Valid Names Results
Russellaspis Bodenheimer, 1951 (
Nomenclatural History
- Russellaspis
1951: 328.
Type species: Asterolecanium pustulans Cockerell
accepted valid name
- Russeiiaspis
Wang & Zhang
1987: 36;.
misspelling of genus name
- Structure: Slide-mounted, body almost circular; apex of abdomen with notch and anal lobes developed. Anal opening bearing 6 pairs of setae. Dorsal 8-shaped pores numerous, scattered. Dorsal tubes absent. Ventral multilocular disc-pores present. Dorsal tubular ducts numerous (Moghaddam & Watson 2024). With tentorial sclerotization on the clypeolabral shield (Granara de Willink et al. 2023).
- General Remarks: Definition and characters by Bodenheimer (1951), Tang & Hao (1995) and by Stumpf & Lambdin (2006).
- MoghadWa2024: pp.21
Adult (F)
[Genera of Asterolecaniidae in Iran]
- GranarGoSt2023: pp.3
Adult (F)
[Genera of Asterolecaniidae in Argentina]
- GiliomKo2008: pp.285
Adult (F)
[Russellaspis species of South Africa]
- StumpfLa2006: pp.20-22
Adult (F)
[Genera of North and South America]
- TangHa1995: pp.412
Adult (F)
Associated References
- Bodenh1951:
taxonomy, pp. 328
- Giliom2001:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 85-89
- GiliomKo2008:
taxonomy, pp. 283, 285
- GullanMiCo2005:
structure, taxonomy, pp. 163,173-178
- KozarDr1998:
catalog, pp. 31
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 177
- StumpfLa2001a:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 153-156
- StumpfLa2006:
description, taxonomy, pp. 186,1-231
- TangHa1995:
description, key, taxonomy, pp. 335, 411-412
- Tao1999:
taxonomy, pp. 47
7 Species