Valid Names Results
Pulvinaria occidentalis Cockerell, 1897 (Coccidae: Pulvinaria)Nomenclatural History
- Pulvinaria innumerabilis occidentalis Cockerell 1897a: 13. Type data: U.S.A.: Washington State, on currant, hawthorn, plum, pear, mountain ash, poplar, gooseberry and alder.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name
- Pulvinaria ehrhorni King 1901c: 145. Type data: U.S.A.: California, at Mountain View, on alder and willow.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Steinw1946, 9).
- Pulvinaria occidentalis Cockerell, 1897; King 1901f: 197. change in status (level)
- Pulvinaria coulteri Cockerell 1905g: 514. Type data: U.S.A.: Colorado, Coulter, Middle Park, on wild rose.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Steinw1946, 9).
- Pulvinaria occidentalis subalpina Cockerell 1910b: 428. Type data: U.S.A.: Colorado, Tolland, on Betula glandulosa.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Albany: New York State Museum Insect Collection, New York, USA; Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Steinw1946, 9).
- Pulvinaria occidentalis Cockerell, 1897; Ben-Dov 1993: 272. revived combination (previously published)
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 6 | Genera: 9
- Betulaceae
- Alnus | Steinw1946
- Betula glandulosa | Cocker1910b Sassce1911
- Cornaceae
- Cornus | Steinw1946
- Grossulariaceae
- Ribes divaricatum | Steinw1946 | (= Grossularia divaricata)
- Ribes lacustre | Steinw1946
- Hydrangeaceae
- Deutzia | Steinw1946
- Rosaceae
- Crataegus | Steinw1946
- Prunus | Steinw1946
- Rosa | Cocker1905g
- Salicaceae
- Populus alba | Steinw1946
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 2
- Canada
- British Columbia | King1901f
- United States
- California | Ferris1920b King1901c
- Colorado | Sassce1911
- Oregon | BenDov1993 SchuhMo1948
- Washington | Cocker1897a
- BenDov1993: catalog, 272-273
- Cocker1897a: taxonomy, 13
- Cocker1899a: taxonomy, 394
- Cocker1905g: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 514-515
- Cocker1910b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 428
- Fernal1903b: 132,136
- Ferris1920b: distribution, host, 34
- King1901c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 145-146
- King1901f: distribution, host, 197
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 12
- McCabeJo1980: taxonomy, 9
- Sander1906: catalog, 6
- Sander1909: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 433
- Sassce1911: distribution, host, 66
- Steinw1946: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 8-9,22
- Willia1985a: catalog, taxonomy, 226
- WilliaKo1972: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 152-157