Valid Names Results
Pulvinaria iceryi (Signoret, 1869) (Coccidae: Pulvinaria)Nomenclatural History
- Lecanium iceryi Guerin-Meneville 1868: 92. nomen nudum
- Lecanium iceryi Signoret 1869a: 857. nomen nudum
- Lecanium iceryi Signoret 1869b: 95. Type data: MAURITIUS: Reduit, on sugar-cane.. Neotype, female, by subsequent designation (Mamet1958,). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name
- Pulvinaria gasteralphe Signoret 1869c: 101. nomen nudum
- Pulvinaria gasteralpha Signoret 1873: 37. Type data: MAURITIUS: on sugar-cane.. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by Mamet1958, 69). Notes: Type material probably lost (Ben-Dov, 1993).
- Pulvinaria iceryi (Signoret, 1869); Fernald 1903b: 133. change of combination
- Pulvinaria iceryi; (Signoret, 1869); Fernald 1903b: 133. subsequent use Notes: Incorrect citation of "Guerin-Meneville" as author.
- Pulvinaria lepida Brain 1920a: 20. Type data: SOUTH AFRICA: Transvaal, Standerton and Pretoria, on common veld grass.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Mamet1958, 69).
- Pulvinaria elongata durbanensis Munro & Fouche 1936: 94. nomen nudum (discovered by DeLott1966a, 468).
- Pulvinaria elongata; Mamet 1949: 27. misidentification
- Pulvinaria lepida; Mamet 1949: 28. misidentification
- Coccus iceryi (Signoret, 1869); Tao, Wong, & Chang 1983: 87. change of combination
- Saccharipulvinaria iceryi (Signoret, 1869); Tao, Wong & Chang 1983: 87. change of combination
- Pulvinaria iceryi (Signoret, 1869); Ben-Dov 1993: 266. revived combination (previously published)
- Pulvinaria iceryii (Signoret, 1869); Mestre-Novoa 2018: 5. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 2 | Genera: 11
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera indica | ShafeeYoKh1989
- Poaceae
- Andropogon chinensis | Hall1922 Hall1932 | (= Andropogon schinzii )
- Cymbopogon giganteus | Hall1922 Hall1932
- Cynodon dactylon | Mamet1943a Mamet1958
- Digitaria abyssinica | Willia1982a | (= Digitaria scalarum)
- Digitaria didactyla | Mamet1958 Willia1982a
- Eleusine coracana | Willia1982a
- Elymus repens | Hodgso1994a Willia1982a | (= Agropyron repens)
- Heteropogon contortus | Hall1932 Hodgso1969a
- Panicum maximum | Mamet1958 Mamet1978
- Paspalidium geminatum | Mamet1958
- Saccharum officinarum | DeLott1966a Hodgso1994a Mamet1943a Signor1869b
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Encyrtidae
- Metaphycus decussatus | AnneckPr1977
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 15
- Agalega Islands | Mamet1978
- China | CaoFe2020
- Colombia | Kondo2001
- Cuba | MestreKo2018
- Ethiopia | DeLott1959
- India | ShafeeYoKh1989
- Kenya | Hodgso1994a
- Madagascar | Mamet1959a
- Mauritius | Cocker1894t Green1907 Hodgso1994a Mamet1943a Mamet1958
- Reunion | GermaiMiPa2014 Green1907 Mamet1943a Mamet1958
- South Africa | Brain1920a DeLott1966a Hodgso1994a Mamet1943a Mamet1958
- Tanzania | BenDov1993
- Uganda | BenDov1993
- Zambia | BenDov1993
- Zimbabwe | Hall1932 Hodgso1969a Mamet1943a Mamet1958
- TalukdDa2021: pp.440 ( Adult (F) ) [Pulvinaria in India]
- MestreKoRe2021: pp.3 ( Adult (F) ) [Pulvinaria in Cuba]
- CaoFe2020: pp.233-234 ( Adult (F) ) [Pulvinaria in China]
- Joshi2017: pp.540 ( Adult (F) ) [Indian species of Pulvinaria]
- TanakaKo2015: pp.113 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Colombian species of the genus Pulvinaria]
- Tang1991: pp.268 ( Adult (F) ) [China]
- Willia1982a: pp.113 ( Adult (F) ) [P. iceryi and its alllies]
- Systematics: Mamet (1958) clarified and established the nomenclature of this species. It can easily be distinguished from all the other known species in the group by the wide submarginal zone of ducts which are of three sizes, the median-sized ducts merging with similar ducts across the abdominal segments. The submarginal zone is not, therefore, so clearly defined as in other species. (Williams, 1982a)
- Economic Importance: According to Williams (1978) severe attacks of P. iceryi cause extensive wilting of sugar-cane and the honeydew excreted results in growth of a black fungus on the leaf surfaces.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Mamet (1958) and by Hodgson (1994a).
- AnneckPr1977: biological control, distribution, host, 157-159
- BenDov1993: catalog, 266
- Brain1920a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 20
- CaoFe2020: key, 233
- Cocker1894t: distribution, host, 178
- Cocker1896b: taxonomy, 330
- DeLott1966a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 468
- Fernal1903b: 133
- Ganesh2000: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 3-9
- GermaiMiPa2014: distribution, 22
- Green1907: distribution, host, 199
- Hall1932: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 190-191
- Hodgso1969a: distribution, host, 30
- Hodgso1994a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 525-528
- Joshi2017: key, 540
- JoshiRaNa2019: distribution, 133
- Kondo2001: distribution, host, taxonomy, 42
- KondoWa2022: distribution, host, list, 12
- Mamet1943a: distribution, host, 153
- Mamet1949: catalog, 27-28
- Mamet1958: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 65-75
- Mamet1959a: distribution, host, 377
- Mamet1978: distribution, host, 105
- MestreKo2018: distribution, 5
- MestreKoRe2021: key, 3
- MunroFo1936: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 94
- ShafeeYoKh1989: distribution, host, 53
- Signor1869: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 857
- Signor1869a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 93-96
- TalukdDa2021: key, 440
- TanakaKo2015: distribution, taxonomy, 113
- Tang1991: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 268-269
- Tao1978: distribution, host, 81
- Tao1989: catalog, distribution, 59
- Tao1999: distribution, host, taxonomy, 65
- TaoWoCh1983: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 87-88
- Watson2021: distribution, 522
- Willia1982a: description, distribution, host, illustration, key, taxonomy, 113, 114-115
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 209, 211
- WilliaWi1988: distribution, host, 58-59