Ficus sur | Riddic1955 | (= Ficus capensis)
- Ficus sycomorus | Habib1957 Theoba1904 | including ssp. gnaphalocarpa
- Ficus virens | AbdRabEv2021
- Morus | Habib1957 Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Morus alba | Lepage1938 MohammMoMo1997
- Musaceae
- Musa paradisiaca | MohammMoMo1997 | (= Musa x paradisiaca)
- Myricaceae
- Myrica cerifera | Riddic1955 | (= Morella cerifera)
- Myrtaceae
- Eucalyptus | Habib1957
- Eugenia | Riddic1955
- Myrtus | Riddic1955
- Psidium guajava | Ballou1926 Russel1941
- Syzygium | Riddic1955
- Nyctaginaceae
- Bougainvillea | Habib1957 Lepage1938 MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Oleaceae
- Chrysojasminum humile | Ballou1926 | (= Jasminum humile)
- Jasminum | Ballou1926 Habib1957 Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Jasminum sambac | Ballou1926 Zimmer1948
- Olea europaea | Habib1957 Lepage1938 MohammMoMo1997
- Orchidaceae
- Papilionanthe teres | Russel1941 | (= Vanda teres)
- Plectrelminthus | JansenAl2023
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflora | Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Passiflora edulis | WilliaWa1990
- Passiflora quadrangularis | Habib1957
- Passiflora vitifolia | Zimmer1948
- Pentaphylacaceae
- Cleyera japonica | Riddic1955
- Ternstroemia stahlii | Russel1941 | (= Taonabea stahlii)
- Pittosporaceae
- Pittosporum | Habib1957 Riddic1955
- Plantaginaceae
- Russelia equisetiformis | Russel1941 | (= Russelia juncea)
- Plumbaginaceae
- Plumbago | Riddic1955
- Poaceae
- Bambusa | Yang1982
- Polygalaceae
- Xanthophyllum | Russel1941
- Polygonaceae
- Coccoloba uvifera | Riddic1955
- Primulaceae
- Myrsine guianensis | Russel1941 | (= Rapanea guianensis)
- Proteaceae
- Grevillea | Habib1957 Riddic1955
- Grevillea robusta | Ballou1926 Lepage1938 Russel1941 WilliaWa1990 Zimmer1948
- Rhamnaceae
- Ziziphus | Habib1957 MerrilCh1923 Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Rosaceae
- Crataegus | Habib1957
- Cydonia | Russel1941
- Cydonia oblonga | Ballou1926 Lepage1938 | (= Cydonia vulgaris)
- Eriobotrya | Habib1957
- Malus | Brain1920
- Malus domestica | Ballou1926 Habib1957 MohammMoMo1997 Russel1941 | (= Pyrus malus)
- Malus prunifolia | Ballou1926 Habib1957 MohammMoMo1997 Russel1941
- Prunus | Lepage1938 Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Prunus armeniaca | Habib1957 MohammMoMo1997
- Prunus avium | Riddic1955
- Prunus domestica | Habib1957
- Prunus persica | Ballou1926 Habib1957 MohammMoMo1997 Riddic1955
- Pyrus | Lepage1938
- Pyrus communis | Ballou1926 Habib1957 MohammMoMo1997 Riddic1955
- Rosa | Habib1957 Riddic1955
- Rubiaceae
- Coffea | Castel1964 EFSA2022d
- Coffea arabica | Lambdi2022
- Gardenia | Riddic1955
- Ixora | Riddic1955
- Morinda citrifolia | WilliaWa1990
- Pentas | Riddic1955
- Pentas lanceolata | Mamet1937 | (= Pentas carnea)
- Psychotria | Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Rutaceae
- Aeglopsis chevalieri | Ballou1926
- Afraegle paniculata | Ballou1926 | (= Balsamocitrus paniculata)
- Casimiroa tetrameria | Russel1941 | (= Casimiroa tetromeria)
- Citrus | Riddic1955
- Glycosmis pentaphylla | Ballou1926
- Murraya exotica | Ballou1926
- Zanthoxylum martinicense | Ballou1926 | (= Fagara martinicensis)
- Salicaceae
- Dovyalis | Riddic1955
- Flacourtia | Riddic1955
- Flacourtia indica | Russel1941 | (= Flacourtia ramontchi)
- Salix | Habib1957
- Sapindaceae
- Allophylus aldabricus | WilliaMa2009b
- Blighia sapida | Ballou1926 Russel1941 | (= Cupania edulis)
- Cupania | Russel1941
- Cupania juglandifolia | Ballou1926
- Talisia macrophylla | Ballou1926 | (= Cupania macrophylla)
- Sapotaceae
- Chrysophyllum | Russel1941
- Manilkara zapota | Ballou1926 Habib1957 Riddic1955 Russel1941 | (= Achras zapota, Calocarpum mammosum, Sapota acra)
- Sideroxylon | Habib1957 Riddic1955 | (= Dipholis)
- Sideroxylon inerme | WilliaMa2009b
- Smilacaceae
- Smilax | Riddic1955
- Solanaceae
- Capsicum frutescens | WilliaWa1990
- Cestrum | Riddic1955
- Cestrum nocturnum | Ballou1926
- Solanum | Habib1957
- Talinaceae
- Talinum | Riddic1955
- Tamaricaceae
- Tamarix senegalensis | LagowsGoHo2022
- Theaceae
- Camellia sinensis | Cen1986 Devnat1986 | (= Thea sinensis)
- Urticaceae
- Boehmeria nivea | Russel1941
- Cecropia | Riddic1955 Russel1941
- Verbenaceae
- Duranta | Habib1957
- Lantana | Riddic1955 Russel1941 Zimmer1948
- Vitaceae
- Vitis | Riddic1955
- Vitis vinifera | Habib1957 MohammMoMo1997
Families: 4 | Genera: 8
- Aphelinidae
- Aphytis mytilaspidis | PriesnHo1940
- Encarsia citrina | SchmutKlLu1957 | (= Aspidiotiphagus citrinus)
- Encyrtidae
- Bothriophryne | PriesnHo1940
- Metaphycus portoricensis | SchmutKlLu1957 | (= Euaphycus portoricensis)
- Metaphycus reticulatus | SchmutKlLu1957 | (= Metaphycus reticulata)
- Phlaeothripidae
- Haplothrips | SchmutKlLu1957
- Haplothrips cahirensis | PriesnHo1940
- Karnyothrips flavipes | PriesnHo1940 SchmutKlLu1957
- Pteromalidae
- Moranila californica | Zimmer1948 | (= Tomocera californica)
- Scutellista | PriesnHo1940
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 90
- Agalega Islands | Mamet1978
- Anguilla | EFSA2022d
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua | MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- Argentina
- Santiago del Estero | GranarGoSt2023
- Bahamas | MerrilCh1923
- Barbados | Russel1941
- Bermuda | StumpfLa2006
- Bonin Islands (=Ogasawara-Gunto) | Kawai1987
- Brazil | MerrilCh1923
- Bahia | Russel1941
- Ceara | Lambdi2022
- Mato Grosso | Lambdi2022
- Paraiba | Lambdi2022
- Pernambuco | Lambdi2022
- Rio Grande do Sul | Lambdi2022
- Rio de Janeiro | Lambdi2022
- Sao Paulo | Lambdi2022
- British Virgin Islands | Lambdi2022
- Brunei | Lambdi2022
- Canary Islands | EFSA2022d
- Cape Verde | Fernan1975 VanHarCoWi1990
- China | TangHa1995 Yang1982
- Zhejiang (=Chekiang) | Cen1986
- Colombia | Figuer1946 Figuer1952 Kondo2001
- Comoros | Mamet1960
- Costa Rica | StumpfLa2006
- Cuba | Ballou1926 MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- Curaçao | EFSA2022d
- Cyprus | SismanUl2010 StumpfLa2006
- Dominica | StumpfLa2006
- Dominican Republic | Russel1941
- Ecuador | StumpfLa2006
- Egypt | Habib1957 Hall1922 MerrilCh1923 MohammMoMo1997 Russel1941 Theoba1904
- El Salvador | StumpfLa2006
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Caroline Islands | Lambdi2022
- Fiji | WilliaWa1990
- France | Lambdi2022
- French Polynesia | WilliaWa1990
- Gabon | JansenAl2023 StumpfLa2006 | JansenAl2023
- Galapagos Islands | CaustoPeSi2006 LincanHoCa2010
- Grenada | Cocker1896d MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- Guadeloupe | MatileEt2006
- Guam | StumpfLa2006
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | Bodkin1917 Cocker1893h MerrilCh1923
- Haiti | PerezG2008 Russel1941
- Hawaiian Islands
- Honduras | StumpfLa2006
- India
- Karnataka | Lambdi2022
- West Bengal | Devnat1986
- Indonesia
- Irian Jaya | WilliaWa1990
- Iran | StumpfLa2006
- Israel | Bodenh1924 Russel1941
- Italy | StumpfLa2006
- Jamaica | Cocker1893h Cocker1896 MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- Kenya | StumpfLa2006
- Kiribati | StumpfLa2006 WilliaWa1990
- Lebanon | Lambdi2022
- Madagascar | StumpfLa2006
- Malawi | StumpfLa2006
- Malta | MifsudMaRu2014 StumpfLa2006
- Martinique | MatileEt2006
- Mauritius | Mamet1937 Mamet1943a
- Mexico | MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- Baja California Norte | Ferris1921 MerrilCh1923 Miller1996
- Chihuahua | Miller1996
- Colima | Miller1996
- Sinaloa | Miller1996
- Tamaulipas | Miller1996
- Veracruz | Miller1996
- Montserrat | Cocker1893h MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- Mozambique | Russel1941
- Netherlands Antilles | JansenAl2023
- New Caledonia | Willia2007a WilliaWa1990
- Nicaragua | Russel1941
- Oman | StumpfLa2006
- Pakistan | StumpfLa2006 Varshn1992
- Panama | Russel1941 StumpfLa2006
- Panama Canal Zone | Russel1941
- Papua New Guinea | StumpfLa2006
- Peru | Russel1941
- Philippines | Lambdi2022
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | Martor1976 MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- Rodriques Island | StumpfLa2006
- Saint Croix | Beatty1944
- Saint Kitts and Nevis Islands
- Saint Kitts | StumpfLa2006
- Saint Lucia | Malump2014a StumpfLa2006
- Saint Martin & St. Barthelemy
- Saint Barthelemy | MatileEt2006
- Saint Martin | MatileEt2006
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | EFSA2022d
- Sao Tome and Principe | StumpfLa2006
- Principe | Castel1964 Castel1971
- Saudi Arabia | Beccar1971 Shalab1961 StumpfLa2006
- Seychelles | Russel1941 StumpfLa2006
- Aldabra Island | WilliaMa2009b
- Sierra Leone | StumpfLa2006
- South Africa | Brain1920 MerrilCh1923
- Sri Lanka | JansenAl2023 StumpfLa2006
- Syria | Lambdi2022
- Taiwan | Russel1941
- Tanzania | StumpfLa2006
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Trinidad | Russel1941
- Turkey | UlgentErYa2022
- Tuvalu | StumpfLa2006 WilliaWa1990
- U.S. Virgin Islands | MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- United Kingdom | StumpfLa2006
- United States
- California | Lambdi2022
- Florida | Koszta1996 MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- Louisiana | Koszta1996 MerrilCh1923 Russel1941
- Maryland | Lambdi2022
- New York | MerrilCh1923
- North Carolina | Kuwana1902a
- Texas | Koszta1996
- Virginia | Lambdi2022
- Venezuela | StumpfLa2006
- Western Samoa | Lambdi2022
- Yemen | StumpfLa2006
- WolffEfDa2018: pp.5-6 ( Adult (F) ) [Secies recorded on Olea europaea in Brazil]
- StumpfLa2006: pp.22-32 ( Adult (F) ) [Asterolecaniidae species of North and South America]
- Russel1941: pp.12-26 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Asterolecanium ]
- Russel1941: pp.26-35 ( Immature (F) ) [Species of Asterolecanium]
- Structure: Female induces the formation of shallow pits on twigs of host plants. Photograph of pit galls by Gullan et al. (2004). The female body is almost round or oval, rarely slightly produced posteriorly and covered by a transparent secretion; brownish or greenish yellow. White or pink wax filaments on body margin and dorsal areas; dorsal filaments generally longer than marginal ones (Russell, 1941; Stumpf, 2000). The newly deposited egg is yellow in colour and gradually becomes darker before hatching. It is oval in shape and is about 0.23 mm long and 0.13 mm wide. The second larval stage is easily recognized by its round shape and dark-brownish or greyish colour. It also grows in size and becomes yellow in color. (EFSA2022d)
- Biology: In the study from Egypt by El-Minshawy et al. (1971) females went through two larval stages and no males were observed. The pest had two annual generations and only nongravid females were able to overwinter. The duration of the life cycle in summer was from 93 to 120 days, in winter from 240 to 275 days (EFSA2021). Adult females live in shallow or deep pits on the twigs of host-plants (Moghaddam & Watson 2024).
- Economic Importance: A pest of tea in Zhejiang, China (Cen, 1986). A serious pest of apple trees in China (Abd El-Salam & Mangoud, 2001). The scale was found in a greenhouse at a botanical garden in the UK in 1982 (Malumphy, 1996) but there have been no records since then and it is no longer present in the UK. A report of R. pustulans in Australia by Malumphy (2014) is erroneous. The occurrence in New York State dates from 1923 and the species’ continued presence there is uncertain. The reports of R. pustulans occurring in Italy and Malta are questionable. (EFSA2022d)
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Mamet (1937) (as A. morini, Russell (1941), Habib (1957), Borchsenius (1960d), Williams & Watson (1990), Tang & Hao (1995), Kosztarab (1996) and by Stumpf & Lambdin (2006). Test of female, male and nymph described and illustrated by Russell (1941). Description and illustration of first- and second-instar nymph by Mohammad et al. (1997).
- AbdElSMa2001: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 33-44
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 28
- Alfier1929: distribution, host, 8a
- Ali1970a: catalog, 147
- Badr2014: distribution, host, 51
- Ballou1926: catalog, distribution, host, 11-12
- Bartle1978a: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 47
- Beatty1944: distribution, host, 114-172
- Beccar1971: distribution, host, 193
- BenDov2012: catalog, distribution, host, 24,44
- Bodenh1924: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 73-75
- Bodenh1929b: distribution, host, 112
- Bodenh1935: taxonomy, 265
- Bodenh1935b: distribution, host, life history, 306
- Bodenh1935c: distribution, host, 1156
- Bodkin1917: distribution, host, 107
- Borchs1960d: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 154-157
- Brain1920: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 111
- CaliskKaSa2015: description, distribution, illustration, 1-2
- Castel1964: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 629-631
- Castel1971: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 27-36
- CastroMoWo2024: host, 1
- CaustoPeSi2006: distribution, 137
- Cen1986: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 27-28
- Clause1958: biological control, economic importance, 291-310
- Cocker1892h: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 142-143
- Cocker1893cc: distribution, host, taxonomy, 102
- Cocker1893d: distribution, host, taxonomy, 8
- Cocker1893h: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 77-78
- Cocker1895x: distribution, host, 259
- Cocker1896: distribution, host, 8
- Cocker1896d: distribution, host, 306
- Cocker1903d: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 112
- CockerRo1915a: distribution, host, 428
- DahlstHa1999: economic importance, 919-933
- DeanSc1970: control, distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies, 158-163
- Devnat1986: distribution, host, 27-28
- Dozier1926a: biological control, 97
- EFSA2021: biology, control, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 18, 36, 46, 203-212
- EFSA2022d: biology, diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration,
- EFSA2022f: biology, distribution, economic importance, 42, 43, 177-185
- Ehrhor1916: distribution, taxonomy, 235
- ElsebaAh2017: distribution, host, 1072
- EzzatNa1987: distribution, 86
- FangWuXu2001: distribution, host, 106
- Fernal1903b: 52
- Fernan1975: distribution, host, 42-43
- Ferris1921: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 72-73
- Ferris1955a: distribution, economic importance, host, 25, 28
- Figuer1946: distribution, host, 199-200
- Figuer1952: distribution, host, 206
- FrohliRo1970: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-10
- Giliom2001: distribution, taxonomy, 87
- GranarGoSt2023: diagnosis, distribution, record, taxonomy, 15
- Green1910: distribution, economic importance, host, 3-5
- Green1915e: distribution, host, 608-636
- Habib1943: description, life history, taxonomy, 87-111
- Habib1957: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 372, 374-376
- HakkonPi1984: biological control, 1109-1121
- Hall1922: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 4-6
- Hall1923: distribution, host, 32
- Hempel1900a: description, host, record, taxonomy, 409
- HodgsoLa2011: distribution, host, 19
- IsmailAb2001: chemical control, distribution, host, 355-364
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 23
- JoshiReMu2024: distribution, economic importance, host, 440
- Kawai1987: distribution, host, 78
- Kondo2001: distribution, host, taxonomy, 40
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 9
- KondoWa2024: distribution, 2
- Koszta1996: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 292, 294-295
- KozarDr1998: catalog, 31-32
- KozarFoZa1996: distribution, host, 65
- Kuwana1902a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 29, 30
- LagowsGoHo2022: distribution, list, 8
- Lambdi2022: biology, control, diagnosis, distribution, host, host plants, illustration, taxonomy, 367-369
- Lepage1938: catalog, 337
- LincanHoCa2010: distribution, host, 4
- Lindin1910c: distribution, host, 440
- Lindin1936: distribution, host, taxonomy, 149-150
- Malump2012b: distribution, 210
- Malump2014a: distribution, host, 71
- Mamet1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 176
- Mamet1939: description, taxonomy, 239
- Mamet1943a: distribution, host, 150
- Mamet1946: taxonomy, 245
- Mamet1949: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 20-21
- Mamet1960: distribution, host, 156
- Mamet1978: distribution, host, 106
- Martor1976: distribution, host, 1-303
- MatileEt2006: distribution, host, 163
- MendesFe1989: taxonomy, 56
- MerrilCh1923: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 277-278
- MestreHaEv2011: distribution, host, 5
- Meurge2011: distribution, 82
- MifsudMaRu2014: distribution, 503
- MilleHeCa2016: distribution, economic importance, host, 131
- Miller1996: catalog, distribution, 69
- Moghad2013a: distribution, 6
- MoghadWa2024: diagnosis, distribution, host, 14, 30-31
- MohammGh2008: distribution, 149
- MohammMoMo1997: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 197-199, 225-226
- PerezG2008: distribution, 213
- Quaint1897: distribution, host, taxonomy, 91
- Riddic1955: host, 2
- RodrigNaVa2019: distribution, host, 466
- Russel1941: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 165-168,230,291
- Ryan1946: distribution, 124
- SalamaHa1974: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 200-204
- Sassce1911: taxonomy, 62
- SchmutKlLu1957: distribution, economic importance, host, 451
- Shalab1961: distribution, host, 216
- Silves1934: distribution, economic importance, host, 3-24
- SismanUl2010: distribution, host, 219-224
- Stickn1934: taxonomy, 149
- StumpfLa2006: description, host distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 187-193
- Sweetm1958: biological control, economic importance, 449-458
- SwirskWyIz2002: distribution, host, life history, taxonomy, 93
- TangHa1995: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 412-413, 585, 700
- Tao1989: catalog, 58
- Tao1999: distribution, host, taxonomy, 47
- Theoba1904: distribution, host, 188
- VanHarCoWi1990: distribution, host, 135
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, 71
- WalkerWaEv1974: distribution, 23, 30
- WangGeZh2019: natural enemies, 935
- WatersDrPs1976: biological control, 313
- Watson2021: distribution, 516
- Willia2007a: distribution, host, 1346
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 205
- WilliaMa2009b: distribution, host, 118
- WilliaWa1990: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 196-198
- Wolcot1958: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 511-513
- WolffEfDa2018: distribution, economic importance, host, key,
- Yang1982: distribution, host, 124
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 154
- ZchoriBePo2005: Cardinium, endosymbionts, 211-221
- Zimmer1948: distribution, host, 279-280