Valid Names Results
Pseudaulacaspis prunicola prunicola (Maskell, 1895) (Diaspididae: Pseudaulacaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Chionaspis prunicola Maskell 1895b: 49. Type data: UNITED STATES: Hawaii, on "Japanese plum," by Mr. Koebele. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Auckland: New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, New Zealand; Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name
- Diaspis amygdali rubra Maskell 1898: 228. Type data: JAPAN: on Orixa japonica, by Mr. Koebele. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by DavidsMiNa1983, 757). Notes: Maskell's 1898 type series contained two species. The material from Ceylon are misidentifications of Pseudaulacaspis barberi. The material from Japan is a junior synonym of P. prunicola (Davidson et al., 1983).
- Diaspis auranticolor Cockerell 1899i: 106-107. Type data: JAPAN: quarantined in San Francisco, on Osmanthus illicifolia, 03/02/1899, by A. Craw. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Kawai1980, 276).
- Howardia prunicola (Maskell, 1895); Kirkaldy 1902: 112. change of combination
- Aulacaspis auranticolor (Cockerell, 1899); Cockerell 1902d: 59. change of combination
- Aulacaspis pentagona auranticolor (Cockerell, 1899); Fernald 1903b: 235. change in status (level)
- Aulacaspis pentagona rubra (Maskell, 1898); Fernald 1903b: 235. change of combination
- Diaspis amygdali theae Maskell, 1898; Fernald 1903b: 235. Type depository: Auckland: New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, New Zealand; Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; change of combination
- Pseudaulacaspis pentagona auranticolor (Cockerell, 1899); MacGillivray 1921: 315. change of combination
- Diaspis rubra Maskell, 1898; Scott 1952: 35. change of combination
- Pseudaulacaspis auranticolor (Cockerell, 1899); Scott 1952: 35. change of combination
Common Names
- white prunicola scale DavidsMiNa1983
- escama blanca falsa del durazno BerryWaTa2022
- ume-shiro-kaigaramushi BerryWaTa2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 18 | Genera: 27
- Apocynaceae
- Nerium | MillerDa2005
- Aquifoliaceae
- Ilex | MillerDa2005
- Betulaceae
- Alnus | MillerDa2005
- Bignoniaceae
- Catalpa | MillerDa2005
- Buxaceae
- Buxus | MillerDa2005
- Cannabaceae
- Celtis | MillerDa2005
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucurbita | MillerDa2005
- Ericaceae
- Rhododendron | MillerDa2005
- Euphorbiaceae
- Croton | MillerDa2005
- Garryaceae
- Aucuba | MillerDa2005
- Magnoliaceae
- Magnolia | MillerDa2005
- Malvaceae
- Firmiana simplex | LeeLeSe2024
- Myrtaceae
- Eugenia | Maskel1897a
- Oleaceae
- Forsythia | MillerDa2005
- Fraxinus | MillerDa2005
- Jasminum | BatsanKaKi2017
- Ligustrum | DavidsMiNa1983 MillerDa2005
- Osmanthus | Fernal1903b MillerDa2005
- Osmanthus heterophyllus | Cocker1899i Fernal1903b | (= Osmanthus aquifolium) (= Osmanthus ilicifolius)
- Syringa | DavidsMiNa1983 MillerDa2005
- Syringa reticulata | NormarOkMo2019
- Rosaceae
- Cerasus jamasakura | LuDeNi2023
- Malus | MillerDa2005
- Prunus | DavidsMiNa1983 MillerDa2005
- Prunus avium | BatsanKaKi2017
- Prunus cerasus | BatsanKaKi2017
- Prunus davidiana | LuDeNi2023
- Prunus domestica | BatsanKaKi2017
- Prunus mume | BerryWaTa2022
- Prunus persica | BatsanKaKi2017
- Prunus sargentii | JansenAl2023
- Prunus serrulata | DavidsMiNa1983
- Pyrus | Suh2016
- Rutaceae
- Orixa japonica | Maskel1898
- Salicaceae
- Populus | MillerDa2005
- Salix | MillerDa2005
- Sapindaceae
- Acer | MillerDa2005
Families: 4 | Genera: 5
- Aphelinidae
- Aphytis diaspidis | BerryWaTa2022
- Encarsia berlesei | BerryWaTa2022
- Coccinellidae
- Chilocorus kuwanae | BerryWaTa2022
- Cybocephalidae
- Cybocephalus nipponicus | LeeLeSe2024
- Encyrtidae
- Arrhenophagus albitibiae | BerryWaTa2022
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 9
- China | DavidsMiNa1983
- Henan (=Honan) | Wu1999b
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017
- Hawaiian Islands | Maskel1895b
- India | BerryWaTa2022
- Japan | Cocker1899i
- Hokkaido | BerryWaTa2022
- Honshu | NormarOkMo2019 UchidaMuWa2021
- Kyushu | BerryWaTa2022
- Okinawa | BerryWaTa2022
- Shikoku | BerryWaTa2022
- Netherlands | JansenAl2023
- South Korea | DavidsMiNa1983 ESKSAE1994
- Taiwan | DavidsMiNa1983
- United States
- Alabama | DavidsMiNa1983
- California | DavidsMiNa1983 Fernal1903b
- Connecticut | DavidsMiNa1983
- District of Columbia | DavidsMiNa1983
- Florida | DavidsMiNa1983
- Louisiana | DavidsMiNa1983
- Maryland | DavidsMiNa1983
- Massachusetts | DavidsMiNa1983
- Mississippi | DavidsMiNa1983
- New Jersey | DavidsMiNa1983
- New York | DavidsMiNa1983
- North Carolina | DavidsMiNa1983
- Ohio | DavidsMiNa1983
- Oregon | DavidsMiNa1983
- Pennsylvania | DavidsMiNa1983
- Rhode Island | DavidsMiNa1983
- Virginia | DavidsMiNa1983
- West Virginia | DavidsMiNa1983
- Suh2015: pp.6 ( Adult (F) ) [Korean Pseudaulacaspis]
- WeiFe2012a: pp.13 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Chinese species of the genus Pseudaulacaspis]
- SuhJi2009: pp.1041-1043 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of armored scales intercepted on imported plants (slide mounted females)]
- MillerDa2005: pp.29-30 ( Adult (F) ) [Field Key to Economic Armored Scales]
- Danzig1993: pp.332 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pseudaulacaspis]
- MacGil1921: pp.315 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pseudaulacaspis] Key as: Pseudaulacaspis pentagona auranticolor
- Systematics: Pseudaulacaspis prunicola theae was incorrectly considered a junior synonym of Pinnaspis theae Maskell by Borchsenius (1966). Due to this confusion, citations of either name could be incorrect and refer to the other species. Because Maskell (1898) had two species in his type series, it is important that a lectotype be designated. To preserve taxonomic stability, we feel that this lectotype should be designated from material from Japan, which is conspecific with P. prunicola prunicola. Type slides from Ceylon are misidentifications of P. barberi.
- Structure: Female scale whitish, very broadly pyriform, margin widening so directly from the 1st exuviae that the whole seems almost elliptical or even subcircular. The white secretion is easily rubbed off and the yellow or yellowish-brown exuviae are then exposed (Maskell, 1895b). Adult female with pygidium with 3rd space usually having 2 or more gland spines; 2nd, 3rd and 4th spaces usually have simple gland spines only; there are 0-15 small macroducts on each side of the metathorax and abdominal segment 1; there are 38-86 large macroducts on each side of the body; there are 35-99 perivulvar pores on each side of the pygidium. Eggs are light salmon colored (Davidson et al., 1983).
- Biology: This species has 3 generations per year (Davidson et al., 1983).
- Economic Importance: Host plants include some economically important fruit crops and flowering plants, especially Prunus spp. However, because P. prunicola may have been confused with P. pentagona, the actual host plant range may be much wider than listed (Berry et al. 2022).
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustration by Davidson et al. (1983). Color photograph in Berry et al. (2022).
- Ali1970: catalog, taxonomy, 25
- AndersWuGr2010: phylogeny, taxonomy, 997
- Barlow1897: taxonomy, 60
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 261
- BerryWaTa2022: biology, control, diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 531
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 174, 176
- Carnes1907: host, 160
- Cocker1896b: taxonomy, 337
- Cocker1898r: taxonomy, 240
- Cocker1899i: description, distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 106-107
- Cocker1901l: taxonomy, 225
- Cocker1902d: distribution, taxonomy, 59
- Cooley1898a: distribution, host, 232
- DavidsMiNa1983: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 757-759
- DeitzTo1980: distribution, taxonomy, 41
- ESKSAE1994: distribution, list, 114
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 235
- Fletch1919: distribution, host, 296
- Fullaw1932: distribution, 93
- Gavril2018: reproduction, 243
- Green1908a: taxonomy, 37
- Kawai1980: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 275-276
- KimuraOtMi2016: chemical control, nymph, 83-86
- Kirkal1902: distribution, host, 112
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 19
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 86
- Kuwana1926: taxonomy, 14
- LeeLeSe2024: natural enemies, 3, 7
- Leonar1901a: taxonomy, 559-560
- LuDeNi2023: diagnosis, distribution, molecular data, taxonomy,
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 315
- Maskel1895b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 49
- Maskel1897a: distribution, host, 242
- Maskel1898: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 228
- Miller2005: distribution, 488
- MillerDa2005: description, distribution, economic importance, host, 364
- MillerDe2018: history, 7
- MorseNo2006: phylogeny, taxonomy, 340
- NiuLiXu2024: DNA sequencing, S1 Table
- NormarOkMo2019: distribution, host, phylogeny, taxonomy, 32, 68, S6
- RizzoMoCa2024: DNA sequencing, genebank, 43
- Scott1952: taxonomy, 35
- SkvarlSc2024: diagnosis, distribution, host, 72
- SongWaTa2024: phylogeny, 4, 8-9
- Suh2015: distribution, key,
- Suh2016: distribution, host, key, 318, 331
- SuhJi2009: distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 1039-1054
- Takagi1985: taxonomy, 48
- UchidaMuWa2021: chemical control, distribution, host,
- WaltmaRaWi2016: distribution, 231
- WeiFe2012a: taxonomy, 13
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 230
- Wu1999b: distribution, list of species, 234