Valid Names Results
Mangaspis Takagi & Kondo, 1997 (
Nomenclatural History
- Mangaspis
Takagi & Kondo
1997: 98.
Type species: Mangaspis bangalorensis Takagi & Kondo
by monotypy and original designation
accepted valid name
- Systematics: In the adult female this genus is very similar to some 'rugaspidiotines,' expecially Rugaspidiotinus and Smilacicola. It is distinguishable from the latter two in the position of the anus: in Mangaspis the anus is situated more anteriorly and appears to occur on the 5th abdominal segment. It is also characterized in the antennae, which are situated close to the mouth-parts, beset with several microducts and provided with a single seta. Furthermore, the ducts are all small in Mangaspis. In the first insta, Mangaspis is very different.
- Structure: Mangaspis is referable to the Aspidiotinae in the combination of the following characters of the 1st instar: 1) presence of 2 terminal setae on the antennae; 2) presence of a strong seta on the tarsus; 3) absence of submedian dorsal setae on the abdomen posterior to the 3rd segment; 4) presence of submedian dorsal ducts on the abdomen. It is also characterized by the complete fusion of the tibia and tarsus. The adult female is very similar to Rugaspidiotinus and Smilacicola. It is distinguishable by the position of the anus: in Mangaspis, the anus is situated more anteriorly and appears to occur on the 5th abdominal segment. It is also characterized in the antennae, which are situated close to the mouth-parts, beset with several microducts, and bearing a single seta. The ducts are all small in Mangaspis. In the 1st instar, is is very different from these two genera. (Takagi and Kondo, 1997)
- General Remarks: Detailed analysis in Takagi & Kondo, 1997.
Associated References
1 Species