Valid Names Results
Neoacanthococcus Borchsenius, 1948 (
Nomenclatural History
- Greenoripersia
1929: 112.
Type species: Greenoripersia kaiseri Bodenheimer
by original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by KozarKaKo2013: 334)
Notes: Hardy, Gullan & Hodgson (2008:62) transferred this genus from Pseudococcidae to Eriococcidae.
- Neoacanthococcus
1948: 502.
Type species: Neoacanthococcus tamaricicola Borchsenius
by monotypy and original designation
accepted valid name
- Systematics: Generic characteristics that distinguish this genus from all other eriococcids are: enlarged setae nearly hair like; dorsal surface with multilocular pores; hind legs without translucent pores (Borchsenius, 1949). In Kozár, et al., 2013 Neoacanthococcus (Greenoripersia) was placed in the family Acanthococcidae Signoret, 1875, but is here kept in Eriococcidae because placement of species.outside of the palaearctic are unclear.
- Structure: Body elongate oval. Antennae 7 segmented. Frontal lobes present. Anal lobes medium long, hardly sclerotized. (Kaydan & Kozár, 2010b)
Labium 3 segmented, basal segment well developed, with 2 pairs of setae. Legs well developed; each hind coxa with translucent pores; tibia with 4 setae (median seta absent), claw and tarsal digitules pointed apically; claw with a denticle. Dorsal tubular ducts all of 1 size and heavily sclerotized, present throughout; ventral tubular ducts of 2 sizes. Microtubular ducts present on dorsum. Disc-pores each with 3‒5 loculi in a single ring, present on venter. Cruciform pores present on venter. Enlarged setae nearly hair-like and curved slightly, with apices either blunt or sharply pointed, mainly distributed in rows across segments and forming a marginal band (Moghaddam & Watson, 2024).
- General Remarks: Description of Greenoripersia in the Pseudococcidae good definition and characters given by Bodenheimer (1929). Bodenheimer (1951) again referred to this genus as gen. nov., however, the 1929 description fully satisfies the International Code. Detailed description and illustration as Neoacanthococcus in Kaydan & Kozár, 2010b.
- MoghadWa2024: pp.108
Adult (F)
[Genera of Eriococcidae in Iran]
- KozarKaKo2013: pp.62-63
Adult (F)
[Key to genera of Acanthococcidae]
- TangHa1995: pp.643
Adult (F)
[Key to genera of Eriococcina]
Associated References
- Bazaro1962:
distribution, host, pp. 53
- BenDov1994:
pp. 175
- BenDov1994:
taxonomy, pp. 175
- Bodenh1929:
description, taxonomy, pp. 112-113
- Bodenh1929:
description, taxonomy, pp. 112-113
- Borchs1948:
taxonomy, pp. 502
- Borchs1949:
description, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 43, 51, 55, 322, 364
- Ferris1957c:
taxonomy, pp. 87
- Hoy1962:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 13, 23, 201
- Hoy1963:
catalog, distribution, host, pp. 170
- KaydanKo2010b:
description, structure, taxonomy, pp. 165-177
- Kohler1998:
catalog, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 392
- KotejaZa1981:
taxonomy, pp. 502
- Kozar2009:
distribution, host, pp. 111
- KozarKaKo2013:
description, distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, pp. 295, 334-350
- KozarWa1985:
catalog, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 68, 75
- KozarWa1985:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 68
- MillerGi2000:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 402
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 88, 129
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 88
- TangHa1995:
taxonomy, pp. 643
6 Species