Valid Names Results
Planococcus lilacinus (Cockerell, 1905) (Pseudococcidae: Planococcus)Nomenclatural History
- Pseudococcus lilacinus Cockerell 1905f: 128. Type data: PHILIPPINES: Lucban, Tayabas, on cultivated orange. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name
- Pseudococcus tayabanus Cockerell 1905f: 129. Type data: PHILIPPINES: Lucban, Tayabas, on cultivated cacao. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Morris1920, 176).
- Dactylopius crotonis Green 1906: 44. nomen nudum
- Dactylopius coffeae Newstead 1908b: 37. Type data: INDONESIA: Java, on Liberian coffee. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by WatsonCo1990, 102). Notes: Type material lost according to Watson & Cox (1990).
- Pseudococcus coffeae (Newstead, 1908); Sanders 1909a: 40. change of combination
- Dactylopius crotonis Green 1911: 35. Type data: SRI LANKA: Gammadurva, on Castilloa elastica. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Morris1920, 176).
- Pseudococcus crotonis (Green, 1911); Sasscer 1912: 86. change of combination
- Pseudococcus deceptor Betrem 1937: 54. Type data: INDONOESIA: Java, on roots of coffee. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by Cox1989, 45). Notes: Depository of type material not known (Ben-Dov, 1994).
- Tylococcus mauritiensis Mamet 1939b: 579. Type data: MAURITIUS: Corps de Garde Mountain, on Eugenia mespiloides. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Paris: Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France; junior synonym (discovered by EzzatMc1956, 89). Illustr.
- Planococcus crotonis (Green, 1911); Ferris 1950b: 164. change of combination
- Planococcus lilacinus (Cockerell, 1905); Ferris 1950b: 164. change of combination
- Planococcus tayabanus (Cockerell, 1905); Ferris 1950b: 164. change of combination
- Planococcus citri; Ferris 1954a: 52. misidentification
- Planococcus citri; McKenzie 1967: 281. misidentification (discovered by Cox1989, 45).
- Planococcus indicus Avasthi & Shafee 1987: 38. Type data: INDIA: Kerala, Ernakulam, on wild plant. Holotype, female, Type depository: Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University, Department of Zoology, India; junior synonym (discovered by Willia2004a, 641). Illustr.
- Planococcus lilacius (Cockerell, 1905); Tang, Hao & Tang 1992: 7. misspelling of species epithet
- Planococcus lilacicus (Cockerell, 1905); Stocks 2013a: 348. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- Coffee mealybug LitCa1994a
- Oriental cacao mealybug LitCa1994a
- oriental cacao mealybug Nair1983
- Kaffee-Schmierlaus WatsonKo2022
- cochinilla harinosa del café WatsonKo2022
- lilac mealybug WatsonKo2022
- taiwan-kona-kaigaramushi WatsonKo2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 42 | Genera: 91
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera indica | BenDov1994 Willia1981 WilliaGr1992 WilliaWa1988a SiriseWaHe2013
- Spondias mombin | BenDov1994 LePell1943 | (= Spondias lutea)
- Spondias purpurea | BenDov1994 Morris1920
- Annonaceae
- Annona | Beards1966 BenDov1994
- Annona glabra | BenDov1994 Morris1920
- Annona muricata | BenDov1994 Willia1981 WilliaGr1992
- Annona reticulata | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988
- Annona squamosa | BenDov1994 Morris1920 WilliaWa1988a SiriseWaHe2013
- Cananga odorata | BenDov1994 Morris1920
- Apiaceae
- Apium graveolens | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Apocynaceae
- Carissa bispinosa | BenDov1994 LePell1943 | (= Carissa arduina)
- Arecaceae
- Cocos nucifera | BenDov1994 Willia1981
- Phoenix dactylifera | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Roystonea oleracea | ZhangDe2023
- Asteraceae
- Adenophyllum | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Boraginaceae
- Cordia myxa | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Bruniaceae
- Brunia nodiflora | BenDov1994 LePell1943
- Cannabaceae
- Celtis sinensis | ZhangDe2023
- Capparaceae
- Capparis masaikai | ZhangDe2023
- Combretaceae
- Terminalia catappa | BenDov1994 Green1911
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucurbita moschata | ChenShCh2024
- Dioscoreaceae
- Dioscorea | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Dipterocarpaceae
- Dipterocarpus | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Ericaceae
- Rhododendron simsii | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988
- Euphorbiaceae
- Aleurites moluccanus | ZhangDe2023
- Codiaeum variegatum | BenDov1994 Green1911 TuWuLe1988
- Croton | ZhangDe2023
- Euphorbia pyrifolia | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Macaranga sinensis | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988
- Mallotus japonicus | BenDov1994 Cox1989 TuWuLe1988
- Mallotus nudiflorus | BenDov1994 LePell1943 | (= Trewia nudiflora)
- Melanolepis multiglandulosa | ZhangDe2023
- Fabaceae
- Acacia confusa | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988
- Albizia lebbeck | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Arachis hypogaea | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Bauhinia blakeana | ZhangDe2023
- Bauhinia monandra | BenDov1994 LePell1943 WilliaWa1988a
- Bauhinia purpurea | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988
- Bauhinia variegata | HuangYaLi2021
- Cajanus cajan | BenDov1994 Willia1981 WilliaGr1992
- Cassia fistula | ZhangDe2023
- Crotalaria berteroana | BenDov1994 Mamet1950 | (= Crotalaria fulva)
- Dalbergia odorifera | ZhangDe2023
- Derris | BenDov1994 LePell1943
- Erythrina variegata | BenDov1994 Cox1989 Green1911 LePell1943 | (= Erythrina lithosperma)
- Gliricidia | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Gliricidia maculata | BenDov1994 LePell1943 WilliaWa1988a
- Hymenaea | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Mucuna nigricans | BenDov1994 LePell1943
- Prosopis juliflora | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Saraca asoca | ZarkanErAp2023
- Schizolobium parahyba | BenDov1994 LePell1943 | (= Schizolobium excelsum)
- Sesbania grandiflora | BenDov1994 LePell1943
- Tamarindus indica | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988 Willia1981 WilliaGr1992
- Iridaceae
- Gladiolus carneus | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Lamiaceae
- Callicarpa formosana | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988
- Premna odorata | BenDov1994 Morris1920
- Tectona grandis | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988 WilliaWa1988a
- Lauraceae
- Persea americana | Stocks2013a
- Lecythidaceae
- Barringtonia | JansenAl2023
- Couroupita guianensis | BenDov1994 Cox1989 WilliaGr1992
- Loranthaceae
- Loranthus | ZarkanFaAp2023
- Lythraceae
- Lagerstroemia indica | ZhangDe2023
- Lagerstroemia speciosa | BenDov1994 LePell1943
- Punica granatum | BenDov1994 Cox1989 WilliaGr1992 SiriseWaHe2013
- Malpighiaceae
- Malpighia emarginata | BenDov1994 Willia1981 WilliaGr1992 | (= Malpigea punicifolia)
- Malvaceae
- Bombax ceiba | ZhangDe2023 | (= Bombax malabaricum)
- Ceiba pentandra | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Morris1920
- Heritiera littoralis | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988
- Ochroma | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Sterculia foetida | ZhangDe2023
- Theobroma cacao | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Artocarpus altilis | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988 Willia1981 WilliaGr1992 | (= Artocarpus cummunis)
- Artocarpus heterophyllus | AriasCRoHe2022
- Artocarpus integer | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992 | (= Artocarpus integrifolius)
- Artocarpus nitidus | ZhangDe2023 | (= Artocarpus xanthocarpus)
- Broussonetia papyrifera | ZhangDe2023
- Castilloa elastica | BenDov1994 Green1911
- Ficus concinna | ZhangDe2023
- Ficus elastica | ZhangDe2023
- Ficus erecta | ZhangDe2023
- Ficus ingens | WilliaMaMa2001
- Ficus microcarpa | ZhangDe2023
- Ficus rubra | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Ficus sycomorus | WilliaMaMa2001
- Ficus ulmifolia | BenDov1994 LePell1943 Morris1920
- Streblus asper | BenDov1994 Morris1920
- Moringaceae
- Moringa oleifera | BenDov1994 Mamet1956b
- Myricaceae
- Myrica rubra | ZhangDe2023
- Myrtaceae
- Eugenia mespiloides | BenDov1994 Mamet1939b
- Psidium guajava | BenDov1994 Willia1981 WilliaGr1992 SiriseWaHe2013
- Syzygium jambos | BenDov1994 Morris1920 | (= Eugenia jambos)
- Syzygium samarangense | ZhangDe2023
- Orchidaceae
- Vanda | SartiaWaRo2016
- Oxalidaceae
- Averrhoa carambola | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Pandanaceae
- Pandanus | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Phyllanthaceae
- Antidesma bunius | BenDov1994 LePell1943 Morris1920
- Bischofia javanica | ZhangDe2023
- Bridelia stipularis | BenDov1994 LePell1943
- Pseudococcidae
- Planococcus lilacinus | ZhangDe2023
- Rhamnaceae
- Alphitonia incana | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Ziziphus jujuba | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Rubiaceae
- Coffea | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Coffea arabica | Stocks2013a
- Coffea canephora | BenDov1994 Morris1920
- Gardenia jasminoides | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Citrus aurantiifolia | SiriseWaHe2013
- Citrus aurantium | BenDov1994 Reyne1961
- Citrus limon | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Citrus maxima | BenDov1994 Cox1989 | (= Citrus grandis)
- Citrus reticulata | HuangYaLi2021
- Citrus sinensis | SiriseWaHe2013
- Sapindaceae
- Lepisanthes senegalensis | BenDov1994 LePell1943 | (= Aphania loheri)
- Litchi | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Nephelium lappaceum | JansenAl2023
- Sapotaceae
- Manilkara zapota | BenDov1994 Takaha1942b
- Simaroubaceae
- Ailanthus | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Solanaceae
- Nicotiana tabacum | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Solanum melongena | BenDov1994 Reyne1961
- Solanum violaceum | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988 | (= Solanum indicum)
- Vitaceae
- Vitis vinifera | BenDov1994 Cox1989
Families: 8 | Genera: 15
- Cecidomyiidae
- Coccodiplosis smithi | LePell1943
- Clavicipitaceae
- Metarhizium anisopliae | HuangYaLi2021
- Coccinellidae
- Brumoides suturalis | LePell1968
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri | WatsonKo2022
- Horniolus sororius | UmmerKuMa2018
- Horniolus vietnamicus | IrulanKuSe2001
- Scymnus apiciflavus | LePell1943
- Slipinskiscymnus pallidicollis | ReddySrPr1990
- Drosophilidae
- Cacoxenus perspicax | PooranAnTh2024
- Encyrtidae
- Acerophagus orientalis | LePell1943 | (= Pseudaphycus orientalis)
- Anagyrus lilacini | LePell1943
- Leptomastix dactylopii | WatsonKo2022
- Lycaenidae
- Spalgis epius | WatsonKo2022
- Spalgius epius | PatilPaPa2011
- Noctuidae
- Eublemma scitula | GaikwaKeKa2022
- Tephritidae
- Bactrocera dorsalis | WenXiZo2024
Families: 3 | Genera: 9
- Caulimoviridae
- Cacao bacilliform Sri Lanka virus | WatsonKo2022
- Formicidae
- Anoplolepis longipes | WatsonKo2022
- Cladomyrma | Moog2009
- Dolichoderus thoracicus | WatsonKo2022
- Odontomachus haematodus | WatsonKo2022
- Oecophylla longinoda | WatsonKo2022
- Oecophylla smaragdina | WatsonKo2022
- Solenopsis invicta | WenXiZo2024
- Technomyrmex detorquens | WatsonKo2022
- Meruliaceae
- Diacanthodes | WatsonKo2022
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 37
- Andaman Islands | CABI1995b Willia2004a
- Bangladesh | BenDov1994 CABI1995b Cox1989 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Bhutan | Willia2004a
- Brunei | CABI1995b | Willia2004a
- Burma (=Myanmar) | BenDov1994 CABI1995b Cox1989 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- China | BenDov1994 Tang1992 TangHaTa1992
- Fujian (=Fukien) | HuangYaLi2021
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | ZhangDe2023
- Guangxi (=Kwangsi) | ZhangDe2023
- Hainan | WangZhTi2018
- Xianggang (=Hong Kong) | ZhangDe2023
- Yunnan | ZhangDe2023
- Zhejiang (=Chekiang) | ZhangDe2023
- Cocos (=Keeling) Islands | BenDov1994 Cox1989 Willia2004a
- Colombia | Kondo2001
- Comoros | BenDov1994 Mamet1960
- Dominican Republic | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- El Salvador | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Caroline Islands | WatsonKo2022
- Guam | WatsonKo2022
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | BenDov1994 Willia1981 WilliaGr1992
- Haiti | BenDov1994 PerezG2008 WilliaGr1992
- India | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Green1911 Varshn1992
- Bihar | CABI1995b Willia2004a
- Gujarat | CABI1995b Willia2004a
- Karnataka | CABI1995b Willia2004a
- Kerala | CABI1995b Willia2004a
- Maharashtra | CABI1995b Willia2004a
- NCT Delhi | CABI1995b
- Odisha (=Orissa) | CABI1995b
- Tamil Nadu | CABI1995b Willia2004a
- Tripura | Willia2004a
- West Bengal | Willia2004a
- Indonesia | BenDov1994 Cox1989 Willia2004a
- Bali | CABI1995b
- Flores | Gavril2017b
- Irian Jaya | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Java | Betrem1937 Newste1908b Willia2004a
- Kalimantan (=Borneo) | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Lombok | CABI1995b
- Sulawesi (=Celebes) | Gavril2013
- Sumatra | Willia2004a ZarkanNaDj2022
- Japan | BenDov1994 Kawai1980
- Kampuchea (=Cambodia) | BenDov1994 CABI1959 Takaha1942
- Kenya | WilliaMaMa2001
- Madagascar | BenDov1994 Mamet1950
- Malaysia | Willia2004a
- Sabah | CABI1995b Willia2004a
- Sarawak | CABI1995b Willia2004a
- Maldives | CABI1995b WatsonOoGi1995 Willia2004a
- Mauritius | BenDov1994
- Mozambique | WilliaMaMa2001
- Northern Mariana Islands | Beards1966 BenDov1994 CABI1959
- Papua New Guinea | BenDov1994 Reyne1961 WilliaWa1988a
- Philippines | BenDov1994 CABI1959 CABI1995b Willia2004a
- Luzon | LitCa1994a
- Reunion | GermaiMiPa2014 WilliaMaMa2001
- Rodriques Island | BenDov1994 Mamet1939b Mamet1956b
- Ryukyu Islands (=Nansei Shoto) | CABI1995b
- Seychelles | BenDov1994 CABI1959 Cox1989
- Sri Lanka | BenDov1994 CABI1995b Green1922 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Taiwan | BenDov1994 Cox1989 TuWuLe1988
- Thailand | BenDov1994 Takaha1942 Willia2004a
- Vietnam | BenDov1994 CABI1995b Cox1989 Willia2004a
- Yemen | WatsonKo2022
- ZarkanFaAp2024: pp.234-238 ( Adult (F) ) [Planococcus in southern Asia]
- ZhangDe2023: pp.79-80 ( Adult (F) ) [Chinese Planococcus]
- Suh2019a: pp.2-6 ( Adult (F) ) [mealybugs interepted in S. Korea]
- SiriseWaHe2013: pp.78-80 ( Adult (F) ) [Mealybugs on Fruit Crops in Sri Lanka]
- WilliaMa2009a: pp.97-101 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcidae species from Mauritius]
- Willia2004a: pp.62-622 ( Adult (F) ) [Planococcus species of southern Asia]
- WilliaGr1992: pp.394 ( Adult (F) ) [Planococcus species of Central and South America]
- WilliaWa1988a: pp.163 ( Adult (F) ) [Tropical South Pacific Region]
- CoxFr1985: pp.721 ( Adult (F) ) [Planococcus species of cacao ]
- Beards1966: pp.432 ( Adult (F) ) [Federated States of Micronesia]
- Systematics: Williams (2004a) discussed the intraspecific variation of taxonomic characters of the adult female, and provided three diagramatic illustrations from various regions. In the field in southern Asia, P. lilacinus and Exallomochlus hispidus (Morrison) both feed on a similar range of tree crops (particularly cacao) and the species can look superficially similar in the field. However, the body contents of live E. hispidus are yellowish, whereas those of P. lilacinus often have a slight violet to brownish red tinge. Reliable identification requires detailed study of slide-mounted adult females. (Watson & Kondo, 2022)
- Structure: Colour photograph by Kawai (1980). Body of adult female oval to rotund, 1–3 mm long; body contents in young adults pale violet to maroon, becoming brownish red when fully mature. Mealy wax covering body forms thick, almost segmental clumps and is thinner on the midline, forming a distinct darker longitudinal median stripe; 18 pairs of short lateral wax filaments present; no ovisac is formed. Crawlers are pale violet or maroon. (Watson & Kondo, 2022) Moharana (1990) reported chromosome number 2n=10.
- Biology: Natural enemies in the Oriental and Far East regions discussed by Le Pelley (1943). Biology and pest status on coffee presented by Le Pelley (1968).
- Economic Importance: This species is a pest of cocoa throughout the Oriental region and also occurs on wide variety of economically important crops such as Citrus, guava, coffee, custard, apple and mango. Williams et al. (2001) first reported on accidental introduction of this mealybug to the African continent.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Morrison (1920), Green (1922), Ferris (1954a), Ezzat & McConnell (1956), Cox & Freeston (1985), Avasthi & Shafee (1987) (as Pl. indicus), Williams & Watson (1988a), Tu et al. (1988), Cox (1989), Williams & Granara de Willink (1992) and by Williams (2004a). Description of adult female by Kawai (1980) and by Tang (1992).
- ArokiyBhSa2022: chemical control,
- AvasthSh1987: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 38-39
- BalikaKoPr2011: distribution, host, 580
- BasheeJa1964: distribution, economic importance, host, 261-266
- Beards1966: distribution, host, taxonomy, 434-435
- BenDov1994: catalog, 361,363-364
- Betrem1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 54-57
- BrahmaKoGu2018: chromosome, genetics, molecular biology,
- CABI1959: distribution,
- CABI1995b: distribution, 1-3
- CaballPoRu2022: distribution, host, 86
- ChackoBhRa1976: chemical control, distribution, host, 118-119
- ChackoKrAn1978: biological control, 14-19
- ChackoKrRa1976: chemical control, 118-119
- ChenShCh2024: molecular biology, 3
- Cocker1905f: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 128-129
- Cocker1937: economic importance, taxonomy, 124
- Cox1989: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 45-47
- CoxFr1985: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 724, 727
- DevajyBr1992: chemistry, 103-111
- ElangoSrVi2021: distribution, host, 126
- EzzatMc1956: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 89-93
- Ferris1950b: taxonomy, 164
- Ferris1954a: taxonomy, 52
- FrohliRo1970: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-10
- Fullaw1946: distribution, host, taxonomy, 157
- GaikwaKeKa2022: natural enemies, 4
- Gavril2013: distribution, 75
- Gavril2017b: distribution, 144
- Gavril2018: reproduction, 225
- GermaiMiPa2014: distribution, 24
- Graham1991: biological control, distribution, host, 543-546
- Greath1971: biological control, distribution, host,
- Green1911: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 35-36
- Green1922: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 380-381
- HegdeChYa2024: distribution, host, 472
- HuangYaLi2021: biological control, entomopathogenic fungi, genetics,
- IrulanKuSe2000: chemical control, 92-94
- IrulanKuSe2001: biological control, distribution, host, 18-24
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 30
- Kawai1980: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 106
- KhooOoTu1991: distribution, economic importance,
- KhoslaAuBr1999: chemistry, life history, structure, 3745-3751
- Kondo2001: distribution, host, taxonomy, 37
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 24
- KondoWa2024: distribution, 2
- KrishnMa1998: biological control, economic importance, 207-209
- KumarMaSe2016: distribution, host, 643
- KumarPr1992: chemical control, distribution, 65-68
- KuznetGaGr2021: chromosomes, 292
- KuznetGrGo2019: DNA, chromosome, 7
- LePell1943: biological control, distribution, host, 73-93
- LePell1968: life history,
- LitCa1994a: distribution, host, 393
- Mamet1939b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 579-580
- Mamet1950: distribution, host, 20
- Mamet1956b: distribution, host, 303-306
- Mani1995a: biological control, distribution, host, 61-70
- Mani1995b: biological control, life history, 23-26
- ManiKr1990d: biological control, 122-123
- ManiKr2000a: biological control, 187-189
- McKenz1967: taxonomy, 281
- MohanRaCh2002: chemistry, taxonomy, 111-118
- Mohara1990: structure, 48
- Moore2001: economic importance, host, 232-266
- Morris1920: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 176-177
- MukhopGh1999: life history, 464-466
- NRC1969: biological control, chemical control, ecology, economic importance, taxonomy,
- Newste1908b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 37-38
- PatilPaPa2011: biological control, 693
- PerezG2008: distribution, 216
- PooranAnTh2024: economic importance, host, illustration, natural enemies, 530, 534
- Ramakr1921a: catalog, distribution, host, 343
- Ramakr1941: distribution, host, 107-113
- ReddyKu1998: biological control, economic importance,
- RenAsHu2017: DNA, phylogeny, 5, 6
- RenQiXu2021: heat-treatment,
- Reyne1961: distribution, host, 125
- RohimaRaSa2024: molecular biology, phylogeny, 302-303
- RosenDe1973: biological control, taxonomy, 215-222
- RossHaOk2012: phylogeny, taxonomy, 199
- Sander1909a: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 40
- SartiaSaSy2020: distribution, economic importance, host, 30
- SartiaWaRo2016: catalog, distribution, host, 158, 159, 160
- Sassce1912: distribution, host, taxonomy, 86
- Sekhar1964: distribution, economic importance, host, 99-109
- ShuklaTa1984a: distribution, host, 31
- SinghGuAn2024: control,
- SiriseWaHe2013: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, 71,72,73,75,77,79
- SiriseWaHe2015: SEM,
- SreedhChAn1983: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 98-101
- Stocks2013a: distribution, host, natural enemies, 348
- Suh2019a: key, 5
- Takaha1942b: distribution, host, 10
- Tang1992: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 371-374
- Tang2001: distribution, 3
- TangHaTa1992: distribution, host, 6
- TangHaTa1992: distribution, host, 7
- Tao1999: distribution, host, taxonomy, 24
- TuWuLe1988: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 82-83, 95
- UsmanPu1955: distribution, host, 47
- VanMelCu2001: biological control, 23-29
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, 58
- WangZhTi2018: distribution, host, 2
- Watson2021: distribution, 526
- WatsonCo1990: distribution, host, taxonomy, 102, 104
- WatsonKo2022: control, diagnosis, distribution, host, host plant, illustration, natural enemies, taxonomy, 187-189
- WatsonOoGi1995: distribution, host, 43
- WenXiZo2024: ant association, chemical ecology, natural enemies,
- Whitne1923: distribution, 90-95
- Willia1981: distribution, host, taxonomy, 243-244
- Willia1982b: distribution, host, 443-444
- Willia2004a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 641-647
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 246, 248, 250
- WilliaBe2015: taxonomy, 163, 165
- WilliaGr1992: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 400-402
- WilliaMa2009a: taxonomy, 97-101
- WilliaMa2012: distribution, host, 90
- WilliaMaMa2001: distribution, economic importance, host, 259-260
- WilliaMi2010: distribution, host, 47
- WilliaWa1988a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 166-167
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 184
- ZarkanErAp2023: distribution, host, 169
- ZarkanFaAp2023: diagnosis, distribution, host, key, 208,238
- ZarkanFaAp2024: key, 238, 238
- ZarkanNaDj2022: distribution, 189
- ZhangDe2023: distribution, host, key, taxonomy, 79, 80, 88-89