Valid Names Results
Megapulvinaria maskelli (Olliff, 1891) (Coccidae: Megapulvinaria)Nomenclatural History
- Pulvinaria maskelli Olliff 1891: 667. Type data: AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, host plant not indicated.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (QinGu1992,132). Type depository: Canberra: Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Entomology, Australia; accepted valid name
- Signoretia atriplicis Maskell 1892: 23. Type data: AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, Wentworth, on Atriplex sp.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (QinGu1992,132). Type depository: Canberra: Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Entomology, Australia; junior synonym (discovered by Maskel1894b, 80).
- Pulvinaria maskelli spinosior Maskell 1894b: 78. Type data: AUSTRALIA: on Frenela robusta.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (QinGu1992,132). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by QinGu1992, 132).
- Pulvinaria nuytsiae Maskell 1897: 313. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, Perth, on Nuytsia floribunda.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (QinGu1992,132). Type depository: Canberra: Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Entomology, Australia; junior synonym (discovered by QinGu1992, ).
- Ctenochiton nuytsiae Fuller 1897b: 1345. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, on Nuytsia floribunda.. Syntypes, male, Type depository: Canberra: Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Entomology, Australia; junior synonym (discovered by QinGu1992, 132).
- Pulvinaria maskelli viminariae Fuller 1897b: 1345. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, Perth, on Viminaria denudata and Hakea ilicifolia.. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by QinGu1992, 132). Notes: Type material probably lost (Qin & Gullan, 1992).
- Ctenochiton nuytsiae minor Fuller 1897b: 1345. nomen nudum
- Pulvinaria maskelli nuytsiae Maskell, 1897; Cockerell 1899a: 394. change in status (level)
- Pulvinaria maskelli nuytsiae; Maskell, 1897; Fernald 1903: 136. subsequent use Notes: Incorrect citation of "Maskell" as author.
- Pulvinaria newmani Froggatt 1915: 417. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, Harvey District, on Jacksonia sp.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (QinGu1992,132). junior synonym (discovered by QinGu1992, ).
- Pulvinaria maskelli novemarticulata Green 1915d: 48. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Victoria, Mallee, on Hymenanthera dentata.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (QinGu1992,132). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by QinGu1992, 132).
- Pulvinaria daveyi Froggatt 1923: 162. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Victoria, Bright, on Callitris sp.. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by QinGu1992, 132). Notes: Type material probably lost (Qin & Gullan, 1992)
- Megapulvinaria maskelli (Olliff, 1891); Hodgson 1994a: 347. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 14 | Genera: 20
- Achariaceae
- Melicytus | QinGu1992 | (= Hymenanthera)
- Melicytus dentatus | Frogga1915 Green1915d | (= Hymenanthera dentata)
- Amaranthaceae
- Atriplex | Maskel1894b
- Atriplex nummularia | Olliff1891 QinGu1992
- Atriplex rhagodioides | QinGu1992
- Atriplex stipitata | QinGu1992
- Atriplex vesicaria | Olliff1892 QinGu1992
- Bassia | QinGu1992
- Rhagodia hastata | Olliff1892 QinGu1992
- Rhagodia preissii | QinGu1992 | ssp obovata (= Rhagodia obovata)
- Rhagodia spinescens | QinGu1992
- Salicornia | QinGu1992
- Cupressaceae
- Callitris | Frogga1923
- Callitris canescens | QinGu1992
- Callitris preissii | Maskel1894b QinGu1992 | (= Callitris robusta)
- Euphorbiaceae
- Beyeria viscosa | QinGu1992
- Fabaceae
- Callistachys lanceolata | QinGu1992 | (= Oxylobium lanceolatum)
- Gastrolobium bilobum | QinGu1992
- Jacksonia | Frogga1915 QinGu1992
- Viminaria juncea | Fuller1897b Fuller1899 | (= Viminaria denudata)
- Loranthaceae
- Nuytsia floribunda | Fuller1897b Fuller1899 Maskel1897a QinGu1992
- Menispermaceae
- Leichhardtia | QinGu1992
- Myrtaceae
- Eucalyptus | QinGu1992
- Proteaceae
- Hakea ilicifolia | Fuller1897b Fuller1899 QinGu1992
- Santalaceae
- Santalum spicatum | QinGu1992
- Sapindaceae
- Dodonaea | QinGu1992
- Scrophulariaceae
- Myoporum | QinGu1992
- Solanaceae
- Lycium australe | QinGu1992
- Zamiaceae
- Macrozamia | Fuller1897b
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- Australia | Frogga1915 QinGu1992
- New South Wales | QinGu1992
- South Australia | QinGu1992
- Victoria | Green1915d QinGu1992
- Western Australia | Frogga1915 Fuller1897b Fuller1899 QinGu1992
- Systematics: M. maskelli, currently only known from the Australian region, is the only non-Oriental species in this genus and has some distinctive characteristics within Megapulvinaria. It differs from other species in having: (1) only 3 stigmatic spines in each stigmatic cleft; (2) eyespots located on margin; and (3) the discal setae possibly on outer margin of anal plates. (Wang & Feng, 2012)
- Structure: Adult female after oviposition transversely shrivelled, brown or dark brown, fiarly convex with a longitudinal ridge in middle and numerous transversely shallow lines. Body elongate oval to broadly oval. (Qin & Gullan, 1992)
- Biology: Olliff (1892) observed that the male requires about 63 days from the time of its hatching to attain maturity, and the female an additional fifteen days before they form their ovisacs.
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustration (as Pulvinaria maskelli) in Qin & Gullan, 1992.
- BenDov1993: catalog, 269-270
- Cocker1896b: taxonomy, 330
- Cocker1899a: distribution, 394
- DeitzTo1980: taxonomy, 27,30,32
- Fernal1903b: catalog, 135-136
- Frogga1915: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 415-417
- Frogga1923: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 132
- Fuller1897b: distribution, host, 1345
- Fuller1899: distribution, host, 458
- GiraldWiDo2024: behavior, distribution, host, Dataset S4
- Green1915d: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 48
- Maskel1892: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 23-24
- Maskel1894b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 76-80
- Maskel1895a: distribution, host, 18
- Maskel1897: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 313-314
- Olliff1891: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 667
- Olliff1892: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 176-179
- QinGu1992: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 132-137
- Willia2017a: dermal glands, list of species, 211