Valid Names Results
Neolecanium imbricatum (Cockerell, 1896) (Coccidae: Neolecanium)Nomenclatural History
- Lecanium imbricatum Cockerell 1896f: 38. Type data: MEXICO: Alta Mira, Tamaulipas, on Mimosa sp.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name Notes: Also described as n. sp. in Cockerell, 1896h, p. 19.
- Lecanium (Neolecanium) imbricatum; Cockerell, 1896; Cockerell & Parrott 1901: 58. subsequent use
- Neolecanium imbricatum (Cockerell, 1896); Cockerell 1902k: 451. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Fabaceae
- Mimosa | Cocker1896f Cocker1896h Cocker1896o Hodgso1994a
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- Mexico | Cocker1896h Cocker1899n Hodgso1994a
- Tamaulipas | Cocker1896f
- General Remarks: Good description and illustration of the adult female given by Hodgson (1994a).
- BenDov1993: catalog, 192
- Cocker1896f: description, taxonomy, 38
- Cocker1896h: description, taxonomy, 19
- Cocker1896o: description, taxonomy, 38
- Cocker1899n: distribution, host, 11
- Cocker1902e: taxonomy, 143
- Cocker1902k: taxonomy, 451
- CockerPa1901: taxonomy, 58
- Fernal1903b: catalog, 176
- GullanSt1996: taxonomy, 310
- Hodgso1994a: description, illustration, taxonomy, 393-395
- Miller1996: catalog, distribution, 70
- Willia1985a: catalog, taxonomy, 225
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 210