Valid Names Results
Pinnaspis aspidistrae (Signoret, 1869) (Diaspididae: Pinnaspis)This catalog page aggregates the information for all subspecies of Pinnaspis aspidistrae. If you are looking for information specific to the binomial, click on the link to the nominal trinomial below.
Nomenclatural History
- Chionaspis aspidistrae Signoret 1869d: 443. Type data: FRANCE: Paris, on Aspidistra sp.. Holotype, female, Type depository: Vienna: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Chionaspis brasiliensis Signoret 1869d: 444-445. Type data: BRAZIL: Bahia. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by Cooley1899, 45-49). Notes: Types presumed lost.
- Chionaspis brazailiensis Signoret, 1869; Comstock 1883: 109. misspelling of species epithet
- Chionaspis latus Cockerell 1896h: 21. Type data: JAPAN: Tokyo, on Citrus sp., by Takahashi. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Cooley1899, 46).
- Chionaspis lata Cockerell, 1896; Berlese & Leonardi 1898a: 124. misspelling of species epithet
- Hemichionaspis aspidistrae (Signoret, 1869); Cooley 1899: 45. change of combination
- Hemichionaspis aspidistrae brasiliensis (Signoret, 1869); Hempel 1900a: 516. change in status (level)
- Hemichionaspis aspidistrae lata Cockerell, 1900; Cockerell 1900k: 349. change in status (level)
- Pinnaspis aspidistrae (Signoret, 1869); Lindinger 1912b: 79. change of combination
- Chionaspis (Pinnaspis) aspidistrae Signoret, 1869; Brain 1920: 104. change of combination
- Pinnaspis (Hemichionaspis) aspidistrae (Signoret, 1869); Dammerman 1929: 252. change of combination
- Pinaspis aspidistrae; Lindinger 1935: 143. misspelling of genus name
- Pinnaspis brasiliensis (Signoret, 1869); Ferris & Rao 1947: 29. change of combination
- Pinnaspis arpidistrae (Signoret, 1869); Figueroa Potes 1952: 209. misspelling of species epithet
- Pinnaspis ophiopogonis Takahashi 1952a: 11-12. Type data: JAPAN: Honshu, Tokyo, on Ophiopogon japonica, ?/09/1950, by R. Takahashi. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Sapporo: Entomological Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Japan; junior synonym (discovered by Balach1954e, 281-282). Illustr.
- Pinnapsis aspidistrae; Lindinger 1954: 620. misspelling of genus name
- Pinnaspis caricis Ferris 1957: 212. Type data: HAWAII: Honolulu, on Carex japonicum, ?/08/1955, by M. Adachi. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Davis: The Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, California, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Nakaha1979, 31). Illustr.
- Penaspis aspidistrae; Dale 1959: 12. misspelling of genus name
- Pinnaspis aspidistrae latus (Cockerell, 1896); Kalshoven 1981: 173. misspelling of species epithet
- Pinnaspis aspidistrae yunnanensis Chen 1983: 20. Type data: CHINA: Yunnan, on unknown plant, 1980. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Chengdu: Plant Protection Research Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Sichuan, China; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Pinnaspis aspidiastrae (Signoret, 1869); Ülgentürk & Hocaali 2019: 294. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- aspidistra scale Butche1959
- Brazilian snow-scale Cocker1896a
- cochenille des Fougères Foldi2001
- escama del helecho Mosque1976
- fern scale AAEE1931
- guagua de helechos AlayoS1976
- liriope scale Gill1997
- piojo blanco Mosque1976
- aspidistra dopluis Watson2022a
- bregneskjoldlus Watson2022a
- Farnschildlaus Watson2022a
- haran-naga-kaigaramushi Watson2022a
- ormbunksköldlus Watson2022a
- щитовка папоротниковая Watson2022a
Ecological Associates
Families: 78 | Genera: 159
- Acanthaceae
- Fittonia | Borchs1966
- Strobilanthes | Green1896 MillerDa2005
- Strobilanthes viscosus | Ali1969a
- Acoraceae
- Acorus gramineus | Kuwana1926
- Amaryllidaceae
- Agapanthus | Archan1937
- Crinum | Borchs1966
- Crinum asiaticum | WilliaWa1988 | (= Crinum pedunculatum)
- Hippeastrum | Borchs1966
- Hippeastrum puniceum | WilliaWa1988 | (= Hippeastrum equestre)
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera indica | Tao1999
- Anemiaceae
- Anemia | MillerDa2005
- Annonaceae
- Annona muricata | Kondo2008a
- Annona reticulata | Azeved1929a
- Annona squamosa | Azeved1929a
- Polyalthia | MillerDa2005
- Rollinia | Watson2022a
- Apocynaceae
- Plumeria rubra | WilliaWa1988 | (= Plumeria acutifolia)
- Aquifoliaceae
- Ilex | Borchs1966
- Araceae
- Alocasia | Borchs1966
- Anthurium | MillerDa2005
- Philodendron | MillerDa2005
- Pothos | Borchs1966
- Rhaphidophora acuminata | WilliaWa1988
- Arecaceae
- Areca catechu | Maskel1892
- Chamaerops | Seghat1977
- Chamaerops humilis | Moghad2013a
- Cocos | MillerDa2005
- Cocos nucifera | Heu2002 Hinckl1963
- Dypsis | MillerDa2005 | (= Chrysalidocarpus)
- Dypsis lutescens | Ballou1926 | (= Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
- Elaeis guineensis | WilliaWa1988
- Howea | Borchs1966 | (= Kentia)
- Livistona | MillerDa2005
- Livistona australis | Stalaz2021
- Phoenix | CorseuSi1971
- Phoenix roebelenii | JansenAl2023
- Rhapis | Borchs1966 MillerDa2005
- Rhapis excelsa | Hender2011
- Rhapis humilis | Suh2014
- Roystonea regia | AlayoS1976
- Saribus | JansenAl2023
- Saribus rotundifolius | JansenAl2023
- Syagrus | Borchs1966 | (= Arecastrum)
- Syagrus romanzoffiana | Green1897 | (= Cocos plumosa)
- Trachycarpus | JansenAl2023
- Veitchia | JansenAl2023 JansenAl2023
- Asparagaceae
- Agave | Kalsho1981
- Asparagus aethiopicus | CorseuSi1971 | (= >i?Asparagus sprengeri)
- Aspidistra | MillerDa2005 Signor1869d
- Aspidistra elatior | Borg1932 Suh2014
- Aspidistra lurida | Craw1896
- Cordyline | MillerDa2005
- Cordyline cannifolia | Ballou1926
- Cordyline fruticosa | AlayoS1976 | (= Cordyline terminalis)
- Cordyline neocaledonica | Cohic1958 | (= Taetsia neocaledonica)
- Dracaena | Mamet1943a
- Dracaena reflexa | JansenAl2023 | var. angustifolia
- Hosta | Lupo1938a
- Liriope | HowardOl1985 MillerDa2005
- Liriope graminifolia | Kuwana1926
- Liriope muscari | LambdiWa1980 Suh2014 | (= Liriope platyphylla)
- Liriope spicata | LambdiWa1980
- Ophiopogon | HowardOl1985 MillerDa2005
- Ophiopogon japonicus | Balach1930c ColonFMe1998 | (= Mondo japonicum)
- Rohdea japonica | Hall1923
- Ruscus | MillerDa2005
- Ruscus hypoglossum | Balach1938a
- Sansevieria | CorseuSi1971
- Aspleniaceae
- Asplenium | MillerDa2005 Newste1896
- Asplenium antiquum | Muraka1970 | (= Neottopteris antiqua)
- Asplenium nidus | Kuwana1926 Kuwana1931b Paik1978 Suh2014 | (= Neottopteris rigida, Asplenium nidum)
- Asteliaceae
- Astelia | Leonar1918 | (= Funckia)
- Asteraceae
- Heterothalamus | Watson2022a
- Bignoniaceae
- Catalpa | Watson2022a
- Blechnaceae
- Blechnum brasiliense | GomezM1946
- Blechnum nudum | Hudson1967
- Brassicaceae
- Raphanus | Watson2022a
- Bromeliaceae
- Tillandsia | MillerDa2005
- Buxaceae
- Buxus harlandii | JansenAl2023
- Buxus sempervirens | Balach1938a
- Buxus sinica | JansenAl2023
- Capparaceae
- Capparis moonii | Ali1969a
- Caricaceae
- Carica | MillerDa2005
- Cleomaceae
- Cleome | Borchs1966
- Combretaceae
- Combretum | Mamet1951 | (= Quisqualis)
- Lumnitzera | Lupo1938a
- Terminalia | WilliaWa1988
- Commelinaceae
- Cyanotis | Essig1910a
- Crassulaceae
- Kalanchoe pinnata | Nakaha1981a | (= Bryophyllum pinnatum)
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucumis | Watson2022a
- Sechium | Watson2022a
- Cycadaceae
- Cycas | MillerDa2005
- Cycas circinalis | JansenAl2023
- Cycas revoluta | Heu2002 Waters1941
- Cycas rumphii | JansenAl2023
- Cyperaceae
- Carex japonica | Ferris1957
- Dicksoniaceae
- Dicksonia | NormarOkMo2019
- Dryopteridaceae
- Cyrtomium | HodgsoHi1990
- Dryopteris | Borchs1966
- Elaphoglossum moritzianum | Ghauri1962 | (= i>Elaphoglossum villosum)
- Polystichum | MillerDa2005
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros | MillerDa2005
- Ericaceae
- Gaultheria | Borchs1966
- Pieris | MillerDa2005
- Erythropalaceae
- Erythropalum scandens | Robins1917
- Euphorbiaceae
- Acalypha wilkesiana | WilliaWa1988 | (= Acalypha godseffiana)
- Aleurites | Watson2022a
- Codiaeum | JansenAl2023
- Croton | Borchs1966
- Euphorbia pulcherrima | Nakaha1981a
- Jatropha integerrima | AlayoS1976
- Manihot | Watson2022a
- Fabaceae
- Acacia baileyana | Laing1928 | var. rubra
- Acacia melanoxylon | Essig1910a
- Caesalpinia pulcherrima | AlayoS1976
- Cajanus cajan | MacharKiHe2021
- Cassia fistula | FerrisRa1947
- Desmodium | Mosque1973
- Erythrina variegata | WilliaWa1988 | (= Erythrina indica)
- Gliricidia maculata | Varshn2002
- Inocarpus fagifer | WilliaWa1988
- Samanea saman | Mosque1973
- Senna siamea | FerrisRa1947 | (= Cassia siamea)
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium | Watson2022a
- Gesneriaceae
- Saintpaulia | MillerDa2005
- Heliconiaceae
- Heliconia | Mamet1943a
- Heliconia farinosa | WilliaWa1988 | (= Heliconia brasiliensis)
- Heliconia metallica | Green1897
- Iridaceae
- Dietes bicolor | MartinWoCu2022
- Lauraceae
- Cinnamomum | Tao1999
- Persea | Nakaha1981a
- Liliaceae
- Lilium | HodgsoHi1990
- Lindsaeaceae
- Lindsaea moorei | King1901b | (= Davallia moorei)
- Loranthaceae
- Loranthus | Kasarg1914
- Lythraceae
- Lagerstroemia | MillerDa2005
- Lagerstroemia indica | Ballou1926
- Malvaceae
- Gossypium | HodgsoHi1990
- Guazuma ulmifolia | AlayoS1976
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | AlayoS1976
- Thespesia populnea | FerrisRa1947
- Meliaceae
- Melia | Borchs1966
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus | Varshn2002
- Broussonetia | Watson2022a
- Ficus | FerrisRa1947
- Musaceae
- Musa | Hinckl1963 MillerDa2005
- Musa paradisiaca | Dumble1954 WilliaWa1988 | (= Musa sapientum)
- Myrtaceae
- Psidium guajava | CorseuSi1971
- Nephrolepidaceae
- Nephrolepis | DietzMo1916a MillerDa2005
- Nephrolepis duffii | AlayoS1976
- Nephrolepis exaltata | CorseuSi1971 Jones1917
- Nephrolepis piersoni | Kuwana1926
- Oleaceae
- Olea europaea | WolffEfAq2018
- Orchidaceae
- Cattleya | Watson2022a
- Cymbidium | Kuwana1926
- Cymbidium ensifolium | Lupo1938a
- Cypripedium | MillerDa2005
- Liparis | MillerDa2005
- Orchis | Paik1978
- Paeoniaceae
- Paeonia | MillerDa2005
- Pandanaceae
- Pandanus | GhabboMo1996
- Pandanus odorifer | WilliaWa1988 | (= Pandanus odoratissimus)
- Pentaphylacaceae
- Eurya japonica | Hua2000
- Phyllanthaceae
- Phyllanthus niruri | Mamet1941a
- Piperaceae
- Piper | MillerDa2005 Robins1917
- Piper betle | FerrisRa1947
- Piper kadzura | Muraka1970
- Piper nigrum | Green1905
- Pittosporaceae
- Pittosporum | Watson2022a
- Poaceae
- Phalaris | MillerDa2005
- Phyllostachys aurea | JansenAl2023
- Polygonaceae
- Muehlenbeckia | MillerDa2005
- Persicaria chinensis | Muraka1970 | (= Polygonum chinense umbellatum)
- Polypodiaceae
- Lemmaphyllum | Muraka1970
- Phlebodium aureum | Ghauri1962 | (= Polypodium aureum)
- Platycerium | Essig1910a Henrik1921 MillerDa2005
- Polypodium | Henrik1921
- Portulacaceae
- Portulaca lutea | WilliaWa1988
- Pteridaceae
- Adiantum | Hall1925
- Coniogramme japonica | GomezM1946 | (= Dictyogramma japonica)
- Pteridaceae | Borchs1966 | (= Gymnopteris)
- Pteris | Almeid1971 GomezM1946 MillerDa2005
- Pteris cretica | LambdiWa1980
- Rhamnaceae
- Scutia myrtina | Borchs1966 Mamet1949 | (= Scutia commersonii)
- Ziziphus | MillerDa2005
- Ziziphus spina-christi | Moghad2013a
- Rosaceae
- Prunus | MillerDa2005
- Rubiaceae
- Coffea | Watson2022a
- Genipa | Watson2022a
- Guettarda speciosa | WilliaWa1988
- Uncaria gambir | Green1905
- Rutaceae
- Atalantia | MillerDa2005
- Citrus | Cocker1896h MillerDa2005
- Citrus aurantiifolia | Nakaha1981a
- Citrus aurantium | Azeved1929a
- Citrus limon | Nakaha1981a
- Citrus reticulata | ChenWo1936 CulikMaVe2008 | (= Citrus nobilis deliciosa)
- Citrus sinensis | Nakaha1981a
- Citrus trifoliata | AlayoS1976
- Murraya koenigii | JansenAl2023 | (=Bergera koenigii)
- Murraya paniculata | AlayoS1976
- Selaginellaceae
- Selaginella | Borchs1966
- Smilacaceae
- Smilax | CockerRo1914
- Solanaceae
- Capsicum annuum | Wilson1921
- Solanum lycopersicum | WilliaWa1988 | (= Lycopersicon esculentum)
- Solanum melongena | WilliaWa1988
- Solanum torvum | AlayoS1976
- Strelitziaceae
- Strelitzia | MillerDa2005
- Strelitzia nicolai | FDACSB1987
- Tamaricaceae
- Tamarix | GhabboMo1996
- Theaceae
- Camellia | MillerDa2005
- Camellia sinensis | Ghauri1962 Muraka1970 | (= Thea sinensis)
- Thelypteridaceae
- Christella dentata | GomezM1946 | (= Aspidium molle)
- Cyclosorus dentatus | GomezM1946
- Urticaceae
- Boehmeria | Borchs1966
- Boehmeria japonica | Kuwana1926 Muraka1970 | (= Boehmeria grandiflora, Boehmeria longispica)
- Vitaceae
- Ampelopsis arborea | FDACSB1983
- Cissus | Nakaha1981a
- Zamiaceae
- Ceratozamia | Borchs1966
- Ceratozamia mexicana | Stalaz2021
- Zingiberaceae
- Amomum | Varshn2002
Families: 5 | Genera: 8
- Aphelinidae
- Aphelinus flavus | AbouEl2001 | (= Aphytis flavus)
- Aphytis | MurakaAbCo1984
- Aphytis diaspidis | AbouEl2001
- Aphytis mytilaspidis | Balach1954e
- Encarsia | MurakaAbCo1984
- Encarsia citrina | Fulmek1943 GomezM1937 HuangPo1998 | (= Aspidiotiphagus citrinus) (= Aspidiotiphagus schoeversi)
- Encarsia lounsburyi | Simmon1957 | (= Aspidiotiphagus lounsburyi)
- Pteroptrix | RodrigCa2012
- Cecidomyiidae
- Dentifibula obtusilobae | Fulmek1943
- Coccinellidae
- Chilocorus circumdatus | Cooley1899
- Dryophthoridae
- Diocalandra taitensis | MilleHeCa2016
- Encyrtidae
- Arrhenophagus | AbouEl2001
- Arrhenophagus chionaspidis | Paik1978
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 114
- Algeria | Balach1954e
- Angola | FerraoCa1972
- Argentina
- Buenos Aires | Watson2022a
- Corrientes | Lizery1936
- Jujuy | Watson2022a
- Misiones | Watson2022a
- Tucuman | NormarOkMo2019
- Armenia | Borchs1949d
- Australia
- New South Wales | Watson2022a
- Queensland | Watson2022a
- South Australia | Brooke1964 Cocker1896a
- Tasmania | Hudson1967
- Belgium | Ghesqu1933
- Benin | Watson2022a
- Bermuda | Waters1941
- Bhutan | Watson2022a
- Brazil
- Amapa | AlmeidPeMa2018
- Amazonas | SilvadGoGa1968
- Bahia | Foldi1988 Signor1869d
- Distrito Federal (=Brasilia) | Lepage1938
- Espirito Santo | CulikMaVe2008
- Goias | AlmeidPeMa2018
- Maranhao | Foldi1988 SilvadGoGa1968
- Minas Gerais | Foldi1988 Lepage1938
- Para | Foldi1988 SilvadGoGa1968
- Paraiba | Foldi1988 SilvadGoGa1968
- Parana | Foldi1988 SilvadGoGa1968
- Rio Grande do Sul | CorseuSi1971 Koszta1963 Lepage1938
- Rio de Janeiro | Foldi1988 Lepage1938
- Santa Catarina | Foldi1988 SilvadGoGa1968
- Sao Paulo | Foldi1988 Hempel1900a
- Bulgaria | TrenchTo2014 Tsalev1972
- Cameroon | Watson2022a
- Canada
- Ontario | Jarvis1911
- Quebec | MawFoHa2000
- Canary Islands | CarnerPe1986 MatileOr2001
- Chile | GonzalCh1968
- Tarapaca | Watson2022a
- China | SuhJi2009
- Anhui (=Anhwei) | Hua2000
- Fujian (=Fukien) | ChenWo1936
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | ChenWo1936
- Guangxi (=Kwangsi) | ChenWo1936
- Henan (=Honan) | Hua2000
- Hubei (=Hupei) | Tao1999
- Hunan | Hua2000
- Jiangsu (=Kiangsu) | ChenWo1936
- Jiangxi (=Kiangsi) | Hua2000
- Nei Monggol (=Inner Mongolia) | Tao1999
- Shandong (=Shantung) | Cheo1935
- Shanghai | Wu1935
- Shanxi (=Shansi) | Tang1984b
- Sichuan (=Szechwan) | Hua2000
- Xianggang (=Hong Kong) | Wu1935
- Xizang (=Tibet) | Hua2000
- Yunnan | Hua2000
- Yunnan | Chen1983
- Zhejiang (=Chekiang) | ChenWo1936
- Colombia | Figuer1952 Mosque1973
- Cook Islands | WilliaWa1988
- Corsica | FoldiGe2018
- Costa Rica | SuhJi2009
- Cote d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) | Watson2022a
- Croatia | MastenSi2008
- Cuba | AlayoS1976 Houser1918 MestreHaEv2011
- Cyprus | UlgentHo2019
- Czech Republic | KozarzRe1975
- Denmark | Henrik1921 KozarzRe1975
- Dominican Republic | JansenAl2023
- Easter Island (=Rapa Nui) | Watson2022a
- Egypt | AbdRabEv2021 Ezzat1958 Hall1923
- El Salvador | JansenAl2023
- Estonia | Stalaz2021
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Pohnpei Island | Beards1966 Takaha1939b
- Fiji | Lever1945
- Finland | KozarzRe1975 Vappul1965
- France | Foldi2001 Signor1869d
- French Polynesia
- Society Islands | Lindin1914
- Tahiti | FerrisRa1947
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017 Hadzib1941
- Germany | Balach1954e
- Ghana | Watson2022a
- Guadeloupe | MatileEt2006 Meurge2011
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | Bodkin1922
- Hawaiian Islands | MillerDa2005
- Hawaii | Ferris1957 Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Kauai | Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Maui | Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Molokai | Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Oahu | Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Honduras | JansenAl2023
- Hungary | Aczel1936 BalasSa1982
- India | Maskel1892
- Andhra Pradesh | Watson2022a
- Assam | Watson2022a
- Gujarat | Watson2022a
- Karnataka | Ali1969a Fletch1919
- Kerala | FerrisRa1947
- Madhya Pradesh | Ali1969a
- Maharashtra | Ramakr1921a
- NCT Delhi | Watson2022a
- Odisha (=Orissa) | Watson2022a
- Tamil Nadu | Fletch1919 SureshMo1996
- Tripura | Varshn2002
- Indonesia | Kalsho1981
- Irian Jaya | Watson2022a
- Java | Green1905
- Sumatra | Watson2022a
- Iran | KozarFoZa1996 Seghat1977
- Iraq | DanzigPe1998
- Ireland | Green1934d
- Israel | Bytins1966
- Italy | Leonar1918 LongoMaPe1995
- Sicily | LongoMaPe1995
- Jamaica | Watson2022a
- Japan | Craw1896
- Honshu | Cocker1896h TakagiRo1981
- Kyushu | TakahaTa1956
- Shikoku | TakahaTa1956
- Kenya | MacharKiKo2018
- Kiribati | WilliaWa1988
- Laos | DaoBeWa2023
- Latvia | Stalaz2021
- Lebanon | Watson2022a
- Madagascar | Mamet1951
- Madeira Islands | Balach1938a FrancoRuMa2011
- Malaysia
- Malaya | Ghauri1962
- Sabah | Watson2022a
- Malta | Borg1932
- Mauritius | Mamet1941a WilliaWi1988
- Mexico
- Sinaloa | FerrisRa1947
- Monaco | Balach1954e
- Morocco | Balach1930c
- Mozambique | Almeid1971
- Netherlands | Goot1912
- New Caledonia | Cohic1958 WilliaWa1988
- New Zealand
- North Island | ArchibCoDe1979
- Nigeria | Watson2022a
- Niue | Cottie1936 WilliaWa1988
- North Korea | Watson2022a
- Pakistan | Watson2022a
- Palau | Beards1966
- Panama | FerrisRa1947
- Papua New Guinea | Reyne1961 WilliaWa1988
- Paraguay | Watson2022a
- Philippines | CockerRo1914
- Luzon | Robins1917
- Poland | KozarzRe1975 Szulcz1926
- Portugal | FrancoRuMa2011 Seabra1918
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | ColonFMe1998 Jones1917
- Romania | FetykoKoDa2010 Teodor2018
- Russia | Balach1954e
- Saint Croix | Wilson1921
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Sao Tome | Laing1928
- Saudi Arabia | Watson2022a
- Seychelles | Green1907
- Sierra Leone | Hargre1937
- Slovenia | Watson2022a
- South Africa | Lounsb1914
- South Korea | ESKSAE1994 KwonHaCh2005 Suh2014 SuhJi2009
- Spain | GomezM1937 Martin1983
- Sri Lanka | ChenWo1936 Cocker1896a
- Suriname | Watson2022a
- Sweden | KozarzRe1975
- Syria | Bodenh1926
- Taiwan | ChenWo1936 Cooley1899 SuhJi2009
- Tajikistan (=Tadzhikistan) | BazaroSh1971
- Tanzania | Hall1946a
- Thailand | Takaha1942b
- Togo | Watson2022a
- Tonga | Watson2022a
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Trinidad | Cocker1894c
- Turkey | Bodenh1949
- Tuvalu | Watson2022a
- U.S. Virgin Islands | Wilson1921
- Ukraine | Terezn1986
- United Kingdom
- England | Cooley1899 Ghauri1962
- United States
- Alabama | BesheaTiHo1973 MillerDa2005
- Arkansas | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1982
- California | Cooley1899 McKenz1956 MillerDa2005
- Colorado | Cocker1910b
- Connecticut | Britto1923 Koszta1996 MillerDa2005
- District of Columbia | Cooley1899 Koszta1996 MillerDa2005
- Florida | Butche1959 MillerDa2005
- Georgia | BesheaTiHo1973 MillerDa2005
- Illinois | Compto1930 Koszta1996 MillerDa2005
- Indiana | DietzMo1916a MillerDa2005
- Iowa | DrakeGu1931 MillerDa2005
- Kansas | Dean1909 Lawson1917 MillerDa2005
- Kentucky | Koszta1996 MillerDa2005
- Louisiana | HowardOl1985 MillerDa2005 Nakaha1982
- Maryland | Koszta1996 MillerDa2005
- Massachusetts | King1901b MillerDa2005
- Michigan | Fulmek1943 Koszta1996 MillerDa2005
- Mississippi | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1982
- Missouri | Hollin1923 MillerDa2005
- New Jersey | Koszta1996 MillerDa2005 Weiss1916
- New York | Hartma1916 Koszta1996 MillerDa2005
- North Carolina | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1982
- Ohio | Koszta1996 MillerDa2005 Sander1904a
- Oklahoma | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1982
- Oregon | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1982
- Pennsylvania | MillerDa2005 Stimme1987 Trimbl1928
- South Carolina | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1982
- Tennessee | LambdiWa1980 MillerDa2005
- Texas | McDani1973 MillerDa2005
- Utah | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1982
- Virginia | Koszta1996 MillerDa2005
- West Virginia | NormarOkMo2019
- Vanuatu (=New Hebrides) | Watson2022a
- Venezuela | Watson2022a
- Vietnam | DanzigKo1990 DaoBeWa2018
- Western Samoa | Dale1959 WilliaWa1988
- DaoBeWa2023: pp.1024, 1027-1028 ( Adult (F) ) [Diaspididae on citrus in Indochina and southern China.]
- MoghadWa2021: pp.201 ( Adult (F) ) [Pinnaspis in Iran]
- Hodgso2020: pp.146-147 ( Adult (M) ) [Diaspididae]
- DaoBeWa2018: pp.88-93 ( Adult (F) ) [Citrus diaspidids in Viet Nam]
- WolffEfDa2018: pp.5-6 ( Adult (F) ) [Secies recorded on Olea europaea in Brazil]
- Suh2014: pp.6 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis from Korea]
- SuhJi2009: pp.1041-1043 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of armored scales intercepted on imported plants (slide mounted adult female)]
- MillerDa2005: pp.29-31 ( Adult (F) ) [Field Key to Economic Armored Scales]
- MillerDa2005: pp.20-21 ( Adult (F) ) [Armored Scales]
- ColonFMe1998: pp.119 ( ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis of Puerto Rico]
- Gill1997: pp.230 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to California species of Pinnaspis]
- Koszta1996: pp.408 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to the genera of the subfamily Diaspidinae]
- Danzig1993: pp.312 ( ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- WilliaWa1988: pp.212 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- HowardOl1985: pp.61 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Pinnaspis species of Louisiana]
- Chen1983: pp.18 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- Chou1982: pp.92 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Chinese species of Pinnaspis]
- Wang1982c: pp.85 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- Paik1978: pp.375 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- BazaroSh1971: pp.113 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- Danzig1971d: pp.843 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of family Diaspididae]
- Beards1966: pp.554 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to known Micronesian species of Pinnaspis]
- Takagi1963c: pp.68 ( ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- Takagi1961a: pp.75 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis of Japan]
- Ezzat1958: pp.246 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis known to occur in Egypt]
- McKenz1956: pp.34 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- Balach1954e: pp.277 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- FerrisRa1947: pp.44 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- Ferris1942: pp.SIV-446:60 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- Lupo1938a: pp.300 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- Fullaw1932: pp.96 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Hawaiian Diaspinae]
- Archan1929: pp.190 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- Kuwana1926: pp.36 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pinnaspis]
- MacGil1921: pp.343 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Hemichionaspis] Key as: Hemichionaspis aspidistrae
- Cocker1902b: pp.82 ( ) [Key to species of Hemichionaspis] Key as: Hemichionaspis aspidistrae
- Cocker1900k: pp.349 ( Adult (F) ) [Table to separate the commoner scales (Coccidae) of the orange] Key as: Hemichionaspis aspidistrae var. lata
- Cooley1899: pp.45 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Hemichionaspis] Key as: Hemichionaspis aspidistrae
- Green1899a: pp.107 ( ) [Synopsis of Chionaspis species] Key as: Chionaspis aspidistrae
- General Remarks: Best description and illustration by Chen (1983).
- AAEE1931: taxonomy, 1301
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 37
- AbouEl2001: biological control, distribution, host, 187
- Aczel1936: chemical control, distribution, 44
- AlayoS1976: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 14-15
- Ali1969a: distribution, host, 63
- Almeid1971: distribution, host, taxonomy, 14-15
- AlmeidPeMa2018: distribution, host, 355
- AmunCl2015: distribution, economic importance, host, 5
- AndersWuGr2010: phylogeny, taxonomy, 997-1003
- Archan1929: taxonomy, 189
- Archan1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 78-79
- ArchibCoDe1979: description, distribution, host, 206
- Azeved1923aA: distribution, host, 151-152
- Azeved1929a: distribution, 126
- Balach1930c: distribution, host, 120
- Balach1937c: distribution, host, 3
- Balach1938a: distribution, host, 154
- Balach1946: distribution, 213, 216
- Balach1954e: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 277, 281-284
- BalasSa1982: distribution, host, 414
- Ballou1926: catalog, distribution, host, 23
- BatcheWe1948: distribution, host, taxonomy, 717
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 261
- BazaroSh1971: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 113
- Beards1966: distribution, host, taxonomy, 554-555
- BerlesLe1898a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 123-125
- BesheaTiHo1973: distribution, host, 12, 13
- BicheArMe2022: distribution, host, 507
- Blicke1965: taxonomy, 292, 314
- BockTa1995: distribution, host, 360
- Bodenh1924: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 55
- Bodenh1926: distribution, host, 43, 46
- Bodenh1930: distribution, 17
- Bodenh1935: distribution, 248
- Bodenh1949: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 139-141
- Bodenh1953: distribution, host, 29
- Bodkin1922: distribution, 57
- Bondar1914: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 1099-1100
- Borchs1937a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 108-109
- Borchs1949d: distribution, host, taxonomy, 219
- Borchs1950b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 198
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 110, 112
- Borg1932: distribution, host, 13
- Brain1920: distribution, host, taxonomy, 104
- BrainKe1917: distribution, host, 185
- Brick1912: distribution, host, 7
- Britto1923: distribution, host, taxonomy, 366
- Brooke1964: distribution, host, taxonomy, 18
- Brown1965: physiology, 226
- BrunerScOt1945: catalog, distribution, host, 97
- BugajNJuKa2021: distribution, host, list, 300
- Butani1979: distribution, host, 38
- Butche1959: distribution, host, 364
- Bytins1966: distribution, host, 28
- CarnerPe1986: distribution, host, taxonomy, 46
- Carnes1907: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 203
- CharleHe2002: distribution, host, taxonomy, 589-575,605
- Charli1972: distribution, 215
- Chen1936: distribution, host, taxonomy, 210, 224-225
- Chen1983: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 18-20, 110-111
- Chen1983: description, distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 18-21, 91-92
- ChenWo1936: distribution, host, 103
- Cheo1935: distribution, host, 99
- ChoJeKa2013: distribution, host, 404-405
- Chou1982: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 92-94
- Chou1986: illustration, 496
- Cocker1894c: distribution, host, 306
- Cocker1894d: distribution, 312
- Cocker1896a: description, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 257
- Cocker1896b: taxonomy, 337
- Cocker1896h: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 21
- Cocker1896i: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 53-54
- Cocker1897p: distribution, host, taxonomy, 592
- Cocker1897r: description, taxonomy, 71
- Cocker1897s: distribution, host, taxonomy, 383-384
- Cocker1899a: taxonomy, 398
- Cocker1900k: host, taxonomy, 349
- Cocker1902b: taxonomy, 82
- Cocker1910b: distribution, host, 427
- CockerRo1914: distribution, host, 328
- Cohic1956: distribution, host, 9, 11, 17, 73, 74
- Cohic1958: distribution, host, 18, 21, 23, 24, 30
- ColonFMe1998: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 119-120
- Compto1930: distribution, host, taxonomy, 15, 22, 56, 64, 99
- Comsto1883: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 108-109
- Comsto1916: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 569-570
- Cooley1899: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 45-49
- CoronaRuMo1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 40
- CorseuSi1971: distribution, host, taxonomy, 110
- CostaL1928: distribution, host, 120
- CostaL1942: distribution, taxonomy, 270, 271
- Costan1950: distribution, host, taxonomy, 11
- Cottie1936: distribution, host, 25
- Craw1896: distribution, host, 35
- Crouze1971: distribution, economic importance, 200
- CulikMaVe2008: distribution, host, 1-6
- Dale1959: distribution, host, 12
- Dammer1929: distribution, host, 252
- Danzig1964: distribution, host, taxonomy, 649
- Danzig1971d: taxonomy, 843
- Danzig1993: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 314-315, 317
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 333-334
- DaoBeWa2018: distribution, illustration, key, morphology, phylogeny, 82-95
- DaoBeWa2023: distribution, host, key, phylogeny, 1022, 1029, 1030, 1031
- Davids1974: chemical control, distribution, host, 3
- DeBachRo1976: biological control, 177
- Dean1909: distribution, host, taxonomy, 271
- Deitz1979b: distribution, taxonomy, 23
- Dekle1965a: distribution, host, 1-2
- Dekle1965c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 13, 112
- Dekle1976: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 129, 131
- DietzMo1916a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 274-275
- Dinthe1950: distribution, host, 50
- Dinthe1960: distribution, host, 50
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 116
- DrakeGu1931: distribution, illustration, 41
- DubeyKaJo2022: distribution, host, illustration, key, 510,515
- Dumble1954: distribution, host, 44, 89, 98, 137
- Dupont1931: distribution, host, 12
- ESKSAE1994: distribution, list, 114
- Essig1910a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 210-211
- Essig1931: distribution, host, 871
- Ezzat1958: distribution, host, taxonomy, 246
- FDACSB1983: distribution, host, 7
- FDACSB1987: distribution, host, 6
- Felt1915: taxonomy, 16
- FeltMo1928: distribution, host, 199
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 239
- Fernan1972: taxonomy, 13
- FerraoCa1972: distribution, 5, 13, 17
- Ferris1936a: taxonomy, 21, 59
- Ferris1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, SI-97
- Ferris1942: taxonomy, SIV-446:60
- Ferris1950a: taxonomy, 77
- Ferris1957: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 212
- FerrisRa1947: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 28, 30-32, 44
- FetykoKoDa2010: distribution, 298
- Figuer1952: distribution, 209
- Fjeldd1996: distribution, host, 22-23
- Fletch1917a: distribution, host, 262, 300
- Fletch1919: distribution, host, 298
- Foldi1988: distribution, host, taxonomy, 86
- Foldi2001: distribution, economic importance, 306, 308
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 10
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 15,24
- Fullaw1932: distribution, taxonomy, 96, 105
- Fulmek1943: biological control, catalog, distribution, taxonomy, 23, 35
- Germai2008: distribution, 77-87
- GermaiAtBa2008: distribution, 129-135
- GhabboMo1996: description, distribution, host, 355
- Ghauri1962: description, distribution, host, illustration, 158-163, 213
- Ghesqu1933: distribution, host, 345
- Gill1982c: distribution, host, illustration, 1
- Gill1997: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 230-231
- Gomes1940: distribution, 83
- GomesC1949: distribution, 68
- GomesCRe1947: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 226-227
- GomezM1937: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 209-212
- GomezM1946: distribution, host, 83
- GonzalAt1984: distribution, host, 214, 222
- GonzalCh1968: distribution, 110
- Goot1912: distribution, host, 287
- Goot1935: distribution, host, 31
- GranarCl2003: distribution, host, 631
- Green1896: distribution, host, 2
- Green1897: distribution, host, 70
- Green1899a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 107, 110-112
- Green1905: distribution, host, 29
- Green1907: distribution, host, 201
- Green1922: taxonomy, 460
- Green1930b: distribution, host, 214
- Green1934d: distribution, 114
- Hadzib1941: distribution, host, 187
- Hadzib1983: distribution, host, 185, 275
- Hall1923: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 26-27
- Hall1925: distribution, host, 24, 27
- Hall1946a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 529, 546, 548
- Hargre1937: distribution, host, 516
- Hargre1948: distribution, 36
- Hartma1916: distribution, 104
- Hatch1938: distribution, host, 180
- Haywar1944: distribution, host, 7
- Hempel1900a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 516-517
- Hender2011: description, distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 8,13,125-128,233,258
- Henrik1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 315
- Herric1911: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 39-40
- HertinSi1972: biological control, distribution, 188
- Heu2002: distribution, host, 50
- HillNe1982: distribution, 228
- Hinckl1963: distribution, host, 55
- Hodgso2020: key, 146
- HodgsoHi1990: distribution, host, 3, 8, 11-13, 15, 17-
- HodgsoLa2011: distribution, host, 26
- Hollin1923: distribution, host, taxonomy, 32-33, 68
- Houser1918: distribution, host, 162
- HowardOl1985: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 61-62
- HuHeWa1992: distribution, illustration, 199-200
- Hua2000: distribution, host, 158
- Hua2000: distribution, 158
- HuangPo1998: biological control, 1860
- Hudson1967: distribution, host, 92
- Iherin1897: distribution, host, 410
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 27,34
- Jarvis1911: distribution, host, 72
- Jones1917: distribution, host, 10
- Kalsho1981: description, distribution, host, 173
- Kasarg1914: distribution, host, 135
- Kawai1972: distribution, host, taxonomy, 40-41
- Kawai1980: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 304
- KawaiMaUm1971: distribution, host, 24
- King1901b: distribution, host, 154
- KolesiDe2014: biological control, 102
- Kondo2008a: distribution, host, 28
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 19
- Koszta1996: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 560-561
- KozarFoZa1996: distribution, 68
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 86
- KozarzRe1975: distribution, economic importance, host, 35-36
- Kuwana1902: distribution, host, 75
- Kuwana1907: distribution, host, 198
- Kuwana1917a: distribution, 16
- Kuwana1926: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 36-38
- Kuwana1927: distribution, host, 72
- Kuwana1931b: distribution, host, 167
- KwonHaCh2005: distribution, host, 54-60
- LagowsGo2020: distribution, 69
- Laing1928: distribution, host, 215
- LambdiWa1980: distribution, host, 80
- Laport1948: biological control, distribution, 36
- Lashin1956: distribution, host, taxonomy, 132
- Lawson1917: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 258-259
- LeonKo2017: biological control, chemical control, diagnosis, host, illustration, natural enemies, 64-66
- Leonar1918: distribution, host, 212
- Leonar1920: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 222-225
- Lepage1938: catalog, distribution, host, 415
- LepineMi1931: distribution, host, 249
- Lever1945: distribution, host, 43
- Lindin1912b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 79
- Lindin1913: taxonomy, 78
- Lindin1914: taxonomy, 117
- Lindin1924: taxonomy, 176
- Lindin1931: taxonomy, 124
- Lindin1935: taxonomy, 143
- Lindin1954: taxonomy, 620
- Lizery1936: distribution, host, 114
- Lizery1938: distribution, host, 343, 356
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 128
- LongoMaPe1999a: distribution, 149
- Lounsb1914: distribution, host, 7
- Lupo1938a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 300-305
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 343
- MacharKiHe2021: distribution, host, 6
- Mallam1954: distribution, host, 44
- Mamet1941a: distribution, host, 40
- Mamet1943a: distribution, host, 165
- Mamet1948: distribution, host, 25
- Mamet1949: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 46
- Mamet1951: distribution, host, 229
- Mamet1956: distribution, host, 138
- Mamet1959a: distribution, host, 384
- Mamet1962: distribution, host, 162
- Marlat1921a: distribution, host, 5
- Martin1983: distribution, host, 57
- MartinLa2011: catalog, distribution, 42
- MartinWoCu2022: distribution, host, 6
- Martor1976: distribution, host, 174
- Maskel1892: distribution, host, taxonomy, 15
- Maskel1893b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 210-211
- Maskel1894b: description, distribution, 68
- Maskel1896a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 223-224
- Maskel1897: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 305-306
- Maskel1897a: distribution, host, 242
- Maskew1916: distribution, host, 75
- MastenSi2008: catalog, distribution, host, 105-119
- MatileOr2001: distribution, 190
- MawFoHa2000: distribution, 45
- Maxwel1902: distribution, 252
- McDani1973: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 389-390
- McKenz1956: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 34, 148, 150
- Merril1953: distribution, host, 71
- MerrilCh1923: distribution, host, 236
- MestreHaEv2011: distribution, host, 13
- Meurge2011: distribution, 81
- MifsudMaRu2014: distribution, host, 512
- MilleHeCa2016: distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies, 143
- Miller2005: distribution, 488
- MillerDa1990: economic importance, taxonomy, 304
- MillerDa2005: description, distribution, economic importance, host, 340
- Miyosh1926: distribution, host, 306
- Moghad2004: distribution, host, 29
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 48
- MoghadWa2021: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, key, taxonomy, 201, 202, 249
- MorseNo2006: phylogeny, taxonomy, 340
- Mosque1973: description, distribution, host, 57, 61
- Mosque1976: distribution, host, taxonomy, 55-57, 93
- MunroFo1936: catalog, distribution, host, 78
- Muraka1970: biological control, distribution, host, 91-92
- MurakaAbCo1984: biological control, distribution, host, 237, 239, 241
- NajarrSa2016: biological control, ecology, host, 19-26
- Nakaha1979: distribution, host, taxonomy, 31
- Nakaha1981a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 403
- Nakaha1982: distribution, host, 69
- NakahaMi1981: distribution, 35
- Neves1936: distribution, host, 200
- Newell1921: distribution, host, 50, 54, 63
- Newste1896: distribution, host, 60
- Newste1901b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 180, 187-190
- NikolsYa1966: biological control, 204, 261
- Nishid2002: catalog, 142
- NiuCaWe2023: genebank, phylogeny, 304, 310
- NormarJo2010: ecology, host, 3
- NormarOkMo2019: distribution, host, phylogeny, taxonomy, 29, 43, 73
- OConnoGeMa2013: distribution, host, 39
- Ossian1955: distribution, host, 9
- Ossian1959: distribution, host, 200
- OtanesBu1939: economic importance, host, 365
- Paik1978: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 375-376
- Paik1982: biological control, distribution, 52
- Parkin1906: biological control, distribution, 46, 72
- PellizGe2010a: distribution, economic importance, host, 481,503
- PerezG2008: distribution, 215
- PerezGCa1985: distribution, 317
- Perrie1926: distribution, host, 126
- PooleGe1997: distribution, 351
- Ramakr1919: distribution, host, 622-623
- Ramakr1919a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 13-14
- Ramakr1921a: catalog, distribution, host, 353
- Ramakr1924: distribution, host, 340
- Ramakr1930: biological control, distribution, host, taxonomy, 17-18, 125
- Ramakr1936: taxonomy, 146
- RamosPeKo2017: illustration, key, 8147, 8148
- RangelGo1945: distribution, taxonomy, 25
- Rasina1955: distribution, host, taxonomy, 73
- Reyne1961: distribution, 122
- Robins1917: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 38, 39
- Robins1918: distribution, host, 146
- RodrigCa2012: biological control, distribution, 33-36
- RodrigNaVa2019: distribution, host, 469
- RossHaOk2012: phylogeny, taxonomy, 199
- Ruther1914a: distribution, host, 319
- Saakya1954: distribution, host, 30
- Salaza1999: control, 35
- Sander1904a: distribution, host, 54
- SchildSc1928: distribution, host, taxonomy, 268
- Schmut1952: distribution, host, 579-580
- Schmut1957b: distribution, host, 149
- Schmut1959: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 215, 220-222
- Seabra1918: distribution, host, 10
- Seabra1922: distribution, host, taxonomy, 12
- Seabra1930a: taxonomy, 144
- Seghat1977: distribution, host, 11
- Sheaff1930: distribution, host, taxonomy, 53-54
- Signor1869d: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 443-444
- Signor1883: distribution, host, 443
- SilvadGoGa1968: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 177-178
- Silves1929: distribution, host, 904
- Silves1939: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 793-796
- Simmon1957: biological control, catalog, distribution, host, 5
- Stalaz2021: distribution, host, 475
- Stimme1987: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 21-22
- Suh2014: distribution, host, 1,6
- Suh2016: distribution, host, key, 317, 329
- Suh2020: distribution, host, 4
- SuhJi2009: illustration, taxonomy, 1039-1054
- SuhJi2009: distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 1039-1054
- Sulliv1930: distribution, host, 56
- SureshMo1996: distribution, host, 256-257
- Szulcz1926: distribution, host, taxonomy, 140
- Takagi1961a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 71, 75
- Takagi1963c: taxonomy, 66, 68
- Takagi1970: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 104, 106-107
- TakagiRo1981: biological control, distribution, 318
- Takaha1929: distribution, host, 7, 14, 22, 73
- Takaha1930: distribution, host, 1, 39
- Takaha1932a: distribution, host, 103
- Takaha1933: distribution, host, 29, 33
- Takaha1937a: distribution, host, 69, 71, 73
- Takaha1939b: distribution, host, 264
- Takaha1942b: distribution, host, 35
- Takaha1952a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 11-12
- Takaha1957b: taxonomy, 106
- TakahaTa1956: distribution, host, taxonomy, 11-12
- Tang1977: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 164-165
- Tang1984b: distribution, host, 129
- Tang1986: distribution, host, taxonomy, 298
- Tang2001: taxonomy, 4
- Tao1978: distribution, host, 105
- Tao1999: distribution, host, 109
- Tao1999: distribution, host, 109
- Teodor2018: distribution, history, 43
- TeranGu1969: distribution, host, 138
- Terezn1986: distribution, host, 52
- Traver1935: distribution, host, 61, 165
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 70
- Trimbl1928: distribution, host, 45
- Tsalev1972: distribution, host, 86
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S121
- Vappul1965: distribution, host, 170
- Varshn2002: distribution, host, 70
- VelasqRi1969: distribution, host, 196
- Vernal1957: distribution, host, 14
- VieiraCaPi1983: distribution, host, 133
- WaltmaRaWi2016: distribution, 231
- Wang1980: distribution, host, taxonomy, 192
- Wang1982c: distribution, host, taxonomy, 85-87
- Waters1941: distribution, host, 23
- Watson2021: distribution, 524
- Watson2022a: cytogenetics, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 521
- WatsonBe1937: distribution, host, 16
- Weiss1916: distribution, host, 23
- Werner1931: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 517-541
- Wester1918: host, 53
- Wester1920: distribution, host, 66
- Willia2015: taxonomy, 578
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 218
- WilliaWa1988: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 212-215
- WilliaWi1988: distribution, host, 71
- Wilson1917: distribution, host, 5
- Wilson1921: distribution, host, 24
- Wolcot1948: distribution, host, 179
- WolffCo1994: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 128-131
- WolffEfDa2018: distribution, economic importance, host, key,
- WongChCh1999: distribution, illustration, 31, 74
- Woodwo1909: distribution, host, 359
- Wu1935: distribution, host, taxonomy, 209
- Yang1982: taxonomy, 232
- YunusHo1980: distribution, economic importance, 35
- Zahrad1990c: distribution, host, 16
- ZamarCl2003: description, host, illustration, 35-42
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 169
- Zimmer1948: distribution, host, taxonomy, 387