Valid Names Results
Lepidosaphes conchiformis (Gmelin, 1790) (Diaspididae: Lepidosaphes)Nomenclatural History
- Coccus conchiformis Gmelin 1790: 2221. Type data: on Ulmus sp.. Unknown type status, unknown, accepted valid name Notes: Type material presumed lost (Matile-Ferrero, personal communication, December 2, 1999).
- Diaspis conchiformis (Gmelin, 1790); Targioni Tozzetti 1867: 14, 22. change of combination
- Mytilaspis saliceti; Targioni Tozzetti 1868: 737. misidentification (discovered by Borchs1966, 53).
- Mytilaspis conchiformis (Gmelin, 1790); Signoret 1870: 93. change of combination
- Mytilaspis ficus Signoret 1870: 94-95. Type data: FRANCE: Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by Lindin1912b, 153). Notes: Types probably lost. Illustr.
- Mytilaspis minima Newstead 1897a: 95. Type data: ALGERIA: Mansourah, ON Ficus carica, 24/10/1895. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Lindin1912b, 153). Illustr.
- Mytilaspis ficifolii Berlese 1903: 3-5. Type data: ITALY: Portici, Calabria, on Ficus carica. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Portici: Dipartimento de Entomologia e Zoologia Agraria di Portici, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Italy; junior synonym (discovered by Lupo1943, 196-205). Illustr.
- Lepidosaphes ficus (Signoret, 1870); Fernald 1903b: 308. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes minima (Newstead, 1897); Fernald 1903b: 311. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes ficifolii (Berlese, 1903); Sanders 1906: 17. change of combination
- Mytilaspis (Lepidosaphes) ficus Signoret, 1870; Newstead 1906: 72. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes ficifoliae ulmicola Leonardi 1907b: 168. Type data: ITALY: Portici. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Portici: Dipartimento de Entomologia e Zoologia Agraria di Portici, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Italy; junior synonym (discovered by Balach1954e, 69). Illustr.
- Lepidosaphes ficifoliae (Berlese, 1903); Leonardi 1907b: 17. misspelling of species epithet
- Lepidosaphes conchiformis (Gmelin, 1790); Lindinger 1912b: 97. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes (Mytilaspis) ficus (Signoret, 1870); Hall 1922: 38. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes (Mytilaspis) minima (Newstead, 1897); Hall 1922: 39. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes conchyformis (Gmelin, 1790); Balachowsky 1927: 181. misspelling of species epithet
- Lepidosaphes rubri Thiem 1931: 557. Type data: GERMANY: Naumberg, on Carpinus betulae. Unknown type status, unknown, junior synonym (discovered by Lindin1933c, 167).
- Lepidosaphes conchiformis ulmi Koroneos 1934: 70-71. Type data: GREECE: Larissa, Athens, Volos, on Ulmus campestris, Celtis australis, Ficus carica and Pistacia terebinthus. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by Balach1954e, 65). Notes: Types presumed lost. Illustr.
- Mytilococcus conchiformis (Gmelin, 1790); Lupo 1939: 72, 96. change of combination
- Mytilococcus ficifolii (Berlese, 1903); Lupo 1939: 124. change of combination
- Mytilococcus ficifolii ulmicola (Leonardi, 1907); Lupo 1939: 124. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes rubi Thiem, 1931; Pflugfelder 1939: 73. misspelling of species epithet
- Mytilococcus ficifoliae (Berlese, 1903); Lupo 1939: 124. misspelling of species epithet
- Mytilococcus ficifoliae ulmicola (Leonardi, 1907); Lupo 1939: 124. misspelling of species epithet
- Mytilococcus minimus (Newstead, 1897); Bodenheimer 1943: 6. change of combination
- Mytilococcus conchyformis (Gmelin, 1790); Bodenheimer 1949: 122. misspelling of species epithet
- Lepidosaphes conchyformis minima (Newstead, 1897); Balachowsky 1954e: 69. change in status (level)
- Lepidosaphes turkmenica Borchsenius & Bustshik 1955: 304. Type depository: St. Petersburg: Zoological Museum, Academy of Science, Russia; junior synonym (discovered by Borchs1963, 1173).
- Lepidosaphes conchiformioides Borchsenius 1958a: 168-169. Type data: CHINA: Hubei, Wuhan, on Prunus mume, 14/12/1954, by N. Borchsenius; NORTH KOREA: Sariwon, on Malus, 23/07/1950, by N. Borchsenius sp.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (Danzig1993,271). Type depository: St. Petersburg: Zoological Museum, Academy of Science, Russia; junior synonym (discovered by Danzig1993, 269). Illustr.
- Insulaspis minima (Newstead, 1897); Borchsenius 1963: 1172. change of combination
- Mytilaspis conchiformioides (Borchsenius, 1958); Borchsenius 1963: 1168. change of combination
- Mytilaspis rubri (Thiem, 1931); Borchsenius 1963: 1168. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes conchiformes (Gmelin, 1790); Gill 1997: 17. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- cochenille virgule du figuier Foldi2001
- fig oystershell scale KosztaKo1988F
- fig scale AAEE1937 Blicke1965
- greater fig mussel scale Bodenh1924
- Mediterranean fig scale Essig1926
- pear oystershell scale KSPP1972
- red oystershell scale KosztaKo1988F
Ecological Associates
Families: 24 | Genera: 41
- Anacardiaceae
- Pistacia | Komosi1969a MillerDa2005
- Pistacia terebinthus | Korone1934
- Betulaceae
- Betula | MillerDa2005
- Betula pendula | Schmut1952 | (= Betula verrucosa)
- Betula pubescens | Balach1934c | (= Betula alba)
- Carpinus | MillerDa2005
- Carpinus betulus | TerGri1962 Thiem1931 | (= Carpinus caucasica)
- Carpinus orientalis | Hadzib1950
- Corylus | MillerDa2005
- Corylus avellana | Schmut1952
- Cannabaceae
- Celtis | MillerDa2005
- Celtis australis | TerGri1962 | ssp. caucasica (= Celtis caucasica)
- Celastraceae
- Euonymus japonicus | Suh2020
- Cupressaceae
- Cupressus sempervirens | BicheArMe2022
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros | MillerDa2005
- Diospyros kaki | Tachik1962
- Elaeagnaceae
- Elaeagnus angustifolia | BenDov2012 Tang1984b | (= Elaeagnus orientalis)
- Euphorbiaceae
- Ricinus communis | AhmadGh1971
- Fabaceae
- Bauhinia racemosa | BicheArMe2022
- Ceratonia siliqua | Bodenh1924
- Wisteria | Nakaha1982
- Fagaceae
- Castanea sativa | Terezn1966
- Fagus | Borchs1939a
- Fagus sylvatica | Terezn1966
- Fagus taurica | Terezn1968c
- Quercus | JaposhBaKi2020
- Juglandaceae
- Juglans | Komosi1969a MillerDa2005
- Juglans regia | Terezn1959
- Linaceae
- Reinwardtia indica | AhmadGh1971 | (= Reinwardtia trigyna)
- Lythraceae
- Punica granatum | GhabboMo1996
- Malvaceae
- Hibiscus | Nakaha1982 | (= Althea)
- Tilia | Komosi1969a MillerDa2005
- Tilia cordata | Komosi1969a | (= Tilia parvifolia)
- Tilia euchlora | Komosi1969a
- Tilia platyphyllos | Thiem1931
- Tilia tomentosa | BognarVi1979 | (= Tilia argentea)
- Meliaceae
- Melia azedarach | AhmadGh1971
- Moraceae
- Ficus carica | Balach1927 BenDov2012 Newste1897a
- Ficus lyrata | Martor1976
- Morus alba | BognarVi1979
- Oleaceae
- Fraxinus | MillerDa2005
- Fraxinus excelsior | Schmut1952
- Fraxinus ornus | BognarVi1979
- Olea | DanzigPe1998
- Olea europaea | Gharbi2021
- Syringa | MillerDa2005
- Syringa emodi | Schmut1952
- Syringa vulgaris | Komosi1969a
- Rhamnaceae
- Ziziphus spina-christi | BenDov2012
- Rosaceae
- Cerasus | Borchs1960b
- Crataegus | DanzigPe1998
- Cydonia | Nakaha1982
- Eriobotrya japonica | SismanUl2010
- Malus | Borchs1958a MillerDa2005
- Malus asiatica | Suh2020
- Malus domestica | Efimof1937 | (= Pyrus malus)
- Malus prunifolia | Efimof1937
- Malus pumila | Muraka1970
- Prunus domestica | Efimof1937
- Prunus glandulosa | Paik1978
- Prunus mume | Borchs1958a
- Prunus persica | Paik1978
- Pyrus | MillerDa2005 Takagi1960
- Pyrus communis | Efimof1937
- Pyrus pyrifolia | Muraka1970 | (= Pyrus serotina)
- Rutaceae
- Citrus aurantiifolia | AhmadGh1971 | (= Citrus acida)
- Citrus medica | GhaniMu1974
- Salicaceae
- Salix | BenDov2012
- Sapindaceae
- Acer | MillerDa2005
- Acer pseudoplatanus | Schmut1952
- Styracaceae
- Styrax officinalis | Bodenh1924
- Ulmaceae
- Ulmus | Komosi1969a MillerDa2005
- Ulmus glabra | Foldi2002 Korone1934 Terezn1968c | (= Ulmus campestris, Celtis campestris, Ulmus scabra)
- Ulmus laevis | Foldi2002 Korone1934
- Ulmus minor | Hadzib1983 | (= Ulmus foleaceae)
- Zelkova | Borchs1966 MillerDa2005
Families: 7 | Genera: 17
- Aphelinidae
- Ablerus atomon | KosztaKo1988F | (= Azotus atomon)
- Ablerus pinifoliae | HertinSi1972 | (= Azotus pinifoliae)
- Aphytis | Ebelin1959
- Aphytis chilensis | BelgueBiBe2017
- Aphytis chrysomphali | KosztaKo1988F
- Aphytis hispanicus | Yasnos1978
- Aphytis libanicus | MoghadWa2021
- Aphytis maculicornis | AhmadGh1971
- Aphytis melinus | AhmadGh1972
- Aphytis mytilaspidis | Balach1925a Fulmek1943 | (= Aphelinus mytilaspidis)
- Aphytis proclia | KosztaKo1988F
- Coccobius annulicornis | Yasnos1968 | ( = Physcus testaceus)
- Coccobius testaceus | Aligey2016
- Coccophagus insidiator | KosztaKo1988F
- Diaspiniphagus moeris | KosztaKo1988F | (= Coccophagoides similis)
- Encarsia | AhmadGh1972 | (= Prospaltella)
- Encarsia citrina | BelgueBiBe2017
- Encarsia leucaspidis | HertinSi1972 | (= Prospaltella leucaspidis)
- Pteroptrix dimidiata | KosztaKo1988F
- Pteroptrix lauri | KosztaKo1988F | (= Hispaniella lauri)
- Coccinellidae
- Chilocorus stigma | HertinSi1972 SchildSc1928 | (= Chilocorus bivulnerus)
- Pharoscymnus flexibilis | GhaniMu1974
- Rhyzobius lophanthae | BelgueBiBe2017 HertinSi1972 | (= Lindorus lophanthae)
- Cybocephalidae
- Cybocephalus semiflavus | AhmadGh1972
- Encyrtidae
- Adelencyrtus chionaspidis | AhmadGh1972 AhmadGh1972
- Cheiloneurus | KosztaKo1988F
- Zaomma lambinus | HertinSi1972 JaposhCe2010 | (= Apterencyrtus microphagus)
- Hemisarcoptidae
- Hemisarcoptes | HertinSi1972
- Hemisarcoptes malus | HertinSi1972
- Miridae
- Pilophorus cinnamopterus | HertinSi1972
- Mymaridae
- Erythmelus gracilis | KosztaKo1988F | (= Anaphes gracilis)
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 47
- Afghanistan | KozarFoZa1996
- Algeria | Newste1897a
- Antigua and Barbuda | Green1915a MalumpBa2012
- Argentina | Lizery1938 MillerDa2005
- Armenia | Borchs1949d
- Azerbaijan | Borchs1937a
- Bulgaria | KozarNa1998 Tsalev1968
- Chile | MillerDa2005 Porter1912
- China | Ali1970
- Anhui (=Anhwei) | Hua2000
- Fujian (=Fukien) | Hua2000
- Gansu (=Kansu) | Tang1984b
- Hebei (=Hopei) | Hua2000
- Henan (=Honan) | Hua2000
- Hubei (=Hupei) | Borchs1958a
- Liaoning | Hua2000
- Shandong (=Shantung) | Tang1984b
- Sichuan (=Szechwan) | Hua2000
- Zhejiang (=Chekiang) | Hua2000
- Crete | PellizPoSe2011
- Croatia | MastenSi2008
- Cyprus | Georgh1977
- Czech Republic | KosztaKo1988F
- Egypt | AbdRabEv2021 Ghabbo2001 Hall1922
- Finland | Hellen1921
- France | Ferris1937 Foldi2001 Foldi2002
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017 Hadzib1950
- Germany | SchmutHo2016 Thiem1931
- Greece | Korone1934
- Hungary | Danzig1972 KozarKoFe2013
- Iran | Kaussa1948 KozarFoZa1996 MillerDa2005
- Iraq | Bodenh1944a MillerDa2005
- Israel | AhmadGh1971 MillerDa2005
- Italy | LongoMaPe1995 MillerDa2005 Sander1906
- Sicily | LongoMaPe1995
- Japan
- Honshu | Kuwana1925a Takagi1960
- Kyushu | Muraka1970
- Shikoku | Tachik1962
- Luxembourg | GertssSc2020
- Malta | Borg1932 MifsudMaRu2014
- Morocco | LepineMi1931
- Netherlands | JansenAl2023
- North Korea | Borchs1958a
- Pakistan | AhmadGh1971 MillerDa2005
- Poland | Komosi1969a SimonKa2011
- Portugal | FrancoRuMa2011 Seabra1918
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | Martor1976
- Romania | Kozar1985 Savesc1961
- Sardinia | Paoli1915 PellizFo1996
- South Africa | AhmadGh1971
- South Korea | ESKSAE1994
- Spain | Garcia1930
- Switzerland | KosztaKo1988F
- Syria | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1982
- Taiwan | BazaroSh1971
- Tunisia | Gharbi2021
- Turkey | Bodenh1924 MillerDa2005
- USSR | MillerDa2005
- Ukraine
- Zakarpat'ye (=Transcarpathia) Oblast | Terezn1959c
- United States
- California | MillerDa2005 SchildSc1928
- District of Columbia | Nakaha1982
- Maryland | Nakaha1982
- Missouri | Nakaha1982
- MoghadWa2021: pp.139 ( Adult (F) ) [Lepidosaphes in Iran]
- MillerDa2005: pp.29-32 ( Adult (F) ) [Field Key to Economic Armored Scales]
- MillerDa2005: pp.20-22 ( Adult (F) ) [Armored Scales]
- Ghabbo2001: pp.78 ( First instar ) [Key to first-instar nymphs of three species of Lepidosaphes] Key as: Lepidosaphes ficus
- ColonFMe1998: pp.104 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Puerto Rican species of Lepidosaphes]
- Gill1997: pp.169 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to California species of Lepidosaphes]
- Koszta1996: pp.518 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Northeastern North American Lepidosaphes] Key as: Lepidosaphes conchiformioides
- KosztaKo1988F: pp.347 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Chou1982: pp.156 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Chinese species of Lepidosaphes]
- Paik1978: pp.336 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Danzig1971d: pp.842 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of family Diaspididae] Key as: Lepidosaphes rubri
- Borchs1960b: pp.218 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of coccid fauna of KNR]
- Takagi1960: pp.92 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- GomezM1956: pp.73 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes of Spain]
- McKenz1956: pp.33 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes] Key as: Lepidosaphes ficus
- Takaha1955e: pp.70 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Balach1954e: pp.34 ( Adult (F) ) [Tableau de détermination des espèces du g. Lepidosaphes]
- Ferris1942: pp.SIV-446:56 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes] Key as: Lepidosaphes ficus, Lepidosaphes ficifoliae
- Kuwana1925a: pp.4 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Leonar1903: pp.30 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Mytilaspis]
- Structure: Female scale light brown, small, wide posteriorly, 1.2-2.7 mm long, curved or straight, often distorted by pressure of surrounding leaf hairs. Male scale slender, membranous, white to purplish white, 0.7-1.0 mm long. Adult female fusiform, 0.7-1.4 mm long, membranous except for pygidium, but after completion of oviposition prepygidial abdominal segments distinctly sclerotized (Ahmad & Ghani, 1971). Eggs are white (Kuwana, 1925a). Female scale elongate, widened toward the posterior end, brown, 1.8-2.3 mm long. Male scale about 1.0 mm long. Adult female body elongate and widest at the anterior half of the abdomen, approximately 1.2 mm long and 0.6 mm wide (Borchsenius, 1958a).
- Biology: Lepidosaphes conchiformis has two generations annually, overwintering in the fertilized female adults. The female deposits about 60 eggs beneath the scale irregularly in the next April. The eggs hatch in May to June (first generation) and in August to September (second generation) (Murakami, 1970). Lupo (1943) discovered that this species has a leaf form and stem form that are quite different morphologically. Stafford and Barnes (1948) studied the fig scale on Adriatic figs in the vicinity of Fresno, CA. They found about 5% of the overwintering twig-inhabiting females were ovipositing in February when local almonds were in bloom. About 90% of the females were ovipositing when apricot blooms were falling. At this time Adriatic fig tree buds were about 3/4 inch long. Overwintering females on bark produced an average of 30.2 eggs each. Hatching began on April 5 and was nearly complete on June 24. Male crawlers settled mostly on the upper surfaces of leaves while female crawlers settled mainly on the lower leaf surfaces. Over 90% of the crawlers settle on leaves in this generation. Summer generation females on leaves produced an average of 12.4 eggs each which hatch from July to October. These crawlers tend to settle on twigs. Nearly all first generation males emerged by mid-July. Second generation males were present from late September to November. These males fertilized females on bark which became the overwintering generation. An overwintering, a first summer, and partial second summer generation are indicated on figs in Fresno, California. Bodenheimer (1924) reported 2 generations a year in Palestine. Komosinska (1975) reported only 1 generation a year in Poland. Fertilized adult females constitute the overwintering stage. Eggs are laid in May. Crawlers appear from mid-May to late June. Second instars occur from late June to late July. Male prepupae and pupae occur from late July to early August. Adult males appear around August and mate with adult females. (Miller & Davidson, 2005).
- Economic Importance: Miller & Davidson (1990) list this insect as a serious and widespread pest. Stafford and Barnes (1948) reported that although heavy populations of fig scale occur on the leaves and twigs, little immediate damage results. Such populations, however, will result in fig fruit infestation, and this will seriously affect the market value of figs because the scales caused dark green spots on fruits. In 1944, infested fruit grown for canning had to be used for jam stock, and hence were worth only about 70% of their value canned. Ahmad and Ghani (1971) noted the fig scale seriously damaged Citrus, Malia, and Ricinus. Komosinska (1969) found that heavy infestations caused bark "ruptures" on Tilia. Chua and Wood (1990) suggest that this species is an important pest of figs. Beardsley and González (1975) consider this scale to be one of 43 serious armored scale pests, and Miller and Davidson (1990) consider it to be a serious world pest. (Miller & Davidson, 2005).
- General Remarks: Detailed descriptions and illustrations by Kuwana (1925a), Ferris (1937), Balachowsky (1954e), Borchsenius (1958a). Description and illustration of first-instar nymph by Ghabbour (2001).
- AAEE1937: taxonomy, 533
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 35
- AhmadGh1971: biological control, description, distribution, illustration, 69-74
- AhmadGh1972: biological control, distribution, host, 88
- Ali1970: catalog, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 21-22
- Aligey2016: natural enemies,
- Arnett1985: economic importance, 241
- Babaev1980: distribution, host, 59
- Balach1925a: biological control, distribution, 168
- Balach1927: distribution, host, 181
- Balach1932d: distribution, host, 18
- Balach1933e: distribution, host, 4
- Balach1934c: taxonomy, 130
- Balach1954e: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 34, 35, 36, 41, 65-6
- BarnesSt1949: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 48-55
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 259
- BazaroSh1971: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 60, 67-69
- BelgueBiBe2017: biological control, natural enemies, 123, 127, 128
- BenDov2012: catalog, distribution, host, 31, 43
- Berles1903: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 3-5
- BicheArMe2022: distribution, host, 506
- Blanch1939: distribution, economic importance, 84
- Blicke1965: taxonomy, 293, 310
- Bodenh1924: description, distribution, host, life history, taxonomy, 48-49
- Bodenh1930a: biological control, 270, 275, 376, 378
- Bodenh1943: distribution, host, 6
- Bodenh1944a: distribution, 83
- Bodenh1949: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 122, 124-127
- Bodenh1953: distribution, taxonomy, 16
- BognarVi1979: distribution, host, 18
- Borchs1934: distribution, host, taxonomy, 24
- Borchs1937: distribution, taxonomy, 109
- Borchs1937a: distribution, taxonomy, 74, 78, 173, 245, 25
- Borchs1949: distribution, host, taxonomy, 207
- Borchs1949d: distribution, host, taxonomy, 209
- Borchs1950b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 184-185
- Borchs1958a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 168-169, 174
- Borchs1960b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 216, 218
- Borchs1963: taxonomy, 1168, 1172
- Borchs1963a: distribution, taxonomy, 219, 253-254
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 52-53, 55, 64
- BorchsBu1955: distribution, host, 304
- Borg1932: distribution, host, 7, 12
- BugajNJuKa2021: distribution, list, 299
- Bustsh1958: distribution, host, 185, 187
- Bustsh1960: distribution, host, 174
- CaliskUl2017: distribution, host, taxonomy, 341
- Charli1972: distribution, host, 215
- Chiesa1948: distribution, taxonomy, 242, 262
- Chou1982: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 156, 174
- Chou1986: illustration, 574
- Chou1986: illustration, 594
- Clause1931: distribution, host, taxonomy, 27
- ClineSkKi2014: distribution, list, 114
- Cocker1897o: host, 5
- ColonFMe1998: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 106-107
- Colvee1881: taxonomy, 30
- Comsto1883: distribution, host, taxonomy, 123, 124
- Comsto1916: distribution, taxonomy, 583, 584, 585
- CoronaRuMo1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 40
- Costan1937: distribution, host, 239
- Costan1950: distribution, host, 12
- Danzig1971d: taxonomy, 842
- Danzig1972: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 214
- Danzig1993: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 269-272
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 283-284
- DaoBeWa2018: distribution, morphology, phylogeny, 82
- DavidsDiFl1991: chemical control, host, 27
- DeBach1962: biological control, distribution, 71
- DeBach1964: biological control, distribution, host, 679
- DeBachRo1976: biological control, distribution, host, 145, 177
- DelassBaBr1927: distribution, host, 167-168
- DooleySm2013: catalog, 12
- Dougla1886a: taxonomy, 27
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 116
- Ebelin1959: distribution, economic importance, host, 373-374
- Efimof1937: distribution, host, 48, 50, 66, 99
- Essig1926: description, distribution, 306
- EssigHo1944: distribution, host, 69
- Ezzat1958: distribution, taxonomy, 246
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 308, 311
- Ferris1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, SI-70, SI-73
- Ferris1937a: taxonomy, 5
- Ferris1938a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, SII-144
- Ferris1942: taxonomy, SIV-446:56
- FetykoKoDa2010: distribution, 295
- Foldi2001: distribution, economic importance, 306, 308
- Foldi2002: distribution, 247
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 10
- FowjhaKo1999: distribution, host, 122
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 13,24
- FrankKr1900: distribution, taxonomy, 99
- Fulmek1943: biological control, catalog, 52
- Garcia1930: biological control, distribution, 54
- Gavril2018: reproduction, 240
- Georgh1977: distribution, host, 152, 269
- Germai2011: distribution, economic importance, 31-34
- Germai2011a: distribution, economic importance, 8
- GertssSc2020: distribution, host, 135
- Ghabbo2001: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 76-78
- GhabboMo1996: description, distribution, host, 348
- GhabboMo1996: description, distribution, host, 351
- GhaniMu1974: biological control, distribution, host, 55
- Gharbi2021: biology, distribution, host, structure, 10-11
- Ghesqu1933: distribution, host, 346
- Gill1997: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 169, 171-172, 180
- Gmelin1790: host, taxonomy, 2221
- Goethe1884: taxonomy, 118
- GomezM1937: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 163, 164, 169-171, 1
- GomezM1946: distribution, host, 73
- GomezM1956: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 73, 78-81
- Gonzal2016: diagnosis, distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 112, 132, 181-182
- GonzalCh1968: distribution, 110
- Green1915a: distribution, host, 184
- Green1916: distribution, host, 29
- GugliuMaMa2019: distribution, host, list, 4, 6
- Hadzib1965: description, distribution, host, 4, 9, 10
- Hadzib1983: distribution, taxonomy, 169, 274
- Hall1922: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 38-39
- Hall1923: distribution, taxonomy, 49
- Hawkin1994: biological control, 165
- Hellen1921: distribution, 121
- Hellri2004: distribution, host, 87
- HertinSi1972: biological control, 182
- HowellTi1977: taxonomy, 119
- HuHeWa1992: distribution, illustration, 197-198
- Hua2000: distribution, host, taxonomy, 155
- Imamku1966: distribution, host, 48
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 26,34
- JaposhBaKi2020: distribution, host, 65
- JaposhCe2010: distribution, 134
- KSPP1972: distribution, taxonomy, 107
- Kaussa1948: distribution, host, 7
- Kaussa1955: distribution, host, 19
- Kawai1972: distribution, host, 32
- Kawai1977: distribution, taxonomy, 152
- Kawai1980: distribution, taxonomy, 245
- KnipscMiDa1976: taxonomy, 1
- Komosi1969a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 267-269
- Komosi1974: taxonomy, 344, 361
- Komosi1974a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 15-19
- Komosi1975: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 127-148
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 17
- Korone1934: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 70-72, 81, 83
- Koszta1996: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 517, 518, 520-521
- KosztaKo1978: biological control, distribution, host, taxonomy, 162
- KosztaKo1988F: biological control, description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 348-350
- Kozar1980: distribution, host, 69
- Kozar1985: distribution, 203
- KozarFoZa1996: distribution, 67
- KozarKo1982: host, 205
- KozarKoFe2013: distribution, taxonomy, 54
- KozarNa1998: distribution, host, 56
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 84-85
- Kuwana1925: taxonomy, 7
- Kuwana1925a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 4, 5-7
- Lagows1998a: ecology, 65
- LagowsGo2020: distribution, 69
- Leonar1898: taxonomy, 46-47
- Leonar1903: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 30, 71-72
- Leonar1907b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 168-169
- Leonar1918: distribution, host, 211
- Leonar1920: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 151, 163, 173, 175
- LepineMi1931: distribution, host, 248
- Lindin1911: taxonomy, 379
- Lindin1912b: taxonomy, 97, 372, 373
- Lindin1932g: taxonomy, 225
- Lindin1933c: taxonomy, 167-168
- Lindin1933d: taxonomy, 39
- Lindin1934: taxonomy, 63-64
- Lindin1936: taxonomy, 158, 159
- Lindin1943a: taxonomy, 149
- Lindin1954: taxonomy, 617
- Lizery1938: distribution, host, 343, 354
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 127
- LongoMaPe1999a: distribution, 144
- Lupo1939: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 72, 96-101, 124
- Lupo1943: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 196-205
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 282, 283, 286
- MalumpBa2012: distribution, host, 33
- MalumpHaSa2012: distribution, host, 5
- Mani1938: biological control, host, 120
- Mani1976: biological control, distribution, 66
- Maranh1945: taxonomy, 386
- Martin1983: distribution, host, 55, 56
- Martor1976: distribution, host, 117
- MastenSi2008: catalog, distribution, host, 105-119
- McCombDa1969: distribution, host, 2
- McKenz1956: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 33, 121-122
- Melis1930: distribution, host, 17
- MetzMiDi2017: morphology, taxonomy, 42
- MifsudFsMa2012: distribution, host, 17, 18
- MifsudMaRu2014: distribution, host, 510
- Miller2005: distribution, 487
- MillerDa1990: economic importance, taxonomy, 303
- MillerDa2005: description, distribution, economic importance, host, 250
- MilonaKoKo2008a: distribution, 143-147
- Moghad2004: distribution, host, 23
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 36
- MoghadWa2021: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, key, natural enemies, taxonomy, 10, 139, 143-144, 246
- Morgan1890a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 226, 230
- Muraka1970: distribution, host, life history, 81
- Myarts1972: distribution, host, 54
- Nakaha1982: distribution, host, taxonomy, 47
- Neves1936: distribution, host, 199
- Newste1897a: 95
- Newste1901b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 194, 202
- Newste1906: distribution, host, 70, 72
- Newste1907: 55
- Newste1907a: distribution, host, 15
- NikolsYa1966: biological control, 211
- Nishid2002: catalog, 142
- NormarJo2010: ecology, host, 3
- Paik1978: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 336, 339-341
- Panis1981: distribution, host, 8
- Paoli1915: distribution, host, 266
- Pelliz2011: distribution, 312
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 62,68
- PellizFo1996: distribution, 121
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, host, 295
- Pflugf1939: distribution, taxonomy, 73
- Pierce1917: economic importance, 102
- PooleGe1997: distribution, 349
- Porter1912: distribution, host, 22-23
- PriesnHo1940: distribution, 60
- PruthiMa1940: biological control, distribution, 26
- RosenDe1978: biological control, 111-112
- RouhanVaMa2018a: distribution, host, 3
- Roulla1917: distribution, host, taxonomy, 246-248
- Sander1906: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 17
- Sassce1923: distribution, 155
- Savesc1961: distribution, host, 30-31
- SchildSc1928: taxonomy, 269
- Schmut1952: distribution, host, taxonomy, 576
- Schmut1959: distribution, taxonomy, 158, 167
- SchmutHo2016: distribution, host, 63
- Seabra1918: distribution, host, 9
- Seabra1941: distribution, host, 8
- Seghat1977: distribution, host, 14
- Signor1870: description, distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 93-95
- Silves1939: distribution, host, taxonomy, 811
- SimonKa2011: distribution, 240
- SismanUl2010: distribution, host, 222
- StaffoBa1948: distribution, host, life history, 567-598
- Suh2020: distribution, host, 7, 8, 12, 16, 17, 20
- Tachik1962: distribution, host, 78
- Takagi1960: distribution, host, taxonomy, 79, 92
- Takaha1935: taxonomy, 25
- Takaha1952a: taxonomy, 8
- Takaha1955a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 72
- Takaha1955e: distribution, host, taxonomy, 72
- Tang1977: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 208
- Tang1984b: distribution, host, 131
- Tang1986: distribution, host, taxonomy, 277
- Targio1867: taxonomy, 14, 22
- Targio1884: taxonomy, 396
- Teodor2018: distribution, history, host, 43, 50
- TerGri1962: distribution, host, taxonomy, 144
- TerGri1969a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 71
- Terezn1975: distribution, host, taxonomy, 29, 40, 73, 76
- Terezn1986: distribution, host, taxonomy, 35
- Thiem1931: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 557
- Thiem1933a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 640
- Trabut1910: distribution, host, taxonomy, 23-24
- Trabut1911: distribution, host, taxonomy, 63
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 70
- Tsalev1968: distribution, host, 215
- Tsalev1972: distribution, host, 86
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S120
- Vappul1965: distribution, host, 170
- Varshn2002: distribution, host, 51
- ViggiaJe1985: biological control, distribution, 879
- Westco1973: distribution, host, 401
- Willco1922: distribution, host, 218
- Willia1971b: taxonomy, 10
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 221, 223, 227
- WilliaBe2009: catalog, 17
- Yang1982: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 209, 212-213
- Yasnos1968: biological control, distribution, 121
- Yasnos1978: biological control, host, 482
- Zahrad1972: distribution, host, taxonomy, 425