Valid Names Results
Lopholeucaspis taiguensis Shen & Wei, 2025 (Diaspididae: Lopholeucaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Lopholeucaspis taiguensis Shen & Wei 2025: 186. Type data: CHINA: Shanxi, Jinzhong City, Taigu County, Shanxi Agricultural University (Taigu Campus), Diligent Garden [37.4241°N, 112.5677°E], on the bark of Populus alba (Salicaceae), 6/14/2024, coll. Xuejie Shen, Dengen Fu and Yunyun Lu. Holotype, female, by original designation Type depository: Shaanxi: Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China; accepted valid name Notes: Paratypes: Same collection data; 2 adult females (NWAFU) Illustr.
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Salicaceae
- Populus alba | ShenXuZh2025
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- China
- Shanxi (=Shansi) | ShenXuZh2025
- ShenXuZh2025: pp.192 ( Adult (F) ) [All the species of Lopholeucaspis]
- Systematics: Lopholeucaspis taiguensis can be distinguished from other species of Lopholeucaspis mainly by having most plates acute apically, and in lacking plates lateral to L2. The new species resembles L. japonica in having a similar distribution of gland tubercles and in the shape of the lobes but differs in lacking plates lateral to L2 in all the slide-mounted specimens at hand (whereas L. japonica usually has 1–3 plates lateral to L2 on each side, according to the description by Miller & Davidson (2005)). The new species can be distinguished from L. cockerelli by the number of dorsal macroducts, having 26–45 on each side (whereas L. cockerelli has no more than 15). (Shen et al. 2025)
- Structure: In life: Adult female pupillarial, living inside the cuticle of the second-instar nymph. Female scale cover snow white. Second-instar female cuticle elongate, reddish brown, oyster-shell shaped. Slide-mounted female: Body 648–852 μm long, 426–528 μm wide, broadest at metathorax or abdominal segment I. Body membranous except for pygidium. Antennae each with 2 long setae and 1 or 2 short setae; distance between antennae 40–51 μm. Pygidium with 2 pairs of lobes on pygidial margin. Ventral gland tubercles present from prothorax to abdominal segment IV in irregular lateral row, numbering 26–45 on each side. Dorsal macroducts 2-barred, those present in marginal area of pygidium slightly larger than those in other areas. (Shen et al. 2025)
- General Remarks: Description, color photos, and illustration of adult female, adult male, and second-instar female nymph in Shen et al. (2025).
- ShenXuZh2025: description, description of male, distribution, host, illustration, key, nymph, taxonomy, 186