Valid Names Results
Parlatoria desolator McKenzie, 1960 (Diaspididae: Parlatoria)Nomenclatural History
- Parlatoria proteus virescens; Maskell 1897a: 241. misidentification (discovered by McKenz1960b, 206).
- Parlatoria virescens; McKenzie 1945: 75. misidentification (discovered by McKenz1960b, 206).
- Parlatoria virescens; Richards 1960: 693. misidentification (discovered by Hender2000, 52).
- Parlatoria desolator McKenzie 1960b: 206. Type data: NEW ZEALAND: Henderson, on Pyrus communis, 09/01/1959, by H.G. King. Holotype, female, Type depository: Davis: The Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, California, USA; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Parlatoria disolator McKenzie, 1960; Chou 1985: 221. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 5 | Genera: 10
- Buxaceae
- Buxus | Tang1984
- Malvaceae
- Hibiscus | DanzigPe1998
- Hibiscus syriacus | Tang1984
- Myrtaceae
- Myrtaceae | Borchs1966
- Myrtus | Tao1999
- Rosaceae
- Amygdalus | Borchs1966 | (= Persica)
- Malus | DanzigPe1998
- Malus domestica | Hender2011
- Malus pumila | Tao1999
- Malus spectabilis | Tao1999
- Prunus | Tao1999
- Prunus persica | Tao1999
- Pseudocydonia sinensis | McKenz1960b | (= Pyrus sinensis)
- Pyrus communis | McKenz1960b
- Theaceae
- Camellia japonica | Tao1999
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 4
- China
- Fujian (=Fukien) | Tao1999
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | Tao1999
- Xianggang (=Hong Kong) | Maskel1897a
- Zhejiang (=Chekiang) | Tao1999
- Japan | Maskel1897a
- New Zealand | Hender2011 McKenz1960b
- Taiwan | Maskel1897a
- Hender2011: pp.119 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Parlatoria adult females in New Zealand]
- Tanaka2010: pp.180-183 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Parlatoria species of Japan]
- Chou1985: pp.221 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Parlatoria]
- Wang1982c: pp.78 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Parlatoria] Key as: Parlatoria virescens
- McKenz1952: pp.16 ( ) [Revised key to species of Parlatoria] Key as: Parlatoria virescens
- McKenz1945: pp.79 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Parlatoria] Key as: Parlatoria virescens
- Systematics: Parlatoria desolator is closely related to P. fluggeae, differing in the possession of broader and more fimbriate plates between the 3rd and 4th pygidial lobes (McKenzie, 1945). Early records and identifications in New Zealand confused P. desolator with either P. pergandii, a cosmopolitan pest, or P. virescens described by Maskell from China (Henderson 2000). McKenzie (1960) determined that the material from China contained two species, P. virescens Maskell, a junior synonym of P. camelliae Comstock, and a previously undescribed species, P. desolator, which agreed with the New Zealand specimens. (Charles & Henderson, 2002)
- Structure: Female scale about 1.50 mm long, 0.75 mm wide, moderately convex, grayish-brown, exuviae blackish. Male scale elongate and similar in color to that of female (McKenzie, 1960b).
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustration by McKenzie (1960b).
- Ali1969: distribution, host, taxonomy, 80
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 191
- CharleHe2002: distribution, host, taxonomy, 589-595,605
- Chou1985: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 236-237
- Chou1986: illustration, 644
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 327
- DeitzTo1980: distribution, host, taxonomy, 44
- Hender2000: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 51-52
- Hender2011: distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 8,13,116,119,232
- Hua2000: distribution, host, 156
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 86
- MartinLa2011: catalog, distribution, host, 43
- Maskel1897a: distribution, host, 241
- McKenz1945: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 75-76, 79
- McKenz1952: taxonomy, 16
- McKenz1960b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 206-208
- Richar1960AM: distribution, host, 693
- Tanaka2010: taxonomy, 180-183
- Tang1977: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 120-121
- Tang1984: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 75, 77
- Tang2001: taxonomy, 4
- Tao1978: distribution, host, 86
- Tao1999: distribution, host, 105
- Wang1982c: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 78, 81
- Wise1977: distribution, 111
- Yang1982: taxonomy, 272-273