Valid Names Results
Leucaspis lowi Colvee, 1882 (Diaspididae: Leucaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Leucaspis lowi Colvee 1882: 10-12. Type data: SPAIN: Valencia, Jardin Botánico de nuestra cuidad, on Pinus sp.. Syntypes, female, accepted valid name Notes: Types presumed lost.
- Leucaspis löwii Colvee, 1882; Löw 1883e: 43. emendation that is unjustified (discovered by Borchs1966, 219). Notes: Colvée (1882) states that he is naming his species in honor of "Low." According to Article 32.5.1 of the fourth edition of the ICZN, "Incorrect transliteration or latinization, or use of an inappropriate connecting vowel, are not to be considered inadvertent errors." So, the spelling of Leucaspis lowi must stand as correct.
- Leucaspis pini; Morgan 1892: 13. misidentification (discovered by Newste1894b, 232).
- Leucaspis pini; Newstead 1894: 181-182. misidentification (discovered by Newste1894b, 232).
- Fiorinia sulcii Newstead 1894b: 232-233. Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Bodenh1949, 162). Illustr.
- Leucaspis loewi Colvee, 1882; Cockerell 1896b: 337. emendation that is unjustified (discovered by Borchs1966, 219). Notes: Colvée (1882) states that he is naming his species in honor of "Low." According to Article 32.5.1 of the fourth edition of the ICZN, "Incorrect transliteration or latinization, or use of an inappropriate connecting vowel, are not to be considered inadvertent errors." So, the spelling of Leucaspis lowi must stand as correct.
- Leucaspis (Euleucaspis) sulci (Newstead, 1894); Lindinger 1906: 27. change of combination
- Leucaspis sulcii (Newstead, 1894); Lindinger 1906: 9. change of combination
- Leucaspis löwi Colvee, 1882; Lindinger 1906: 9. emendation that is unjustified (discovered by Lindin1906, 9).
- Leucaspis šulci (Newstead, 1894); Lindinger 1906: 40. emendation that is unjustified (discovered by Borchs1966, 219).
- Anamaspis Loewi (Colvee, 1882); Leonardi 1906b: 23-25. change of combination Illustr.
- Leucaspis sulci (Newstead, 1894); Lindinger 1907: 6. misspelling of species epithet
- Leucodiaspis sulci (Newstead, 1894); Lindinger 1909b: 224. emendation that is unjustified
- Leucodiaspis löwi (Colvee, 1882); Lindinger 1932: 107. emendation that is unjustified
- Leucodiaspis loewi (Colvee, 1882); Zahradník 1952: 106. emendation that is unjustified Notes: Kirkaldy (1904a) considered Leucaspis Signoret 1869 preoccupied by Leucaspis Burmeister, 1835, in the Hymenoptera and suggested that the Signoret name be replaced with Leucodiaspis. Ferris (1936a) rejected this, considering it unnecessary (Morrison & Morrison, 1966).
- Leucaspis loevi Colvee, 1882; Dziedzicka 1970: 26. misspelling of species epithet
- Leucapis loewi Ülgentürk & Dokuyucu 2019: 484. misspelling of both genus and species names
Common Names
- Löw's pine scale KosztaKo1988F
Ecological Associates
Families: 3 | Genera: 6
- Pinaceae
- Abies cephalonica | Korone1934
- Pinus | Colvee1882
- Pinus ayacahuite | BatsanKaKi2017
- Pinus brutia | Yasar2020
- Pinus halepensis | Balach1930c BenDov2012 Morgan1892 | (= Pinus maritima)
- Pinus mugo | Boraty1955 Lindin1909b MatilePe2002 | (= Pinus montana)(= Pinus pumilio)
- Pinus nigra | Bodenh1949 Bodenh1953 | including subsp. pallasiana and laricio (= Pinus austriaca)
- Pinus pinaster | Bodenh1949 LepineMi1931
- Pinus pinea | BenDov2012 Bodenh1953 Costan1950 | (= Pinus maderiensis)
- Pinus radiata | BenDov2012 GersonHaSh1976
- Pinus sylvestris | Lindin1909b MatilePe2002 SzitaFeBe2017 | (= Pinus sosnowsky)
- Poaceae
- Ampelodesmos mauritanicus | Costan1950 | (= Ampelodesmos tenax)
- Saccharum spontaneum | Costan1950 | ssp. aegyptiacum
- Stenotaphrum secundatum | Costan1950 | (= Stenotaphrum americanum)
- Taxaceae
- Taxus baccata | Yasar2020
Families: 3 | Genera: 9
- Aphelinidae
- Ablerus atomon | NikolsYa1966 UlgentErKa2008 | (= Azotus atomon)
- Ablerus pinifoliae | KosztaKo1988F | (= Azotus pinifoliae)
- Diaspiniphagus moeris | NikolsYa1966 | (= Coccophagoides similis)
- Encarsia aurantii | NikolsYa1966 | (= Prospaltella aurantii)
- Encarsia citrina | KosztaKo1988F | (= Aspidiotiphagus citrinus)
- Encarsia intermedia | NikolsYa1966 | (= Prospaltella intermedia)
- Encarsia leucaspidis | KosztaKo1988F | (= Prospaltella leucaspidis)
- Coccinellidae
- Chilocorus bipustulatus | KosztaKo1988F
- Chilocorus renipustulatus | KosztaKo1988F
- Exochomus flavipes | KosztaKo1988F
- Myrrha octodecimguttata | KosztaKo1988F UlgentSzUy2013
- Vibidia duodecimguttata | KosztaKo1988F
- Encyrtidae
- Anthemus | HertinSi1972
- Anthemus funicularis | HertinSi1972
- Anthemus leucaspidis | Koszta1956a
- Anthemus pini | HertinSi1972
- Parasauleia trjapitzini | KosztaKo1988F
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 32
- Austria | Balach1953g
- Belgium | Balach1953g
- Bulgaria | TrenchTo2014 Tschor1939
- China
- Aomen (=Macau) | Atanas1959
- Crete | PellizPoSe2011
- Croatia | MastenSi2008
- Czechoslovakia | Balach1953g
- Denmark | Balach1953g Gertss2001
- Estonia | Stalaz2021
- France | Cocker1902v Foldi2001
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017 Hadzib1950
- Germany | Balach1953g SchmutHo2016
- Greece | Korone1934
- Hungary | KozarOrKo1977
- Iran | KozarFoZa1996
- Ireland | Balach1953g
- Israel | GersonHaSh1976
- Italy | Balach1953g LongoMaPe1995 MatilePe2002
- Sicily | Costan1950 LongoMaPe1995
- Latvia | Stalaz2021
- Lithuania | MalumpOsPy2009
- Madeira Islands | VieiraCaPi1983
- Morocco | Balach1930c
- Netherlands | Balach1953g
- Norway | Fjeldd1996
- Poland | Dziedz1970 SimonKa2011 Szulcz1926
- Portugal | Balach1953g FrancoRuMa2011
- Romania | DanzigPe1998 Knecht1930
- Russia
- Voronoezh Oblast | NormarOkMo2019
- Spain | Colvee1882
- Sweden | Balach1953g Gertss2001
- Switzerland | Balach1953g
- Turkey | Bodenh1949 UlgentOzMu2019
- WatsonDuLi2000a: pp. ( Adult (F) ) [Expert system on a CD]
- KosztaKo1988F: pp.356 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Leucaspis] Key as: Leucaspis loewi
- Balach1953g: pp.846 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Leucaspis]
- Lindin1906: pp.27 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Leucaspis Euleucaspis] Key as: Leucaspis Euleucaspis sulci
- Systematics: Colvée (1882) states that he is naming his species in honor of Mr. "Low." According to Article 32.5.1 of the fourth edition of the ICZN, "Incorrect transliteration or latinization, or use of an inappropriate connecting vowel, are not to be considered inadvertent errors." So, changes to the species epithet such as "löwi" or "loewi" are unjustified and the original spelling of Leucaspis lowi must stand as correct.
- Biology: One generation per year. In Germany, they overwinter as N2 and as mated or unmated adult females. Adults develop from overwintering N2 by early May and after mating lay about 26 eggs per female by late May or June. Eggs hatch in 18-20 days. Overwintering fertilized females often lay some eggs during the fall and complete their egg laying in May. From their eggs adult males and females develop by August and the ensuing mated females overwinter (Schmutterer, 1959).
- General Remarks: Balachowsky (1953) recorded L. lowi as present in Britain and Ireland without providing any details. This was apparently based on a misinterpretation of Morgan (1892) who reported L. lowi (misidientifed as L. pini) from Portugal (Boratynski and Williams 1964). Ben-Dov et al. (2010) merely repeated this record. There are no slides of L. lowi deposited at the Natural History Museum, London (Dr Jon Martin, pers. comm., 2010) or at Fera (second largest scale collection in Britain) from Ireland or Britain. C. Malumphy has searched for Leucaspis on Pinus in Britain for 20 years with no success and believes that these records for Britain and Ireland are errors. (O'Connor, et al., 2019) Moghaddam & Watson (2021) consider the presence of this species in Iran as doubtful.
- AndersWuGr2010: phylogeny, taxonomy, 996-1003
- Atanas1959: distribution, host, 433
- Bachma1953: distribution, host, 183
- Balach1930c: distribution, host, 120
- Balach1953g: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 846, 848, 868-872
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 259
- BenDov2012: catalog, distribution, host, 31, 43
- Bodenh1949: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 160, 162-164
- Bodenh1953: distribution, host, taxonomy, 51
- BognarVi1979: distribution, host, 17
- Boraty1955: distribution, host, 67
- BoratyWi1964a: distribution, taxonomy, 105
- Borchs1934: distribution, host, 21
- Borchs1937: distribution, taxonomy, 93, 105, 173, 179, 1
- Borchs1949d: distribution, taxonomy, 201
- Borchs1950b: distribution, taxonomy, 178
- Borchs1950c: taxonomy, 369
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 219
- Borchs1973: distribution, taxonomy, 125
- Brown1965: taxonomy, 283
- BugajNJuKa2021: distribution, host, list, 300
- Cocker1902v: distribution, host, 86
- Colema1903: distribution, host, taxonomy, 84
- Colvee1882: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 10-12
- Costan1950: distribution, host, 13
- Danzig1959: description, distribution, taxonomy, 449
- Danzig1964: distribution, taxonomy, 647
- Danzig1968: distribution, host, 500
- Danzig1985: distribution, host, taxonomy, 147
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 296-297
- DeSant1979: biological control, 332
- Dziedz1970: distribution, host, 26
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 250
- Ferris1936a: taxonomy, 20
- Ferris1937d: illustration, taxonomy, 104, 109
- FetykoKoDa2010: distribution, 295
- Fjeldd1996: distribution, host, 19
- Foldi2001: distribution, economic importance, 306, 308
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 10
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 13,24
- Gavalo1932: distribution, host, 140
- Gavalo1932a: distribution, host, 153
- Gavril2018: reproduction, 240
- GersonHaSh1976: distribution, host, 44
- Gertss2000: distribution, host, 152
- Gertss2001: distribution, 127
- Gertss2011: distribution, host, 44
- GomezM1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 134, 135-138
- GomezM1946: distribution, host, 62
- GomezM1954: distribution, host, 122
- GomezM1957: distribution, host, 49
- GomezM1958a: distribution, host, 8, 10
- GomezM1960G: distribution, host, 170
- Green1915: taxonomy, 461
- GruwelWoKo2016: phylogeny, 173, 175, 176
- Hadzib1950: distribution, host, 256, 259, 262
- HallWi1962: taxonomy, 30
- Hellri2004: distribution, host, 88
- HertinSi1972: biological control, 185
- Hoke1925: physiology, 38
- Jaap1914: distribution, host, 140
- KaymakYa2017: distribution, host, taxonomy, 45-46
- Kiritc1928: distribution, host, 116
- Knecht1930: distribution, host, 236
- Komosi1974a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 26-27
- Korone1934: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 41-42, 48
- KosztaKo1978: distribution, host, taxonomy, 6, 143, 162, 163
- KosztaKo1988F: biological control, distribution, host, taxonomy, 356-357
- Koteja1971a: distribution, host, 324
- Koteja1974a: taxonomy, 249
- Koteja1974b: taxonomy, 84
- Koteja1976: illustration, taxonomy, 282
- Koteja1984e: distribution, 676
- KotejaLi1976: structure, 678
- KotejaZa1966: distribution, host, 328
- KotejaZa1969: distribution, host, 367
- KotejaZa1983: distribution, host, 483
- Kozar1980: distribution, economic importance, 69
- Kozar1985: distribution, 203
- Kozar2009a: distribution, 583
- KozarFoZa1996: distribution, 67
- KozarKiSa2004: distribution, 61
- KozarKoSa2002: catalog, distribution, 39
- KozarOrKo1977: distribution, host, 73
- KozarOs1987: distribution, host, 94
- KozarSzFe2013: distribution, list of species, 86, 101, 137, 153, 174, 188, 209
- KozarTzVi1979: distribution, host, 132
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 81
- Kozarz1986: distribution, taxonomy, 308
- KozarzMi1984: distribution, host, 406, 407
- KozarzRe1975: distribution, economic importance, host, 29
- KozarzVl1981: distribution, host, 16, 23
- KozarzVl1982: distribution, host, 195
- Kuznet1967: taxonomy, 221
- Kuznet1970: distribution, host, 1644
- LagowsGo2020: distribution, 69
- Leonar1906b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 23-25
- Leonar1907c: distribution, host, taxonomy, 88
- Leonar1908a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 186-187
- Leonar1920: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 117, 132-135
- LepineMi1931: distribution, host, 248
- Lindin1906: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 9, 40-44
- Lindin1907: taxonomy, 6
- Lindin1909b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 224-225
- Lindin1912b: description, taxonomy, 254
- Lindin1932b: taxonomy, 107
- Lindin1933: taxonomy, 46
- Lindin1935: taxonomy, 140
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 127
- LongoMaPe1999a: distribution, 144
- Low1883e: distribution, taxonomy, 43
- Lupo1944: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 207, 208, 237-242
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 267
- MalumpOsPy2009: distribution, host, 120-127
- MalumpOsPy2010: distribution, host, 260
- MalumpRe2011: distribution, 72
- Martin1983: distribution, host, 57
- MastenSi2008: catalog, distribution, host, 105-119
- MatilePe2002: distribution, host, 357
- Mesnil1949: biological control, distribution, host, taxonomy, 95-96
- MilonaKoKo2008a: distribution, 143-147
- Moghad2013a: distribution, 39
- Morgan1892: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 13-14
- Newste1894: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 181-182
- Newste1894b: description, illustration, taxonomy, 232-233
- NikolsYa1966: biological control, 237, 264, 280, 281
- NormarOkMi2019: phylogeny, 688
- NormarOkMo2019: distribution, host, phylogeny, taxonomy, 25, 78, S6
- Nur1971: life history, 303
- OConnoGeMa2013: distribution, host, 40
- Ossian1959: distribution, host, 197
- Peleka1962: distribution, host, 63
- Pelliz1976: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 8-10
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 62,68
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, host, 295
- Pierce1917: economic importance, 73
- PodsiaMa2012: description, illustration, structure, 43-47
- Rasina1955: distribution, host, 72
- Rasina1959: distribution, host, 113
- Rogoja1962: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 295-297
- RosenDe1978: biological control, 101
- RossHaOk2012: phylogeny, taxonomy, 199
- Schmut1951: host, taxonomy, 128
- Schmut1959: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 143, 147-149
- SchmutHo2016: distribution, host, illustration, 64, 94
- SimonKa2011: distribution, 240
- Stalaz2021: distribution, 453, 465
- Sugony1962: biological control, distribution, 179, 180
- SzitaFeBe2017: distribution, host, 469
- Szulcz1926: distribution, host, taxonomy, 140
- Teodor2018: distribution, history, 43
- TerGri1954: distribution, host, 65
- TerGri1962: distribution, host, 141, 153, 157
- TerGri1969a: distribution, host, 89, 90
- Terezn1963a: distribution, host, 54
- Terezn1963c: distribution, host, 1527
- Terezn1966b: distribution, host, 679
- Terezn1966c: distribution, host, 961
- Terezn1975: distribution, host, 28, 29, 73, 75, 166
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 70
- Tsalev1968: distribution, host, 212
- Tsalev1972: biological control, distribution, host, 85
- Tschor1939: distribution, 90
- Tudor1982: biological control, 89
- UlgentDo2019: distribution, host, 484
- UlgentErKa2008: biological control, host, 253-264
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S120
- UlgentOzMu2019: distribution, host, 54, 61
- VieiraCaPi1983: distribution, host, 129
- Wang1982c: distribution, taxonomy, 109
- Watson2001: list, 177
- Watson2002: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration,
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 226, 233
- Wolff1911: taxonomy, 79, 80
- Wunn1925: distribution, host, 246
- Wunn1925b: distribution, host, 281
- Yanin1975: distribution, host, 44
- Yasar2020: distribution,
- Yasnos1978: distribution, host, taxonomy, 494, 498, 500, 501
- Zahrad1952: distribution, host, 100, 106
- Zahrad1972: distribution, host, 442-443
- ZakOga1966: distribution, host, 82
- ZakOga1967: distribution, host, 215