Valid Names Results
Monophlebus Guérin-Méneville, 1827 (
Nomenclatural History
- Monophlebus
1827: 99.
Type species: Monophlebus atripennis (= Monophlebus neglectus) Burmeister
by subsequent designation
accepted valid name
- Monophleba
1829: 233;.
misspelling of genus name
- Monophlebus
1835: 80.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlebus
1845: 21.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophloebus
Targioni Tozzetti
1868: 724;.
by present designation
misspelling of genus name
- Monophloebus
Targioni Tozzetti
1868: 724.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlebus
1876: 363.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlebus
1889: 107.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlebus
1891: 28.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlaebus
Berlese & Leonardi
1898a: 14;.
misspelling of genus name
- Monophlebus
1899n: 2.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlebus (Monophlebus)
Guérin-Méneville, 1827;
1902q: 232.
by present designation
change in status (level)
- Monophlebus
1902o: 79.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlebus
1902q: 232.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlebus
1902: 46.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlebus
1903b: 15.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Burmeister" as author.
- Monophlebus
1915: 160.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Leach" as author.
- Monophlebus
1921: 71.
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Burmeister" as author.
- Monophlebus
1922: 430.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Burmeister" as author.
- Monophlebus
Morrison & Morrison
1923: 1.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Burmeister" as author.
- Monophlebus
1923a: 427.
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Burmeister" as author.
- Monophlebus
1926: 266.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Burmeister" as author.
- Monophlebus
1928: 144.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of "Burmeister" as author.
- Systematics: The name Monophlebus was first published by Guerin-Meneville (1827: 99). Although this name was credited to Leach by early workers (Burmeister, 1835: 80; Westwood, 1845: 21; Targioni Tozzetti, 1868: 724; Signoret, 1876: 363; Maskell, 1889: 107; Maskell, 1891: 28; Cockerell, 1899n: 2; Kuwana, 1902: 46; Cockerell, 1902o: 79; Cockerell, 1902q: 232; Brain, 1915: 160) no recent coccid worker has reported its presence in any of Leach's publications (see discussion in Morrison & Morrison (1966: 124). The first type fixation was by Cockerell (1902q: 232; 1902r: 317). Several early workers (Fernald, 1903b: 15; Green, 1922: 430; Morrison & Morrison, 1923: 1; Vayssiere, 1923a: 427; Vayssiere, 1926: 266; Morrison, 1928: 144) incorrectly cited Burmeister (1835) as the author of Monophlebus.
Vayssiere (1926) characterized the adult female of the genus by: derm slightly chitinized; 11-segmented antenna; seven pairs of abdominal spiracles; derm with one type of multilocular pores.
Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018, resurrected the tribe Monophlebini (including Llaveiini (syn. nov.) within the family Margarodidae to place the genus Monophlebus in relation to other genera that he felt belonged in a subfamily of Monophlebinae (Afrodrosicha, Buchnericoccus, Corandesia, Etropera, Gueriniella, Laurencella, Llaveia, Monophleboides, Monophlebus, Neohodgsonius, Nietnera, Pseudaspidoproctus and Vrydagha)
In 2021, Gavrilov-Zimin synonymized Monophlebus neglectus Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018 with Monophlebus atripennis Burmeister. in order to resolve an old taxonomic and nomenclatural problem. The species, Monophlebus atripennis, is presently unrecogniizable.
- Watson2022: pp.320-321
Adult (F)
[Monophlebidae in continental Africa]
- Gavril2018: pp.158
Adult (F)
[Genera of Monophlebini]
- Vayssi1926: pp.258-259
Adult (F)
- Vayssi1923a: pp.427
Adult (F)
Associated References
- BenDov2005a:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 249-250
- Brain1915:
taxonomy, pp. 160
- Burmei1835:
description, taxonomy, pp. 80
- Cocker1899n:
taxonomy, pp. 2-3
- Cocker1902o:
taxonomy, pp. 79
- Cocker1902q:
taxonomy, pp. 232-233
- Fernal1903b:
taxonomy, pp. 15
- Ferris1922b:
taxonomy, pp. 248
- Ferris1941:
taxonomy, pp. 6-10
- Foldi1998:
catalog, pp. 430
- Foldi2001a:
taxonomy, pp. 210
- Frogga1921b:
taxonomy, pp. 31
- Gavril2018:
key, morphology, taxonomy, pp. 153-159
- GomezM1937:
taxonomy, pp. 405
- Green1922:
description, taxonomy, pp. 430-431
- Guerin1827:
taxonomy, pp. 99
- Koteja2000c:
taxonomy, pp. 205
- Kuwana1902:
taxonomy, pp. 46
- Lindin1937:
taxonomy, pp. 189
- Lindin1939:
taxonomy, pp. 38
- MacGil1921:
taxonomy, pp. 71
- Maskel1887a:
taxonomy, pp. 90,107
- Maskel1889:
taxonomy, pp. 107
- Maskel1891:
taxonomy, pp. 28
- Morris1928:
taxonomy, pp. 144-145, 219
- MorrisMo1923:
taxonomy, pp. 1
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 124
- Signor1876:
description, taxonomy, pp. 351, 363-364
- Silves1920:
taxonomy, pp. 494
- Targio1868:
taxonomy, pp. 724
- Vayssi1923a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 427
- Vayssi1926:
description, taxonomy, pp. 258, 266-267
- Watson2022:
key, pp. 321,335
- Westwo1845:
taxonomy, pp. 21-22
11 Species