Valid Names Results
Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman, 1869) (Diaspididae: Lepidosaphes)Nomenclatural History
- Coccus anguinus Boisduval 1868: 282. Type data: FRANCE. Unknown type status, unknown, junior synonym (discovered by Borchs1963, 1168). Notes: It would appear that Boisduval did not intend to describe a new species.
- Coccus beckii Newman 1869: 217-218. Type data: UNITED KINGDOM: England, on Citrus sp. and Malus sp.. Unknown type status, unknown, accepted valid name Notes: Type material probably lost.
- Aspidiotus citricola Packard 1869: 527. Type data: UNITED STATES: Florida, on Citrus sp.. Unknown type status, unknown, junior synonym (discovered by Quayle1938a, 169). Notes: Type material probably lost. Illustr.
- Mytilaspis flavescens Targioni Tozzetti 1876: 84. junior synonym (discovered by Cocker1896b, 336).
- Mytilaspis citricola (Packard, 1869); Comstock 1881a: 321. change of combination
- Mytilaspis citricola tasmaniae Maskell 1897: 303-304. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Tasmania, on Pomaderris apetala, by H.S. Dove. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Auckland: New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, New Zealand; Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by GomezM1956, 83).
- Mytilaspis tasmaniae Maskell, 1897; Cockerell 1899f: 14. change in status (level)
- Mytilaspis beckii (Newman, 1869); Cockerell 1899j: 275. change of combination
- Mytilaspis pinnaeformis; Newstead 1901b: 204. misidentification (discovered by Balach1954e, 61). Illustr.
- Lepidosaphes pinnaeformis; Kirkaldy 1902: 110. incorrect synonymy (discovered by Balach1954e, 61).
- Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman, 1869); Fernald 1903b: 305. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes fulva; Souza da Camara 1906: 148. misidentification Notes: Souza da Camara's treatment of "Mytilaspis fulva" is a misidentification of Lepidosaphes beckii. Additionally, M. fulva is a misspelling of M. flava.
- Lepidosaphes pinniformis; Lindinger 1910b: 45. misidentification (discovered by Borchs1966, 55).
- Mytilaspis (Lepidosaphes) beckii (Newman, 1869); Newstead 1913: 81. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes citricola (Packard, 1869); Vayssière 1921: 356. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes (Mytilaspis) beckii (Newman, 1869); Hall 1922: 37. change of combination
- Mytilaspis anguineus (Boisduval, 1868); Lindinger 1924: 183. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes pinniformis; Bodenheimer 1924: 51-53. misidentification (discovered by Borchs1966, 55).
- Mytilococcus piniformis (Lindinger, 1910); Lindinger 1936: 149. change of combination
- Mytilococcus beckii (Newman, 1869); Lupo 1939: 80. change of combination
- Lepidosaphes pinifolii Lindinger, 1910; Balachowsky 1954e: 61. change of combination
- Cornuaspis beckii (Newman, 1869); Borchsenius 1963: 1168. change of combination
- Parlatoria beckii (Newman, 1869); Traboulsi & Benassy 1965: 2. change of combination
- Lepidosaphis beckii; Kfoury & El Amil 1998: 38. misspelling of genus name
Common Names
- citrus mussel scale WoodruBeSk1998
- cochenille virgule de l'oranger Foldi2001
- comma scale Gill1997
- common mussel scale Fuller1907
- mussel scale SmithBeBr1997
- orange scale Gill1997
- purple scale Blicke1965 WatsonBe1937
- orange mussel scale Newste1907a
- escama purpurea PeralL1968
- escama purpura CoronaRuMo1997
- Citrus-Kommaschildlaus WatsonKo2022a
- citruskommaskjoldlus WatsonKo2022a
- cocciniglia a virgola degli agrumi WatsonKo2022a
- escama virgula WatsonKo2022a
- knimat haspik shel haadarim WatsonKo2022a
- kommavormige djeroek-schildluis WatsonKo2022a
- mikan-no-kaki-kaigaramushi WatsonKo2022a
- pers mossel-dopluis WatsonKo2022a
- virgul kosnili WatsonKo2022a
Ecological Associates
Families: 49 | Genera: 73
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera | MillerDa2005
- Mangifera indica | Watson2002a
- Apocynaceae
- Nerium oleander | BenDov2012
- Aquifoliaceae
- Ilex | MillerDa2005
- Ilex aquifolium | Takagi1970 | (= Ilex europea)
- Ilex cornuta | BesheaTiHo1973
- Ilex crenata | PowellZeMi2024
- Araceae
- Aglaonema | JansenAl2023
- Araliaceae
- Hedera | MillerDa2005
- Schefflera | Suh2016
- Arecaceae
- Cocos nucifera | Heu2002
- Raphia | Watson2002a
- Asparagaceae
- Agave sisalana | Watson2002a
- Dracaena | Suh2016
- Dracaena trifasciata | JansenAl2023
- Rohdea | Suh2016
- Boraginaceae
- Wigandia caracasana | CarnerPe1986
- Bromeliaceae
- Ananas | MillerDa2005
- Buxaceae
- Buxus sempervirens | Moghad2013a | (= Buxus hyrcana)
- Cactaceae
- Myrtillocactus geometrizans | HeinzCRaOr2021
- Pachycereus marginatus | HeinzCRaOr2021
- Cercidiphyllaceae
- Cercidiphyllum | MillerDa2005
- Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Muraka1970
- Cupressaceae
- Elaeagnaceae
- Elaeagnus | MillerDa2005 Takagi1970
- Elaeagnus pungens | PowellZeMi2024
- Euphorbiaceae
- Codiaeum | MillerDa2005
- Codiaeum variegatum | Takagi1970
- Croton | Maskel1895b MillerDa2005
- Croton scouleri | LincanHoCa2010
- Fabaceae
- Cassia | MillerDa2005
- Erythrina | MillerDa2005
- Fagaceae
- Quercus | MillerDa2005 Tao1999
- Gesneriaceae
- Cyrtandromoea miqueliana | LincanHoCa2010
- Lamiaceae
- Callicarpa americana | PowellZeMi2024
- Clerodendrum quadriloculare | PowellZeMi2024
- Coleus | DeVill1998
- Lauraceae
- Persea | Borchs1966 MillerDa2005
- Loranthaceae
- Loranthus | Lindin1910b
- Magnoliaceae
- Magnolia | CarnerPe1986
- Malpighiaceae
- Malpighia | MillerDa2005
- Malvaceae
- Hibiscus | WilliaWa1988
- Theobroma | Borchs1966
- Meliaceae
- Aglaia odorata | Ferris1921a Heu2002 Maxwel1902 | (= Murraya exotica)
- Melia | MillerDa2005
- Swietenia | PowellZeMi2024
- Menispermaceae
- Tiliacora triandra | JansenAl2023
- Moraceae
- Ficus | MillerDa2005
- Ficus carica | Muraka1970
- Musaceae
- Musa | Watson2002a
- Musa acuminata | LincanHoCa2010
- Myrtaceae
- Eucalyptus | MillerDa2005
- Myrtus | Watson2002a
- Psidium | MillerDa2005
- Oleaceae
- Ligustrum | HodgsoHi1990
- Olea | MillerDa2005
- Orchidaceae
- Cymbidium | MillerDa2005
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflora | MillerDa2005
- Passiflora suberosa | PowellZeMi2024
- Phyllanthaceae
- Bischofia javanica | PowellZeMi2024
- Pinaceae
- Pinus massoniana | Tao1999
- Piperaceae
- Piper | Borchs1966
- Proteaceae
- Banksia integrifolia | Maskel1895b
- Rhamnaceae
- Pomaderris apetala | Maskel1897
- Rosaceae
- Malus | Newman1869
- Prunus | Watson2002a
- Pyrus communis | CarnerPe1986
- Rosa | WatsonKo2022a
- Rubiaceae
- Coffea | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1981a
- Gardenia | MillerDa2005
- Rutaceae
- Balsamocitrus | MillerDa2005
- Citrus | Borchs1966 Heu2002 MillerDa2005 Muraka1970 Packar1869 | (= Fortunella, Poncirus)
- Citrus aurantiifolia | MartinWoCu2022
- Citrus aurantium | BatsanKaKi2017 BenDov2012 Hinckl1963 MifsudMaRu2014 | (= Citrus myrtifolia)
- Citrus clementina | BicheArMe2022
- Citrus hystrix | JansenAl2023
- Citrus japonica | BicheArMe2022
- Citrus latifolia | JansenAl2023
- Citrus limon | CarnerPe1986 | (= Citrus limetta)
- Citrus maxima | BenDov2012 Muraka1970 WilliaBu1987 | (= Citrus grandis buntan)
- Citrus medica | Nakaha1981a
- Citrus paradisi | BenDov2012 MacGow1982
- Citrus reticulata | BenDov2012 Nakaha1981a
- Citrus sinensis | Nakaha1981a SzitaFeBe2017
- Citrus trifoliata | BicheArMe2022 | (= Citrus triptera)
- Citrus unshiu | Muraka1970
- Murraya | MillerDa2005 Watson2002a | (= Chalcas)
- Murraya koenigii | JansenAl2023 | (=Bergera koenigii)
- Murraya paniculata | Takagi1970
- Toddalia asiatica | Ali1969a | (= Toddalia aculeata)
- Zanthoxylum asiaticum | Ali1969a | (= Toddalia asiatica)
- Salicaceae
- Salix | MillerDa2005
- Santalaceae
- Phoradendron | MillerDa2005
- Phoradendron leucarpum | Mead1982 PowellZeMi2024 | (= Phoradendron serotinum),
- Scrophulariaceae
- Buddleja davidii | BicheArMe2022
- Solanaceae
- Solanum nigrum | PowellZeMi2024
- Symplocaceae
- Symplocos | MillerDa2005
- Taxaceae
- Taxus cuspidata | Muraka1970
- Theaceae
- Camellia | MillerDa2005
- Camellia sasanqua | PowellZeMi2024
- Camellia sinensis | Moghad2013a
- Verbenaceae
- Verbena | MillerDa2005
- Vitaceae
- Vitis | Watson2002a
Families: 18 | Genera: 40
- Acaridae
- Monieziella mali | Coorem1951
- Tyrophagus | Searle1964
- Anthocoridae
- Cardiastethus | UlgentSzUy2013
- Cardiastethus nazarenus | UlgentSzUy2013
- Aphelinidae
- Aphytis | BenassOnPa1973 GonzalHeSi1991
- Aphytis aonidiae | BelgueBiBe2017
- Aphytis chilensis | BelgueBiBe2017
- Aphytis chrysomphali | Balach1954e BasheeAsRa2014
- Aphytis columbi | RosenDe1979
- Aphytis diaspidis | DeSant1979
- Aphytis holoxanthus | CaveMa1994 MalipaDuSm2000
- Aphytis lepidosaphes | BasheeAsRa2014 Benass1977b CaveMa1994 ClancyMu1959 Jimene1958 MyartsRu2000 PeralL1968 RehmatAnKh2011
- Aphytis lingnanensis | CaveMa1994 DeBach1958b MalipaDuSm2000
- Aphytis maculicornis | Balach1954e
- Aphytis melinus | BasheeAsRa2014
- Aphytis mytilaspidis | Balach1954e MyartsRu2000
- Aphytis opuntiae | BelgueBiBe2017
- Aphytis proclia | UlgentErKa2008
- Coccobius | Clause1958a | (= Phycus)
- Coccophagus | Packar1869
- Coccophagus lycimnia | MalipaDuSm2000
- Encarsia | Balach1954e GonzalHeSi1991
- Encarsia aurantii | Fulmek1943 Morley1909 | (= Prospaltella aurantii)
- Encarsia berlesei | BasheeAsRa2014
- Encarsia brimblecombei | HuangPo1998 MyartsRuCo2016 | (= Encarsia elongata)
- Encarsia citrina | Balach1954e BasheeAsRa2014 HuangPo1998 Marcha1909d Ruhl1913 | (= Aspidiotiphagus citrinus, Aspidotiphagus citrinus agilior)
- Encarsia herndoni | HuangPo1998
- Encarsia lounsburyi | Anneck1963 CaveMa1994 HuangPo1998 | (= Aspidiotiphagus lounsburyi)
- Encarsia perniciosi | CaveMa1994
- Encarsia singularis | Balach1954e HuangPo1998 Morley1909 | (= Prospaltella singularis)
- Eretmocerus corni | Balach1954e
- Paraphytis cochereaui | RosenDe1979 RosenDe1979 | (= Aphytis cochereaui)
- Pteroptrix chinensis | Balach1954e
- Chrysopidae
- Chrysopa | Searle1964 Watson2002a
- Clavicipitaceae
- Aschersonia | TriwirWuAg2017
- Coccinellidae
- Cheilomenes lunata | Searle1964 | (= Cydonia lunata)
- Chilocorus | Searle1964
- Chilocorus bipustulatus | ArgyriStMo1976
- Chilocorus bivulnerus | WatsonBe1937
- Chilocorus distigma | Searle1964
- Chilocorus nigritus | Watson2002a Watson2002a
- Chilocorus politus | Searle1964
- Chilocorus solitus | Searle1964
- Clitostethus arcuatus | BelgueBiBe2017
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri | Searle1964
- Exochomus childreni | WatsonBe1937 | (= Exochomus marginipennis childreni)
- Exochomus flavipes | Searle1964
- Exochomus quadripustulatus | ArgyriStMo1976 BelgueBiBe2017
- Halmus chalybeus | SmithBeBr1997
- Lotis | Searle1964
- Lotis neglecta | Searle1964
- Lotis nigerrima | Searle1964
- Lotis nigritula | Searle1964
- Novius iceryae | Searle1964 | (= Rodolia iceryae)
- Olla v-nigrum | WatsonKo2022a
- Pentilia egena | Watson2002a
- Pharoscymnus sexguttatus | Searle1964
- Rhyzobius chrysomeloides | BelgueBiBe2017
- Rhyzobius lophanthae | ArgyriStMo1976 BelgueBiBe2017 Smirno1950 | (= Lindorus lophanthae)
- Rhyzobius pulchellus | Watson2002a
- Scymnus | MayneGh1934 Searle1964
- Stethorus | Searle1964
- Cybocephalidae
- Cybocephalus | Searle1964
- Diapriidae
- Heterobelyta chilensis | Balach1954e
- Encyrtidae
- Comperiella bifasciata | BelgueBiBe2017
- Metaphycus flavus | Morley1909 | (= Aphycus flavus)
- Eriophyidae
- Cecidophyopsis | Watson2002a
- Hemisarcoptidae
- Hemisarcoptes malus | Balach1954e Coorem1951
- Hypocreales
- Clonostachys coccicola | DaoBeRo2016
- Miridae
- Letaba bedfordi | Searle1964
- Phlaeothripidae
- Haplothrips callani | Searle1964
- Karnyothrips flavipes | Watson2002a
- Karnyothrips merrilli | Watson2002a | (= Haplothrips merrilli)
- Septobasidiaceae
- Septobasidium bogoriense | MilleHeCa2016
- Signiphoridae
- Signiphora | AmouroCrCo2019
- Signiphora fax | LazaroGoRo2021
- Signiphora flavopalliata | Morley1909
- Tenebrionidae
- Epitragodes tomentosus | WatsonBe1937
- Tubeufiaceae
- Podonectria coccicola | DaoBeRo2016 GonzalHeSi1991
- Podonectria novae-zelandiae | DaoBeRo2016
Families: 4 | Genera: 5
- Aphelinidae
- Casca chinensis | Balach1954e
- Chytridiales
- Myiophagus | Boyce1950
- Nectriaceae
- Nectria diploa | Boyce1950
- Sphaerostilbe aurantiicola | Boyce1950 GonzalHeSi1991
- Rhizobiaceae
- Candidatus Walczuchella monophlebidarum | GruwelVoPa2005
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 162
- Algeria | Balach1930d
- Angola | Muntin1969
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua | RileyHo1893
- Barbuda | WoodruBeSk1998
- Argentina
- Buenos Aires | WatsonKo2022a
- Corrientes | Autran1907
- Entre Rios | Autran1907
- Mendoza | WatsonKo2022a
- Misiones | Autran1907
- Salta | Autran1907
- Tucuman | Autran1907
- Ascension Island | WatsonKo2022a
- Australia | Maxwel1902
- New South Wales | Maxwel1902
- Northern Territory | WatsonKo2022a
- Queensland | SmithBeBr1997
- South Australia | Maskel1895b
- Tasmania | Maskel1897
- Victoria | Maskel1895b
- Western Australia | WatsonKo2022a
- Azerbaijan | WatsonKo2022a
- Azores | FrancoRuMa2011 Maxwel1902
- Bahamas | WatsonKo2022a
- Bangladesh | MalumpHaSa2012
- Barbados | Bovell1912
- Belize | WatsonKo2022a
- Benin | WatsonKo2022a
- Bermuda | Maxwel1902
- Bhutan | WatsonKo2022a
- Bolivia | WatsonKo2022a
- Brazil | MoraesSi1987a
- Bahia | Azeved1923aA
- Espirito Santo | MartinWoCu2022
- Goias | AlmeidPeMa2018
- Paraiba | MartinWoCu2022
- Parana | WatsonKo2022a
- Pernambuco | CarvalCa1939
- Rio Grande do Sul | CorseuSi1971
- Rio de Janeiro | AlmeidPeMa2018
- Sao Paulo | MartinWoCu2022
- Brunei | WatsonKo2022a
- Bulgaria | Tschor1939
- Burkina Faso | WatsonKo2022a
- Burma (=Myanmar) | Clause1933 DaoBeWa2023
- Burundi | WatsonKo2022a
- Cameroon | Balach1954e
- Canary Islands | CarnerPe1986 MatileOr2001
- Cape Verde | Fernan1999
- Cayman Islands | WatsonKo2022a
- Chile | Porter1912
- Antofagasta | WatsonKo2022a
- Atacama | WatsonKo2022a
- Biobio | WatsonKo2022a
- Coquimbo | PizarrAlBa2020
- La Araucania | WatsonKo2022a
- Maule | WatsonKo2022a
- O'Higgins | WatsonKo2022a
- Santiago | WatsonKo2022a
- Tarapaca | WatsonKo2022a
- Valparaiso | WatsonKo2022a
- China | Suh2016
- Anhui (=Anhwei) | Hua2000
- Aomen (=Macau) | Atanas1959
- Fujian (=Fukien) | Tao1999
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | HuangPo1998
- Guangxi (=Kwangsi) | Tao1999
- Hainan | Hua2000
- Hebei (=Hopei) | Hua2000
- Hubei (=Hupei) | Hua2000
- Hunan | Hua2000
- Jiangsu (=Kiangsu) | Tao1999
- Jiangxi (=Kiangsi) | Hua2000
- Sichuan (=Szechwan) | Hua2000
- Xianggang (=Hong Kong) | Tao1999
- Yunnan | Hua2000
- Zhejiang (=Chekiang) | Tao1999
- Christmas Island | NeumanODGu2016
- Colombia | Figuer1952
- Comoros | Matile1978
- Cook Islands | WilliaWa1988
- Corsica | Balach1954e
- Costa Rica | AriasR1990
- Cote d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) | WatsonKo2022a
- Crete | PellizPoSe2011
- Croatia | Balach1954e
- Cuba | Houser1918 OteroCaMo1996
- Curaçao | WoodruBeSk1998
- Cyprus | Hall1922
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (=Zaire) | MayneGh1934
- Dominica | WoodruBeSk1998
- Dominican Republic | WoodruBeSk1998
- Easter Island (=Rapa Nui) | WatsonKo2022a
- Ecuador | Koch1989
- Egypt | AbdRabEv2021 Hall1922 Newste1907a
- El Salvador | WatsonKo2022a
- Ethiopia | Abebe1987
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Pohnpei Island | Beards1966
- Truk Islands | Beards1966
- Fiji | Maxwel1902
- France | DanzigPe1998 Germai2011
- French Guiana | WatsonKo2022a
- French Polynesia
- Marquesas Islands | WatsonKo2022a
- Tahiti | Maxwel1902
- Galapagos Islands | LincanHoCa2010
- Gambia | WatsonKo2022a
- Georgia (Republic of) | Gogibe1938
- Germany | Bouche1851
- Ghana | Newste1917b
- Greece | DeBach1964d Hall1922
- Grenada | Ballou1912a
- Guadeloupe | WoodruBeSk1998
- Guam | Dumble1954
- Guatemala | WatsonKo2022a
- Guiana | WoodruBeSk1998
- Guinea | Balach1954e
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | Bodkin1914
- Haiti | WatsonKo2022a
- Hawaiian Islands | Kirkal1904b MillerDa2005
- Hawaii | Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Kauai | Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Maui | Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Molokai | Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Oahu | Heu2002 Nakaha1981a
- Honduras | WatsonKo2022a
- Hungary | KozarKoFe2013
- India
- Assam | WatsonKo2022a
- Karnataka | Sankar1984
- Kerala | Sankar1984
- Manipur | WatsonKo2022a
- Sikkim | WatsonKo2022a
- Tamil Nadu | SureshMo1996
- Uttar Pradesh | WatsonKo2022a
- West Bengal | Nath1972
- Indonesia | Suh2016
- Irian Jaya | WatsonKo2022a
- Java | Kalsho1981
- Sulawesi (=Celebes) | NormarOkMo2019
- Sumatra | Kalsho1981 WatsonMuSh2014
- Iran | Bodenh1944b KozarFoZa1996
- Iraq | Balach1954e
- Israel | Bodkin1925 Bytins1966
- Italy | LongoMaPe1995 Packar1869
- Sicily | LongoMaPe1995 Monast1962
- Jamaica | Cocker1893b
- Japan | Clause1927
- Honshu | WatsonKo2022a
- Kyushu | Takagi1960
- Kampuchea (=Cambodia) | WatsonKo2022a
- Kenya | CABI1982b
- Kiribati | WilliaWa1988
- Laos | WatsonKo2022a
- Lebanon | Talhou1950
- Libya | WatsonKo2022a
- Madagascar | Mamet1943a
- Madeira Islands | FrancoRuMa2011 Maxwel1902
- Malawi | WatsonKo2022a
- Malaysia | LeongNgBe2002
- Sabah | WatsonKo2022a
- Maldives | WatsonKo2022a
- Malta | Borg1919 MifsudMaRu2014
- Marshall Islands | Beards1966
- Martinique | WoodruBeSk1998
- Mauritius | GrandpCh1899 WilliaWi1988
- Mexico | Balach1954e MillerDa2005
- Colima | MyartsRu2000
- Nayarit | MyartsRu2000
- San Luis Potosi | HeinzCRaOr2021
- Veracruz | MyartsRu2000
- Montenegro | WatsonKo2022a
- Montserrat | Cocker1897g
- Morocco | DanzigPe1998
- Mozambique | Anneck1963
- Nepal | Takagi1975
- Netherlands | JansenAl2023
- Netherlands Antilles | WatsonKo2022a
- New Caledonia | Dumble1954
- New Zealand | Hender2011 Maxwel1902
- Nicaragua | WatsonKo2022a
- Nigeria | Marcha1909d
- Niue | WilliaWa1988
- Norfolk Island | WilliaWa1988
- Pakistan | WatsonKo2022a
- Panama | WatsonKo2022a
- Papua New Guinea | WilliaWa1988
- Paraguay | Berton1923
- Peru | Hawkin1994 Rust1914
- Philippines | Suh2016
- Poland | BugajNJuKa2021
- Portugal | FrancoRuMa2011 Souzad1906
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | WoodruBeSk1998
- Reunion | GermaiMiPa2014 WilliaWi1988
- Rodriques Island | WilliaWi1988
- Romania | DanzigPe1998 FetykoKoDa2010
- Russia | Balach1954e
- Rwanda | WatsonKo2022a
- Saint Helena | Matile1976
- Saint Kitts and Nevis Islands
- Nevis | WoodruBeSk1998
- Saint Kitts | WoodruBeSk1998
- Saint Lucia | Ballou1912a
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Ballou1912a
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Principe | Simmon1969
- Sao Tome | Laing1928
- Sardinia | LongoMaPe1995 Paoli1915
- Senegal | WatsonKo2022a
- Serbia | WatsonKo2022a
- Seychelles | Mamet1943a
- Sierra Leone | Hargre1927
- Singapore | WatsonKo2022a
- Slovenia | Seljak2008
- Solomon Islands | WilliaWa1988
- Somalia | WatsonKo2022a
- South Africa | Brain1920
- Spain | Maxwel1902
- Sri Lanka | Cocker1897g
- Suriname | Maxwel1902
- Swaziland (=Eswatini) | WatsonKo2022a
- Syria | BasheeAsRa2014 Hall1922
- Taiwan | Ferris1921a
- Tajikistan (=Tadzhikistan) | BazaroSh1970
- Tanzania | WatsonKo2022a
- Thailand | Ali1969a
- Tonga | Dumble1954
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tobago | WoodruBeSk1998
- Trinidad | Cocker1897g
- Tunisia | DanzigPe1998
- Turkey | Bodenh1949
- Turkmenistan | Lashin1956
- U.S. Virgin Islands | WatsonKo2022a
- Uganda | Gowdey1913
- United Kingdom
- England | Newman1869
- United States
- Alabama | MillerDa2005
- California | Carnes1907 MillerDa2005
- Colorado | GilletBa1895
- Connecticut | Britto1920
- Florida | MillerDa2005 Packar1869
- Georgia | BesheaTiHo1973 MillerDa2005
- Indiana | DietzMo1916a
- Kansas | Dean1909 MillerDa2005
- Louisiana | Maxwel1902 MillerDa2005
- Mississippi | Herric1911
- Missouri | MillerDa2005
- New Jersey | Weiss1916
- New York | Hartma1916 MillerDa2005
- North Carolina | MillerDa2005
- Ohio | Sander1904a
- Oklahoma | MillerDa2005
- Pennsylvania | MillerDa2005 Trimbl1928
- South Carolina | MillerDa2005
- Tennessee | LambdiWa1980
- Texas | Herric1911
- Utah | Jorgen1934
- Wisconsin | SeveriSe1909
- Uruguay | WatsonKo2022a
- Vanuatu (=New Hebrides) | WilliaBu1987
- Venezuela | WatsonKo2022a
- Vietnam | Suh2016
- Wallis and Futuna Islands | MatileWi2015
- Western Samoa | Dumble1954
- Zanzibar | Newste1913
- Zimbabwe | HallFo1933
- PowellZeMi2024: pp.19 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to slide-mounted Lepidosaphes]
- SzitaFeGe2023: pp.5 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcidae on imported fruits in Hungary]
- DaoBeWa2023: pp.1024, 1027-1028 ( Adult (F) ) [Diaspididae on citrus in Indochina and southern China.]
- MoghadWa2021: pp.139 ( Adult (F) ) [Lepidosaphes in Iran]
- DaoBeWa2018: pp.88-93 ( Adult (F) ) [Citrus diaspidids in Viet Nam]
- Hender2011: pp.105 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Lepidosaphes adult females in New Zealand]
- MillerDa2005: pp.29-32 ( Adult (F) ) [Field Key to Economic Armored Scales]
- MillerDa2005: pp.20-22 ( Adult (F) ) [Armored Scales]
- Watson2002a: pp. ( Adult (F) ) [Expert system on a cd]
- Ghabbo2001: pp.78 ( First instar ) [Key to first-instar nymphs of three species of Lepidosaphes]
- ColonFMe1998: pp.105 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes of Puerto Rico]
- Gill1997: pp.168 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to California species of Lepidosaphes]
- Danzig1993: pp.247 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- WilliaWa1988: pp.143 ( ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes of the South Pacific Region]
- Chou1982: pp.156 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Chinese species of Lepidosaphes]
- Paik1978: pp.337 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Takagi1960: pp.93 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Mamet1959a: pp.381 ( ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes in Madagascar]
- Ezzat1958: pp.246 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to adult female Lepidosaphes]
- GomezM1956: pp.73 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes of Spain]
- McKenz1956: pp.32 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Takaha1955e: pp.70 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Balach1954e: pp.33 ( Adult (F) ) [Tableau de détermination des espèces du g. Lepidosaphes]
- Zimmer1948: pp.418 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes reported in Hawaii]
- Ferris1942: pp.SIV-446:56 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Kuwana1925a: pp.4 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Lepidosaphes]
- Britto1923: pp.378 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Connecticut species of Lepidosaphes]
- Cocker1900k: pp.349 ( Adult (F) ) [Table to separate the commoner scales (Coccidae) of the orange] Key as: Mytilaspis becki
- Cocker1899f: pp.14 ( Adult (F) ) [Australian species of Mytilaspis] Key as: Mytilaspis citricola
- Systematics: Lepidosaphes beckii can be distinguished from that of Lepidosaphes ulmi by the pointed, serrate median lobes (Williams & Watson, 1988). The presence of lateral double dorsal bosses on the head distinguishes L beckii from other Lepidosaphes species in New Zealand. L. beckii is most similar to L. ulmi in possessing a ventral band of ducts between the posterior spiracles, and dorsal abdominal bosses, but lacks the lateral abdominal spinose spurs of L. ulmi. L. beckii shares prominent groups of gland spines on the free abdominal segments with L. pinnaeformis, but lacks its spinose eye. (Henderson, 2011)
- Structure: Female scale is mussel shaped, 3-4 mm long, light brown. Male scale is half as long, narrower and lighter in color. Adult female is white and held in place under the scale by a thin white membrane (Smith et al., 1997). Scale cover of adult female 1.0−3.0 mm long, light to dark purplish brown, fusiform; yellowish- brown exuviae at the narrow end, each exuviae with a red spot at the distal end. Male scale cover similar to female scale but smaller, straighter and narrower. (Moghaddam & Watson, 2021)
- Biology: In the Eastern Cape of South Africa, four generations occur per year (DeVilliers, 1998). Female lays 50-100 pearly eggs in two rows under the scale cover. Eggs hatch in two weeks. Crawlers settle in sheltered sites, on older leaves and beneath fruit calyx lobes. Life cycle takes about 6-8 weeks in Australia (Smith et al., 1997). Ebeling (1959) points out that purple scale prefers humid areas. In California it does not occur in the interior districts, but it is an important pest in the coastal areas. Females produce 40 48 eggs over a period of about 3 weeks. Hatching begins 2 weeks after oviposition in summer and after 2 months in winter. The first molt occurs 2 weeks after hatching in summer. The second molt requires about 3 weeks in summer. Mating occurs soon after the second molt, and eggs are laid about 15 days later. Johnson and Lyon (1976) state that purple scale females lay 60 80 eggs. Quayle (1912) found that in Whittier, California purple scale completed its life cycle in 3 months or less in the summer, with a fourth generation possible during warm winters. Thompson and Griffiths (1949) reported a life cycle of about 3 months in the summer in Florida, with crawler peaks in March April, June July, and September October. Outdoor insectary studies at Auburn, Alabama by English and Turnipseed (1940) resulted in minimum and maximum generation times from birth to egg hatch of 42 and 198 days, respectively, with 77.3 days the average. In Chile, Zuniga (1971) reported 3 generations a year in the northern region, 2 3 generations a year in the central region, and 1 generation a year in the southern region. In Australia, Hely and Gellatley (1961) found that purple scale preferred Citrus, but heavy infestations also occurred on Ilex. They found that the first deposited eggs hatch when the parent female is about 90 days old. The average number of crawlers produced by each female is about 150 in spring and 70 in autumn. Generally only 2 ½ generations occur each year between September and May. In Israel, Avidov and Harpaz (1969) reported that summer development of purple scale required at least 50 days (44 days for males) while in winter about 110 days were needed. They concluded that the temperature threshold of development is 8 C, and 1,104 day-degrees are required for the production of 1 generation. They noted that this scale prefers trees with thick foliage and settles more on leaves and fruit than on young branches. They also found that females on fruit were more fecund than females on leaves. In the coastal plain, Bodenheimer and Steinitz (1937) found 4 generations a year, i.e., April, late June, late August to early September, and November to January. Bodenheimer (1951) reported the sex ratio from 373 individual matings to be 39.4% female and 60.6% male. He found facultative parthenogenesis common. Lindgren and Dickson (1941) never observed oviposition from isolated females in California. Bénassy et al. (1975) reported that purple scale has 2 generations a year in France at Cote D Azur, 4 in Italy at Naples, 4 in Egypt, and 3 in Tunisia. Smirnoff (1960) found 4 generations a year in Morocco. In South Africa, Hulley (1962) noted that egg hatch of purple scale is influenced by light and temperature. He found a positive phototaxis but no geotaxis. Most eggs hatched in the morning and crawlers settled more rapidly on dusty than clean leaves. In Nigeria, Eguagie (1972) found that purple scale fecundity was identical on orange, grapefruit, tangerine, and lime, with an incubation period of 10 25 days during June July, at a mean temperature of 25.1 C and 77.5% R.H. at 16.00 hrs. Claps (1987) reported 5 generations in the insectary in Argentina and provided descriptions and illustrations of all stages (Claps 1991). Rodrigo and Garcia-Mari (1994) studied the seasonal variation of populations of the purple scale and its distribution in different parts of the tree. Foldi (1990) provided information on the formation of the scale cover of this species. (Miller & Davidson, 2005).
- Economic Importance: Detailed discussion of life history, economic importance and biological control by DeVilliers (1998). Miller & Davidson (1990) list this insect as a serious and widespread pest. According to Dekle (1977) the purple scale has been reduced to a minor citrus pest in Florida since the appearance of the parasite Aphytis lepidosaphes Compere. Muma and Clancy (1961) state this specific parasite was discovered in Florida in 1958. It apparently spread into Florida from Mexico and Texas from California reared material. It was imported into the latter from China in 1948 49. It is most common in the southern U.S. on citrus. Simanton (1976) states that in Florida a 50% parasitism rate appears adequate to keep purple scale effectively controlled. Ebeling (1959) states that purple scale attacks all parts of the tree, and injury can be severe. In California defoliation and die back usually occur on the lower north side of trees. Feeding scales cause yellow spots on leaves. Similar areas on the fruit do not attain their normal color and remain green. The purple scale was ranked the fourth most important pest of Texas citrus in 1950 (Ebeling 1950). He also noted that in parts of Mexico, the West Indies, Central America, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, and certain areas of southeast Asia, purple scale is the most important citrus pest. The authors note that Aphytis lepidosaphes may have been introduced into some of these areas since Ebeling wrote the above, and this situation may have changed. Dean (1975) reported that purple scale, although once the 4th most important pest of Texas citrus, was now under complete biological control by Aphytis lepidosaphes. Avidov and Harpaz (1969) found that in Israel, populations of purple scale on citrus fruit are highest between September and January, and in certain cases about 30% of the yield was rejected for export because of contamination by the many adhering scales. They also found that heavily infested leaves are shed prematurely, and that when too many leaves are lost, trees are stunted and die back occurs. Damage is more serious in mature groves where foliage is dense, and less serious in young groves where the foliage is less abundant and trees are not crowded together. This species is considered a major pest of citrus in South Africa (Bedford and Cilliers 1994), and in Spain (Rodrigo and Garcia-Mari 1990). Beardsley and González (1975) consider this scale to be one of 43 serious armored scale pests, and Miller and Davidson (1990) consider it to be a serious world pest. (Miller & Davidson, 2005).
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustration by Williams & Watson (1988). Description and illustration of first instar nymph by Ghabbour (2001). Color photograph in Watson & Kondo (2022a).
- AbdRab1999: biological control, distribution, 1120
- AbdRab2001a: biological control, distribution, 173-177
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 35
- Abebe1987: distribution, 977-980
- AlayoS1976: distribution, host, taxonomy, 10-11
- Ali1969a: distribution, host, 40
- AlmeidPeMa2018: distribution, host, 355
- AmouroCoAm2016: control, distribution, molecular biology, morphology, survey,
- AmouroCrCo2019: distribution, natural enemies, 12
- AmouroCrGe2017: phylogenetics, phylogeny, 3
- AndersWuGr2010: phylogeny, taxonomy, 997-1003
- Anneck1963: biological control, distribution, host, taxonomy, 211-212
- Archan1937: distribution, host, 69, 73
- ArgyriStMo1976: biological control, distribution, host, 26
- Arnett1985: economic importance, 242
- ArouaKaBe2019: distribution, host,
- Atanas1959: distribution, host, 434
- Autran1907: distribution, host, 154, 166
- Avidov1961: distribution, host, 165, 511, 540
- Azeved1923aA: distribution, host, 151
- Azim1961: biological control, distribution, 107
- Badr2014: distribution, host, 51
- Balach1931a: distribution, host, 98
- Balach1932d: distribution, host, xvii-xviii
- Balach1935b: distribution, host, 261
- Balach1954e: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 33, 61-64
- Balach1959a: distribution, host, 362
- Ballou1912a: distribution, host, 420
- Ballou1926: catalog, distribution, host, 27-28
- BarbagNu1981: economic importance, 32
- BasheeAsRa2014: biological control, distribution, host, 50-52
- BatcheWe1948: chemical control, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 711-714
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 259
- BazaroSh1970: distribution, host, 109
- Beards1966: distribution, host, taxonomy, 535-536
- Beatty1944: distribution, host, 127
- Beccar1959: distribution, host, 79
- BelgueBiBe2017: biological control, natural enemies, 123, 127, 128
- BenDov2012: catalog, distribution, host, 31, 44
- BenDovSoBo2012: distribution, 67
- Benass1977: biological control, ecology, economic importance, 2
- Benass1977a: biological control, 1
- Benass1977b: biological control, economic importance, life history, 432-437
- BenassBi1983: biological control, life history, 119-124
- BenassOnPa1973: biological control, 118, 122
- Berles1896: distribution, host, taxonomy, 84, 152, 213, 281, 2
- BerlesLe1898a: illustration, taxonomy, 132
- Berton1923: biological control, distribution, 54
- BesheaTiHo1973: distribution, host, 11
- BicheArMe2022: distribution, host, 506
- Blicke1965: taxonomy, 297, 310
- BockTa1995: distribution, host, 360
- Bodenh1924: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 51-53
- Bodenh1944b: distribution, host, 85, 86, 95
- Bodenh1949: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 122-124
- Bodenh1953: distribution, host, 16
- Bodkin1913: distribution, host, 117
- Bodkin1922: distribution, host, 59
- Bodkin1925: distribution, host, 144
- Boisdu1868: taxonomy, 282
- Borchs1936: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 123-124
- Borchs1937: distribution, host, taxonomy, 75, 79
- Borchs1937a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 110
- Borchs1950b: distribution, taxonomy, 182
- Borchs1963: taxonomy, 1168
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 55
- Borg1919: distribution, host, 16
- Borg1922: distribution, host, 82
- Bovell1912: biological control, distribution, 401
- Boyce1950: chemical control, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 742, 744, 752, 759,
- BoyeroAnMo2000: economic importance, 673
- Brain1920: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 106
- Britto1920: distribution, 65
- Britto1923: description, distribution, 378
- BugajNJuKa2021: distribution, list, 299
- Butche1959: distribution, host, 364
- Bytins1966: distribution, economic importance, 18, 28
- Carneg1957a: host, 164-169
- CarnerPe1986: distribution, host, taxonomy, 42-43
- Carnes1907: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 217-219
- CarvalCa1939: distribution, host, 30
- CaveMa1994: biological control, 5
- CharleHe2002: distribution, host, taxonomy, 589-595,601-602
- Charmo1899: distribution, taxonomy, 32, 33
- ChenWo1936: distribution, host, 101
- Chou1982: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 156, 169-171
- Chou1986: illustration, 571
- Chou1986: illustration, 594
- ClancyMu1959: biological control, distribution, host, 1025-1026
- Clause1927: distribution, host, 3, 4, 5, 8
- Clause1958a: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 447
- Cocher1969: distribution, 86
- Cocker1893b: distribution, host, 160
- Cocker1893p: distribution, host, 155-156
- Cocker1897g: description, distribution, taxonomy, 108-109
- Cocker1899f: distribution, taxonomy, 14
- Cocker1899j: taxonomy, 275
- Cocker1899n: taxonomy, 31-32
- Cocker1900k: host, taxonomy, 349
- ColonFMe1998: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 105-106
- Colvee1881: distribution, host, 25
- Comsto1881a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 321
- Comsto1883: distribution, host, taxonomy, 117, 123
- Comsto1916: distribution, host, taxonomy, 470, 578
- Coorem1951: biological control, distribution, economic importance, 30-31
- CoronaRuMo1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 40
- CorseuSi1971: distribution, host, 110
- CostaL1921: taxonomy, 126
- CostaL1936: distribution, host, taxonomy, 194
- CostaL1942: distribution, host, taxonomy, 273
- CostaL1949: biological control, distribution, taxonomy, 71-72, 78, 86
- Craw1896: taxonomy, 40
- Crouze1971: distribution, economic importance, 200
- Danzig1993: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 279
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 281-282
- DaoBeRo2016: entomopathogenic fungi, 1-6
- DaoBeWa2018: distribution, illustration, key, morphology, phylogeny, 82-95
- DaoBeWa2023: key, phylogeny, 1029, 1031
- DarvasAbCa1994: biological control, chemical control, distribution, host, 51, 54, 55, 56
- Dash1916: distribution, host, 42
- DeBach1951a: biological control, chemical control, economic importance, host, 444
- DeBach1958b: biological control, chemical control, 190-192
- DeBach1964: biological control, distribution, host, 678
- DeBach1964d: biological control, 6
- DeBachRo1977: chemical control, 9
- DeSant1979: biological control, distribution, 213, 248, 300, 311-3
- DeVill1978: distribution, host, taxonomy, 123-127
- DeVill1998: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 149-153
- Dean1909: distribution, host, 275
- DeitzTo1980: distribution, taxonomy, 43
- DelGue1906: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 267-269
- DietzMo1916a: distribution, host, 279, 280
- Dinthe1950: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, illustration, 49
- DoAC1923: distribution, host, 22
- DooleySm2013: catalog, 12
- Dougla1912: distribution, host, 221
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 116
- Dumble1954: distribution, host, 43, 89
- Ebelin1951: economic importance, 80
- Eguagi1975: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 99-107
- Ezzat1958: distribution, host, 246
- EzzatRa1966: chemical control, 1
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 305
- Fernan1999: distribution, host, 86
- FerraoCa1972: distribution, 28
- Ferris1921a: distribution, host, illustration, 216
- Ferris1942: taxonomy, SIV-446:56
- FetykoKoDa2010: distribution, 298
- Figuer1952: distribution, 210
- Flande1953b: biological control, 541
- Flande1971: distribution, host, 860
- Fletch1919: distribution, host, 303
- Foldi2001: distribution, economic importance, 306, 308
- Foldi2003: distribution, 152
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 10
- Fonsec1936: distribution, host, 408
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 13,24
- FrankKr1900: taxonomy, 99
- Frogga1914: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 608
- Frogga1915: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 36-37
- Fullaw1932: distribution, host, 97, 100
- Fuller1907: taxonomy, 1035, 1042
- Fulmek1943: biological control, catalog, distribution, 52
- Garcia1912: biological control, distribution, 7, 118, 182, 205, 27
- GarciaRo1995: life history, 119
- Georgh1977: distribution, host, 158, 151
- Germai2008: distribution, 77-87
- Germai2011: distribution, economic importance, 31-34
- Germai2011a: distribution, economic importance, 8
- GermaiAtBa2008: distribution, 129-135
- GermaiDeLa2016: host, list of species, 3
- GermaiMiPa2014: distribution, 23
- Ghabbo1999: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 86
- Ghabbo2001: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 74-76
- GhabboMo1996: description, distribution, host, 349
- Ghesqu1943: biological control, distribution, 391
- Gill1982c: distribution, host, illustration, 1
- Gill1997: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 169-170, 177
- GilletBa1895: distribution, host, 129
- Giraul1913: biological control, distribution, 196, 200
- GirolaAr1925: distribution, host, 39
- GithaeOnNd2021: distribution, host, 81
- Gogibe1938: distribution, host, 50, 51
- Gomes1940: distribution, host, 64, 83, 87
- GomesCRe1947: distribution, host, 172
- GomesCRe1948: distribution, host, 59
- GomezC1943: distribution, host, 303
- GomezC1946: distribution, economic importance, host, 14
- GomezM1937: distribution, host, taxonomy, 24, 38, 164, 175
- GomezM1956: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 83-90
- Gonzal2016: diagnosis, distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 37, 42, 132, 179-180
- GonzalHeSi1991: biological control, distribution, host, 434, 436-437
- Gowdey1913: distribution, host, 249
- Gowdey1917: distribution, host, 36, 189
- Gowdey1921: distribution, host, 34
- GrandpCh1899: distribution, host, taxonomy, 11-12
- Graven1977: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 656-659, 673, 677
- Greath1973: distribution, host, 29
- Greath1989: biological control, 32
- Green1896: distribution, host, taxonomy, 77-78
- Green1916a: distribution, host, 376
- Green1923b: distribution, host, 89
- GriffiTh1949a: distribution, host, 4
- Hadzib1965: distribution, host, 5
- HafezSa1969a: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 517-532
- Hall1922: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 37-38, 46, 53
- Hall1924a: distribution, host, 5, 25, 28
- Hall1946a: distribution, 524
- HallFo1933: distribution, host, taxonomy, 39
- Hargre1927: distribution, host, 114
- Hargre1937: distribution, host, 516
- Hartma1916: distribution, host, 108
- Hawkin1994: biological control, distribution, 161
- HeinzCRaOr2021: distribution, host,
- Hellri2004: distribution, host, 87
- Hempel1900a: distribution, host, 513
- Hempel1904: distribution, host, 322
- Hender2011: description, distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 8,11,33,105,107,112,
- Herric1911: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 40-41
- Heu2002: distribution, host, 35
- Hewitt1943: taxonomy, 267
- HillNe1982: distribution, 228
- Hinckl1963: distribution, host, 47
- HodgsoHi1990: distribution, host, 6, 13
- HodgsoLa2011: distribution, host, 25
- Hollin1923: distribution, host, 33, 68
- Houser1918: distribution, host, 169
- Howard1907: biological control, distribution, 80, 84
- HuHeWa1992: distribution, illustration, 193
- Hua2000: distribution, host, 150
- HuangPo1998: biological control, 1860, 1871, 1910, 19
- Huergo1908: biological control, 16
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 26,34
- Jimene1958: biological control, 37-40
- Jorgen1934: distribution, host, 278
- JoshiBaBh2024: diagnosis, 5
- Kalsho1981: description, distribution, host, illustration, 174-5
- Kawai1980: distribution, taxonomy, 247
- KawaiMaUm1971: distribution, host, 22
- KfouryEl1998: distribution, 38
- KhaladBoMa2024: distribution, species richness, survey,
- KhaladGu2019: distribution, ecology,
- Kiritc1929: economic importance, host, 173
- Kirkal1902: taxonomy, 110
- Kirkal1904b: distribution, host, 158
- Koch1989: biological control, distribution, host, 7, 8
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 17
- Korone1934: distribution, host, 68, 80, 82
- Kotins1906a: distribution, host, 135, 139, 142
- KozarFoZa1996: distribution, 67
- KozarKoFe2013: distribution, taxonomy, 54
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 83
- Kunkel1967: taxonomy, 50
- Kuwana1925a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 4, 14-15
- LagowsGoHo2022: distribution, host, list, 10
- Laing1928: distribution, host, 215
- LambdiWa1980: distribution, host, 80
- Lashin1956: distribution, host, taxonomy, 129
- Lawson1917: distribution, host, 254
- LePell1973: distribution, host, 123
- LeonKo2017: biological control, chemical control, diagnosis, host, illustration, natural enemies, 62-64
- Leonar1898: taxonomy, 46
- Leonar1903: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 28, 29, 65
- Leonar1920: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 151, 152
- Lepage1938: catalog, distribution, host, 265, 409
- LiangMeAn2010: chemical control, entomopathogenic fungi, natural enemies,
- LincanHoCa2010: distribution, host, 5
- Lindin1910b: distribution, host, 45
- Lindin1912b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 107
- Lindin1924: taxonomy, 183
- Lindin1936: taxonomy, 149
- Lizery1942: distribution, host, 75
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 127
- LongoMaPe1999a: distribution, 148
- LopesFiMa2008: distribution, host, 153-154
- Luck1981: biological control, 144
- Lupo1939: distribution, host, taxonomy, 72, 80
- Lupo1957a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 427
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 284
- MacGow1982: distribution, host, 13
- MalipaDuSm2000: biological control, distribution, economic importance, 3, 9, 54, 55, 56, 57
- Mallam1954: distribution, host, 114
- Malump2012b: distribution, 210
- Malump2014a: distribution, host, 75
- MalumpHaSa2012: distribution, host, 4-5
- Mamet1943a: distribution, host, 162
- Mamet1949: catalog, distribution, host, 39
- Mamet1951: distribution, host, 218, 228
- Mamet1954: distribution, host, 19
- Mamet1959a: distribution, host, 381
- Mansfi1920: distribution, host, 151
- Marcha1909d: distribution, host, 181
- Martin1983: distribution, host, taxonomy, 51
- MartinLa2011: catalog, distribution, host, 41
- MartinWoCu2022: distribution, host, 5
- Maskel1890: distribution, host, taxonomy, 135
- Maskel1895b: distribution, host, 48-49
- Maskel1897: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 303-304
- Maskew1916: distribution, host, 308
- MastenSeSi2016: distribution, host, 321-325
- MastenSi2008: catalog, distribution, host, 105-119
- Matile1976: distribution, host, 308
- Matile1978: distribution, host, 40, 53, 54
- MatileOr2001: distribution, 190
- MatileWi2015: distribution, host, 72
- Maxwel1902: distribution, host, 252
- MayneGh1934: distribution, host, 36
- McCall1921: economic importance, 9
- McDani1972a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 323
- McKenz1945: taxonomy, 55
- McKenz1956: distribution, host, taxonomy, 32, 117
- Mead1982: distribution, host, 2
- Medler1980: description, 88
- Melis1930: distribution, host, 90
- Merril1922: biological control, distribution, 37
- Merril1953: distribution, host, taxonomy, 53
- MerrilCh1923: distribution, host, taxonomy, 240
- Meurge2011: distribution, 81
- MifsudMaRu2014: distribution, host, 510
- MilleHeCa2016: distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies, 141
- Miller2005: distribution, 487
- MillerDa1990: economic importance, taxonomy, 302
- MillerDa2005: description, distribution, economic importance, host, 244
- MilonaKoKo2008a: distribution, 143-147
- Miyosh1926: distribution, host, 306
- Moghad2004: distribution, host, 23
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 35
- MoghadWa2021: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, importance, natural enemies, taxonomy, 10, 139, 246
- MoharuBa2015: distribution, host, 99-101
- Monast1962: biological control, description, distribution, host, life history, taxonomy, 67-88
- MoraesSi1987a: distribution, host, life history, 27-39
- Morley1909: biological control, 277
- Mosque1976: distribution, host, 91
- MoutiaMa1947: distribution, host, 10
- Muntin1969: distribution, host, 122
- Muraka1970: distribution, host, 80
- MyartsRu2000: biological control, distribution, host, 11, 12, 25
- MyartsRuCo2016: economic importance, natural enemies, 81-89
- Myers1922: distribution, host, 201
- Nakaha1981a: distribution, host, 399
- Nath1972: distribution, host, 3
- NeumanODGu2016: ant association, dispersal, distribution, host, 159-166
- Neves1936: distribution, host, 199
- Newman1869: distribution, host, 217
- Newste1901b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 204-206
- Newste1907a: chemical control, distribution, host, 10, 15
- Newste1913: distribution, host, taxonomy, 81
- Newste1917b: distribution, host, 134
- Nishid2002: catalog, 141
- NiuLiXu2024: DNA sequencing, S1 Table
- NormarOkMo2019: distribution, host, phylogeny, 23,59
- OteroCaMo1996: distribution, economic importance, host, 530, 531
- Packar1869: biological control, distribution, host, 527
- Paik1958: distribution, host, 31
- Paoli1915: distribution, host, 265
- Peleka1974: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 17
- Pelliz2011: distribution, 312
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 62,71
- PellizFo1996: distribution, 121
- PellizGe2010a: distribution, economic importance, host, 477,481,487,502
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, host, 295
- PeralL1968: biological control, 25
- PerezG2008: distribution, 215
- PerezGCa1985: distribution, 316
- Pierce1917: economic importance, 5
- PizarrAlBa2020: distribution, host, 27
- PooleGe1997: distribution, 349
- Porter1912: distribution, 23
- PowellZeMi2024: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, natural enemies, 3-6, 19, 22
- Pratt1956: distribution, host, life history, 90-93
- Priore1964: distribution, host, illustration, life history, 171
- Priore1965: description, distribution, host, illustration, 139
- Quayle1911: 301-306
- Quayle1912: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 319-340
- Quayle1938a: distribution, taxonomy, 169
- Ramakr1919a: distribution, host, 23-24
- Ramakr1921a: catalog, distribution, host, 360
- RamosPeKo2017: illustration, key, 8148
- RangelGo1945: distribution, taxonomy, 25
- RauppHoSa2001: chemical control, host, 204
- RehmatAnKh2011: biological control, distribution, host, 274
- RileyHo1893: distribution, host, 51
- Ringue1924: distribution, host, 65
- RiomFa1977: distribution, taxonomy, 193
- Risbec1937: distribution, host, 178-183
- RodrigGaRo2004: chemical control, life history, 569-575
- RodrigNaVa2019: distribution, host, 468
- RodrigTrGa1996: biological control, distribution, 77, 80, 87
- RosenDe1979: biological control, distribution, 757
- Ruhl1913: taxonomy, 80
- Ruhl1919: taxonomy, 44
- Rungs1950: biological control, 10
- Russo1951: biological control, distribution, 90
- Rust1914: distribution, host, 471
- Saakya1954: distribution, host, 27
- Salaza1999: control, 24
- Sander1904a: distribution, host, 73
- Sankar1984: biological control, distribution, host, 28-29
- Schmid1973: distribution, host, 443
- Schmut1957b: distribution, taxonomy, 150
- Seabra1918: distribution, host, 164
- Seabra1922: distribution, host, 9
- Searle1964: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 8-9
- Seghat1977: distribution, host, 13
- Seljak2008: distribution, host, 121-126
- SeveriSe1909: distribution, host, 298
- ShiLi1991: host, 164
- Shirak1913: distribution, host, 100
- Signor1877: catalog, distribution, host, 604
- SilvadGoGa1968: catalog, distribution, host, 176
- Simant1960: biological control, distribution, economic importance, 5-7
- Simant1973: control,
- Simmon1957: biological control, catalog, distribution, host, 4
- Simmon1969: distribution, host, 20
- SismanUl2010: distribution, host, 220,222
- SmailiAbBo2013: biological control, 157
- SmailiAfAa2000: biological control, description, distribution, host, life history, taxonomy, 281-290
- SmailiAfAa2000: distribution, host, life history, 281-290
- Smirno1950a: biological control, economic importance, 190, 191
- SmithBeBr1997: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 73-74
- SotoCoAl1994: chemical control, 357
- Soukup1945: distribution, host, 280
- Souzad1906: distribution, host, 148-149
- Starne1897: distribution, host, 27
- StathaKaDa2021: distribution, host, illustration, natural enemies, 52
- Stimme1987: distribution, host, 19-20
- Stofbe1937: taxonomy, 3-29
- Strick1947a: distribution, host, 498
- Suh2016: distribution, host, key, 319, 328
- Summer1934: distribution, economic importance, 17-20
- SureshMo1996: distribution, host, 251-252
- Swezey1913: distribution, economic importance, 194
- SzitaFeBe2017: distribution, host, 469
- SzitaFeGe2023: key, 5
- Takagi1960: distribution, host, taxonomy, 80, 93
- Takagi1975: distribution, host, taxonomy, 18
- Takaha1937a: distribution, host, 71, 73
- Takaha1955e: distribution, host, 70
- Talhou1950: distribution, host, 138
- Tang1977: distribution, host, taxonomy, 222
- Tang2001: taxonomy, 3
- Tao1999: distribution, host, 82
- Targio1876: taxonomy, 84
- Targio1881: distribution, taxonomy, 159
- Targio1884: taxonomy, 392
- Teodor2018: distribution, history, host, 43, 50
- Thomps1932: chemical control, 71-72
- Thomps1933: chemical control, 78
- Thomps1934: chemical control, 84
- Thomps1935a: chemical control, 100
- Thomps1936: chemical control, 114
- Thomps1937: chemical control, 132
- Thomps1938b: chemical control, 146-147
- Thomps1939b: chemical control, 145-147
- Thomps1942a: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 51-58
- ThompsGr1949: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 5-12
- TrabouBe1965: biological control, distribution, 2, 5
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 70
- Trimbl1928: distribution, host, 47
- TriwirWuAg2017: entomopathogenic fungi, 327-335
- Tschor1939: distribution, 90
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S120
- Vacant1985a: distribution, ecology, 749, 754, 757
- Varshn2002: distribution, host, 46
- Vayssi1913: distribution, host, 431
- Vayssi1920: distribution, host, 257
- Vayssi1921: distribution, host, 356
- Viggia1974: biological control, host, 117, 119, 120
- Viggia1985: taxonomy, 879
- Vilard1974: distribution, host, 76
- WalkerWaEv1974: distribution, host, 12
- WaltmaRaWi2016: distribution, 231
- Watson2001: list, 177
- Watson2002: taxonomy, 117
- Watson2002a: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy,
- Watson2021: distribution, 523
- WatsonBe1937: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 9-21
- WatsonMuSh2014: distribution, host, 1595
- Weiss1916: distribution, 24
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 218
- WilliaBe2009: catalog, 8,11
- WilliaBu1987: distribution, host, 95
- WilliaWa1988: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 143, 145-146, 148
- WilliaWi1988: distribution, host, 64
- Wilson1917: distribution, 51
- Wise1977: distribution, taxonomy, 108
- WolffCo1994: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 136-138
- WongChCh1999: distribution, illustration, 22, 62
- WoodruBeSk1998: distribution, taxonomy, 107
- WynneHoCo2025: distribution, list of species, record, 18
- XuZeLv2021: entomopathogenic fungi, 1
- Yang1982: distribution, taxonomy, 200, 202
- Zahrad1972: taxonomy, 424
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 166
- Zimmer1948: distribution, host, taxonomy, 418
- Zuniga1971: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 285-290