Valid Names Results
Labioproctus Green, 1922 (
Nomenclatural History
- Labioproctus
1922: 453.
Type species: Walkeriana polei Green
by monotypy and original designation
accepted valid name
- Fissiventer
1924: 346.
junior synonym
(discovered by MorrisMo1966: 79)
Notes: This was listed as a subgenus of Walkeriana Signoret with type-species of Walkeriana polei. Since W. polei is the type-species of Labioproctus Green 1922, Fissiventer is a synonym of the older name. (Morrison and Morrison, 1966)
- Systematics: Green (1922) indicated that this genus is related to Aspidoproctus, while differing in that the ventral invagination of the female is not closed by a secretionary operculum, but by prominent lateral lobes.
Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018, erected the tribe Labioproctini within the family Margarodidae to place the genus Labioproctus in relation to other genera that he felt belonged in a subfamily of Monophlebinae (Aspidoproctus, Hemaspidoproctus, Labioproctus, Lecaniodrosicha, Misracoccue, and Walkeriana)
- General Remarks: Definition and characters by Green (1922), Vayssiere (1926) and by Morrison (1928).
- Gavril2021: pp.58-59
Adult (F)
[Genera of Labioproctini, revised]
- Gavril2018: pp.165
Adult (F)
[Genera of Labioproctini]
- TangHa1995: pp.182
Adult (F)
- Morris1928: pp.123-125
- Vayssi1926: pp.258-259
Adult (F)
- Vayssi1923a: pp.428
Adult (F)
Associated References
- BenDov2005a:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 227-228
- Foldi2001a:
taxonomy, pp. 205
- Gavril2018:
description, diagnosis, illustration, key, taxonomy, pp. 165-170
- Green1922:
description, taxonomy, pp. 453
- Lindin1937:
taxonomy, pp. 187
- Misra1924CS:
taxonomy, pp. 346
- Morris1928:
description, taxonomy, pp. 122-125, 145-148, 21
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 101
- TangHa1995:
description, taxonomy, pp. 182, 189-190
- Vayssi1923a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 428
- Vayssi1926:
description, taxonomy, pp. 258, 299-300
- Willia2020:
taxonomy, pp. 144
1 Species