Valid Names Results
Pseudaulacaspis kiushiuensis (Kuwana, 1909) (Diaspididae: Pseudaulacaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Chionaspis kinshinensis Kuwana 1909: 155. Type data: JAPAN: Kyushu, Fukuoka, on Quercus sp., 1907, by S. Kuwana. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Yokohama: Yokohama Plant Quarantine Service Station, Honshu, Japan; accepted valid name Notes: This spelling was corrected by Kuwana (1928) to kiushiuensis and since it has been the prevailing spelling (see ICZN (1999) article 33.3.1) it is accepted as a justified emendation. Illustr.
- Chionaspis kinoshinensis Kuwana, 1909; Kuwana 1909: 158. misspelling of species epithet
- Phenacaspis kinshinensis (Kuwana, 1909); MacGillivray 1921: 347. change of combination
- Chionaspis kiushiuensis Kuwana, 1909; Kuwana 1928: 12. emendation that is justified (discovered by MillerBeGi2002, ). Notes: Kuwana, in the original description used the spelling kinshinensis and kinoshinensis. In 1928, he emended his original spelling to kiushiuensis. Although this could be considered an unjustified emendation because it wasn't one of the original spelling, according to ICZN article 33.3.1 when an incorrect subsequent spelling is in prevailing usage it is deemed to be a correct original spelling. Prevailing usage definitely is kiushiuensis.
- Chionaspis kiushinensis Kuwana, 1909; Kuwana 1928: 13. misspelling of species epithet
- Phenacaspis quercus Kuwana 1931a: 6-7. Type data: JAPAN: Honshu, Yokohama, Honmoku, on Quercus myrsinaefolia, ?/04/1924, by Y. Tanaka. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Ibaraki-ken: Insect Taxonomy Laboratory, National Institute of Agricultural Environmental Sciences, Kannon-dai, Yatabe, Tsukuba-shi, (Kuwana), Japan; synonym and homonym (discovered by Takaha1952a, 8). Illustr.
- Trichomytilus kiushiuensis (Kuwana, 1909); Lindinger 1933a: 165. change of combination
- Trichomytilus quercus (Kuwana, 1931); Lindinger 1933a: 166. change of combination
- Phenacaspis kuwanai Ferris, 1955; Ferris 1955d: 50. change of combination
- Phenacaspis saitamensis; Ferris 1955d: 51. misidentification (discovered by Takagi1961, 24).
- Chionaspis quercus (Kuwana, 1931); Takahashi 1956: 50. change of combination resulting in homonymy
- Chionaspis kuwanai Takahashi 1956: 50. replacement name that is a synonym (discovered by Kawai1980, 273). Replacement name for Chionaspis quercus Kuwana 1931
- Phenacaspis kinshiuensis (Kuwana, 1909); Borchsenius 1966: 123. misspelling of species epithet
- Pseudaulacaspis kiushiuensis (Kuwana, 1909); Takagi & Kawai 1967: 40. change of combination
- Pseudaulacaspis kuishiuensis (Kuwana, 1909); Wei & Feng 2012a: 16. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 2 | Genera: 4
- Fagaceae
- Castanea | Tao1999
- Castanea crenata | Takagi1961 TakahaTa1956 | including var. pubinervis
- Castanea mollissima | Tang1986
- Castanopsis cuspidata | Suh2015 | var. sieboldii
- Quercus | Ferris1956 Kuwana1909
- Quercus acuta | Hua2000
- Quercus acutissima | Suh2015
- Quercus gilva | Muraka1970
- Quercus glauca | Suh2015
- Quercus myrsinifolia | Ali1969a Kuwana1931a
- Quercus rubra | Suh2015
- Quercus serrata | Ferris1955d Takagi1970
- Moraceae
- Morus alba | Hua2000
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 4
- China
- Anhui (=Anhwei) | Hua2000
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | Tang1986
- Yunnan | Hua2000
- Zhejiang (=Chekiang) | Tao1999
- Japan
- Honshu | Kuwana1931a Takagi1961
- Kyushu | Kuwana1909 Muraka1970
- Shikoku | TakahaTa1956
- South Korea | Suh2015
- Taiwan | Ferris1955d
- Suh2015: pp.6 ( Adult (F) ) [Korean Pseudaulacaspis]
- WeiFe2012a: pp.13-16 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Chinese species of the genus Pseudaulacaspis] Key as: P. kuishiuensis
- Chen1983: pp.66 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Chinese species of Phenacaspis] Key as: Phenacaspis quercus
- Wang1982c: pp.90 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pseudaulacaspis] Key as: Pseudaulacaspis kuwanai
- Takagi1961: pp.34 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Chionaspis] Key as: Chionaspis kuwanai
- Takaha1956d: pp.56 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to some Japanese species of Chionaspis] Key as: Chionaspis kiushiuensis and C. kuwanai
- Kuwana1931a: pp.2 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Phenacaspis] Key as: Phenacaspis quercus
- Kuwana1928: pp.3 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Chionaspis]
- MacGil1921: pp.347 ( ) [Key to species of Phenacaspis]
- Systematics: Pseudaulacaspis kinshinensis is allied to Chionaspis colemani (=Unachionaspis signata) in the shape, color and texture of the scale, but is distinguished by the structure of the last abdominal segment (Kuwana, 1909).
- Structure: Adult female with dorsal macroducts in single or irregularly double segmental rows; submedian macroducts absent or few present on 2nd abdominal segment, always present on 3rd to 5th, absent on 6th. Median lobes comparatively very large, slightly divergent, minutely serrate, rounded apically, with a pair of setae between them, the basal zygosis scarcely protruding anteriorly. 2nd lobes very small, bilobulate. 3rd lobes represented by low processes (Takagi, 1961). Adult female cover white, oyster-shell shaped; shed skins marginal, yellow to brown. Male cover smaller, felted, white, elongate, with slight median carina; shed skin yellowish (Kuwana 1917).
- General Remarks: Detailed descriptions and illustrations by Kuwana (1928) and (Takagi, 1961).
- Ali1969a: distribution, host, 69
- Balach1954e: distribution, host, 354
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 123
- Chang1972: distribution, taxonomy, 86
- Chen1983: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 79
- Chou1985: description, distribution, taxonomy, 379
- Chou1986: illustration, 563
- Ferris1953: distribution, host, 63
- Ferris1955d: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 50, 51-52
- Ferris1956: distribution, host, taxonomy, 70, 74
- Hartma1916: distribution, host, 102
- Hua2000: distribution, host, 159
- Kawai1972: distribution, host, taxonomy, 42
- Kawai1977: distribution, 156
- Kawai1980: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 273
- Kuwana1909: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 155
- Kuwana1917a: taxonomy, 16
- Kuwana1928: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 3, 12-14
- Kuwana1931a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 2, 6-7
- Lindin1914: taxonomy, 158
- Lindin1933a: taxonomy, 165, 166
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 347
- Matile1976: taxonomy, 310
- Muraka1970: distribution, host, 94
- ShiLi1991: host, 164, 165
- Suh2015: description, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 2-3
- Suh2020: distribution, host, 5
- Takagi1961: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 20, 24, 29, 34
- Takagi1967: distribution, host, taxonomy, 52
- Takagi1970: distribution, host, taxonomy, 41, 70, 140
- TakagiKa1967: taxonomy, 40
- Takaha1935: taxonomy, 18
- Takaha1952a: taxonomy, 8
- Takaha1956d: distribution, taxonomy, 50, 55, 56
- TakahaTa1956: distribution, host, 8
- Tang1977: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 176-177
- Tang1986: distribution, host, 288
- Tao1978: distribution, host, 99
- Tao1999: distribution, host, 112
- Wang1982c: description, distribution, taxonomy, 90, 92
- WeiFe2012a: taxonomy, 16
- Yang1982: distribution, taxonomy, 239, 247, 270