Valid Names Results
Margarodes vitis (Philippi, 1884) (Margarodidae: Margarodes)Nomenclatural History
- Heterodera vitis Philippi 1884: 226. Type data: CHILE: Pichidehua, Viluco and Nos, on roots of grapevine.. Syntypes, female, accepted valid name Notes: Depository of type material unknown.
- Margarodes vitium Giard 1894: 126. Type data: CHILE: near Santiago, on roots of grapevine. Syntypes, immature, junior synonym (discovered by Jakubs1965, 111). Notes: Depository of type material unknown (D. Matile-Ferrero, 1999, in correspondence to Yair Ben-Dov).
- Margarodes trilobitum Reed 1895: 86. Type data: CHILE: Quillota and Canquenes Baths, on roots of grapevine.. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by Morris1928, 227). Notes: Depository of type material unknown.
- Margarodes (Sphaeraspis) vitium Giard, 1894; Cockerell 1902q: 258. change of combination
- Margarodes vitium; Giard, 1894; Costa Lima 1924: 135. subsequent use Notes: Incorrect citation of "Giard" as author.
- Margarodes vitium orientalis Silvestri 1939: 641. Type data: ARGENTINA, URUGUAY and BRAZIL: on grapevine.. Syntypes, unknown, junior synonym (discovered by WilliaFo2005, 21).
- Margarodes vitium; Giard, 1894; Schmutterer, Kloft & Lüdicke 1957: 421. subsequent use Notes: Incorrect citation of "Giard" as author.
- Sphaeraspis vitis (Philippi, 1884); Jakubski 1965: 111. change of combination
- Margarodes vitis (Philippi, 1884); Morrison & Morrison 1966: 186. change of combination Notes: Sphaeraspis a junior synonym of Margarodes
- Margarodes vitium Giard, 1894; Foldi 1984b: 265. Type depository: Pretoria: South African National Collection of Insects, South Africa; misspelling of species epithet
- Margarodes orientalis Silvestri, 1939; Williams & Foldi 2005: 21. change in status (level)
Common Names
- grape ground pearl Foldi2005
- Margarodes del la vid Gonzal1989
- Cochenille du chilli GillChFo2022
- margarodes de la vid GillChFo2022
- perla de tierra de la vid GillChFo2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 3 | Genera: 3
- Cactaceae
- Opuntia | Gonzal1989
- Rhamnaceae
- Colletia spinosissima | Gonzal1989
- Vitaceae
- Vitis vinifera | FoldiSo1989 Gonzal1983RH Gonzal1989 Reed1895
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 6
- Argentina
- Buenos Aires | CABI2000a Jakubs1965
- Corrientes | CABI2000a Jakubs1965
- Entre Rios | CABI2000a Giard1897a Jakubs1965
- La Rioja | CABI2000a Jakubs1965
- Mendoza | CABI2000a Jakubs1965
- Misiones | CABI2000a Jakubs1965
- Rio Negro | CABI2000a Jakubs1965
- San Juan | Jakubs1965
- Brazil | Jakubs1965
- Maranhao | GillChFo2022
- Rio Grande do Sul | Jakubs1965
- Santa Catarina | Jakubs1965
- Chile | Giard1897a Gonzal1989 Jakubs1965 Reed1895
- Santiago | Jakubs1965 Reed1895
- Paraguay | Jakubs1965
- Uruguay | Jakubs1965
- Venezuela | Jakubs1965
- Morris1928: pp.77-78 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Margarodes.]
- Systematics: Margarodes vitis (Philippi, 1884) was first described as Heterodera vitis in Nematoda. Giard (1894) first recognized that it was a scale insect, and named it Margarodes vitium n. sp., Giard, which is a junior synonym of Margarodes vitis (Philippi, 1884).
- Structure: Colour photograph by Gonzalez (1983). Body of adult female up to 10 mm long and 5 mm wide, ovoid and yellow; body with soft, deep segmental folds; densely covered with long hair-like setae; characteristic enlarged fossorial (digging) forelegs with dark brown claws. (Giliomee, de Klerk & Watson in T. Kondo & G. Watson, 2022)
- Biology: Margarodes vitis lives on the roots of grape vines usually at a depth of 20–60 cm, but may occur at depths of up to 120 cm. Adult females lay eggs into an ovisac during the summer. The number of eggs laid varies widely (150–900), depending on the size of the adult female. The second and third instars are capable of producing cysts which can survive for many years. (Gonzalez et al., 1960).
- Economic Importance: A pest of grapevine in Argentine, Chile, Uruguay and Venezuela (Olalquiaga Faure & Contesse Pinto, 1959; Gonzalez, 1983).
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Philippi (1884), Jakubski (1965), Gonzalez (1983, 1989) and by Foldi (2005a). Description and illustration of adult female and cyst stage by Foldi & Soria (1989).
- Anonym2007: taxonomy, 560-570
- BarnesWaMa1969: distribution, host, life history, 1032-1035
- Belloc1896: distribution, economic importance, host, lxxvii
- BenDov2005a: catalog, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 69-70
- Brione1895: chemistry, cxxv
- Buchne1966: life history, structure, 340-346
- CABI2000a: distribution, host, 1-2
- CamposSa1983: distribution, economic importance, host, 9
- Cocker1902q: 258
- CostaL1924: distribution, host, taxonomy, 135
- CostaL1950: taxonomy, 241
- EFSA2019: biology, distribution, economic importance, host, 12
- Fernal1903b: 30
- Foldi1984b: taxonomy, 265
- Foldi2001a: taxonomy, 216
- Foldi2005a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 99-100
- FoldiSo1989: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 418-421
- FrancoCoLu2021: control, reproduction,
- Galet1982: distribution, economic importance, host, 1314
- Giard1894: description, taxonomy, 126
- Giard1894a: life history, taxonomy, 412-414
- Giard1897a: distribution, host, 685
- GiardBu1895: chemistry, 2
- GillChFo2022: biology, control, diagnosis, dispersal, distribution, host, illustration, 72
- Gonzal1983RH: chemical control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 27-35
- Gonzal1989: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 108-109
- Gonzal2016: biology, description, diagnosis, host, illustration, life history, 63-88
- Gonzal2016: distribution, illustration, 25-26, 35, 55, 88
- Green1912: distribution, taxonomy, 65
- Jakubs1965: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 111-116
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 21
- Koszta1987: life history, 216
- Latast1894b: distribution, host, ccxiv-ccxix
- Latast1895b: distribution, economic importance, host, cxxxvi-cxxxviii
- Latast1897: description, taxonomy, 99-102
- Lizery1939: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 174
- Marcha1922: taxonomy, 1092
- MaricoZa1973: distribution, host, taxonomy, 86-101
- Mayet1897: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 241-259
- MirandOl1955: distribution, economic importance, host, 121-123
- Morris1928: taxonomy, 77,78,227
- MorrisMo1923: taxonomy, 44
- OlalquCo1959: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 74-75
- Philip1884: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 225-228
- PicardBa1939: distribution, economic importance, host, 118-120
- Porter1917: distribution, host, 33-37
- Porter1935: distribution, host, taxonomy, 323-335
- Reed1895: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 85-86
- SchmutKlLu1957: distribution, economic importance, host, 421
- Silves1908: taxonomy, 149
- Silves1939: distribution, host, taxonomy, 641
- SmithMcSc1997: economic importance,
- ThomsoCaYo2021: economic importance,
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 241
- WilliaFo2005: taxonomy, 20,21