Valid Names Results
Prodiaspis tamaricicola (Malenotti, 1916) (Diaspididae: Prodiaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Adiscodiaspis tamaricicola Malenotti 1916: 313-315. Type data: EGYPT: Matarieh, on Tamarix sp., 1912, by G. Paoli & F.C. Willcocks. Unknown type status, female, accepted valid name
- Abiscodiaspis tamaraxicola Borchsenius 1937a: 186. misspelling of both genus and species names
- Rugaspidiotus tamaricicola (Malenotti, 1916); Balachowsky 1953g: 42. change of combination Illustr.
- Circodiaspis tamaricicola (Malenotti, 1916); Tang 1986: 273. change of combination
- Circodiaspis tamaricola (Malenotti, 1916); Tang 1986: 273. misspelling of species epithet
- Prodiaspis tamaricicola (Malenotti, 1916); Takagi, Tang, Yasar & Kondo 1997: 83. change of combination
Common Names
- tamarisk scale MillerDa1990
- white hawthorn armored scale Bustsh1960
- white tamarisk hard scale Bustsh1958
Ecological Associates
Families: 2 | Genera: 4
- Orobanchaceae
- Rhinanthus | Archan1937
- Tamaricaceae
- Myricaria | DanzigPe1998
- Reaumuria soongarica | Danzig1972b
- Tamarix | BenDov2012 Maleno1916
- Tamarix chinensis | Hua2000 UlgentErYa2022 | (= Tamarix pentandra)
- Tamarix gallica | PellizPoSe2011
- Tamarix hampeana | Balach1953g
- Tamarix laxa | Balach1953g | (= Tamarix pallasii)
- Tamarix leptostachya | Mateso1968
Families: 2 | Genera: 4
- Aphelinidae
- Coccobius | AhmadGh1972 | (= Physcus)
- Coccobius kurbani | Myarts1995
- Encarsia fasciata | Aligey2016
- Marietta karakalensis | Myarts1995
- Cybocephalidae
- Cybocephalus semiflavus | AhmadGh1972
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 18
- Afghanistan | KozarFoZa1996
- Armenia | DanzigPe1998
- Azerbaijan | DanzigPe1998
- China
- Aomen (=Macau) | Atanas1959
- Ningxia (=Ningsia) | Tao1999
- Xinjiang Uygur (=Sinkiang) | Tang1984b
- Crete | PellizPoSe2011
- Egypt | AbdRabEv2021 Maleno1916
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017
- Greece | Korone1934
- Iran | KozarFoZa1996 Seghat1977
- Israel | Balach1953g
- Kazakhstan | Mateso1955 | Archan1937
- Mongolia | DanzigPe1998
- Pakistan | AhmadGh1972
- Saudi Arabia | Shalab1961
- Turkey | Bodenh1953 NormarOkMo2019
- Turkmenistan | Archan1937
- Uzbekistan | Archan1937
- Andizhan Oblast | XafizdSaSo2024
- Yugoslavia | Borchs1966
- Hodgso2020: pp.146-147 ( Adult (M) ) [Diaspididae]
- Borchs1963a: pp.207 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species on Tamarix] Key as: Adiscodiaspis tamaricicola
- Bustsh1958: pp.186 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of the tribe Diaspidini]
- Mityae1958: pp.93 ( ) [Species harming Tamarix]
- Balach1953g: pp.762 ( Adult (F) ) [Palaeartic species of Rugaspidiotus] Key as: Rugaspidiotus tamaricicola
- Systematics: Prodiaspis sinensis is close to Adiscodiaspis tamaricicola, but differs in the following ways: antenna of the A. sinensis with 4 thin setae and pyramidal in form, but A. tamaricicola with 4 strong spines and hemispherical in shape; all segments of the antenna in the 1st stage larva equal in length in tamaricola, but the 3rd segment is the longest in sinensis; the marginal groups of dorsal ducts 14 in number on each side of the abdomen in sinensis, but there are only 10 in tamaricicola (Tang, 1986). Adiscodiaspis ericicola and A. tamaricicola were considered to be synonyms by many workers such as Lindinger (1936) and Balachowsky (1953g).
- Structure: Scale short to oblong oval, very strong convex, strongest convexity on the front end, greyish white. Exuviae excentric, the yellow-brown larval skin quite irregularly situated (oblique, or in the longitudinal axis). The scale of the second stage covered by a grey-white mass over the whole scale. Scale of the second stage circular, very strongly convex, with yellow brown, sub to excentric, oval exuviae. The adult female is short oval and brown yellow. The hind end shows only wide, flat lobes and is bare of all characteristics of a diaspineous pygidium (Bodenheimer, 1924).
- Biology: Bustshik (1958) states that in early May females were almost continuously stuffed with eggs and by mid May larvae appeared. In mid June the flight of the males was noted and it had almost completely stopped by the end of June. The mass flight of the males occurs in the evening.
- Economic Importance: Miller & Davidson (1990) list this insect as a pest.
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustration of males by Bustshik (1958) and by Ghauri (1962).
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 38
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 38
- AhmadGh1972: biological control, distribution, host, 98
- Aligey2016: natural enemies,
- AlimdzBr1956: distribution, 152
- AndersWuGr2010: phylogeny, taxonomy, 997-1003
- Archan1937: distribution, host, 80
- Atanas1959: distribution, host, 434
- Babaev1980: distribution, 59
- Balach1949: distribution, host, 109
- Balach1953g: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 762, 764-767
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 261
- Bazaro1962: taxonomy, 61
- Bazaro1963a: host, 71
- Bazaro1968a: distribution, host, 94-95
- Bazaro1971c: distribution, host, 88
- BazaroSh1971: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 130-132
- Beccar1971: distribution, host, 195
- BenDov2012: catalog, distribution, host, 32, 43
- Bodenh1924: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 56
- Bodenh1924a: distribution, host, 122
- Bodenh1929b: distribution, taxonomy, 104, 116
- Bodenh1930a: taxonomy, 370
- Bodenh1935: distribution, host, 249
- Bodenh1935b: distribution, host, 308
- Bodenh1935c: distribution, 1156
- Bodenh1937: distribution, host, 7, 26, 218
- Bodenh1949: description, distribution, 107, 109
- Bodenh1953: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 12
- Bodenh1953a: distribution, 158
- BoratyDa1971: taxonomy, 64
- Borchs1937a: host, 186
- Borchs1948f: host, taxonomy, 264
- Borchs1950b: taxonomy, 211
- Borchs1963a: host, illustration, taxonomy, 207, 208
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 151
- Borchs1973: distribution, host, taxonomy, 207
- BugajNJuKa2021: list, 300
- Bustsh1958: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 186, 207-209, 210
- Bustsh1960: description, distribution, host, life history, 177, 179-180
- Danzig1972b: distribution, host, 346
- Danzig1972c: distribution, host, 582
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 176
- Davies1981: taxonomy, 151
- Davies1983: taxonomy, 144
- DaviesBo1979: taxonomy, 101
- DeBachRo1976: economic importance, 175
- ErlerKoTu1996: distribution, host, 56
- Ezzat1958: taxonomy, 247
- GhabboMo1996: description, distribution, host, 344
- Ghauri1962: description, distribution, illustration, 22, 32, 34, 35, 174-
- Hadzib1983: description, distribution, host, 188-191, 273
- Hall1922: description, distribution, host, 23
- Hall1923: taxonomy, 41
- Hall1926a: taxonomy, 37
- Hall1927: distribution, host, 109
- Hall1927a: description, distribution, host, 165-166, 176
- Hodgso2020: key, 146
- Hua2000: distribution, host, 146, 159
- Kaussa1955: distribution, host, 17
- Kaussa1970: distribution, host, illustration, 6
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 19
- Korone1934: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 91, 92-93
- Koteja1974b: distribution, 84
- KozarFoZa1996: distribution, 66
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 81
- Lashin1956: distribution, host, taxonomy, 134
- Lesche2000: biological control, 919
- Lindin1936: distribution, taxonomy, 152
- Lindin1957: taxonomy, 544
- Lindin1958: taxonomy, 373
- Maleno1916: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 313-315
- Mateso1955: distribution, host, 200
- Mateso1958: host, 131-132
- Mateso1968: distribution, host, 126
- Mateso1971: taxonomy, 27
- Matile1984c: distribution, host, 220
- MillerDa1990: economic importance, 300
- MilonaKoKo2008a: distribution, 143-147
- Mityae1958: distribution, host, taxonomy, 80, 93
- Moghad2004: distribution, host, 36
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 49
- MoghadTa2010: distribution, 38
- MoghadWa2021: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 13, 204-205, 249
- Myarts1972: taxonomy, 54
- Myarts1995: biological control, distribution, 432
- NormarOkMo2019: distribution, host, phylogeny, taxonomy, 29,37
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 62,68
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, host, 295,298
- Seghat1977: distribution, host, taxonomy, 12
- Shalab1961: distribution, host, 216
- SismanUl2010: distribution, host, 222
- SzitaFeBe2017: distribution, host, 468
- TakagiTaYa1997: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 84-92
- Tang1984b: distribution, host, 131
- Tang1986: taxonomy, 273
- Tao1999: distribution, host, 69
- TerGri1962: taxonomy, 147-148
- TerGri1969a: illustration, taxonomy, 87, 88
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S121
- Willco1922: biological control, host, 310-311, 466
- Willia1969a: taxonomy, 336
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 233
- XafizdSaSo2024: distribution, host, 38
- ZakOga1967: distribution, host, 215