Valid Names Results
Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green, 1908) (Pseudococcidae: Maconellicoccus)Nomenclatural History
- Phenacoccus hirsutus Green 1908a: 25. Type data: INDIA: on undetermined shrub, attended by ants (Crematogaster rogenhoferi). Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (Willia1985,194). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; St. Petersburg: Zoological Museum, Academy of Science, Russia; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Pseudococcus hibisci Hall 1921: 17. nomen nudum
- Phenacoccus quarternus Ramakrishna Ayyar 1921a: 345. nomen nudum
- Phenacoccus glomeratus Green 1922: 389. Type data: SRI LANKA: Paradeniya, on Hibiscus esculentus. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (Willia1985,194). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Willia1985, 194). Illustr.
- Spilococcus perforatus De Lotto 1954: 114. Type data: KENYA: Mombasa, on Zizyphus mucronata. Holotype, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Willia1986a, 352).
- Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green, 1908); Ezzat 1958a: 380. Type depository: Pretoria: South African National Collection of Insects, South Africa; change of combination
- Paracoccus pasaniae Borchsenius 1962: 590. Type data: CHINA: Yunnan Province, Kunming, on Pasania sp.. Holotype, female, Type depository: Beijing: Institute of Entomology, Academy of Sciences, China; junior synonym (discovered by Willia1996b, 621). Illustr.
- Maconellicoccus perforatus (De Lotto, 1954); De Lotto 1964: 355. change of combination
- Pseudococcus crotolariae Yunus & Ho 1980: 52. nomen nudum (discovered by Willia2004a, 405).
- Phenacoccus quarternus Shafee, Khalid & Ahmad 1989: 65. nomen nudum
- Maconellicoccus pasaniae (Borchsenius, 1962); Tang 1992: 502. change of combination
- Phenacoccus quarternus Varshney 1992: 45. nomen nudum
- Maconelicoccus hirsutus; Fallahzadeh & Japoshvili 2017: 13. misspelling of genus name
Common Names
- grape mealybug ManiTh1987a
- hirsutus mealybug Bartle1978e Brooke1964 LitCa1994a
- La cochenille de l'Hibiscus MatileEtTi2000
- pink hibiscus mealybug Bartle1978e
- pink Hibiscus mealybug Charle1997
- pink mealybug BaskarLaUt1999
- Cochenille de l’hibiscus Harman2022
- cochinilla rosada del hibisco Harman2022
- cochonilha-rosada Harman2022
- fuyou-wata-kaigaramodoki Harman2022
- Hibiscus-schmierlaus Harman2022
- hibiscus wolluis Harman2022
- wata-kona-kaigaramushi Harman2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 84 | Genera: 259
- Acanthaceae
- Acanthus ilicifolius | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Eranthemum pulchellum | ChangMi1996
- Pachystachys lutea | ChangMi1996
- Thunbergia erecta | ChangMi1996
- Achariaceae
- Acharia | EFSA2021h
- Adoxaceae
- Viburnum odoratissimum | Stocks2013a
- Amaranthaceae
- Achyranthes aspera | ChangMi1996 | (= Achyranthes indica)
- Amaranthus | ChangMi1996
- Beta vulgaris | ChangMi1996
- Celosia argentea | ChangMi1996 | (= Celosia cristata)
- Chenopodium album | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Hall1923 Willia1986a
- Amaryllidaceae
- Calostemma | Hall1923
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera indica | ChangMi1996 KinjoNaHi1996 Mani1989 Willia1986a
- Schinus molle | ChangMi1996
- Schinus terebinthifolia | ChangMi1996
- Spondias | ChangMi1996
- Spondias dulcis | Mani1989 | (= Spondias cytherea)
- Spondias mombin | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Spondias purpurea | ChangMi1996 | (= Spondias chili)
- Spondias tuberosa | RamosPeKo2017
- Annonaceae
- Annona | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Ezzat1958a KondoRaVe2008 Willia1986a WilliaWa1988a
- Annona cherimola | ChangMi1996 Matile1984c
- Annona muricata | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 MarsarPePe2013 Reyne1961 Willia1986a
- Annona reticulata | ChangMi1996
- Annona squamosa | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Mani1989 Reyne1961 Willia1985 SiriseWaHe2013
- Cananga odorata | ChangMi1996
- Apiaceae
- Angelica | EFSA2021h
- Daucus carota | ChangMi1996
- Eryngium foetidum | ChangMi1996
- Apocynaceae
- Acokanthera | ChangMi1996 Hall1923
- Allamanda | ChangMi1996
- Allamanda cathartica | ChangMi1996
- Carissa bispinosa | ChangMi1996
- Carissa macrocarpa | ChangMi1996
- Catharanthus roseus | ChangMi1996
- Hoya carnosa | EFSA2021h
- Nerium indicum | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Nerium oleander | ChangMi1996 | (= Nerium odorum)
- Tabernaemontana divaricata | ChangMi1996 | (= Ervatamia coronaria)
- Vinca minor | ChangMi1996
- Araceae
- Aglaonema | ChangMi1996
- Alocasia cucullata | ChangMi1996
- Anthurium | EFSA2021h
- Anthurium andraeanum | ChangMi1996
- Colocasia esculenta | ChangMi1996
- Dieffenbachia | ChangMi1996
- Epipremnum aureum | ChangMi1996 | (= Scindapsus aureus)
- Epipremnum pinnatum | ChongArAr2015
- Philodendron | ChangMi1996
- Syngonium podophyllum | ChangMi1996
- Xanthosoma | ChangMi1996
- Araliaceae
- Aralia | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Heptapleurum actinophyllum | ChangMi1996 | (= Brassaia actinophylla) (= Schefflera actinophylla)
- Plerandra elegantissima | ChangMi1996 | (= Schefflera elegantissima)
- Schefflera | ChangMi1996
- Schefflera pueckleri | ChangMi1996 | (= Sciadophyllum pulchrum)
- Arecaceae
- Cocos nucifera | ChangMi1996
- Phoenix dactylifera | ChangMi1996 Matile1984c
- Phoenix sylvestris | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Asparagaceae
- Agave americana | Khan2023
- Asparagus | ChangMi1996
- Asparagus densiflorus | ChangMi1996
- Asparagus officinalis | ChangMi1996 Hall1923
- Asparagus setaceus | ChangMi1996
- Cordyline fruticosa | ChangMi1996 | (= Cordyline terminalis)
- Dracaena | ChangMi1996
- Dracaena trifasciata | Khan2023
- Asteraceae
- Bidens pilosa | ChangMi1996
- Centipeda | EFSA2021h
- Chrysanthemum | EFSA2021h
- Cosmos | ChangMi1996 Hall1923
- Dahlia | ChangMi1996 Hall1923
- Emilia | ChangMi1996
- Gerbera | ChangMi1996
- Glebionis coronaria | ChangMi1996 Hall1923 | ( = Chrysanthemum coronarium)
- Gymnanthemum urticifolium | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Helianthus annuus | ChangMi1996 FallahAbSa2013 Hall1923
- Lactuca sativa | ChangMi1996
- Mikania cordata | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Montanoa grandiflora | EFSA2021h
- Parthenium hysterophorus | ChangMi1996 Willia1985
- Synedrella nodiflora | ChangMi1996
- Tithonia | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Tithonia diversifolia | EFSA2021h
- Verbesina fastigiata | EFSA2021h
- Zinnia | EFSA2021h
- Basellaceae
- Basella alba | ChangMi1996
- Begoniaceae
- Begonia | ChangMi1996
- Bignoniaceae
- Bignonia | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Campsis grandiflora | ChongArAr2015 Hall1922 Mani1989 | (= Tecoma grandiflora)
- Crescentia cujete | ChangMi1996
- Jacaranda mimosifolia | ChangMi1996 Hall1922
- Kigelia | ChangMi1996
- Tabebuia | ChangMi1996
- Tabebuia heterophylla | ChangMi1996
- Tecoma stans | ChangMi1996
- Tecomaria capensis | ChangMi1996 | (= Tecoma capensis)
- Boraginaceae
- Cordia curassavica | ChangMi1996
- Cordia dichotoma | EFSA2021h
- Heliotropium curassavicum | LagowsGoHo2022
- Brassicaceae
- Brassica oleracea | EFSA2021h
- Bromeliaceae
- Ananas comosus | HodgsoLa2011
- Cactaceae
- Opuntia | ChangMi1996 Hall1923
- Pereskia bleo | ChangMi1996
- Calophyllaceae
- Calophyllum | Stocks2013a
- Cannabaceae
- Trema micrantha | Stocks2013a
- Caricaceae
- Carica papaya | ChangMi1996
- Casuarinaceae
- Casuarina | ChangMi1996 Varshn1992
- Coccinellidae
- Scymnus pallidivestis | PriesnHo1940
- Combretaceae
- Combretum | ChangMi1996 Hall1923 | (= Quisqualis)
- Terminalia | ChangMi1996
- Terminalia catappa | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Matile1984c Willia1986a
- Terminalia neotaliala | ChangMi1996 Willia1986a | (= Terminalia mantaly)
- Commelinaceae
- Tradescantia | ChangMi1996 | (= Rhoeo)
- Convolvulaceae
- Ipomoea | ChangMi1996
- Ipomoea batatas | ChangMi1996
- Crassulaceae
- Kalanchoe | ChangMi1996
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucumis sativus | ChangMi1996
- Cucurbita maxima | ChangMi1996
- Cucurbita moschata | ChangMi1996
- Cucurbita pepo | ChangMi1996
- Momordica charantia | EFSA2021h
- Cyperaceae
- Cyperus | ChangMi1996
- Dilleniaceae
- Tetracera | WilliaWa1988a
- Dioscoreaceae
- Dioscorea | ChangMi1996
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros kaki | ChangMi1996 Hall1922
- Elaeagnaceae
- Elaeagnus | ChangMi1996
- Ericaceae
- Rhododendron | EFSA2021h
- Euphorbiaceae
- Acalypha | BenDov1994 Hall1922 Matile1984c Willia1986a
- Acalypha hispida | ChangMi1996
- Acalypha indica | ChangMi1996
- Acalypha siamensis | Khan2023
- Acalypha wilkesiana | ChangMi1996 | (= Acalypha marginata)
- Codiaeum | ChangMi1996
- Codiaeum variegatum | EFSA2021h
- Croton | ChangMi1996
- Croton flavens | ChangMi1996
- Euphorbia | ChangMi1996
- Euphorbia atoto | EFSA2021h
- Euphorbia hypericifolia | Ali1967a EFSA2021h
- Euphorbia pulcherrima | ChangMi1996
- Hevea | Betrem1937
- Hevea brasiliensis | MartinFoPe2019
- Jatropha curcas | ChongArAr2015
- Jatropha glandulifera | Khan2023
- Macaranga | WilliaWa1988a
- Manihot esculenta | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1970DJ Willia1986a
- Ricinus communis | ChangMi1996 FallahAbSa2013
- Fabaceae
- Acacia acatlensis | EFSA2021h
- Acacia cochliacantha | EFSA2021h
- Acacia farnesiana | EFSA2021h
- Acacia hindsii | EFSA2021h
- Acacia nilotica | AbdRabEv2021
- Albizia | EFSA2021h
- Albizia lebbeck | BenDov1994 Ezzat1958a Hall1922 Matile1984c Willia1986a
- Albizia niopoides | ChangMi1996
- Albizia saman | ChangMi1996
- Arachis hypogaea | ChangMi1996 Hall1923 Mani1989
- Bauhinia | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Hall1922 Willia1986a
- Bauhinia forficata | ChangMi1996 | (= Bauhinia candicans)
- Bauhinia racemosa | ChangMi1996
- Bauhinia vahlii | ChangMi1996
- Bauhinia variegata | ChangMi1996
- Biancaea decapetala | ChangMi1996 | (= Caesalpinia sepiaria, Caesalpinia decapetala)
- Caesalpinia coriaria | ChangMi1996
- Caesalpinia pulcherrima | ChangMi1996
- Cajanus cajan | ChangMi1996 Hall1922 Mani1989 | (= Cajanus indicus)
- Calliandra | ChangMi1996
- Cassia | ChangMi1996
- Cassia glauca | ChangMi1996
- Cassia javanica | EFSA2021h
- Cassia renigera | ChangMi1996
- Centrolobium paraense | MarsarPePe2013
- Ceratonia siliqua | ChangMi1996 Hall1922 Matile1984c
- Clitoria ternatea | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Crotalaria | Betrem1937
- Crotalaria micans | EFSA2021h
- Dalbergia | EFSA2021h
- Delonix regia | ChangMi1996 | (= Poinciana regia)
- Desmanthus virgatus | EFSA2021h
- Enterolobium | EFSA2021h
- Enterolobium cyclocarpum | EFSA2021h
- Erythrina | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1985 Willia1986a WilliaWa1988a
- Erythrina corallodendron | ChangMi1996
- Erythrina crista-galli | ChangMi1996
- Erythrina resinifera | ChangMi1996
- Erythrina speciosa | ChangMi1996
- Erythrina stricta | ChangMi1996
- Erythrina subumbrans | EFSA2021h
- Erythrina variegata | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Erythrina vespertilio | ChangMi1996
- Gliricidia | EFSA2021h
- Gliricidia maculata | EFSA2021h
- Gliricidia sepium | ChangMi1996
- Glycine max | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 MarsarPePe2013 Willia1985 Willia1986a
- Inga | ChangMi1996
- Inga edulis | MarsarPePe2013
- Inga ingoides | EFSA2021h
- Inga vera | EFSA2021h
- Leucaena | EFSA2021h
- Leucaena leucocephala | Betrem1937 ChangMi1996 | (= Leucaena glauca)
- Medicago sativa | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Mimosa caesalpiniifolia | MarqueAzSa2018 PachecKaSi2019
- Mimosa diplotricha | EFSA2021h
- Mimosa pigra | EFSA2021h
- Mimosa pudica | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 TuWuLe1988
- Mimosa tenuiflora | EFSA2021h PachecKaSi2019 | (= Mimosa hostilis)
- Parkinsonia aculeata | ChangMi1996 Hall1922 Mani1989
- Phaseolus vulgaris | ChangMi1996
- Pithecellobium | EFSA2021h
- Pithecellobium caribaeum | ChangMi1996 | (= Albizia caribaea)
- Prosopis | Moghad2013a
- Prosopis cineraria | Moghad2013a | (= Prosopis spicigera)
- Prosopis laevigata | EFSA2021h
- Robinia pseudoacacia | ChangMi1996 Hall1922 Mani1989
- Samanea saman | Ali1968 BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Morris1920
- Senna italica | ChangMi1996 | (= Cassia obovata)
- Senna obtusifolia | ChangMi1996
- Senna polyphylla | Stocks2013a
- Senna siamea | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Mani1989 Willia1986a | (= Cassia siamea)
- Senna sulfurea | ChangMi1996
- Senna surattensis | ChangMi1996
- Sesbania sesban | ChangMi1996 | (= Sesbania aegyptiaca)
- Tamarindus indica | ChangMi1996
- Templetonia | ChangMi1996
- Tephrosia | Betrem1937
- Teramnus labialis | EFSA2021h
- Vachellia nilotica | BenDov1994 FallahJa2017 Hall1922 | (= Acacia arabica)
- Vigna mungo | ChangMi1996 | (= Phaseolus mungo)
- Vigna unguiculata | ChangMi1996
- Fagaceae
- Lithocarpus | BenDov1994 Borchs1962 ChongArAr2015 | (= Pasania)
- Quercus | BenDov1994 Wang1981TC
- Gesneriaceae
- Chrysothemis pulchella | ChangMi1996
- Heliconiaceae
- Heliconia | ChangMi1996
- Lamiaceae
- Aegiphila martinicensis | EFSA2021h
- Clerodendrum aculeatum | ChangMi1996
- Clerodendrum infortunatum | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Coleus | Khan2023
- Holmskioldia sanguinea | ChangMi1996
- Leonotis nepetifolia | ChangMi1996
- Tectona grandis | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 PeresFBeWo2017 Reyne1961 Willia1986a WilliaWa1988a
- Volkameria aculeata | ChangMi1996 ChongArAr2015
- Lauraceae
- Persea americana | ChangMi1996
- Lecythidaceae
- Couroupita guianensis | ChangMi1996
- Lythraceae
- Lagerstroemia speciosa | ChangMi1996
- Lawsonia | ChangMi1996
- Lawsonia inermis | Moghad2013a
- Punica granatum | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Matile1984c SiriseWaHe2013
- Malpighiaceae
- Malpighia | EFSA2021h
- Malpighia emarginata | RamosPeKo2017 | (= Malpighia punicifolia)
- Malpighia glabra | ChangMi1996
- Malvaceae
- Abelmoschus esculentus | ChangMi1996 CulikMaZa2013 Mani1989 Matile1984c Willia1986a | (= Hibiscus esculentus)
- Abelmoschus manihot | ChangMi1996 WilliaWa1988a | (= Hibiscus manihot)
- Abutilon fruticosum | FallahAbSa2013
- Abutilon indicum | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994
- Althaea | ChangMi1996
- Byttneria aculeata | EFSA2021h
- Ceiba pentandra | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 DeLott1964 Willia1986a
- Corchorus | EFSA2021h
- Corchorus capsularis | EFSA2021h
- Corchorus olitorius | ChangMi1996 Hall1922
- Gossypium | BenDov1994 Brooke1964 ChangMi1996 DeLott1964 Ezzat1958a Willia1986a
- Gossypium arboreum | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Gossypium herbaceum | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Gossypium hirsutum | EFSA2021h
- Grewia | ChangMi1996
- Guazuma ulmifolia | EFSA2021h
- Hibiscus | Ali1968 BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 DeLott1964 Morris1920 Takaha1942b Willia1986a WilliaWa1988a
- Hibiscus acetosella | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Hibiscus boryanus | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Hibiscus cannabinus | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Hibiscus mutabilis | ChangMi1996 Mani1989 TuWuLe1988
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Mani1989 Matile1984c SartiaWaNo2016 Willia1985 Willia1986a WilliaWa1988a
- Hibiscus sabdariffa | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Mani1989 Willia1986a
- Hibiscus schizopetalus | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Ezzat1958a Willia1986a
- Hibiscus surattensis | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 DeLott1964 Willia1986a
- Hibiscus syriacus | ChangMi1996
- Hibiscus tiliaceus | ChangMi1996 WilliaMi2010 WilliaWa1988a | (= Hibiscus tiliaceus)
- Malachra alceifolia | EFSA2021h
- Malvaviscus arboreus | ChangMi1996 EFSA2021h | var. mexicanus (= Malvaviscus conzattii)
- Paritium | ChangMi1996
- Pavonia | ChangMi1996
- Sida acuta | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Talipariti elatum | ChangMi1996 | (= Hibiscus elatus)
- Theobroma bicolor | MartinFoPe2019
- Theobroma cacao | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 DeLott1964 WilliaWa1988a
- Theobroma grandiflorum | PerontMaAl2016
- Theobroma speciosum | MartinFoPe2019
- Thespesia lampas | BenDov1994 Green1922
- Thespesia populnea | WilliaWa1988a
- Marantaceae
- Calathea warszewiczii | FallahShOs2007
- Melastomataceae
- Miconia cornifolia | ChangMi1996
- Meliaceae
- Cedrela odorata | EFSA2021h
- Melia azedarach | ChangMi1996 Willia1986a | (= Azadirachta indica)
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus altilis | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 WilliaWa1988a
- Ficus | AvasthSh1987 WilliaWa1988a
- Ficus amplissima | Mani1989 | (= Ficus indica)
- Ficus benghalensis | ChangMi1996
- Ficus benjamina | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 TuWuLe1988
- Ficus carica | ChangMi1996 Matile1984c
- Ficus elastica | ChangMi1996
- Ficus lacor | ChangMi1996 | (= Ficus infectoria, Ficus virens)
- Ficus laurifolia | EFSA2021h
- Ficus obtusifolia | EFSA2021h
- Ficus pertusa | EFSA2021h
- Ficus platyphylla | ChangMi1996 Hall1922
- Ficus pumila | PerontMaAl2016
- Ficus racemosa | EFSA2021h
- Ficus religiosa | ChangMi1996 FallahAbSa2013 Mani1989
- Ficus semicordata | ChangMi1996 Mani1989 | (= Ficus cunia)
- Morus | Ali1968 BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Morus alba | ChangMi1996 Mani1989 Matile1984c Takaha1928 TuWuLe1988
- Morus nigra | ChangMi1996
- Musaceae
- Musa | ChangMi1996 Willia1985
- Musa paradisiaca | EFSA2021h
- Myrtaceae
- Callistemon | ChangMi1996
- Eugenia uniflora | PerontMaAl2016
- Myrtus communis | ChangMi1996 Matile1984c
- Psidium guajava | BenDov1994 DeLott1964 Ezzat1958a Hall1922 KondoRaVe2008 Mani1989 Matile1984c Willia1986a SiriseWaHe2013
- Syzygium aqueum | ChangMi1996
- Syzygium aromaticum | Moghad2013a
- Syzygium cumini | ChangMi1996 Mani1989 | (= Eugenia jambolana)
- Syzygium malaccense | ChangMi1996 | (= Eugenia malaccensis)
- Nephrolepidaceae
- Nephrolepis biserrata | ChongArAr2015
- Nephrolepis exaltata | ChangMi1996
- Nyctaginaceae
- Bougainvillea | ChangMi1996 Hall1922
- Bougainvillea spectabilis | ChangMi1996
- Oleaceae
- Jasminum | ChangMi1996
- Jasminum sambac | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Orchidaceae
- Dendrobium | ChangMi1996
- Oxalidaceae
- Averrhoa carambola | ChangMi1996
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflora caerulea | ChangMi1996 | (= Passiflora grandiflora)
- Passiflora edulis | ChangMi1996 SiriseWaHe2013
- Passiflora quadrangularis | ChangMi1996
- Phyllanthaceae
- Phyllanthus acidus | ChangMi1996
- Phyllanthus amarus | ChangMi1996
- Phyllanthus elsiae | EFSA2021h
- Phyllanthus niruri | Mani1989
- Phyllanthus urinaria | ChangMi1996
- Phytolaccaceae
- Petiveria alliacea | ChangMi1996
- Rivina humilis | ChangMi1996
- Piperaceae
- Peperomia pellucida | ChangMi1996
- Piper tuberculatum | ChangMi1996
- Plantaginaceae
- Russelia equisetiformis | ChangMi1996
- Scoparia dulcis | ChangMi1996
- Plumbaginaceae
- Plumbago auriculata | ChangMi1996
- Poaceae
- Saccharum officinarum | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Zea mays | ChangMi1996 Hall1923
- Polygonaceae
- Coccoloba uvifera | ChangMi1996
- Portulacaceae
- Portulaca grandiflora | EFSA2021h
- Portulaca oleracea | ChangMi1996
- Portulaca pilosa | ChangMi1996
- Proteaceae
- Grevillea robusta | ChangMi1996 Hall1922 Mani1989
- Rhamnaceae
- Colubrina arborescens | ChangMi1996
- Ziziphus | ChangMi1996
- Ziziphus jujuba | Willia2005
- Ziziphus mauritiana | EFSA2021h
- Ziziphus mucronata | BenDov1994 DeLott1954 Willia1986a
- Ziziphus spina-christi | Matile1984c
- Rosaceae
- Crataegus | ChangMi1996
- Cydonia oblonga | ChangMi1996
- Eriobotrya japonica | ChongArAr2015
- Malus domestica | Matile1984c | (= Pyrus malus)
- Malus sylvestris | ChongArAr2015
- Prunus armeniaca | ChangMi1996
- Prunus domestica | ChangMi1996
- Prunus persica | ChangMi1996
- Prunus salicina | EFSA2021h
- Pyrus communis | ChangMi1996
- Rosa | ChangMi1996
- Rosa obtusifolia | ChangMi1996
- Rubiaceae
- Coffea | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Coffea arabica | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996
- Coffea canephora | EFSA2021h
- Haldina cordifolia | ChangMi1996 | (= Adina cordifolia)
- Hamelia | ChangMi1996
- Ixora | ChangMi1996
- Ixora chinensis | EFSA2021h
- Ixora coccinea | Khan2023
- Mussaenda | ChangMi1996
- Mussaenda erythrophylla | EFSA2021h
- Mussaenda philippica | Khan2023
- Rutaceae
- Aegle marmelos | ChangMi1996
- Citrus | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 KondoRaVe2008 Matile1984c Willia1986a WilliaWa1988a
- Citrus aurantiifolia | Willia1985
- Citrus aurantium | ChangMi1996
- Citrus maxima | EFSA2021h
- Citrus medica | Brooke1964 ChongArAr2015
- Citrus nobilis | EFSA2021h
- Citrus paradisi | ChangMi1996
- Citrus reticulata | ChangMi1996 | (= Citrus nobilis)
- Citrus sinensis | Moghad2013a
- Glycosmis pentaphylla | ChangMi1996
- Murraya koenigii | ChangMi1996
- Murraya paniculata | ChangMi1996 | (= Murraya exotica)
- Salicaceae
- Dovyalis | ChongArAr2015
- Flacourtia indica | ChangMi1996
- Salix | ChangMi1996
- Sapindaceae
- Blighia sapida | ChangMi1996
- Dimocarpus longan | MartinLa2011
- Dodonaea viscosa | BenDov1994 Matile1984c
- Melicoccus | ChangMi1996
- Melicoccus bijugatus | ChangMi1996
- Nephelium lappaceum | GermaiDeLa2016
- Sapotaceae
- Manilkara zapota | ChangMi1996
- Solanaceae
- Capsicum | ChangMi1996
- Capsicum annuum | ChangMi1996
- Capsicum frutescens | ChangMi1996
- Cestrum nocturnum | ChangMi1996
- Datura | ChangMi1996
- Solandra | EFSA2021h
- Solanum aethiopicum | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Solanum americanum | CulikMaZa2013
- Solanum bicolor | ChangMi1996
- Solanum donianum | BenDov1994 TuWuLe1988 | (= Solanum verbascifolium)
- Solanum lycopersicum | ChangMi1996 MarsarPePe2013 | (= Lycopersicon esculentum)
- Solanum melongena | ChangMi1996
- Solanum umbellatum | EFSA2021h
- Talinaceae
- Talinum paniculatum | EFSA2021h
- Tamaricaceae
- Tamaricaceae | Moghad2013
- Tamarix | Moghad2013a
- Tamarix senegalensis | LagowsGoHo2022
- Urticaceae
- Boehmeria nivea | ChangMi1996 Mani1989
- Laportea aestuans | ChangMi1996
- Verbenaceae
- Duranta | BenDov1994 ChangMi1996 Willia1986a
- Duranta erecta | ChangMi1996 | (= Duranta repens)
- Lantana | ChangMi1996
- Lantana camara | Matile1984c
- Petrea volubilis | ChongArAr2015 | (= Petrea arborea)
- Stachytarpheta jamaicensis | ChangMi1996
- Vitaceae
- Cissus verticillata | ChangMi1996
- Vitis vinifera | AminYo2005 ChangMi1996 Mani1989 Matile1984c
- Zingiberaceae
- Alpinia | ChangMi1996
- Alpinia purpurata | EFSA2021h
- Zygophyllaceae
- Zygophyllum fontanesii | LagowsGoHo2022 | (= Tetraena fontanesii)
Families: 23 | Genera: 72
- Aphelinidae
- Coccophagus pseudococci | FallahShOs2007
- Euryischomyia | PrasanBa2015
- Marietta leopardiana | FallahShOs2007
- Marietta picta | FallahShOs2007
- Braconidae
- Centistes | PrasanBa2015
- Phanerotoma dentata | ChongArAr2015
- Cecidomyiidae
- Diadiplosis coccidivora | Barnes1930
- Triommata coccidivora | ChongArAr2015
- Chamaemyiidae
- Leucopina nyiaybsa | MontesKoGa2024 | The larvae of this species feed on the eggs within the mealybug’s ovisac.
- Chrysopidae
- Apertochrysa | ChongArAr2015
- Borniochrysa squamosus | ChongArAr2015
- Brinckochrysa scelestes | ChongArAr2015
- Ceraeochrysa | PerontMaAl2016
- Chrysoperla carnea | ChongArAr2015
- Dichochrysa aegyptiaca | ChongArAr2015
- Mallada desjardinsi | ChongArAr2015
- Pseudomallada aegyptiacus | PriesnHo1940 | (= Chrysopa vulgaris aegyptiaca)
- Clavicipitaceae
- Beauveria bassiana | ElkhatMoEl2021
- Coccinellidae
- Brumus suturalis | ChongArAr2015
- Cheilomenes sexmaculata | FallahAbSa2013 | (= Menochilus sexmaculatus)
- Chilocorus nigrita | PerontMaAl2016
- Coelophora inaequalis | ChongArAr2015
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri | JayaraChGo1988 ManiTh1987a PerontMaAl2016 ShrikeSa1996
- Cycloneda sanguinea | PerontMaAl2016
- Diomus | ChongArAr2015
- Exoplectra | PerontMaAl2016
- Harmonia axyridis | PerontMaAl2016
- Hippodamia convergens | ChongArAr2015
- Hyperaspis | FallahAbSa2013
- Hyperaspis marmottani | PriesnHo1940 | (= Oxynychus marmottani)
- Hyperaspis polita | JalilvShFa2014
- Melanophthalma carinulata | ChongArAr2015
- Nephus | SanthaChSa1994a
- Nephus (Geminosipho) fenestratus | FallahAbSa2013
- Nephus regularis | PrasanBa2015
- Oxynychus erythrocephalus | ChongArAr2015
- Rhodolia cardinalis | ChongArAr2015
- Scymnus | FallahAbSa2013
- Scymnus (Pullus) syriacus | PriesnHo1940
- Scymnus coccivora | PrasanBa2015
- Scymnus nubilus | FallahAbSa2013 JayaraChGo1988 PadmajBaRe1995 PersadKh2000
- Slipinskiscymnus pallidicollis | PengPoBo2023
- Slipinskiscymnus saciformis | PengPoBo2023
- Tenuisvalvae notata | PerontMaAl2016 SantosCaPe2017
- Zilus eleutherae | ChongArAr2015
- Coniopterygidae
- Conwentzia psociformis | ChongArAr2015 PriesnHo1940
- Corylophidae
- Sericoderus | ChongArAr2015
- Drosophilidae
- Cacoxenus campsiphallus | RaspiAbFa2015
- Cacoxenus multidentatus | TsacasCh1999 | (= Cacoxenus (Gitonides) multidentatus)
- Cacoxenus oligodous | TsacasCh1999 | (= Cacoxenus (Gitonides) oligodous)
- Cacoxenus perspicax | ChongArAr2015
- Encyrtidae
- Acerophagus nubilipennis | ChongArAr2015
- Acerophagus serpentinus | TirunaSa2024
- Aenasius arizonensis | PrasanBa2015 | (= Aenasius bambawalei)
- Anagyrus agraensis | FallahShOs2007
- Anagyrus callidus | GanjisAnPe2019
- Anagyrus chrysos | Nalini2016
- Anagyrus dactylopii | FallahShOs2007
- Anagyrus fusciventris | ChongArAr2015
- Anagyrus greeni | AbdRab2001d
- Anagyrus kamali | MeyerdWa1999 Moore1988 Moursi1948 Sagarr1999 SagarrPeVi2000 SagarrViSt2001
- Anagyrus mirzai | ChongArAr2015
- Anagyrus pseudococci | AbdRab2001d FallahShOs2007 PriesnHo1940
- Anagyrus subalbipes | HernanCaRa2024
- Blepyrus insularis | ChongArAr2015
- Cheiloneurus inimicus | ChongArAr2015
- Clausenia josefi | AbdRabHe2005
- Coccidoxenoides perminutus | ChongArAr2015
- Gentakola trifasciata | TirunaSa2024
- Gyranusoidea indica | AbdRab2001d MeyerdWa1999 PerontMaAl2016
- Hambletonia pseudococcina | CeballGr2004
- Homalotylus eytelweinii | PrasanBa2015
- Homalotylus vicinus | AbdRab2001d
- Leptomastidea abnormis | AbdRabHe2005
- Leptomastix algirica | AbdRabHe2005
- Leptomastix dactylopii | ChongArAr2015
- Leptomastix nigrocincta | PrasanBa2015 | (= Leptomastix lyciae)
- Leptomastix nigrocoxalis | AbdRab2001d AbdRabHe2005
- Leptomastix phenacocci | Comper1939c
- Prochiloneurus bolivari | FallahJa2017
- Prochiloneurus dactylopii | MontesKoGa2024
- Rhopus nigroclavatus | AbdRab2001d AbdRabHe2005 | (= Rhopus nigriclavus)
- Eulophidae
- Aprostocetus minutus | ChongArAr2015
- Oomyzus | PrasanBa2015
- Geocoridae
- Geocoris atricolor | ChongArAr2015
- Heliodinidae
- Stathmopoda auriferella | PriesnHo1940
- Hemerobiidae
- Sympherobius fallax | ChongArAr2015 PriesnHo1940 | (= Nefasitus fallax)
- Sympherobius pygmaeus | ChongArAr2015
- Heterorhabditidae
- Heterorhabditis amazonensis | FuenmaPoBa2020
- Lycaenidae
- Spalgis epius | DineshVe2016
- Spalgius epius | ChongArAr2015
- Noctuidae
- Autoba beraudi | PriesnHo1940
- Autoba gayneri | PriesnHo1940
- Eublemma | ChongArAr2015
- Eublemma geyri | ChongArAr2015
- Rivula sericealis | PriesnHo1940
- Phlaeothripidae
- Karnyothrips flavipes | Malump2014a
- Platygastridae
- Allotropa mecrida | FallahShOs2007
- Allotropa utilis | SilvaGQuYe2013
- Pteromalidae
- Metastenus concinnus | PrasanBa2015
- Pachyneuron muscarum | FallahShOs2007
- Promuscidea unfasciativentris | PrasanBa2015
- Reduviidae
- Rhynocoris marginatus | KitherKuBa2018
- Signiphoridae
- Chartocerus | AbdRab2001d
- Chartocerus kurdjumovi | FallahShOs2007
- Chartocerus subaeneus | ChongArAr2015
Families: 3 | Genera: 12
- Anaplasmataceae
- Wolbachia | HarishAr2022
- Caulimoviridae
- BSV | PalmaJBlGu2019 WatsonKu2005
- Formicidae
- Brachymyrmex admotus | GuindaNoWo2017
- Camponotus blandus | MarqueAzSa2018
- Camponotus crassus | GuindaNoWo2017
- Camponotus fastigatus | MarqueAzSa2018
- Camponotus novogranadensis | MarqueAzSa2018
- Crematogaster arata | GuindaNoWo2017
- Crematogaster victima | MarqueAzSa2018
- Dorymyrmex bicolor | GuindaNoWo2017
- Ectatomma tuberculatum | MarqueAzSa2018
- Monomorium floricola | MarqueAzSa2018
- Paratrechina longicornis | GuindaNoWo2017
- Pheidole radoszkowskii | GuindaNoWo2017
- Solenopsis saevissima | GuindaNoWo2017
- Tetramorium bicarinatum | GuindaNoWo2017
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 110
- Algeria | EFSA2021h
- Andaman Islands | BenDov1994 Willia1996b | EFSA2021h
- Anguilla | Harman2022
- Antigua and Barbuda | EFSA2021h
- Aruba | EFSA2021h
- Australia
- Northern Territory | BenDov1994
- Queensland | BenDov1994
- South Australia | BenDov1994 Brooke1964
- Western Australia | BenDov1994
- Bahamas | EFSA2021h
- Bangladesh | BenDov1994 Willia2004a
- Barbados | EFSA2021h
- Belize | EFSA2021h
- Benin | BenDov1994 Willia1986a Willia1996b
- Brazil
- Alagoas | PerontMaAl2016
- Bahia | EFSA2021h
- Espirito Santo | CulikMaZa2013
- Maranhao | RamosPeKo2017
- Mato Grosso | PeresFBeWo2017 PerontMaAl2016
- Para | EFSA2021h
- Pernambuco | EFSA2021h
- Rio Grande do Sul | EFSA2021h
- Roraima | CulikMaZa2013 MarsarPePe2013
- Santa Catarina | PerontMaAl2016
- Sao Paulo | EFSA2021h
- British Virgin Islands | EFSA2021h
- Brunei | BenDov1994 Willia2004a | EFSA2021h
- Burkina Faso | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Burma (=Myanmar) | BenDov1994 Crowe1985
- Cameroon | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Cape Verde | LagowsGoHo2022
- Cayman Islands | EFSA2021h
- Central African Republic | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Chad | BenDov1994 Willia1986a Willia1996b
- China | BenDov1994 Borchs1962 Tang1992 TangHaTa1992
- Aomen (=Macau) | EFSA2021h
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | EFSA2021h
- Guangxi (=Kwangsi) | WangZhTi2018
- Shanxi (=Shansi) | EFSA2021h
- Xianggang (=Hong Kong) | BenDov1994 Willia1996b
- Xizang (=Tibet) | BenDov1994 Wang1981TC
- Yunnan | EFSA2021h
- Colombia | KondoGuRa2012 KondoRaVe2008
- Congo | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Costa Rica | EFSA2021h
- Cote d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) | Willia1996b
- Cuba | CeballGr2004 MestreHaHo2015
- Curaçao | Harman2022
- Cyprus | UlgentHo2019
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (=Zaire) | BenDov1994 Willia1986a | EFSA2021h | Harman2022
- Dominica | EFSA2021h
- Egypt | AminYo2005 BenDov1994 Ezzat1958a Hall1922 Hall1923 Willia1986a
- Federated States of Micronesia | EFSA2021h
- Fiji | HodgsoLa2011
- French Guiana | Harman2022
- Gabon | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Gambia | EFSA2021h
- Greece | MilonaPa2017
- Grenada | Charle1997 EtiennMaLe1998
- Guadeloupe | EtiennMaLe1998 MatileEt2006
- Guam | BenDov1994 ReddyMuCr2009
- Guiana | MatileEtTi2000
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | TambasSaNa2000
- Haiti | PerezG2008
- Hawaiian Islands
- Hawaii | BenDov1994
- India | Ali1967a NagrarKrBi2009 ShafeeKhAh1989 Willia2004a
- Andhra Pradesh | AvasthSh1987 SivaRaSr1987 Willia2004a
- Assam | Willia1996b
- Bihar | Mohamm1963 Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Gujarat | Willia2004a
- Karnataka | Balika1999c Willia2004a
- Kerala | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Madhya Pradesh | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Maharashtra | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- NCT Delhi | Willia1996b
- Odisha (=Orissa) | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Punjab | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Tamil Nadu | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Telangana | EFSA2021h
- Tripura | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Uttar Pradesh | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994
- West Bengal | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Indonesia | Willia2004a
- Bali | Willia2004a
- Flores | Gavril2017b
- Irian Jaya | Willia1996b
- Java | BenDov1994 Betrem1937 Willia2004a
- Lombok | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Sulawesi (=Celebes) | WatsonMuSh2014 Willia1996b
- Sumatra | Willia1996b
- Iran | FallahShOs2007 Moghad2009
- Israel | SpodekBeMo2018 SpodekWaMe2016
- Jamaica | EFSA2021h
- Japan | KinjoNaHi1996
- Jordan | AlFwaeAbHa2013 HalayeKa2010
- Kampuchea (=Cambodia) | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Kenya | BenDov1994 DeLott1954 Willia1986a
- Laos | BenDov1994 Willia2004a
- Lebanon | Willia1996b
- Liberia | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Malaysia | SartiaWaNo2016 Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Malaya | Willia2004a
- Maldives | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Martinique | MatileEt2006
- Mexico
- Baja California Sur | Harman2022
- Nayarit | ChamLuRo2019
- Montserrat | EFSA2021h
- Nepal | BenDov1994
- Netherlands Antilles | EFSA2021h
- New Caledonia | MilleHeCa2016
- Nicaragua | EFSA2021h
- Nicobar Islands | EFSA2021h
- Niger | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Nigeria | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Northern Mariana Islands | EFSA2021h
- Oman | BenDov1994
- Pakistan | BenDov1994 Willia2004a
- Palau | EFSA2021h
- Papua New Guinea | BenDov1994 BuckleGu1991
- Philippines | Willia2004a
- Luzon | BenDov1994 LitCa1994a Morris1920
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | Charle1997 MichauEv2000
- Reunion | Germai2013 GermaiMiPa2014
- Ryukyu Islands (=Nansei Shoto) | EFSA2021h
- Saint Kitts and Nevis Islands | Charle1997 EtiennMaLe1998
- Saint Lucia | Malump2012b
- Saint Martin & St. Barthelemy
- Saint Barthelemy | EtiennMaLe1998 MatileEt2006
- Saint Martin | MatileEt2006
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | EFSA2021h
- Saudi Arabia | Beccar1971 Matile1984c
- Senegal | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Seychelles | BenDov1994
- Singapore | Willia1996b Willia2004a
- Socotra Island | BenDov1994
- Solomon Islands | EFSA2021h
- Somalia | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Sri Lanka | BenDov1994 Willia2004a
- Sudan | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Suriname | EFSA2021h
- Taiwan | BenDov1994 Takaha1928 TuWuLe1988 WongChCh1999
- Tanzania | BenDov1994 Willia1986a
- Thailand | DownieGu2004 Takaha1942b Willia2004a
- Tonga | BenDov1994
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tobago | Charle1997
- Trinidad | Charle1997 EtiennMaLe1998
- Tunisia | HalimaGeMd2015
- Turkey | EFSA2021h
- Tuvalu | BenDov1994
- U.S. Virgin Islands | Charle1997
- United Arab Emirates | Willia1996b
- United States
- Alabama | EFSA2021h
- California | GeigerDaBe2001
- Florida | HallRoLa2008 HoyHaNg2006
- Georgia | AristiMaBe2012
- Louisiana | AristiMaBe2012
- New York | EFSA2021
- North Carolina | EFSA2021
- Oklahoma | EFSA2021h
- South Carolina | AristiMaBe2012
- Tennessee | EFSA2021h
- Texas | AristiMaBe2012
- Vanuatu (=New Hebrides) | EFSA2021h
- Venezuela | CermelMoGo2002
- Vietnam | Willia2004a
- Western Samoa | EFSA2021h | Harman2022
- Yemen | Willia1996b
- Zambia | Willia1996b
- Zanzibar | BenDov1994 WilliaMa2005a
- EvansAb2023: pp.8-13 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococccidae of Egypt]
- JoshiSuRe2021: pp.119-120 ( Adult (F) ) [Microscopic characters of mealybugs infecting cassava]
- JoshiSuRe2021: pp.118-119 ( Adult (F) ) [Field characters of mealybugs in cassava]
- JoshiSuRe2021: pp.119-120 ( Adult (F) ) [Microscopic characters of mealybugs in cassava]
- Hodgso2020: pp.32-34 ( Adult (M) ) [higher groups of Pseudococcidae]
- Suh2019a: pp.2-6 ( Adult (F) ) [mealybugs intercepted in S. Korea]
- MoghadEs2014: pp.59 ( Adult (F) ) [Species on Ficus in Iran]
- SiriseWaHe2013: pp.78-80 ( Adult (F) ) [Mealybugs on Fruit Crops in Sri Lanka]
- ParsaKoWi2012: pp.10-Aug ( Adult (F) ) [Key to mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) recorded on Manihot spp. (Euphorbiaceae) in the World]
- Willia2004a: pp.405 ( Adult (F) ) [Maconellicoccus species of southern Asia]
- Miller1999a: pp.198 ( Life Stages ) [Instars of Pink Hibiscus Mealybug]
- Willia1996b: pp.621 ( Adult (F) ) [world]
- Willia1985: pp.191 ( Adult (F) ) [Australia]
- Systematics: The male of M. hirsutus is typical of the Pseudococcinae except that there are no ventral lobes along the margin of the ventral slit on the penial sheath, In the analysis of Hardy et al. (2008), Maconellicoccus was sister to all of the other genera included in the Pseudococcinae. (Hodgson, 2012)
- Structure: The dermal pores, ducts and wax secretion were studied by Kumar et al. (1997). Zhang et al. (2004) isolated, identified and synthesized two compounds that together constitute the female sex pheromone. Body elongate oval; red-brown to orange-pink; legs and antenna light yellow; body gradually gets covered by white mealy wax, initially forming a dorsomedial line with thick wax which is thicker at the anal end and tappers towards head; later two pairs of thick wax filaments are produced on the margin of posterior abdominal segments; lateral wax filaments cannot be seen but the marginal area produces thin, hazy curly wax filaments which covers marginal area up o head. Ovisac covers dorsal surface. (Joshi, et al., 2021) Occurring on all above-ground parts of plant. Oviparous, eggs pink. Specimens turns black in 70% alcohol.
- Biology: The life history was studied by Ghose (1972a). Causes stunted or malformed stems and leaves and can kill the plant. On Hibiscus this mealybug causes gall-like deformations of the terminal growth characterized by internode shortening, deformed leaves and thickened twigs (Ghose, 1972b; Beardsley, 1985). A female can lay more than 500 eggs at one time. Modes of transport include crawler and egg sack dispersion through wind and by movement, attaching or sticking to animals or transported objects. Nursery plants and trade of infested commodities also lead to its spread. Sometimes, ants that are attracted to its honeydew may act as protectors and movers of PHM. (Halaybeh & Katbeh-Bader, 2010) Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green), developed equally well on Cucurbita pepo L. and C. maxima (Qin, et al., 2011) Aristizabal, et al., (2012) investigated the relationship between life history (fitness) of M. hirsutus and "bunchy top" symptom development on 3 hibiscus cultivars expected to have high (‘President’), low (‘Double Red’), and intermediate (‘Joanne’) levels of susceptibility. They found no major differences in the response of M. hirsutus among the 3 cultivars in terms of their survival, development rate, size, or oviposition period in laboratory tests at a temperature conducive for mealybug development. In Jordan, adult females appeared in early February with very low numbers, while the most presence of the females occurred in mid July. Males appeared also in early January and then in late July and early August. The highest number of the parasitoid, Anagyrus sp. was reported during February. According to the direction, adults were significantly the highest in North followed by West and South. (Al-Fwaeer, et al., 2014) The high diversity of ants in association with M. hirsutus may be one of the factors that explain the mealybug success in non-native regions.
- Economic Importance: In 1997, the pink hibiscus mealybug has invaded the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada and several other Caribbean islands, where it is damaging coffee, cotton, soybeans, citrus and some other crops (Charlet, 1997; USDA- APHIS Pamphlet, 1997). The introduction of the entomophagous Coccinellid Cryptolaemus montrouzieri and the parasitoid wasp Anagyrus kamali are recommended (Etienne et al., 1998). For 11 sets of interacting species near Madang, Papua New Guinea, coccoids attended by relatively inoffensive ants were more heavily parasitized than those attended by more aggressive ants. This has not been demonstrated previously. Ant exclusion experiments for four of these sets showed that this correlation was due to active protection of the coccoids from both predation and parazitation, though the precise form and effectiveness of this protection differed between different sets of interacting species. (Buckley & Gullan, 1991). When the mutualistic association with ants occurs in places where M. hirsutus is exotic, ants may be more harmful to the whole insect community and their host plants, since the mealybug may be rapidly ‘adopted’ by a native ant with consequent changes in the network of interactions of the ant in the same group of plants. Such a situation appears as extremely sensitive and unstable in agroecosystems where a species as invasive as M. hirsutus not only colonizes rapidly but completely modifies the network of interactions between species already present. Data on the distribution, external appearance, host plants, life cycle, damage and control is available at web site: In 2003, M. hirsutus was added to the EPPO A1 action list, and EPPO member countries were recommended to regulate it as a quarantine pest. Susikaran, et al. (2013), found that fish oil products and C. montrouzieri can safely be used for the effective management of pink mealybug in the mulberry ecosystem. Peronti, et al., (2016) observed that ladybeetles may provide some suppression when the pest population is high, but not in lower populations because the beetles require large numbers of mealybugs to survive.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Morrison (1920), Betrem (1937), Ezzat (1958), Williams (1958a, 1985), Williams & Watson (1988a), Williams (1996b) and by Williams (2004a). Data on the distribution, external appearance, host plants, life cycle, damage and control is available at web site: Distribution record from Zambia was based on a plant quarantine interception in Chicago and is not accepted by CABI and EPPO.
- AbdRab2001d: biological control, distribution, 1359
- AbdRab2005: biological control, distribution, host, 129-132
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 41-42
- AbdRabHe2005: biological control, distribution, 1135-1139
- AbdelMFaAb2005: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 245-255
- AbouEl2001: biological control, distribution, host, 185-195
- AcevedLoRo2024: biological control,
- Afifi1968: description, illustration, taxonomy, 118-122
- AhamedChMa1999: ecology, economic importance, life history, 265-273
- AlAnsiAlFa2020: natural enemies, 65
- AlFwaeAbAl2014: biological control, distribution, ecology, economic importance, life history, 171-177
- AlFwaeAbHa2013: distribution, 2
- AlemanMaMi2005: biological control, 71-72
- Ali1967a: distribution, host, 34
- Ali1968: distribution, host, 127
- Allen2002: distribution, economic importance, host, 301-303
- AlmeidPeMa2018: distribution, host, 356
- AminEm1996a: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 721
- AminEmYo1994: host, life history, structure, 221-226
- AminYo2005: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 199-210
- AndreaTrPe2019: biological control, genetics, natural enemies,
- Anonym2005: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 413-415
- AristiMaBe2012: life history, 89-94
- AvasthSh1987: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 25-26
- Balach1926: economic importance, taxonomy, 7
- Balika1999: distribution, host, 81
- Balika1999a: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 148-149
- Balika1999b: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 149
- Balika1999c: distribution, host, 67-69
- BalikaBa2000: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 62-63
- BalikaKoPr2011: distribution, host, 580
- Barnes1930: biological control, distribution, host,
- Bartle1978e: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 144, 145
- BaskarLaUt1999a: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 28-31
- BaskarSrMu2002: biological control, 54-56
- Beards1986: distribution, host, taxonomy, 9
- Beccar1971: distribution, host, 194
- BenDov1994: catalog, 217-218,276
- Betrem1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 80-84
- Bliss2005: chemical ecology, life history, 18
- Borchs1962: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 590
- Boyce1948: control, distribution, economic importance, host,
- BrahmaKoGu2018: chromosome, cytogenetics, genetics, irradiation, life cycle, symbiont,
- Brooke1964: distribution, host, 15
- BuckleGu1991: biological control, distribution, host, 282-286
- CaicedSu2000: distribution, economic importance, host, 2-5
- CalifaRoCa2021: chemical control,
- CeballGr2004: biological control, distribution, host, 1010
- Ceplac2014: control, distribution, host, record,
- CermelMoGo2002: distribution, economic importance, host, 103-105
- ChakraSaSe1999: biological control, 193-203
- ChamLuRo2019: distribution, host, 361
- ChangMi1996: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-66
- ChoiLe2022: endosymbiont, phylogeny, 358,359
- ChongArAr2015: biological control, chemical control, description, ecology, economic importance, host, phenology, 1-14
- ChongOe2006: biological control, 16-19
- ChongRoMa2008: life history, 323-332
- Cock2003: economic importance, 25-33
- Comper1939c: biological control, distribution, host, 36-38
- Crowe1985: distribution,
- CulikMaZa2013: distribution, economic importance, host, 638-640
- DaaneCoTr2008a: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 167-171
- DahlstHa1999: biological control, 919-933
- DanzigGa2015: biology, diagnosis, distribution, taxonomy, 285-287
- DeChiGaMa1996: biological control, 1-6
- DeLott1954: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 113-114
- DeLott1964: distribution, host, 355
- DiazNiPiMe2023: biology, diagnosis, economic control, host, illustration, life cycle, male, morphology, 8, 23-24
- DineshVe2011: biological control, distribution, host, 11-17
- DineshVe2016: biological control, natural enemies,
- DivyaKa2019: chemistry, wax,
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 119
- DownieGu2004: distribution, host, molecular data, phylogeny, 258-259
- Dutt1964: distribution, economic importance, host, 59-71
- DuttMuSe1951: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, 231-237
- EFSA2021a: biology, distribution, economic importance, host, 22, 33-34, 112-114
- EFSA2021h: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy,
- EFSA2022f: biology, distribution, economic importance, 42, 43, 133-142
- ElAalaRaKa2024: biological control, 2
- ElMinaEzAm2024: bacteria, biological control, 15
- ElShaf2012: distribution, host, 518
- ElisanMoPe2014: control, host, natural enemies,
- ElkhatMoEl2021: entomopathogenic fungi, 4
- EtiennMaLe1998: description, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 173-174
- EvansAb2023: distribution, host, illustration, key, taxonomy, 6, 7, 11, 20, 54
- Ezzat1958a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 379-382
- EzzatNa1987: distribution, 89
- FallahAbSa2013: biological control, distribution, host, 673-679
- FallahJa2017: distribution, host, natural enemies, 4, 5, 6, 13, 26, 34
- FallahShOs2007: biological control, distribution, host, 563-609
- FandAmYa2020: biological control, natural enemies,
- FlaherWi1999: biological control, 853-869
- Flores2005: biological control, distribution, host,
- Follet1999: chemical control, distribution, 213-217
- Follet2004: chemical control, 1263-1268
- FranciBlRo2007: chemical ecology, chemistry, economic importance, life history, 440-446
- FranciKaRo2012: biological control, host, 291-292, 295
- FrancoCoLu2021: reproduction, 254
- FrancoZaMe2009: economic importance,
- FrohliRo1970: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-10
- FuenmaPoBa2020: biological control, control,
- GanjisAnPe2019: biological control, chemical control, host,
- Gautam1997: biological control,
- Gautam2003: chemical control, fumigation, 193-201
- Gautam2003a: biological control, distribution, host, 1-8
- Gautam2004: biological control, chemical control, 338-342
- GautamCo2003: chemical control, 259-263
- GautamDeCh1998: biological control,
- GautamDeLe1997: biological control,
- GautamPu2002: biological control, distribution, economic importance, 87-99
- Gavril2017b: distribution, 144
- GeigerDaBe2001: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 19-27
- GeorgoPaMi2025: climate change, dispersal, distribution,
- Germai2013: distribution, host, 509
- GermaiDeLa2016: host, list of species, 4
- GermaiMiPa2014: distribution, 24
- Ghose1972: economic importance, 329-334
- Ghose1972a: life history, 323-332
- Goel1994: biological control, distribution, host, 1-280
- Goel1996: biological control, life history,
- Gomez2006: ecology, host, life history, 1
- GonzalElMo2003: biological control, distribution, host, 1-5
- GoolsbKiMe2002: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 494-498
- GopalVeNa2021: control, entomopathogenic fungi,
- Green1908a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 25
- Green1922: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 389-390
- GugliuMaMa2019: distribution, host, list, 4, 7
- Gullan2000: description, taxonomy, 160-166
- HalayeKa2010: distribution, life history, 67-71
- HalimaGeMd2015: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, 139-140
- Hall1921: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 1-28
- Hall1922: distribution, host, 43-52
- Hall1923: distribution, host, 57-61
- HallRoLa2008: distribution, host, life history, phenology, 305-310
- HandiqBa2000: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 79-80
- HaraJa2005: control, mechanical control, 284-288
- HardyGuHo2008: molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy, 51-71
- HarishAr2022: Wolbachia, 241
- Harman2022: biology, control, diagnosis, distribution, host, taxonomy, 149-151
- Hawkin1994: biological control, 3
- HernanCaRa2024: biological control, distribution, economic importance, history, honeydew, host,
- Hodges2002c: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, natural enemies, 1-2
- HodgesHo2004: distribution, host, 396-397
- HodgesHo2006: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 1-7
- Hodgso2012: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 67-68
- Hodgso2020: key, 34
- HodgsoLa2011: distribution, host, 8
- HoltzPiHo2021: chemical,
- HoyHaNg1998: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 29
- HoyHaNg2006: distribution, host,
- Hunsbe2003: distribution, host, 343-345
- JacobsHa2003: ecology, economic importance, life history, 1334-1339
- JalaliSiBi1999: biological control, 293-296
- JalilvShFa2014: distribution, host, natural enemies, 3, 4, 5
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 29
- JayaraChGo1988: biological control, 77-78
- Jones1997: distribution, economic importance, host,
- JoshiSuRe2021: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, 119
- JuarezOrGo2021: chemical control, natural enemies,
- KairoPoPe2000: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 241-254
- KaydanCaUl2013: economic importance, 169
- Khan2023: distribution, host,
- KinjoNaHi1996: distribution, host, 126
- KitherKuBa2018: biological control,
- Klasse1999: control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-292
- KohliGuNa2021: genetic structure, symbionts,
- KondoGuRa2012: biological control, distribution, 2, 14-15
- KondoRaVe2008: distribution, host, 36-37
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 23
- KumarTeDa1997: economic importance, structure, taxonomy, 307-311
- LagharKaKa2019: ecology, economic importance, life history, virus,
- LagowsGoHo2022: distribution, host, list, 7
- LagowsGoHo2022: distribution, host, list, 11
- LalithSaKu2018: distribution, host, natural enemies, 525
- LaneesSuBa2020: biological control, natural enemies, 459
- LePell1968: biological control, life history,
- Lewis1997: distribution, economic importance, host,
- LitCa1994a: distribution, host, 391, 392
- LiuNiLu2022: phylogenetics,
- LopesOlOl2023: chemical control, control,
- Lopez1997: biological control, economic importance, host,
- Luttebico1999: biological control, distribution, host, 1-3
- Malump2012b: distribution, host, illustration, 207,211,213
- Malump2012b: distribution, illustration, 208.211
- Malump2014a: distribution, host, 80
- MalumpHaMa2012: distribution, economic importance, 114
- Mani1988a: biological control, distribution, ecology, host, life history, 32
- ManiKr1991a: distribution, host, 103
- ManiKr1999: distribution, host, 73-74
- ManiKr2001: biological control, distribution, host, 152
- ManiTh1987a: biological control, 19-22
- ManiTh1987c: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 89-92
- Manjun1985a: distribution, economic importance, host, 71-76
- ManjunRaSa1996: distribution, economic importance, host, 487-495
- MaribaReVe1998: biological control, economic importance, 222-224
- MarqueAzSa2018: ant association, 237-246
- MarsarPePe2013: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 413-418
- MartinFoPe2019: distribution, host, natural enemies, radiation,
- MartinLa2011: catalog, distribution, host, 47
- MarzoBVaNa2024: chemical, reproductive system, 21493
- Matile1984c: distribution, host, 225
- MatileEt2006: distribution, host, 179
- MatileEtTi2000: distribution, economic importance, host, 485-486
- McComi1996: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 1-5
- McComi1997: distribution, economic importance,
- McComi2000: distribution, economic importance,
- MdelleAdZo2019: distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, phenology,
- MestreHaHo2015: distribution, host, 38-39
- Meurge2011: distribution, 81
- Meyerd1999: control, distribution, economic importance, 115-120
- MeyerdWa1999: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 49
- Michau2003: biological control, 335-342
- MichauEv2000: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 97-101
- MilleHeCa2016: distribution, economic importance, host,
- Miller1999a: description of male, diagnosis, illustration, key,
- Miller2001DR: description, distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 189-202
- MilonaPa2017: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host,
- MirabaGaCa2018: distribution, host, 194
- Moffit1999: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-15
- Moghad2008: distribution, economic importance, host, 155-156
- Moghad2009: distribution, host, 20-21
- Moghad2013: description, distribution, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 31-32, 34, 99
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 65
- Moghad2020: distribution, 384
- MoghadAbFa2021: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, natural enemies, 289-
- MoghadEs2014: key, 59
- MoghadWa2022: diagnosis, dispersal, distribution, illustration, natural enemies, taxonomy, 10, 66-68, 145
- MoghadWa2024: economic importance, 18
- MoghadZa2024: distribution, host, 776
- Mohamm1963: distribution, host, taxonomy, 127
- MohammGh2008: distribution, 155
- Mohara1990: structure, taxonomy, 48
- MoharuBa2015: distribution, host, 102-103
- Montes2012: biological control, natural enemies,
- MontesKoGa2024: distribution, illustration, natural enemies,
- Moore1988: biological control, 212
- Morais1997: biological control,
- MoraisPeMa2012: distribution, host, record,
- Morris1920: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 169-170
- Moursi1948: biological control, distribution, host, 9-16
- MuraliBa2000: distribution, economic importance, host, 705-706
- MuthukMaTh2005: chemical control, distribution, host, 339-344
- NGuessYaNg2019: distribution, host, 4
- NagrarKrBi2009: distribution, economic importance, host, 537-541
- Nalini2016: host, natural enemies, 673
- NeelanCh2004: distribution, economic importance, host,
- NegiSeRa2024: DNA, genetics, life cycle,
- NegrinMoBa2018: ecology, natural enemies,
- Ni1998: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 3-11
- Nowier2005: control, economic importance,
- ObodjiNGNG2015: virus, virus transmission,
- OliveiNaSi2001: economic importance, 161-173
- OliveiSaOl2023: DNA, phylogeny, 6
- OuvrarKoGu2013: biological control, distribution, 2
- PachecKaSi2019: DNA, distribution, host, phylogeny, 530, 535
- PadmajBaRe1995: biological control, distribution, host, 79-81
- ParidaMo1982: structure, taxonomy, 19
- ParsaKoWi2012: taxonomy, 9
- PatilPaPa2011: biological control, 693
- PatilPaSa2011: life history, 1553-1556
- PedrazRoAr2018: biological control, natural enemies, 167-174
- Pena1997: economic importance, 5
- PenaBa1999: economic importance, 97-104
- PengPoBo2023: natural enemies, 100
- PeresFBeWo2017: biology, control, distribution, host, illustration, 1-3
- PerezG2008: distribution, 216
- PerontMaAl2016: biological control, natural enemies, 21-25
- Persad1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 1
- Persad1998: distribution, host,
- PersadKh2000: biological control, chemical control, distribution, host, 170-173
- PersadKh2002: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 137-149
- Pinkhime1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-2
- PlanaSaBu2004: economic importance, 13-18
- PooranAnTh2024: economic importance, host, illustration, natural enemies, 529, 534
- PrasanBa2015: distribution, host, natural enemies,
- PrasanRaJy2022: control,
- PuigWuSu2021: virus transmission,
- QinWuQi2011: life history, 1127
- RaguraPr2006: biological control, chemical control, 28-30
- Raicho1958: economic importance, life history, structure, 315-318
- RajagoKuSa2022: biological control,
- Ramakr1921a: catalog, distribution, host, 345
- Ramakr1941: distribution, host, 107-113
- RamosPeKo2017: distribution, host, 1-4
- Ranjan2006: economic importance, 1-10
- RaspiAbFa2015: distribution, natural enemies,
- ReddyMuCr2009: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1431-1439
- ReddyRaAg2022: genetics, molecular data,
- ReddyRaSe2024: chemical control, genetics, physiology,
- RenAsHu2017: DNA, phylogeny, 4, 6
- RenQiXu2021: heat-treatment, 2
- Reyne1961: distribution, host, 125
- RoltscErMe2007: biological control, 977-981
- RoltscMeWa2006: biological control, distribution, host, 155-166
- RosadeMo2021: distribution, host,
- RosasGSaVi2010: distribution, genetic structure, host, molecular data, polymorphism, taxonomy, 1043-1050
- RossHaOk2012: phylogeny, taxonomy, 199
- RostamHuSh2024: biological control, natural enemies, 1408
- RuaisGaPe2021: biological control, ecology, illustration,
- SaTaLu2001: biological control, 154-160
- Sagarr1999: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 1-179
- SagarrPeVi2000: biological control, 647-653
- SagarrViSt2001: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 363-367
- SagarrViSt2001a: biological control, 112-116
- SagarrViSt2002: biological control, 400-404
- SahuJoGa2019: host, 94
- SahuJoGa2019: biological control, host, natural enemies,
- SanthaChSa1994a: biological control, distribution, host, 91-95
- SartiaWaNo2016: description, distribution, host, 4
- SartiaWaRo2016: catalog, distribution, host, 159, 160
- SatyanBaMa2003: biological control, chemical control, 114-115
- Schmut1969: control, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 101-102
- Schmut2001: distribution, host, 339-345
- SeeperGaZi2002: distribution, economic importance, host, 99-103
- SerranLa2002: biological control, distribution, host, 417-425
- SerranLaMe2001: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, physiology, 339-345
- ShafeeKhAh1989: distribution, host, 65
- ShiLi1991: distribution, host, 161
- ShreeMa2005: chemistry, physiology, 173-186
- ShrikeSa1996: biological control, life history, 301-302
- SilvaGQuYe2013: distribution, economic importance, 654
- SilvaSSoCo2016: natural enemies, 124, 128
- SinghGh1970: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 99-105
- SiriseWaHe2013: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, 71,72,73,75,77,79
- SiriseWaHe2015: SEM,
- SivaRaSr1987: distribution, economic importance, host, 115-119
- Sohi1964: distribution, host, 111
- SongWaTa2024: genome, phylogeny,
- SosanAjUd2020: distribution, ecology, host,
- SpodekBeMo2018: distribution, 10
- SpodekWaMe2016: distribution, economic importance, 311–312
- Stocks2013a: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies, 243, 347
- Suh2019a: key, 3
- SusikaMaSr2013: biological control, chemical control, economic importance, host, 196-199
- SusikaSaMu2018: biology, natural enemies,
- Takaha1928: distribution, host, 336
- Takaha1942b: distribution, host, 14
- Talhou2002: distribution, economic importance, host, 86-87
- TambasNaLu2001: economic importance, 149-153
- TambasSaNa2000: distribution, economic importance, host, 85-93
- Tang1992: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 502-503
- Tang2001: distribution, 3
- TangHaTa1992: distribution, host, 8
- Tao1999: distribution, host, taxonomy, 18
- Thaman2018: ant association, 2
- TirunaSa2024: natural enemies, record,
- TokunaSeUt2018: distribution, host, 143
- TorresMa2015: natural enemies, 30-42
- Tourne1970: biological control, distribution, host, 97-107
- TriapiAnDo2019: natural enemies,
- Trjapi1989: biological control, 128, 131, 136
- TsacasCh1999: biological control, 102, 107
- TuWuLe1988: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 77-78, 90
- UneliuElTw2011: molecular data, 170
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, 45
- VeershPrSh2023: anatomy,
- VegaVaTe2024: natural enemies, 9
- VilelaZuCa2001: economic importance,
- VitullWaZh2007: chemical ecology, economic importance, life history, 405-410
- Wang1981TC: distribution, host, 285
- WangZhTi2018: distribution, host, 2
- WardOnBo2024: phylogenetics, 4
- Watson1997: distribution, economic importance, 2
- Watson2021: distribution, 526
- WatsonMi2017: dispersal, 34
- WatsonMi2017: dispersal, 35
- WatsonMuSh2014: distribution, host, 1595
- Willia1985: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 194-196
- Willia1986a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 352-354
- Willia1986c: host, 54
- Willia1996b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 621-623
- Willia2004a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 405-408
- Willia2005: distribution, host, 168
- Willia2017: taxonomy, 129
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 247, 249
- WilliaBe2015: taxonomy, 164
- WilliaMa2005a: distribution, host, 146
- WilliaMa2012: distribution, 82
- WilliaMa2012: distribution, host, 88
- WilliaMi1999: life history, taxonomy, 524
- WilliaMi2010: distribution, host, 47
- WilliaWa1988a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 101-103
- WongChCh1999: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 5,43
- XiYaLi2024: DNA, control, economic importance, honeydew, molecular biology,
- YadavBhSh2024: chemistry, wax,
- YocumLu1997: distribution, economic importance, host,
- ZamanQaIs1996: distribution, host, life history, 169-171
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 181
- ZettleFoGi2002: chemical control, 1169-1173
- ZhangAm2005: chemical ecology, chemistry, life history, physiology, 264-270
- ZhangAmSh2004: chemical ecology, chemistry, 9601-9606
- ZhangNi2005: chemical ecology, chemistry, 2451-2455
- ZhangNiKh2004: chemical ecology, chemistry, 9401-9403
- ZhangWaVi2006: chemical ecology, chemistry, life history, physiology, 621-626
- ZouChMi2013: chemistry, 136