Valid Names Results
Odonaspis saccharicaulis (Zehntner, 1897) (Diaspididae: Odonaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Aspidiotus sacchari-caulis Zehntner 1897a: 559. Type data: INDONESIA: Java, Pasoeroean, on "Glonggong" (a common name for Saccharum arundinaceum and Saccharum spontaneum).. Neotype, female, by subsequent designation (BenDov1988b,56-58). Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Odonaspis secretus saccharicaulis (Zehntner, 1897); Cockerell 1899: 274. change of combination and rank
- Aspidiotus (Odonaspis) janeirensis Hempel 1900a: 500. Type data: BRAZIL: Ilha das Flores, Bahia do Rio de Janeiro, on grass.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Curitiba: Departamento de Zoologia, Setor de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidade Federal do Parana, Brazil; Sao Paulo: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil; junior synonym (discovered by BenDov1988b, 56).
- Odonaspis janeirensis (Hempel, 1900); Cockerell 1902p: 256. change of combination
- Odonaspis secreta saccharicaulis (Zehntner, 1897); Fernald 1903b: 300. change of combination
- Ligulaspis janeirensis (Hempel, 1900); MacGillivray 1921: 423. change of combination
- Odonaspis saccharicaulis (Zehntner, 1897); Green & Laing 1923: 128. revived combination (previously published)
- Dycryptaspis janeirensis (Hempel, 1900); Lindinger 1937: 184. change of combination
- Dycryptaspis saccharicaulis (Zehntner, 1897); Lindinger 1937: 184. change of combination
- Odonaspis saccharicaulis (Zehntner, 1897); Borchsenius 1966: 225. change of combination
Common Names
- paragrass scale Dekle1965c
Ecological Associates
Families: 4 | Genera: 20
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera | Suh2016
- Cyperaceae
- Scleria canescens | BenDov1988b
- Heliconiaceae
- Heliconia | BenDov1988b
- Poaceae
- Anadelphia afzeliana | BenDov1988b | (= Anadelphia arrecta)
- Andropogon | WatsonOuKa2021
- Bambusa | Cocker1899j
- Brachiaria mutica | BenDov1988b Dekle1965c | (= Panicum barbinode)(= Panicum purpurascens)
- Chloris gayana | BenDov1988b
- Cymbopogon citratus | BenDov1988b
- Digitaria eriantha | BenDov1988b | (= Digitaria decumbens)
- Merostachys | ClapsWoGo2001
- Paspalum dissectum | BenDov1988b
- Pennisetum | Balach1958b BenDov1988b Borchs1966
- Pennisetum purpureum | BenDov1988b Borchs1966 ClapsWoGo2001 Dekle1965c Mamet1943a Mamet1949
- Phragmites australis | BenDov1988b | (= Phragmites communis)
- Phragmites karka | BenDov1988b
- Poaceae | Lepage1938
- Saccharum | BenDov1988b MatileNo1984 WilliaWa1988
- Saccharum arundinaceum | BenDov1988b Borchs1966
- Saccharum officinarum | BenDov1988b ClapsWoGo2001 Lepage1938
- Schizachyrium | BenDov1988b
- Sorghum | MatileNo1984
- Sorghum bicolor | BenDov1988b Borchs1966 | (= Sorghum vulgare)
- Sorghum halepense | Balach1953g BenDov1988b
- Uniola paniculata | BenDov1988b
- Zoysia matrella | BenDov1988b
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 36
- Australia | BenDov1988b
- Bahamas | BenDov1988b
- Brazil | BenDov1988b
- Bahia | Hempel1900a Lepage1938
- Rio de Janeiro | ClapsWoGo2001 Lepage1938
- Sao Paulo | ClapsWoGo2001 Lepage1938
- Cameroon | BenDov1988b MatileNo1984
- Cape Verde | SchmutPiKl1978 VanHarCoWi1990
- Costa Rica | BenDov1988b
- Cuba | BenDov1988b
- Fiji | HodgsoLa2011 WilliaWa1988
- Guatemala | Nakaha1982
- Guinea | BenDov1988b
- Hawaiian Islands
- Hawaii | BenDov1988b Cocker1899j Matsun2013
- Maui | Matsun2013
- Honduras | Nakaha1982
- India | BenDov1988b
- Indonesia
- Java | BenDov1988b Merril1953
- Sumatra | Green1930c
- Japan | Cocker1899j
- Kenya | WatsonOuKa2021
- Madeira Islands | Balach1938a BenDov1988b
- Malaysia
- Sabah | BenDov1988b
- Mauritius | BenDov1988b Borchs1966 Mamet1943a Mamet1949
- Mozambique | BenDov1988b
- Pakistan | BenDov1988b
- Palau | Beards1966
- Papua New Guinea | WilliaWa1988
- Philippines | BenDov1988b VelasqRi1969
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | BenDov1988b ColonFMe1998
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Sao Tome | Balach1958b GreenLa1923
- Somalia | BenDov1988b
- South Africa | BenDov1988b
- Sri Lanka | Cocker1899j
- Tanzania | BenDov1988b
- Thailand | BenDov1988b
- U.S. Virgin Islands | BenDov1988b Nakaha1983
- Uganda | Nakaha1982
- United States
- Alabama | Nakaha1982
- Florida | BenDov1988b Dekle1965c Merril1953
- Maryland | Nakaha1982
- Texas | BenDov1988b
- Venezuela | BenDov1988b
- Vietnam | Suh2016
- ChenJiXi2024: pp.297-299 ( Adult (F) ) [species of Odonaspis]
- RodrigKo2016: pp.5 ( Adult (F) ) [species of Odonaspis in the Neotropical region]
- BenDov2015: pp.449 ( Adult (F) ) [Odonaspis from Australia]
- BenDov1988b: pp.34 ( Adult (F) ) [World]
- WilliaWa1988: pp.198 ( Adult (F) ) [Tropical South Pacific]
- Beards1966: pp.525 ( Adult (F) ) [Federated States of Micronesia ]
- Balach1958b: pp.299 ( Adult (F) ) [Africa]
- Balach1953g: pp.732 ( Adult (F) ) [Mediterranean ]
- Systematics: Cockerell (1897) changed the combination of Aspidiotus secretus Cockerell 1896 to Odonaspis secretus, and in 1899 he ranked A. (O.) saccharicaulis (Zehnter) as a variety of O. secretus. Cockerell (1899) also mentions a new locality collection of Aspidiotus (O.) secretus in Honolulu, Hawaii, on bamboo in 1899, but not of the particular saccharicaulis race.All specimens reviewed from the turn of the century were misidentified as O. secreta/secretus and later correctly determined to be O. greeni Cockerell. Beardsley collected specimens of O. saccharicaulis from "Palau: Koror" in June and July 1953. Ben-Dov may have read Beardsley’s label incorrectly or that it was illegible, leading him to assume that "Koror/Koru" must be an island in Hawaii, as this was the location of Beardsley’s work. Therefore, the status of O. secreta and O. saccharicaulis remains as not established in Hawaii. (Matsunaga, 2013)
- Structure: Female scale circular to oval, 1.6-2.6 mm long, about 1 mm wide; white; larval exuviae yellow brown placed subcentrally. Male unknown (Ben-Dov, 1988b).
- Economic Importance: This sugarcane scale occurs in the major sugarcane growing areas of the world, but it has been recorded as a pest of this crop only from India and the Philippines (Rao and Sankaran, 1969; Kalshoven, 1981). It has been reported to be common in southern Africa on sugarcane as well as on other grasses (Ben-Dov, 1988b); however, Carnegie et al. (1974) did not record it among the coccoids that infest sugarcane in southern Africa.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Balachowsky (1953g, 1958b), Ben-Dov (1988b) and by Colon-Ferrer & Medina-Gaud (1998).
- AgarwaSi1964: distribution, economic importance, host, 149
- Balach1938a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 152
- Balach1953g: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 739-743
- Balach1957c: distribution, host, taxonomy, 204
- Balach1958b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 302-305
- Beards1966: distribution, host, 528
- BenDov1988b: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 56,67,127
- BenDov1990e: distribution, host, 658
- BenDovGe2003: catalog, 844-846
- Borchs1966: catalog, 225
- Box1953: biological control, distribution, host, 52
- ChenJiXi2024: distribution, key, list, 296, 298
- Claps1993: taxonomy, 5,10
- ClapsWoGo2001: distribution, host, 253-254
- ClapsWoGo2001a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 22
- Cocker1899j: distribution, host, taxonomy, 274
- Cocker1902p: taxonomy, 256
- ColonFMe1998: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 134-135
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, 318-319
- Dekle1965c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 101
- Dekle1976: description, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 122
- Fernal1903b: 300
- Ferris1937a: taxonomy, 33
- Ferris1941e: taxonomy, 44,48
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 14,24
- Green1930c: distribution, host, 281
- GreenLa1923: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 129
- GreenLa1923: taxonomy, 129
- Hazelh1929: distribution, host, 1-8
- Hempel1900a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 500-501
- Hempel1901a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 106
- HodgsoLa2011: distribution, host, 25
- Kalsho1981: distribution, host, illustration, 173
- Kirkal1905: taxonomy, 78
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 18
- Koning1908: distribution, host, 1-7
- LagowsGoHo2022: distribution, host, list, 10
- Lepage1938: catalog, 412
- Lindin1937: taxonomy, 184
- MacGil1921: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 423
- Mamet1943a: 164
- Mamet1949: catalog, 51,52
- MatileNo1984: distribution, host, 66
- Matsun2013: distribution, 49-50
- Merril1953: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 64-65
- Merril1953: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 64-65
- MillerDa1990: distribution, economic importance, host, 304
- MonteiWoPe2019: distribution, host, 393
- Nakaha1982: distribution, host, 63
- Nakaha1983: distribution, host, 13
- NormarOkMo2019: distribution, host, phylogeny, taxonomy, 27,38
- Nur1990a: chromosomes, structure, taxonomy, 181,184-185
- RodrigKo2016: distribution, key, 4, 5
- SchmutKlLu1957: distribution, economic importance, host, 499
- SchmutPiKl1978: distribution, economic importance, host, 330
- Suh2016: distribution, host, key, 316, 328
- Tao1999: distribution, host, taxonomy, 102
- VanHarCoWi1990: distribution, host, 137
- Varshn2002: distribution, host, 17
- VelasqRi1969: distribution, host, 195-208
- WaltmaRaWi2016: distribution, 231
- Watson2001: list, 177
- Watson2021: distribution, 524
- WatsonOuKa2021: distribution, host, 82
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 231
- WilliaGr1990: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 563-578
- WilliaGr1990: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 563-578
- WilliaWa1988: distribution, host, taxonomy, 201
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 167
- Zehntn1897a: taxonomy, 559
- Zehntn1897b: biology, description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 1-10