Valid Names Results
Oceanaspidiotus spinosus (Comstock, 1883) (Diaspididae: Oceanaspidiotus)Nomenclatural History
- Aspidiotus spinous Comstock 1883: 70. Type data: U.S.A.: New York, Ithaca, Cornell University, in greenhouse, on leaves and branches of Camellias.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name Notes: Species epithet mis-spelled as spinous.
- Aspidiotus spinous Comstock, 1883; Comstock 1883: 70. misspelling of species epithet
- Aspidiotus spinosus Comstock, 1883; Cockerell 1895b: 17. emendation that is justified
- Aspidiotus cydoniae; Newstead 1897b: 74. misidentification (discovered by Borchs1966, 268).
- Aspidiotus (Aspidiotus) spinosus Comstock, 1883; Cockerell 1897i: 30. change of combination
- Aspidiotus (Evaspidiotus) spinosus Comstock, 1883; Leonardi 1898c: 56. change of combination
- Aspidiotus persearum Cockerell 1898r: 240. Type data: HAWAII: Honolulu, on Persea gratissima.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Ferris1938a, 190).
- Aspidiotus (Evaspidiotus) persearum Cockerell, 1898; Leonardi 1900: 341. change of combination
- Acanthaspidiotus borchsenii Takagi & Kawai 1966: 116. Type data: JAPAN: Tokyo, on Platanus orientalis; Iro-saki, Idu Peninsula, on Ligustrum obtusifolium; Hatizyo-sima, Idu Islands, on Hydrangea macrophylla, Hydrangea involucrata and Boehmeria tricuspis. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Sapporo: Entomological Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Japan; junior synonym (discovered by Takagi1984, 18). Illustr.
- Oceanaspidiotus spinosus (Comstock, 1883); Takagi 1984: 18. change of combination
- Acanthaspidiotus spinosa (Comstock, 1883); Kawai 1987: 78. change of combination requiring emendation of specific epithet for agreement in gender
- Acanthaspidiotus borchseniusi Takagi & Kawai, 1966; Tao 1999: 101. misspelling of species epithet
- Oceanaspidiotus spinosus (Comstock, 1883); Takagi 2005: 52. revived combination (previously published)
Common Names
- avocado scale MillerDa2005
- spined scale insect Comsto1883
- spinose scale Dekle1965c GersonZo1973 McKenz1956 MillerDa2005
Ecological Associates
Families: 48 | Genera: 79
- Actinidiaceae
- Actinidia | KeallHaMc2020
- Actinidia chinensis | BenDov2012
- Adoxaceae
- Viburnum | McKenz1956 Takagi1984
- Viburnum tinus | Bodenh1949 Bodenh1952
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera indica | Beards1966 Ferris1955b Takagi1984
- Annonaceae
- Asimina | BesheaTiHo1973 TippinBe1970
- Apocynaceae
- Nerium oleander | AbdRabEv2021
- Aquifoliaceae
- Ilex colchica | Hadzib1983
- Ilex crenata | NormarOkMo2019
- Araliaceae
- Hedera helix | Bodenh1924
- Meryta denhamii | BicheArMe2022
- Arecaceae
- Arecaceae | BesheaTiHo1973 Muntin1965b
- Arenga pinnata | Balach1948b MerrilCh1923 | (= Arenga saccharifera)
- Chamaerops humilis | BicheArMe2022
- Livistona chinensis | Bodenh1949 | (= Trachycarpus excelsus)
- Phoenix reclinata | BicheArMe2022
- Rhapis | McKenz1956 Merril1953
- Rhapis excelsa | Kuwana1902
- Roystonea regia | MacharKiHe2021
- Asparagaceae
- Asparagus | Ferris1921 McKenz1956
- Beaucarnea recurvata | Merril1953 | (= Nolina recurvata)
- Dracaena draco | BicheArMe2022
- Ruscus | BesheaTiHo1973
- Yucca gloriosa | BesheaTiHo1973
- Bromeliaceae
- Bromelia | Takagi1984
- Buxaceae
- Buxus sempervirens | Hadzib1983
- Cactaceae
- Opuntia | PellizPoSe2011
- Cannabaceae
- Celtis australis | BicheArMe2022
- Celtis occidentalis | BicheArMe2022
- Celastraceae
- Euonymus | McKenz1956 Takagi1984
- Euonymus japonicus | Merril1953
- Coccinellidae
- Exochomus quadripustulatus | BelgueBiBe2017
- Crassulaceae
- Crassula ovata | MifsudMaRu2014 | (= Crassula portulacea)
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros kaki | BenDov2012
- Euphorbiaceae
- Euphorbia regis-jubae | MatileBa1972 Takagi1984
- Fabaceae
- Bauhinia | BesheaTiHo1973
- Bauhinia racemosa | BicheArMe2022
- Cercis siliquastrum | BicheArMe2022
- Robinia pseudoacacia | BicheArMe2022
- Fagaceae
- Castanea sativa | BicheArMe2022
- Hydrangeaceae
- Hydrangea involucrata | TakagiKa1966
- Hydrangea macrophylla | Takagi1984 TakagiKa1966
- Juglandaceae
- Carya glabra | BicheArMe2022 | (= Carya porcina)
- Pterocarya fraxinifolia | BicheArMe2022
- Lamiaceae
- Lycopus | BesheaTiHo1973
- Rosmarinus officinalis | BicheArMe2022
- Lauraceae
- Cinnamomum | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Cinnamomum verum | Houser1918 | (= Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
- Laurus | McKenz1956
- Laurus nobilis | Hadzib1983
- Litsea glutinosa | Matile1978 | (= Litsea laurifolia)
- Persea americana | Cocker1898r Ferris1938a GersonZo1973 Leonar1900 McKenz1956 WilliaWa1988 | (= Persea gratissima)
- Persea borbonia | BesheaTiHo1973 TippinBe1970
- Persea indica | BicheArMe2022
- Sassafras albidum | BesheaTiHo1973
- Lythraceae
- Lawsonia inermis | Merril1953
- Magnoliaceae
- Magnolia | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Magnolia grandiflora | Bodenh1949 Borchs1934
- Magnolia virginiana | BesheaTiHo1973
- Malvaceae
- Brachychiton populneus | BicheArMe2022
- Cola acuminata | BicheArMe2022 | (= Sterculia macrocarpa)
- Lagunaria | McKenz1956
- Moraceae
- Ficus | McKenz1956
- Ficus carica | Ferris1938a
- Morus nigra | BicheArMe2022
- Musaceae
- Musa | BicheArMe2022
- Oleaceae
- Fraxinus excelsior | BicheArMe2022
- Ligustrum obtusifolium | TakagiKa1966
- Olea europaea | BicheArMe2022
- Pentaphylacaceae
- Eurya emarginata | Takagi1984
- Pittosporaceae
- Pittosporum tobira | BicheArMe2022
- Platanaceae
- Platanus | Borchs1936
- Platanus orientalis | Bodenh1949 Borchs1934 TakagiKa1966
- Podocarpaceae
- Podocarpus | BesheaTiHo1973
- Primulaceae
- Maesa chisia | Takagi1984
- Maesa macrophylla | Takagi1984
- Rhamnaceae
- Rhamnus alaternus | BicheArMe2022
- Ziziphus | BicheArMe2022
- Rosaceae
- Crataegus | BicheArMe2022
- Crataegus macracantha | BicheArMe2022 | var. occidentalis
- Crataegus marshallii | BicheArMe2022 | (= Crataegus oxyacantha)
- Cydonia oblonga | BicheArMe2022 NormarOkMo2019 | (= Cydonia vulgaris)
- Eriobotrya japonica | BicheArMe2022
- Prunus | BicheArMe2022
- Rosa | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Rubus | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | Takagi1984
- Salicaceae
- Populus alba | BicheArMe2022
- Populus nigra | BenDov2012 | var. chilensis
- Sapindaceae
- Acer | BicheArMe2022
- Acer negundo | BicheArMe2022
- Dimocarpus longan | Balach1927 Balach1932d Bodenh1949 | (= Nephelium longana)
- Smilacaceae
- Smilax | BesheaTiHo1973 TippinBe1970
- Smilax bracteata | Takagi1958 Takagi1984 | (= Smilax stenopetala)
- Solanaceae
- Solanum melongena | TakagiMo2005
- Taxaceae
- Taxus | McKenz1956
- Theaceae
- Camellia | Comsto1883 Dekle1965c McKenz1956 MerrilCh1923 Takagi1984
- Camellia japonica | Hadzib1983
- Camellia oleifera | Hadzib1983
- Camellia sasanqua | BatsanKaKi2017
- Ulmaceae
- Ulmus glabra | BicheArMe2022 | (= Ulmus campestris)
- Urticaceae
- Boehmeria tricuspis | TakagiKa1966
- Vitaceae
- Vitis | BesheaTiHo1973 McKenz1956 TippinBe1970
- Vitis vinifera | Ferris1921 Ferris1938a WilliaWa1988
- Zamiaceae
- Encephalartos | Balach1956
Families: 2 | Genera: 3
- Coccinellidae
- Chilocorus bipustulatus | BelgueBiBe2017
- Rhyzobius chrysomeloides | BelgueBiBe2017
- Rhyzobius lophanthae | BelgueBiBe2017
- Signiphoridae
- Signiphora flava | Gordh1979
- Signiphora flavella | Woolle1990
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 48
- Algeria | Balach1932d Ferris1938a SaighiDoBi2005
- Argentina | GranarCl2003
- Azores | Nakaha1982
- Bahamas | Ferris1938a
- Bermuda | Nakaha1982
- Bonin Islands (=Ogasawara-Gunto) | Kawai1987
- Brazil | Takagi1984
- Canary Islands | MatileBa1972 MatileOr2001 Takagi1984
- China | Nakaha1982
- Colombia | Kondo2001
- Comoros | Matile1978
- Cook Islands | WilliaWa1988
- Costa Rica | Takagi1984
- Crete | PellizPoSe2011
- Cuba | Houser1918
- Dominican Republic | Nakaha1982
- Egypt | AbouEl2001
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Yap | Beards1966
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017 Borchs1936 Hadzib1983
- Abkhaz ASSR | Borchs1934 Borchs1936
- Adzhar ASSR | Borchs1936
- Haiti | PerezG2008
- Hawaiian Islands
- Hawaii | Cocker1898r Leonar1900 Zimmer1948
- India | WilliaWa1990
- Iran | TakagiMo2005
- Israel | Bodenh1924 GersonZo1973
- Italy | LongoMaPe1995 Lozzia1985 Pelliz2003
- Sicily | Lozzia1985
- Japan | Kawai1980 Kuwana1917a Takagi1984 TakagiKa1966
- Honshu | NormarOkMo2019
- Kyushu | Kuwana1902 Takagi1958
- Kenya | MacharKiKo2018
- Madagascar | Nakaha1982
- Madeira Islands | Nakaha1982
- Malta | MifsudMaRu2014
- Mexico | Takagi1984
- Baja California Norte | Ferris1938a
- Baja California Norte | LazaroGoRo2023
- Colima | Ferris1938a
- Colima | LazaroGoRo2023
- Michoacan | LazaroGoRo2023
- Morelos | LazaroGoRo2023
- Veracruz | Ferris1955b
- Veracruz | LazaroGoRo2023
- Morocco | Rungs1934
- Mozambique | Nakaha1982
- Nepal | Takagi1984
- New Zealand
- North Island | KeallHaMc2020
- Peru | Nakaha1982 SchneiOkNo2018
- Portugal | FrancoRuMa2011 Seabra1941
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | Takagi1984
- Romania | Teodor2018
- Slovenia | Janezi1954 Seljak2010
- South Africa | Muntin1965b
- Spain | Nakaha1982
- Syria | Nakaha1982
- Tanzania | Balach1956 Nakaha1982
- Turkey | Bodenh1949 Bodenh1952 Takagi1984
- United Kingdom
- England | Ferris1938a
- United States
- Alabama | Nakaha1982
- California | McKenz1956
- District of Columbia | Comsto1883
- Florida | BesheaTiHo1973 Dekle1965c Merril1953 MerrilCh1923 Takagi1984
- Georgia | BesheaTiHo1973 TippinBe1970
- Louisiana | Takagi1984
- Mississippi | Nakaha1982
- Texas | Takagi1984
- Uruguay | Nakaha1982
- LazaroGoRo2023: pp.247-248 ( Adult (F) ) [Armored scale species on avocado in central Mexico]
- SchneiClWe2020: pp.67-71 ( Adult (F) ) [Aspidiotini in Argentina]
- EvansWaMi2009: pp.63-67 ( Adult (F) ) [Diaspididae species found on avocado]
- MillerDa2005: pp.29-36 ( Adult (F) ) [Field Key to Economic Armored Scales] Key as: Aspidiotus spinosus
- Danzig1993: pp.40-41 ( Adult (F) ) [Europe]
- WilliaWa1988: pp.184 ( Adult (F) ) [Tropical South Pacific]
- Terezn1986: pp.89 ( Adult (F) ) [Ukraine]
- Chou1985: pp.262-263 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of China]
- GersonZo1973: pp.516 ( Adult (F) ) [Israel]
- Beards1970: pp.508 ( Adult (F) ) [Hawaii]
- McDani1968: pp.218 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: Texas]
- Beards1966: pp.513 ( Adult (F) ) [Federated States of Micronesia]
- Balach1956: pp.52 ( Adult (F) ) [Africa]
- McKenz1956: pp.24 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: California]
- Lupo1953: pp.39 ( Adult (F) ) [Italy]
- Balach1948b: pp.275 ( Adult (F) ) [Mediterranean]
- Lupo1948: pp.139 ( Adult (F) ) [Italy]
- Zimmer1948: pp.355 ( Adult (F) ) [Hawaii]
- Ferris1946: pp.43 ( Adult (F) ) [World]
- Ferris1942: pp.30 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Ferris1941e: pp.60 ( Adult (F) ) [World]
- Borchs1938: pp.142 ( Adult (F) ) [Far East of USSR]
- Kuwana1933b: pp.49 ( Adult (F) ) [Japan]
- Newste1901b: pp.82 ( Adult (F) ) [British Isles]
- Comsto1883: pp.55-57 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Systematics: GenBank Accession Number: KY219060 and DQ145287 (Dao, et al., 2020) In the adult female, it is variable in the development of the trullae, the thickness of the marginal setae occurring on the sixth and seventh abdominal segments, and the numbers of the perivulvar disc pores and dorsal macroducts. One extreme of the variation in the pygidial fringe was described as Aspidiotus persearum Cockerell and the other extreme as Acanthaspidiotus borchsenii Takagi and Kawai. In a comparison of specimens from various parts of the world, these forms merged into an indivisible series through intermediate individuals, and the species thus recomposed was referred to the newly proposed genus Oceanaspidiotus. It was called 0. spinosus, because the earlier named Aspidiotus spinosus was included as an infraspecific form (Takagi, 1984).
- Structure: Female scale circular, with the exuviae central and covered with secretion; colour very light brown or dirty white (Comstock, 1883). Female scale whitish or straw color, flat, exuviae central; that of the male described as slightly elongate but not observed in material at hand (Ferris, 1938a). Some key features that help to identify O. spinosus include: three pairs of well-developed pygidial lobes; median and secondary lobes that are similar in shape with sub-apical notches; median lobes with a broad basal sclerosis that extends into the pygidium; presence of perivulvar pores; absence of paraphyses; long (32 μ) slender macroduct between the median lobes; dorsal pygidial macroducts approximately 14–24x as long as wide; posterior placement of the anal opening (approximately 1.8x its length from the base of the median lobes) and relatively small size of the anal opening (10 μ, approximately half the size of a median lobe). (Keall, et al., 2020)
- Biology: Occurring either on leaves or bark (Ferris, 1938a). Associated with the fungus Septobasidium (Ferris, 1955b). This species was reported to have uniparental as well as biparental populations (Gerson & Zor, 1973). In New Zealand, O. spinosus has been found on the fruit, petioles and leaves of kiwifruit. (Keall, et al., 2020)
- Economic Importance: A minor pest of avocado trees in Israel (Gerson & Zor (1973), and of tea plants in India (Nagarkatti & Sankaran, 1990).
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Ferris (1921, 1938a, 1941e), Balachowsky (1948b, 1956), Zimmerman (1948), McKenzie (1956), Takagi & Kawai (1966), Takagi (1984), Chou (1985, 1986), Tereznikova (1986), Williams & Watson (1988), Gill (1997) and by Colon-Ferrer & Medina-Gaud (1998).
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 36
- AbouEl2001: biological control, distribution, host, 185-195
- AndersWuGr2010: molecular data, 992-1003
- Balach1927: distribution, host, 177
- Balach1932d: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, IV
- Balach1948b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 288-291
- Balach1956: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 78-79
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 260
- Beards1966: distribution, host, 515
- BelgueBiBe2017: biological control, natural enemies, 123
- BenDov2012: catalog, distribution, host, 31, 43
- BenDovGe2003: catalog, 681-685
- BenDovSoBo2012: distribution, 68
- BesheaTiHo1973: distribution, host, 5
- BicheArMe2022: distribution, host, 502
- Bodenh1924: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 33-34
- Bodenh1949: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 55-57
- Bodenh1952: distribution, host, 338
- Borchs1934: distribution, host, 27
- Borchs1935a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 24
- Borchs1936: distribution, host, 130
- Borchs1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 126
- Borchs1937a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 37
- Borchs1938: distribution, host, 143
- Borchs1950b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 215,219
- Borchs1966: catalog, 267-268
- Chou1985: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 268-269
- Chou1986: illustration, taxonomy, 660
- ClapsWoGo2001a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 13
- Cocker1895b: taxonomy, 17
- Cocker1896b: distribution, 334
- Cocker1897i: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 30
- Cocker1898r: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 240
- Cocker1899a: taxonomy, 395
- ColonFMe1998: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 47-48
- Comsto1883: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 70-71
- Danzig1964: distribution, host, taxonomy, 651
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, 193
- DaoBeWa2020: phylogeny,
- Dekle1965c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 29
- Dekle1976: description, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 43
- DooleySm2013: catalog, 12
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 115
- Ehrhor1913: distribution, host, 101
- EhrhorFuSw1913: distribution, 295-300
- EvansWaMi2009: taxonomy, 63-67
- FDACSB1983: distribution, host, 6-8
- Fernal1903b: 276,279
- Ferris1921: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 128
- Ferris1938a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 193
- Ferris1941e: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 47-48,58-59,67
- Ferris1942: taxonomy, 446:30
- Ferris1946: taxonomy, 43
- Ferris1955b: distribution, host, life history, 25
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 14,24
- Gavril2018: reproduction, 242
- Gerson1990: taxonomy, 130
- GersonZo1973: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 513-533
- Gill1997: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 206-207
- Gordh1979: biological control, 911
- GranarCl2003: distribution, host, 625-637
- Hadzib1983: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 219
- Hewitt1943: distribution, host, 266-274
- Houser1918: distribution, host, 167
- Janezi1954: distribution, host, 123
- Kawai1980: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 229
- Kawai1987: distribution, host, taxonomy, 78
- KeallHaMc2020: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host,
- Kondo2001: distribution, host, taxonomy, 45
- Kondo2010: distribution, host, 41-44
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 18
- Kuwana1902: distribution, host, 65
- Kuwana1917a: distribution, taxonomy, 175
- LagowsGo2020: distribution, 73
- LazaroGoRo2023: diagnosis, distribution, host, key, natural enemies, taxonomy, 248, 261-262
- Leonar1897: taxonomy, 285
- Leonar1898: taxonomy, 75
- Leonar1898c: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 56-58
- Leonar1900: distribution, host, taxonomy, 341
- Lepesm1947: distribution, host, 194
- Lindin1911: taxonomy, 247
- Lindin1912b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 203,239,335
- Lindin1935: taxonomy, 129
- Lindin1957: taxonomy, 546
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 125
- Lozzia1985: distribution, host, 122-124
- Lupo1948: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 159-164
- Lupo1953: taxonomy, 39
- MacGil1921: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 398
- MacharKiHe2021: distribution, host, 5
- Matile1978: distribution, host, 63
- MatileBa1972: distribution, host, 113
- MatileOr2001: distribution, host, 189
- McDani1968: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 218-221
- McKenz1956: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 49-51
- Mead1985: distribution, host, 1-3
- Mead1993: distribution, host,
- Merril1953: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 28
- MerrilCh1923: description, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 209
- MifsudMaRu2014: distribution, host, 511
- MillerDa1990: distribution, economic importance, host, 304
- MillerDa2005: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 82-84
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 43
- MoghadWa2021: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, 179-180, 248
- MohammGh2008: distribution, 152
- MorseNo2006: molecular biology, phylogeny, 338-349
- MullenScNo2016: DNA sequencing, genetics, phylogeny, 209
- Muraka1970: distribution, host, 69,72
- NagarkSa1990: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 553-542
- Nakaha1982: distribution, host, 15
- Newste1901b: description, host, illustration, taxonomy, 82,114-116
- NiuLiXu2024: DNA sequencing, S1 Table
- NormarOkMo2019: distribution, host, phylogeny, 27, S1
- Pelliz2003: distribution, host, 102
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 62,72
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, host, 295,298
- PerezG2008: distribution, 214
- RugmanAnMo2010: molecular data, phylogenetics, taxonomy, 30-38
- Rungs1934: distribution, host, 21
- SaighiDoBi2005: distribution, host, 429-433
- Sassce1923: distribution, host, 152-158
- SchneiClWe2020: key, 67
- SchneiFiNo2019: key, taxonomy, 93
- SchneiOkNo2018: phylogeny,
- Seabra1930a: distribution, host, 143-148
- Seabra1941: distribution, 8
- Seljak2010: distribution, host, 110
- SwirskWyIz2002: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 103
- Takagi1958: distribution, host, taxonomy, 122-123
- Takagi1984: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 18-21,37,47,65
- TakagiKa1966: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 116-118
- TakagiMo2005: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 52-53, 72
- Tao1999: distribution, host, taxonomy, 101
- Teodor2018: distribution, history, 43
- Terezn1986: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 91-92
- TippinBe1970: distribution, host, 8
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S120
- Varshn2002: distribution, host, 34-35
- WaltmaRaWi2016: distribution, 231
- WaltonKrSa2009: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-6
- Watson2021: distribution, 524
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 233
- WilliaWa1988: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 193-195
- Woolle1990: biological control, 167-176
- Wysoki1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 905-811
- Yasar1995a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 102-103
- Zimmer1948: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 355-357