Valid Names Results
Peliococcus spiniger (Goux, 1938) (Pseudococcidae: Peliococcus)Nomenclatural History
- Pedronia spinigera Goux 1938: 455. Type data: FRANCE: Bessenay (Rhone), on Thymus serpyllum. Holotype, female, Type depository: Paris: Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Parapedronia spinigera (Goux, 1938); Balachowsky 1953: 283. change of combination
- Spinococcus spinigerus (Goux, 1938); Danzig 1960: 178. change of combination
- Parapedronia spinigera; (Goux, 1938); Kozár & Walter 1985: 73. subsequent use
- Peliococcus spinigerus (Goux, 1938); Danzig 2001: 123. change of combination
- Peliococcus spiniger (Goux, 1938); Pellizzari & Williams 2013: 413. emendation that is justified
- Peliococcus marrubii; Danzig & Gavrilov-Zimin 2014: 425. incorrect synonymy
- Peliococcus spinigerus (Goux, 1938); Kaydan 2015: 214. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Lamiaceae
- Thymus serpyllum | BenDov1994 Goux1938
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- France | BenDov1994 Goux1938
- CaballKaRa2024: pp.1664 ( Adult (F) ) [Update of taxonomic key to species of Peliococcus in the Palearctic region published by Kaydan (2015)]
- Kaydan2015: pp.214 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Peliococcus in the Palaearctric region]
- Systematics: Peliococcus spinigerus is most similar to P. marrubii in lacking: (i) multilocular disc pores on dorsum, and (ii) a circulus, but differs in having: (i) 12-16 dorsal oral collar tubular ducts on each abdominal segment, in an almost continuous row (P. marrubii has more than 18 dorsal oral collar tubular ducts on each abdominal segment), and (ii) 15 pairs of marginal cerarii (P. marrubii has 18 pairs). Danzig & Gavrilov-Zimin (2014) regarded P. spinigerus as a junior synonym of P. marrubii, but Kaydan, 2015 regarded then as separate because of the differences mentioned above.
- Structure: Adult female. Body elongate oval, 1.08–1.43 mm long, 0.54–0.78 mm wide. Eye marginal, 37.5–45 ìm wide. Antenna 8 segmented. (Kaydan, 2015)
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of the adult female by Goux (1938). Redescription and illustration in Kaydan, 2015.
- Balach1953: taxonomy, 83
- BenDov1994: catalog, 282
- CaballKaRa2024: key, 1664
- Danzig2001: taxonomy, 123
- DanzigGa2014: taxonomy, 425
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, list, 12
- Goux1938: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 455-458
- Kaydan2015: description, distribution, host, illustration, physiology, taxonomy, 214, 224-226