Valid Names Results
Margarodes Guilding, 1829 (
Nomenclatural History
- Margarodes
1829: 118.
Type species: Margarodes formicarum Guilding
by original designation
accepted valid name
- Margarodes (Sphaeraspis)
1894a: 412.
junior synonym
(discovered by MorrisMo1966: 186)
- Sphaeraspis
Giard, 1894;
1903b: 28.
change in status (level)
- Promargarodes
1938a: 21.
junior synonym
(discovered by Vahedi2002: 311)
- Acystomargarodes
1953a: 152.
unavailable name that is placed
(discovered by MorrisMo1966: 3)
Notes: This post-1930 generic name was proposed in tentative fashion only, for two named species presumably having similar characteristics in the adult stage, but no type species was selected at the time of publication. Morrison & Morrison (1966: 3) designated Margarodes tritici Bodenheimer, 1941, as type species. Regardless of any zoological validity, the name appears to be deprived of status by the restrictions of Article 13 of the 1961 Zoological Code (Morrison & Morrison, 1966).
- Margorades
1956: 6;.
misspelling of genus name
- Systematics: Morrison & Morrison (1966) regarded Sphaeraspis Giard as a synonym of Margarodes while Jakubski (1965) accepted it as distinct. The genus Promargarodes Silvestri, 1938, was regarded by Vahedi ( 2002) and by Ben-Dov (2005) as a synonym of Margarodes. Unruh & Gullan (2007) considered Promargarodes as a good genus.
The adult female of Margarodes mainly differs from Porphyrophora in the presence of abdominal spiracles, while in Porphyrophora these are absent or present only on first two abdominal segments.
Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018, redefined the tribe Margarodini within the family Margarodidae to include the tribes of Dimargarodini, Porphyrophorini, Eumargarodini, Neomargarodini, Tremitoccoccini, Eurhizococcini and Margarodesiini. He did so to place the genus Margarodes in relation to other genera that he felt belonged in a subfamily of Margardinae (Dimargarodes, Eumargarodes, Heteromargarodes, Margarodes, Margarodesia, Neomargarodes, Porphyrophora and Termitococcus)
- Structure: Adult female: Body broadly oval; derm membranous. Antennae each 7 or 8 segmented, cylindrical; each
segment with hair-like setae and sensory setae; pedicel short. Blunt spines present, anterior spines longer than posterior ones. Eyespots and mouthparts absent. Thoracic spiracles developed, each with apodeme present; each spiracle with a group of perispiracular sensilla laterad to peritreme; abdominal spiracles numbering 6 or 7 pairs; thoracic and abdominal atria all containing multilocular disc-pores (Zheng & Wu 2024). See Zheng & Wu for further diagnostic information.
- General Remarks: Definition and characters by Silvestri (1938a), Borchsenius (1950b), Jakubski (1965), Williams & Watson (1990), Tang & Hao (1995) and by Foldi (2005a).
- Watson2022: pp.308
Adult (F)
[Margarodidae in continental Africa]
- UnruhGu2007: pp.169
Adult (F)
[Genera of western USA]
- Foldi2005a: pp.121
Adult (F)
[genera of Margarodidae]
- Vahedi2002: pp.277-278
Adult (F)
[Genera of hypogaeic margarodids]
- TangHa1995: pp.13
Adult (F)
- Gill1993: pp.35
Adult (F)
[USA, California]
- WilliaWa1990: pp.15-16
Adult (F)
[Margarodidae Genera of Tropical South pacific]
- Yang1982: pp.19
Adult (F)
- McDani1966: pp.239-240
Adult (F)
[North America]
- Jakubs1965: pp.183
Adult (F)
- Jakubs1965: pp.184
Adult (F)
- McDani1965: pp.22
Adult (F)
[North America]
- Borchs1950b: pp.32
Adult (F)
[Genera of USSR]
- Morris1928: pp.72
Immature (F)
- Brain1915: pp.183-184
Adult (F)
[South Africa]
Associated References
- BenDov2005a:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 57-58
- BenDovHa1986:
taxonomy, pp. 31-32
- Bodenh1953a:
taxonomy, pp. 152
- Borchs1950b:
taxonomy, pp. 32, 35
- Brain1915:
description, taxonomy, pp. 183-184
- Cocker1902q:
taxonomy, pp. 257-258
- CostaL1950:
taxonomy, pp. 241
- DeKlerBeGi1983:
description, structure, taxonomy, pp. 133-144
- Fernal1903b:
pp. 28
- Foldi1984b:
taxonomy, pp. 265
- Foldi1998:
catalog, pp. 421
- Foldi2001a:
taxonomy, pp. 206,215,216
- Foldi2005a:
description, illustration, taxonomy, pp. 95-98
- Giard1894a:
life history, structure, taxonomy, pp. 412-414
- Gill1993:
taxonomy, pp. 35, 39
- Green1912:
description, taxonomy, pp. 65-76
- Guildi1829:
description, taxonomy, pp. 115-119
- GullanSj2001:
taxonomy, pp. 257-278
- Jakubs1965:
description, taxonomy, pp. 88-91,108-111
- Lindin1937:
taxonomy, pp. 188, 196
- Lindin1943b:
taxonomy, pp. 222
- Lindin1954:
taxonomy, pp. 614, 615
- MacGil1921:
description, taxonomy, pp. 93
- Maskel1887a:
taxonomy, pp. 91
- McDani1965:
taxonomy, pp. 15-23
- McDani1966:
taxonomy, pp. 237-240
- Morris1928:
description, taxonomy, pp. 5-28,62-81,219,223
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 3,40,61,115,161,186
- PicardBa1939:
taxonomy, pp. 118
- Podtia1941:
taxonomy, pp. 59-60
- Signor1876a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 385
- Silves1908:
taxonomy, pp. 140, 149
- Silves1920:
taxonomy, pp. 482
- Silves1938a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 21-22
- TangHa1995:
description, taxonomy, pp. 14-15,19-20,23-25
- TangHa1995:
description, taxonomy, pp. 23-26
- UnruhGu2007:
taxonomy, pp. 166-169
- Vahedi2002:
description, taxonomy, pp. 269-276,311
- Watson2022:
key, pp. 308
- WilliaFo2005:
taxonomy, pp. 19-22
- WilliaWa1990:
description, taxonomy, pp. 29
- Yang1982:
taxonomy, pp. 19,23
30 Species