Valid Names Results
Labiococcus Koteja, 2000 (
Nomenclatural History
- Labiococcus
2000: 178.
Type species: Labiococcus joosti Koteja
by monotypy and original designation
accepted valid name
- Structure: A pseudococcid-like scale insect with distinct anal lobes and long apical setae; antenna 7-segmented, apical joint club-shaped; clypeolabrum elongate-oval; labium extremely long and narrow, apex extending beyond posterior coxae; loop of piercing stylets 8-shaped; tibia shorter than tarsus; tarsal digitules longer than claw, ungual digitules knobbed; claw with a conspicuous tooth on plantar surface; anterior and posterior dorsal ostioles developed; lateral and dorsal setae small, conical (Koteja, 2000).
- General Remarks: Detailed description by Koteja (2000).
Associated References
1 Species