Valid Names Results
Newsteadia floccosa (De Geer, 1778) (Ortheziidae: Newsteadia)Nomenclatural History
- Coccus floccosus De Geer 1778: 604-605. Type data: in litter of "Sapin" (=fir tree) needles, by Modeer. , unknown, accepted valid name Notes: Type material presumed lost.
- Coccus uva Modeer 1778: 32. incertae sedis (discovered by Fernal1903b, 37). Notes: Synonymy by Giard, 1898: 9. However, there is some question as to the validity of Giard's synonymy
- Dorthesia floccosa (De Geer, 1778); Kirby & Spence 1826: 183. change of combination
- Orthesia floccos (De Geer, 1778); Targioni Tozzetti 1868: 722. change of combination
- Orthezia normani Douglas 1881a: 300-302. Type data: SCOTLAND: Pitlochry, ?/04/1881, by Norman. Syntypes, female, by subsequent designation junior synonym (discovered by Giard1898, 9). Notes: There is no type material in the BMNH; type material is presumed lost. Illustr.
- Orthezia floccosa (De Geer, 1778); Douglas 1881b: 447. change of combination
- Newsteadia floccosa (De Geer, 1778); Green 1902c: 284. change of combination
- Newsteadia collarti Ghesquière 1933: 268. nomen nudum (discovered by Ghesqu1934, 27-31). Notes: Morrison (1952) states "in 1947 Ghesquière indicated that Newsteadia collarti Ghesq., which he first described in 1934, although it had been mentioned in print the year previously but as a nomen nudum, was to be considered a synonym of N. floccosa de Geer. Subsequently, in correspondence, he confirmed this assignment." Illustr.
- Newsteadia collarti Ghesquière 1934: 27-32. Type data: BELGUIM: forêt de Soignes (Rouge Cloître), 27/08/1933, by A. collart; on Fissidens taxifolium, 24/09/1933, by A. Collart & J. Ghesquière.. Syntypes, female, by present designation Type depository: Brussels: Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Collections nationales belges d'insectes et d'arachnides, Belgium; junior synonym (discovered by Ghesqu1947, 295). Notes: There are three slides in the BMNH of original material (Williams, personal communication, October 14, 1998) Illustr.
Common Names
- boreal ensign scale KosztaKo1988F
Ecological Associates
Families: 24 | Genera: 32
- Asparagaceae
- Aspidistra | Morris1952
- Asteraceae
- Achillea millefolium | BugajNJuKa2021
- Betulaceae
- Carpinus | KosztaKo1988F
- Bryophyta
- Moss | Morris1925
- Cistaceae
- Helianthemum | Morris1925
- Cyperaceae
- Carex | KosztaKo1988F
- Cyperaceae | Morris1925
- Cyperus | Richar1998
- Dicranaceae
- Dicranella | Kozar2004
- Ericaceae
- Calluna | Richar1998
- Rhododendron | KosztaKo1988F
- Vaccinium | Morris1952
- Vaccinium myrtillus | BugajNJuKa2021
- Fagaceae
- Fagus | KosztaKo1988F Kozar2004
- Quercus | KosztaKo1988F
- Fissidentaceae
- Fissidens | Kozar2004
- Fissidens taxifolius | Ghesqu1934
- Gentianaceae
- Gentiana | Richar1998
- Hypnaceae
- Ptilium crista-castrensis | MalumpOsPy2009
- Iridaceae
- Iris | Morris1952
- Juncaceae
- Luzula | Morris1925
- Lamiaceae
- Glechoma | Morris1925 | (= Labiatae Glechoma)
- Thymus | KosztaKo1988F
- Mycenaceae
- Mycena | Kozar2004
- Physalacriaceae
- Armillaria | Kozar2004
- Pinaceae
- Pinus | KosztaKo1988F
- Poaceae
- Poaceae | Morris1925
- Rosaceae
- Crataegus | Morris1952
- Fragaria | KosztaKo1988F Kozar2004
- Rosa | Richar1998
- Rubus | KozarFo2001
- Salicaceae
- Populus | Morris1952
- Populus alba | Foldi2002
- Sapindaceae
- Acer | Morris1952
- Scrophulariaceae
- Verbascum austriacum | Kozar1999a
- Thuidiaceae
- Thuidium | Kozar2004
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 24
- Austria | Morris1952
- Belgium | Ghesqu1934
- Bulgaria | KosztaKo1988F Tsalev1968
- Corsica | KozarFo2001
- Croatia | MastenSi2008
- Czech Republic | Morris1952
- Denmark | Gertss2001 Morris1952
- Finland | Kozarz1986
- France | Foldi2001 Foldi2002 Morris1925
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017
- Germany | Morris1925 SchmutHo2016
- Hungary | KosztaKo1988F
- Ireland | Morris1952 OConnoGeMa2013
- Italy | KosztaKo1988F
- Latvia | Stalaz2021
- Lithuania | MalumpOsPy2009
- Luxembourg | GertssSc2020
- Netherlands | Jansen2001
- Poland | Morris1952 SimonKa2011
- Romania | Knecht1930 Morris1952
- Russia | Morris1952
- Kaliningrad Oblast | Stalaz2021
- Spain | Morris1952 SzitaGoPa2022
- Sweden | Gertss2001 Morris1925
- United Kingdom
- England | Dougla1891a Morris1925
- Scotland | Morris1925
- ZhengWuXi2023: pp.207 ( Adult (M) ) [Newsteadia species in China]
- ZhengXi2021: pp.504 ( Adult (M) ) [Newsteadia species]
- Vea2014: pp.3-4 ( Adult (M) ) [Species of the Ortheziidae Based on Adult Males]
- Kozar2004: pp.38-41 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to the world species of Newsteadia]
- KozarKo1999a: pp.176 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Newsteadia species found in the Oriental and Palaearctic regions]
- Ossian1984: pp.123 ( Adult (F) ) [Ortheziidae of Sweden]
- Danzig1971d: pp.807 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of the family Ortheziidae]
- Danzig1964: pp.621 ( Adult (F) ) [Newsteadia species in SSSR]
- Morris1952: pp.59 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Newsteadia]
- Mamet1943: pp.120 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Newsteadia]
- Morris1925: pp.147 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of the genus Newsteadia]
- Systematics: Newsteadia floccosa is similar to N. kanayana, but differs in the interrupted wax plates on the dorsum and venter, and much bigger number of pores and setae near the coxal base (Kozár & Konczné Benedicty, 1999a).
- Structure: Body of adult female is yellowish or piceous, covered with white cereous matter. Antennae and legs are yellowish (Douglas, 1881a). Adult female oval, covered in large semicircular wax plates up to 1.6 mm long. (Malumphy, et al. 2009)
- Biology: "A biparental species with one yearly generation; all stages overwinter, except first instars; lay 40-80 eggs per female; adult males in July and August (Kosztarab & Kozár, 1988)." This species was collected at 1000 meters above sea level (Kozár & Foldi, 2001). Antennae 6 or 7 segmented, with 2-8 spine-like setae present on all segments, sensory fleshy seta present on apical segment. (Kaydan, et al., 2016)
- General Remarks: Detailed redescription and illustration by Kozár (2004). Photograph in Malumphy, et al., 2009.
- Balach1953h: taxonomy, 94
- BanksWi1972: taxonomy, 347, 348
- BarbagBiBo1995: distribution, 38
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 262
- Boraty1955: description, distribution, host, 66
- BoratyWi1964: taxonomy, 94
- Borchs1937a: distribution, 188
- Borchs1950b: distribution, host, 28
- BugajNJuKa2021: distribution, host, list, 306
- Cocker1896b: taxonomy, 327
- Cocker1902q: distribution, 259
- Danzig1964: description, distribution, host, 621
- Danzig1971d: taxonomy, 807
- Danzig1980b: description, distribution, host, 106
- Danzig1985: distribution, 146
- Danzig1988: taxonomy, 696
- DeGeer1778: distribution, host, 604-605
- Dingle1924: distribution, 385
- Donist1924: taxonomy, 73
- Dougla1881a: description, distribution, taxonomy, 300-301
- Dougla1881b: taxonomy, 447
- Dziedz1977: structure, 57
- Elliot1933: distribution, 142
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, 37
- Ferris1918: taxonomy, 87
- FetykoKoDa2010: distribution, 296
- Foldi2000: distribution, 77
- Foldi2001: distribution, 303
- Foldi2002: distribution, 244
- Foldi2003: distribution, 137
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 11
- Forssl1946: taxonomy, 358
- Frogga1921b: taxonomy, 43
- Gavril2021b: reproduction, 244
- Gertso2016: distribution, host, 153
- Gertss1997: distribution, illustration, 112
- Gertss2000: distribution, 147
- Gertss2001: distribution, 125
- GertssSc2020: distribution, host, 136
- Ghesqu1933: taxonomy, 268
- Ghesqu1934: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 27, 29, 31, 32
- Ghesqu1946: distribution, 235
- Ghesqu1947: distribution, taxonomy, 295
- Giard1898: distribution, 9-10
- Giltay1934: taxonomy, 130
- GomezM1937: description, distribution, taxonomy, 4, 8, 24, 389-390
- GomezM1958a: distribution, host, 8, 14
- Goux1931: distribution, host, 331
- Goux1941a: distribution, host, 39
- Green1902: distribution, 284-285
- Green1902c: taxonomy, 284-285
- Green1911a: distribution, host, 179
- Green1915a: distribution, host, 182
- Green1918: host, 237
- Green1922b: distribution, host, 23
- Green1925b: distribution, host, 517
- Green1926a: distribution, host, 182
- Green1927a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 27
- Green1928: description, distribution, host, 12
- Green1929: taxonomy, 372-3
- Green1934d: distribution, 114
- GullanKo1997: 26
- Hadzib1983: taxonomy, 266
- Harris1916: distribution, host, 173
- Harris1944: distribution, host, 111
- Hellri2004: distribution, host, 82
- Henrik1921: distribution, 311, 312
- Hetsch1903: distribution, taxonomy, 8
- HodgsoHa2013: phylogenetics, taxonomy, 796
- Hoy1962b: distribution, 516
- Jancke1955: taxonomy, 270
- Jansen2001: distribution, 199
- KawaiTa1971: distribution, host, 112
- Kaweck1938: distribution, host, 206, 207, 208
- Kaweck1985: distribution, taxonomy, 8-9
- KaydanVeSz2016: morphology, 180
- KirbySp1826: taxonomy, 183-184
- Kiritc1931: distribution, host, 308
- Knecht1930: distribution, host, 232
- KomosiPo1967: distribution, host, 683
- KosztaKo1978: description, distribution, host, illustration, 11, 12
- KosztaKo1988F: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 39-41
- Koteja1971a: distribution, 320
- Koteja1972: distribution, host, 565
- Koteja1974a: distribution, 246
- Koteja1974b: distribution, 71
- Koteja1976: structure, 268
- Koteja1980: illustration, taxonomy, 75, 79
- Koteja1983a: description, taxonomy, 674
- Koteja1985b: host, 495
- Koteja1986e: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 324, 347-355
- Koteja1987a: taxonomy, 246-247
- Koteja2000a: distribution, 171
- Koteja2000d: distribution, 242
- KotejaLi1976: structure, 658, 659
- KotejaZa1966: distribution, host, 316
- KotejaZa1969: distribution, host, 351-73
- KotejaZa1983: host, 470
- Kozar1999a: distribution, host, 138
- Kozar2004: catalog, description, distribution, host, illustration, 74
- Kozar2009a: distribution, 681
- KozarFo2001: distribution, host, taxonomy, 158, 160
- KozarKiSa2004: distribution, 56
- KozarKo1982: host, 204
- KozarKo1999a: description, distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 174-176
- KozarKo2000: distribution, taxonomy, 227
- KozarKo2001: taxonomy, 132
- KozarKo2002b: distribution, 374
- KozarKoFe2013: distribution, taxonomy, 56
- KozarOrKo1977: distribution, host, 70
- KozarOs1987: distribution, host, 91
- KozarSzFe2013: distribution, list of species, 88, 102, 119, 139, 155, 186
- KozarTrPe1984: distribution, 4
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 39
- Kozarz1986: distribution, taxonomy, 307
- KozarzRe1975: distribution, host, 8
- Kunkel1967: taxonomy, 43, 44
- Lagows2002: distribution, 241
- LagowsGo2020: distribution, 70
- LagowsKo1996: distribution, 30
- Lindin1912b: distribution, host, 130, 163, 166, 178
- Lindin1914: taxonomy, 120
- Lindin1923: distribution, 149
- Lindin1927: distribution, host, 126
- Lindin1928: distribution, 105
- Lindin1934b: distribution, host, 170, 172, 175
- Lindin1935: taxonomy, 141
- Lindin1936: distribution, 161
- Lindin1937: taxonomy, 190
- Lindin1938: distribution, host, 11, 13
- Lindin1939: distribution, host, 38
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 116
- LongoMaPe1999a: distribution, 144
- Lounsb1895: distribution, 131-132
- Luff1904: distribution, host, 277
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, 114
- MalumpBa2012: distribution, 17-18
- MalumpOsPy2009: description, distribution, host, 120-127
- Mamet1943: taxonomy, 118, 120
- Mamet1947a: distribution, host, 49
- MarottTr1990: distribution, host, 108
- Martin1985: distribution, host, taxonomy, 99
- MastenSi2008: catalog, distribution, host, 105-119
- Modeer1778: taxonomy, 32
- Morris1925: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 151
- Morris1952: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 59-60
- NastChKl1990: distribution, taxonomy, 119
- Newste1903: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 242, 247
- Newste1904: distribution, 157
- NormarJo2010: ecology, host, 3
- Ossian1959: distribution, host, 194
- Ossian1971: host, 53
- Ossian1984: distribution, 123-127
- Pierre1928: distribution, host, 7
- PodsiaKo1976: distribution, host, 87
- Rasina1955: distribution, host, 68
- Rasina1959: distribution, host, 109, 114
- Renouf1932: distribution, 265
- Richar1979: taxonomy, 1079
- Richar1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 446
- Rogoja1958: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 310-312
- Roscis1989a: distribution, structure, 1-18
- SampoOl1976: taxonomy, 219
- Schmut1952: distribution, host, 377, 382
- Schmut1952b: distribution, host, 15
- Schmut1955: distribution, host, 160
- Schmut1974: taxonomy, 45
- Schmut1980: taxonomy, 50
- SchmutHo2016: distribution, host, 15
- SimonKa2011: distribution, 234
- SoriaMoVi2000: distribution, host, 338
- Stalaz2021: distribution, 453, 468
- Strese1994: illustration, taxonomy, 79
- Strick1947a: taxonomy, 520
- SzitaGoPa2022: distribution, 3
- Szklar1997: physiology, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36
- Szklar1998: physiology, 167
- SzklarBi1995: illustration, structure, 23-29
- Targio1868: taxonomy, 722
- Teodor2018: distribution, history, 45
- Terezn1959c: distribution, host, 796
- Terezn1963: distribution, host, 191
- Terezn1963a: description, distribution, host, 41, 42
- Terezn1963b: distribution, host, 152
- Terezn1963c: distribution, 1527
- Terezn1966: distribution, host, 20
- Terezn1966c: host, 964
- Terezn1970: description, 26
- Terezn1975: description, host, illustration, 116-117
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 66
- Tsalev1968: host, 206
- Vea2014: structure, taxonomy, 3
- VeaGi2012: host, taxonomy, 760
- VeaGr2015: phylogeny, 62
- VeaGr2016: evolution, 4
- Willia1991DJ: distribution, 459
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 244
- WilliaBe2009: catalog, 47
- WoodwaEvEa1970: distribution, taxonomy, 427
- Wunn1925c: distribution, host, 435, 438, 443, 449
- Wunn1926: distribution, host, 27, 42, 43
- Yang1982: taxonomy, 16
- Zahrad1972: distribution, host, 392
- Zahrad1977: taxonomy, 118
- ZakOgaKo1964: distribution, host, 420, 422, 435
- ZhengWuXi2023: key, 207
- ZhengXi2021: key, 504