Valid Names Results
Poaspis jahandiezi (Balachowsky, 1932) (Coccidae: Poaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Luzulaspis jahandiezi Balachowsky 1932c: 197. Type data: FRANCE: Var, Ile de Port-Cros, on Phragmites communis.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Paris: Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France; accepted valid name
- Luzulaspis (Exaeretopus) jahandiezi; Balachowsky, 1932; Goux 1937: 96. subsequent use
- Poaspis jahandiezi (Balachowsky, 1932); Koteja 1978: 321. change of combination
- Luzulaspis jahadiezi Balachowsky, 1932; Kosztarab & Kozár 1978: 107. misspelling of species epithet
- Poaspis jahadiezi (Balachowsky, 1932); Kozár 1986: 176. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- Balachowsky's soft scale KosztaKo1988F
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 7
- Poaceae
- Agrostis capillaris | Koteja1979 Kozar1986 Rehace1957 | (= Agrostis vulgaris)
- Andropogon | Koteja1979
- Calamagrostis epigeios | Koteja1979 Kozar1986 Rehace1957
- Calamagrostis varia | Koteja1979
- Elymus repens | Koteja1979 Kozar1986 Rehace1957 | (= Agropyron repens)
- Phragmites | Hodgso1994a
- Phragmites australis | Balach1932c Balach1933e Koteja1979 Kozar1986 | (= Phragmites communis)
- Piptatherum miliaceum | Koteja1979
- Poaceae | Koteja1979
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 7
- Bulgaria | TrenchTo2014 Tsalev1968
- Cyprus | Koteja1979
- Czech Republic | Hodgso1994a
- France | Balach1932c Balach1933e FoldiGe2018 Hodgso1994a Koteja1979
- Greece | Koteja1979
- Hungary | Koteja1979 KozarKoFe2013
- Slovakia | Koteja1979
- Koteja1979: pp.463-466 ( Adult (F) ) [Palearctic Region]
- Borchs1957: pp.119 ( Adult (F) ) [Palaearctic region]
- General Remarks: Good description and illustration of adult female by Balachowsky (1932c), Koteja (1979) and by Hodgson (1994a).
- Balach1932c: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 197-200
- Balach1933e: distribution, host, 5
- BenDov1993: catalog, 240
- Borchs1957: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 122
- BugajNJuKa2021: distribution, host, list, 296
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 8
- Goux1937a: taxonomy, 96
- Hodgso1994a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 479-482
- KosztaKo1978: distribution, host, taxonomy, 107
- KosztaKo1988F: description, distribution, host, life history, taxonomy, 235
- Koteja1974b: structure, taxonomy, 80
- Koteja1978: taxonomy, 320-321
- Koteja1979: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 463-466
- Kozar1986: distribution, host, 176
- KozarKoFe2013: distribution, taxonomy, 53
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 78
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 60,70
- Rehace1957: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 16-17
- Rehace1960: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 26
- SchmutHo2016: distribution, host, 45
- Tang1991: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 63-64
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 69
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 211