Valid Names Results
Lepidosaphes pallidula (Williams, 1969) (Diaspididae: Lepidosaphes)Nomenclatural History
- Mytilaspis pallida Green 1896: 5. Type data: SRI LANKA: Punduloya, on leaves of unidentified shrubs.. Lectotype, unknown, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior homonym Replacement name for Mytilaspis pallida Maskell 1895b
- Mytilaspis gloverii pallida Green, 1896; Green 1896e: 85. change in status (level)
- Lepidosaphes pallida (Green, 1896); Fernald 1903b: 312. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes pallidus (Green, 1896); Green 1919c: 446. change of combination requiring emendation of specific epithet for agreement in gender
- Lepidosaphes gloverii pallida (Green, 1896); MacGillivray 1921: 283. change of combination
- Mytilaspis (Lepidosaphes) pallida Green, 1896; Ramakrishna Ayyar 1930: 31. change of combination
- Mytilococcus pallidus (Green, 1896); Lindinger 1936: 159. change of combination
- Insulaspis pallida (Green, 1896); Borchsenius 1963: 1173. change of combination
- Insulaspis pallidula Williams 1969f: 114. replacement name Replacement name for Mytilaspis pallida Green 1896
- Lepidosaphes pallidula (Williams, 1969); Kawai 1980: 240. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes newsteadi; Moghaddam 2013a: 38. misidentification (discovered by MoghadWa2021, 21).
Common Names
- mango scale AbdRabEv2021
Ecological Associates
Families: 10 | Genera: 11
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera | MillerWiDa2006
- Mangifera indica | AhmadGh1972
- Apocynaceae
- Nerium oleander | Moghad2013a | as Lepidosaphes newsteadi
- Euphorbiaceae
- Codiaeum | Mamet1949
- Malvaceae
- Hibiscus | MillerWiDa2006
- Myrtaceae
- Psidium | Ali1969a
- Psidium guajava | Moghad2013a
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflora | MillerWiDa2006
- Rhizophoraceae
- Rhizophora | MillerWiDa2006
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | Mamet1949
- Murraya | MillerWiDa2006
- Salicaceae
- Scolopia | MillerWiDa2006
- Solanaceae
- Solanum melongena | TakagiMo2005
Families: 2 | Genera: 3
- Aphelinidae
- Aphytis | AhmadGh1972
- Aphytis hispanicus | RosenDe1979
- Encarsia | AhmadGh1972 | (= Prospaltella)
- Encarsia citrina | HertinSi1972 | (= Aspidiotiphagus citrinus)
- Encarsia lounsburyi | AbdRab2001a
- Cybocephalidae
- Cybocephalus semiflavus | AhmadGh1972
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 7
- Australia | WilliaWi1988
- Egypt | GhabboMo1996
- India | Green1919c
- Uttar Pradesh | Misra1924CS
- Iran | Moghad2013a TakagiMo2005
- Mauritius | Mamet1943a WilliaWi1988
- Pakistan | AhmadGh1972
- Sri Lanka | Green1896
- MoghadWa2021: pp.139 ( Adult (F) ) [Lepidosaphes in Iran]
- Ghabbo2001: pp.82 ( First instar ) [Key to two species of Insulaspis] Key as: Insulaspis pallidula
- MacGil1921: pp.283 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes] Key as: Lepidosaphes gloverii pallida
- Systematics: Maskell (1895b) described Mytilaspis pallida imported into Honolulu, from Japan on Podocarpus sp., but credited the species to Green. This record preceded the description of Mytilaspis pallida by Green (1896). It is clear that Maskell's species was not the same as Green's. Cockerell (1897q) proposed the replacement name Mytilaspis pallida var. maskelli for Maskell's species. However, since Maskell's description was valid, his species takes precedence over Green's. Thus, Cockerell's name is a junior synonym of Lepidosaphes pallida Maskell. Williams (1969b) intended to propose the replacement name pallidula for Green's species, but due to an oversight, did not actually use the name until 1969f. Since the two species have been confused, it is impossible to be sure that all references actually apply to the named species. A detailed redescription and illustration was provided by Miller, Williams & Davidson (2006)
- Structure: Median trullae separated from each other by a space a little narrower than one of them. A small, but strongly sclerotized lateral spur present on each side of the body on the posterior border of abd I (or between I and II), spiniform, sometimes bicuspid. Dorsal ducts not particularly reduced in size. Submedian dorsal ducts occurring on abd II-VI, their numbers on each side: 2-5 (at times absent) on II, 3-9 on III, 4-8 on IV, 2 -5 on V, and 1--4 (usually 2) on VI. Submarginal dorsal ducts few on abd IV and V, rather abundant on the preceding abdominal segments. Antennae each with 2 setae, which are united together except for a short basal length in some specimens. (Takagi & Moghaddam, 2005)
- General Remarks: Best description by Miller, Williams & Davidson (2006).
- AbdRab2001a: biological control, distribution, host, 175, 176
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 35
- AhmadGh1972: biological control, distribution, host, 89
- Ali1969a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 53
- Balach1954e: taxonomy, 87
- Borchs1937a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 77
- Borchs1963: taxonomy, 1173
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 66
- Cocker1897q: distribution, host, taxonomy, 704
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 288
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 312
- Ghabbo2001: distribution, host, taxonomy, 82
- GhabboMo1996: description, distribution, host, 348
- Green1896: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 5
- Green1896e: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 77, 85
- Green1900a: taxonomy, 254
- Green1914c: distribution, host, taxonomy, 233
- Green1919c: distribution, host, 446
- Green1922: taxonomy, 460
- HertinSi1972: biological control, 183
- JoshiBaBh2024: diagnosis, 5
- Kawai1980: distribution, host, taxonomy, 240-241
- Kirkal1902: distribution, taxonomy, 111
- Kuznet1967: distribution, host, 256
- Leonar1898: taxonomy, 47
- Lindin1936: taxonomy, 159
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 283
- Mamet1943a: distribution, host, 163
- Mamet1949: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 40-41
- Matile1978: taxonomy, 55
- MillerWiDa2006: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 31-35
- Misra1924CS: distribution, host, 350
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 38
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 38
- MoghadWa2021: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, taxonomy, 11, 139, 153-155, 247
- MoharuBa2015: distribution, host, 99-101
- Parkin1906: ecology, 69
- Ramakr1919a: distribution, host, 24
- Ramakr1919b: distribution, host, 98
- Ramakr1930: distribution, host, taxonomy, 31
- RosenDe1979: biological control, distribution, 760
- TakagiMo2005: description, illustration, taxonomy, 47-48, 63, 64
- Varshn2002: distribution, host, 48
- Varshn2002: distribution, host, 49
- Willia1969b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 60-61
- Willia1969f: taxonomy, 114
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 228
- WilliaWi1988: distribution, host, taxonomy, 67