Valid Names Results
Kerria lacca lacca (Kerr, 1782) (Tachardiidae (= Kerriidae): Kerria)Nomenclatural History
- Coccus gummilaccae Goeze 1778: 342. nomen nudum (discovered by Lindin1933b, 228).
- Coccus lacca Kerr 1782: 374. Type data: INDIA: uncultivated mountains on both sides of the Ganges.. Syntypes, female and first instar, accepted valid name Notes: Depository of type material unknown (Varshney, 1976).
- Coccus ficus Fabricius 1787: 319. Type data: INDIA: on Ficus religiosa and Indica gummi.. Syntypes, female and first instar, junior synonym (discovered by Signor1869, 859). Notes: Type material lost (Ziemsen, 1964).
- Chermes lacca (Kerr, 1782); Roxburgh 1791: 228. change of combination
- Carteria lacca (Kerr, 1782); Signoret 1874: 102. change of combination
- Kerria lacca (Kerr, 1782); Targioni Tozzetti 1884: 410. change of combination
- Tachardia lacca (Kerr, 1782); Signoret 1886c: lxii. change of combination
- Tachardia (Tachardia) lacca (Kerr, 1782); Chamberlin 1923: 170. change of combination
- Lakshadia indica Mahdihassan 1923: 98. replacement name that is unjustified Replacement name for Coccus lacca Kerr
- Laccifer lacca (Kerr, 1782); Cockerell 1924: 47. change of combination
- Laccifer mysorensis (Fabricius, 1787); Chamberlin 1925: 38. change of combination
- Kerria (Kerria) lacca lacca (Kerr, 1782); Varshney 1984b: 368. change of combination and rank
- Kerria lacca lacca; (Kerr, 1782); Batsankalashvili 2017: 262. subsequent use Notes: incorrect citation of Chamberlain as the author
Common Names
- common lac insect Varshn1976
- Indian lac insect Cardon2007
- lac insect Kapur1958 Varshn1976
Ecological Associates
Families: 37 | Genera: 89
- Anacardiaceae
- Lannea | Varshn1992
- Mangifera indica | SubbarRa1997
- Annonaceae
- Annona squamosa | Carter1861 SubbarRa1997
- Polyalthia longifolia | SubbarRa1997
- Apocynaceae
- Carissa | Varshn1992
- Cascabela thevetia | Sharma1997
- Betulaceae
- Corylus | Hadzib1983
- Corylus avellana | BatsanKaKi2017
- Bignoniaceae
- Dolichandrone | Varshn1992
- Jacaranda | Varshn1992
- Stereospermum | Varshn1992
- Boraginaceae
- Cordia | Varshn1992
- Burseraceae
- Garuga | Varshn1992
- Protium | Varshn1992
- Cannabaceae
- Celtis | Varshn1992
- Cetoniidae
- Euphoria | Varshn1992
- Combretaceae
- Terminalia | Varshn1992
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucurbita moschata | Sharma1991 SharmaRa1997
- Cupressaceae
- Juniperus | Varshn1992
- Dipterocarpaceae
- Dipterocarpus | Varshn1992
- Shorea assamica | SubbarRa1997
- Shorea robusta | SubbarRa1997
- Shorea roxburghii | SubbarRa1997
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros kaki | Hadzib1983
- Elaeocarpaceae
- Sloanea | Varshn1992 | (= Echinocarpus)
- Euphorbiaceae
- Aleurites | Varshn1992
- Chrozophora oblongifolia | SubbarRa1997
- Croton | Varshn1992
- Mallotus | Varshn1992
- Ricinus communis | SubbarRa1997
- Fabaceae
- Acacia | SubbarRa1997
- Acacia auriculiformis | SubbarRa1997
- Acacia catechu | SubbarRa1997 Takaha1941
- Acacia farnesiana | SubbarRa1997
- Albizia | Takaha1941
- Albizia julibrissin | Hadzib1983
- Albizia lebbeck | SubbarRa1997
- Albizia lucidor | SubbarRa1997
- Atylosia | Varshn1992
- Bauhinia | Varshn1992
- Butea monosperma | SequeiBe1998 SharmaBhSu1999 SubbarRa1997 Takaha1941 | (= Butea frondosa)
- Caesalpinia | Varshn1992
- Cailliea | Varshn1992
- Cajanus cajan | SubbarRa1997 Takaha1941 Hadzib1983
- Calliandra | Varshn1992
- Cassia | Varshn1992
- Ceratonia | Varshn1992
- Dalbergia assamica | SubbarRa1997
- Dalbergia latifolia | SubbarRa1997
- Dalbergia sissoo | SubbarRa1997
- Desmodium tortuosum | SubbarRa1997
- Dolichos | Varshn1992
- Entada | Varshn1992
- Erythrina | Varshn1992
- Flemingia chappar | SubbarRa1997
- Flemingia macrophylla | SharmaBhSu1999 SubbarRa1997 Varshn2020
- Flemingia paniculata | SubbarRa1997
- Flemingia stricta | SubbarRa1997
- Flemingia strobilifera | SubbarRa1997
- Leucaena | Varshn1992
- Maughania | Varshn1992
- Millettia extensa | SubbarRa1997
- Millettia pinnata | SubbarRa1997
- Mimosa pudica | SubbarRa1997
- Ougeinia | Varshn1992
- Peltophorum pterocarpum | Varshn2020 | (= Peltophorum ferrugineum)
- Phyllodium pulchellum | SubbarRa1997
- Pithecellobium dulce | JalaluMoSa1999 Takaha1941
- Prosopis | Varshn1992
- Pterocarpus | Varshn1992
- Samanea saman | SubbarRa1997 Takaha1941
- Tamarindus indica | SubbarRa1997
- Xylia | Varshn1992
- Fagaceae
- Castanopsis | Varshn1992
- Juglandaceae
- Carya illinoinensis | Hadzib1983
- Engelhardtia | Varshn1992
- Pterocarya pterocarpa | Hadzib1983
- Lamiaceae
- Tectona | Varshn1992
- Lecythidaceae
- Careya | Varshn1992
- Loranthaceae
- Loranthus | Varshn1992
- Lythraceae
- Lagerstroemia | Varshn1992
- Punica granatum | SubbarRa1997
- Malvaceae
- Berrya | Varshn1992
- Eriolaena | Varshn1992
- Eriolaena spectabilis | SubbarRa1997
- Grewia hirsuta | SubbarRa1997
- Hibiscus syriacus | SubbarRa1997
- Tilia endochrysea | Hadzib1983
- Tilia rubra | BatsanKaKi2017
- Meliaceae
- Melia azedarach | SubbarRa1997 | (= Azadirachta indica)
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus | Varshn1992
- Ficus benghalensis | SharmaBhSu1999 SubbarRa1997 | (= Ficus indica)
- Ficus carica | Hadzib1983
- Ficus concinna | SubbarRa1997
- Ficus elastica | KondoGu2007
- Ficus racemosa | SubbarRa1997
- Ficus religiosa | SharmaBhSu1999 SubbarRa1997
- Streblus | Varshn1992
- Myrtaceae
- Callistemon | Varshn1992
- Phyllanthaceae
- Glochidion | Varshn1992
- Proteaceae
- Grevillea robusta | SubbarRa1997
- Rhamnaceae
- Ziziphus | SubbarRa1997
- Ziziphus jujuba | Miller1937NCE
- Ziziphus mauritiana | SequeiBe1998 SharmaBhSu1999 SubbarRa1997 Varshn2000
- Rosaceae
- Rosa chinensis | SubbarRa1997
- Rutaceae
- Citrus aurantium | Glover1935
- Limonia | Varshn1992
- Salicaceae
- Salix | Hadzib1983
- Salix babylonica | BatsanKaKi2017
- Salix matsudana | Hadzib1983
- Sapindaceae
- Litchi chinensis | SubbarRa1997 HsiehHw1983
- Schleichera oleosa | SequeiBe1998 SharmaBhSu1999 SubbarRa1997
- Tamaricaceae
- Tamarix | Varshn1992
- Theaceae
- Schima | Varshn1992
- Vitaceae
- Leea | Varshn1992
- Vitis vinifera | SubbarRa1997
Families: 16 | Genera: 23
- Aphelinidae
- Coccophagus lycimnia | Hadzib1983
- Coccophagus tschirchii | Hadzib1983 SharmaJaBh1997
- Marietta leopardina | Hadzib1983
- Blastobasidae
- Holcocera pulverea | Hadzib1983
- Pseudohypatopa pulverea | MeenaSh2018
- Syncola crypsimorpha | JadhavAdSh2022
- Syncola pulverea | AdamskPiNi2020 JadhavAdSh2022
- Braconidae
- Bracon greeni | SharmaJaBh1997
- Chrysopidae
- Chrysoperla zastrowi | MeenaSh2018
- Mallada madestes | MishraSuSh1996
- Cosmopterigidae
- Anatrachyntis falcatella | JadhavAdSh2022
- Encyrtidae
- Erencyrtus dewitzii | SharmaJaBh1997
- Ooencyrtus kerriae | HayatNaRe2003
- Parechthrodryinus clavicornis | SharmaJaBh1997
- Tachardiaephagus tachardiae | Hadzib1983 SharmaJaBh1997
- Eulophidae
- Aprostocetus bangaloricus | HayatNaRe2003
- Aprostocetus purpureus | Hadzib1983 SharmaJaBh1997
- Eupelmidae
- Eupelmus tachardiae | Hadzib1983 SharmaJaBh1997
- Heliodinidae
- Stathmopoda auriferella | JadhavAdSh2022
- Stathmopoda basiplectra | JadhavAdSh2022
- Lecithoceridae
- Scythropiodes lacca | AdamskPiNi2020
- Momphidae
- Lacciferophaga yunnanea | Hadzib1983
- Noctuidae
- Catablemma sumbavensis | JadhavAdSh2022
- Eublemma amabilis | MeshraBhDe2018
- Eublemma roseonivea | JadhavAdSh2022
- Eublemma scitula | JadhavAdSh2022
- Oecophoridae
- Oedematopoda cypris | JadhavAdSh2022
- Oedematopoda venusta | JadhavAdSh2022
- Stathmopodidae
- Stathmopoda venusta | AdamskPiNi2020
- Syrphidae
- Blera scitula | Hadzib1983
- Tineidae
- Nemapogon | Hadzib1983
Families: 4 | Genera: 5
- Anaplasmataceae
- Wolbachia | SanaeiLiCo2021
- Cosmopterigidae
- Pyroderces spatulata | AdamskPiNi2020
- Pyralidae
- Cryptoblades gnidiella | AdamskPiNi2020
- Stenachroia elongella | AdamskPiNi2020
- Tineidae
- Erechthias leucopogon | AdamskPiNi2020
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 13
- Azerbaijan | Hadzib1983
- Bangladesh | Varshn1976
- Burma (=Myanmar) | Varshn1976
- China
- Hunan | HuHeWa1992
- Georgia (Republic of) | Hadzib1983 Varshn1997
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | Cocker1893r
- India
- Andhra Pradesh | Varshn1976
- Bihar | Varshn1976
- Gujarat | Varshn2000
- Jharkhand | RajgopMoSh2021
- Karnataka | Varshn1976
- Madhya Pradesh | RanjanMaSa2011
- Maharashtra | RanjanMaSa2011
- Tamil Nadu | JalaluMoSa1999
- Telangana | RajgopMoSh2021
- West Bengal | Varshn1976
- Malaysia | Varshn1997
- Nepal | Varshn1976
- Pakistan | Varshn1976
- Sri Lanka | Varshn1976
- Taiwan | HsiehHw1983
- Thailand | RajgopMoSh2021
- RajgopMoSh2021: pp.65-66 ( Adult (F) ) [species of Kerria]
- BashirWaLi2021: pp.6 ( Adult (F) ) [Kerria from China]
- TalukdDa2020: pp.10-12 ( Adult (F) ) [Kerria species]
- MishraSu2000: pp.216-217 ( Adult (F) ) [Kerria species of India]
- Varshn1976: pp.21 ( Adult (F) ) [India]
- Varshn1976: pp.72 ( Adult (F) ) [Subspecies of Kerria lacca]
- Systematics: Varshney (1976) recognized in Kerria (Kerria) lacca lacca of India, two infra sub-specific forms, which have been referred to by earlier workers as varieties or strains: 1. Kerria (Kerria) lacca lacca f. rangeeni which grows on Ficus spp., Butea monosperma and many other host plants, but not on Schleichera oleosa. The summer generation of this form lasts about 8 months, from October-November to June-July, is called the Baisakhi lac crop. The rainy season generation lasts about 4 months, from June-July to October-November, is called the Katki lac crop. The rangeeni is the major form found in India, though the quality of the lac produced by it is inferior. 1. Kerria (Kerria) lacca lacca f. kusumi which grows on Schleichera oleosa and some other host plants but not on Ficus spp. and not on Butea monosperma. The life cycle of both generations is about 6 months. The summer generation from January-February to June-July, is called the Jethwi lac crop. The winter generation from June-July to January-February, is called the Aghani lac crop. The kusumi is the minor form found in India, but the quality of the lac produced by it is superior to that of the rangeeni form. Varshney (1976) reported on differences between the two forms in their body extracts, and in chromatographic and ultra-violet analyses.
- Structure: See colour photograph in Wong et al. (1999). Misra (1930a) gave a detailed account on the post-embryonic development, including life cycle, form of the body, migration of spiracles, wax secretion, lac glands, muscular system and nervous system. Takahashi (1941) illustrated the remarkable variation, from flat elongate to almost globular, in the body shape of the adult female. The adult female of this species possesses a pair of long, slender and beaded malpighian tubes, which open by a common ampulla into the alimentary canal. Chromatographic analysis showed a positive relationship between the aqueous solution of lac dye and the malpighian tubes. Varshney & Ganguli (1972) presumed that the tubes absorb the lac-dye from body fluid together with other excretory matter and water. However, Varshney & Ganguli (1972) noted that the dye is not excreted, but stored in the tubes, as the honeydew drops are colourless. fructose, sucrose and an unidentified oligosaccharide. Varshney & Srivastava (1989) analysed the amino acids and carbohydrate constituents of the Kerria lacca f. rangeeni developing on Moghania macrophylla in India, and correlated them with the developmental stages and the annual generations of the insect. Detailed electron microscopic phographs of the mouthparts of K. lacca and their importance in location of feeding sites. Observed were a modified clypeolabral shield which is not used for piercing and sucking, and segmented labium, ultrastructure of mandibular and maxillary stylets, and the presence of sensilla which may have a role in feeding site selection. (Ahmad, et al., 2012) Detailed electron microscopic photographs of the first instar nymph in Admad, et al., (2013a) Ahmad, et al, 2013a, found that differentiation of the first-instar nymphs of K. lacca from those of P. mahdihassani could be based on the differences in shape of the 6th antennal segment, antennal and labial sensilla, brachial bordering setae, brachial pores, anal ring and associated structures is possible. These also provide an identification of the antennal sensilla based on external morphology, which were earlier known as setae, and also with their arrangement. Two sensilla chaetica were observed on 6th antennal segment at the apex in K. lacca, whereas they were lacking on P. mahdihassani.
- Biology: In India, there are two varieties, commonly called 'strains', of K. lacca, the Rangeeni strain and the Kusumi strain. Each strain is specific to particular host trees, has a different life cycle and produces different body extracts. However, morphologically these strains could not be separated into different species (Varshney, 1976; Sequeira & Bezkorowajnyj, 1998). Sharma (1991) and Sharma & Ramani (1997) found the pumpkin, Cucurbita moschata a suitable host for laboratory rearing of the two strains Kerria lacca f. rangeeni and Kerria lacca f. kusumi. The development period was shorter than on natural host plants. The pumpkin-developing insects produced about 30% less lac, and the rate of males increased significantly. The strains, Rangeeni and Kusumi, hybridize freely under laboratory conditions, thereby producing viable progeny. Premating barriers, such as differences in host preference and asynchrony in sexual-maturity periods, due to differences in life-cycle patterns, prevent interbreeding under natural conditions. (Ranjan, et al., 2011) The males of the lac scale, Kerria lacca (Kerr) (= Laccifer lacca) (Hemiptera, Coccidae) live for 62 to 91 h. (Mendel, et al., 2012)
- Economic Importance: Varshney (1970) published a bibliography of about 3000 references on all aspects of Lac insect studies - taxonomy, cultivation, natural enemies and economic importance. Miller (1937) presented a detailed account on attempts (1933-1937) to introduce Kerria lacca into Malaya from India, for commercial lac production. The attempts were abortive, and it was concluded that climatic conditions and other circumstances were wholly unsuitable in Malaya for lac propagation. Takahashi (1941) reported that "the lac cultivation is one of the outstanding industries in Siam [=Thailand]". Sequeira & Bezkorowajnyj (1998) gave a detailed account on the economy of lac production in India. Sharma (1991) and Sharma & Ramani (1997) found the pumpkin, Cucurbita moschata a suitable host for laboratory rearing of the two strains Kerria lacca f. rangeeni and Kerria lacca f. kusumi. The development period was shorter than on natural host plants. The pumpkin-developing insects produced about 30% less lac, and the rate of males increased significantly. The species was introduced into and became established in the Black sea coast of Georgia and Caspian Sea Coast of Azerbaijan (Kachibaya, 1965; Hadzibejli, 1983). Hsieh & Hwang (1983) reported on experiments on chemical control of this species on litchi in Taiwan.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Chamberlin (1923), Varshney (1976) and by Gullan & Kondo (2008). Varshney (1976) gave a table of taxonomic characters to distinguish between Kerria (Kerria) lacca lacca, Kerria (Kerria) lacca ambigua and Kerria (Kerria) lacca mysorensis. Description and illustration of the first, second and third instar nymphs given by Hadzibejli (1983).
- AAEE1925:
- AdamskPiNi2020: natural enemies,
- AhmadKaRa2012: description, physiology, 435-441
- AhmadShRa2013: taxonomy, 530
- AhmadShRa2013a: SEM, morphology,
- Ali1967a: distribution, host, 41-42
- BahuguSh2002: distribution, economic importance, host, 63-70
- BashirWaLi2021: distribution, key, 2, 6
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 262
- BenDov2006b: catalog, taxonomy, 267-271
- BenDovLi1998: taxonomy, 455-456
- BhattaChMi1994: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 69-71
- BhattaJaMi1995: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 15-18
- BhattaJaMi1999: ecology, life history, 62-63
- BhattaJaSh1997: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 365-369
- BhattaMiCh1996: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 75-76
- BhattaMiNa1995: life history, 205-206
- BhattaMiSh1999: chemical control, 59-61
- BhattaMiSu2003: biological control, distribution, host, 301-303
- BhattaNaSe1998: biological control, 83-87
- BhattaShSu1996: biological control, distribution, host, 57-58
- BhattaSuJa2000: biological control, 155
- BhattaSuMi1998: biological control, 15-16
- Blanch1883: chemistry, description, economic importance, illustration, taxonomy, 248-262
- Bohmer2000: chemistry, economic importance, 57-60
- BugajNJuKa2021: distribution, host, list, 304
- Cardon1999a: chemistry, economic importance, 18-29
- Cardon2007: distribution, economic importance, host, 656-659
- Carter1861: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 1-10
- Chambe1923: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 170-172
- Chambe1925JC: taxonomy, 33, 37
- Chauha1970b: chromosomes, structure, 341-344
- Chauha1977: chromosomes, structure, 155-159
- ChauhaMi1970: life history, 102-103
- ChauhaMi1970a: life history, 390-392
- ChenChFe2011: distribution, economic importance, molecular data, phylogenetics, taxonomy, 1-14
- ChenChLi2004: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 159-166
- ChenChLi2004a: chemistry, 362-367
- ChenHo1994: distribution, economic importance, host, 69-73
- ChenXuCh2003: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 411-417
- ChiuChCh1985: biological control, distribution, host, 9-11
- ChoiLe2019: phylogeny, taxonomy, 402
- Chou1986: anatomy, illustration, structure, 441
- Cock1985: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 213-223
- Cocker1893r: taxonomy, 181
- Cocker1924: taxonomy, 47
- ColombBoGa2003: chemistry, economic importance, 357-364
- Comsto1882: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 209-211
- CruzHeGaRo2003: chemistry, 37-45
- Doming1906: taxonomy, 222
- Fabric1787: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 319
- Fernal1903b: 124-125
- Ferrie1928: biological control, 171-176
- Ferrie1935: biological control, 391-406
- Gavril2018: reproduction, 229
- GavrilKu2019: economic importance, 204
- Ghorai1995: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 1-167
- Glover1930: anatomy, biological control, economic importance, life history, taxonomy, 261-266
- Glover1932: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 1-18
- Glover1933: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-23
- Glover1935: distribution, economic importance, host, 151-153
- Glover1937: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 1-147
- Goeze1778: taxonomy, 342
- GullanKo2008: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 63-70
- Hadzib1983: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 157-163
- HayatNaRe2003: biological control, distribution, host, 309-334
- HeShDe2003: distribution, host, life history, 604-609
- HsiehHw1983: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 31-40
- HuHeWa1992: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 180
- Huffak1977: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 329-339
- Hui1988: biological control, 395-398
- JadhavAdSh2022: natural enemies,
- JaiswaShAg1998: biological control, 81-86
- JaiswaShAg1999: biological control, 106-110
- JaiswaShBh1996: chemistry, life history, 349-353
- JaiswaShSu1998: biological control, economic importance, 133-136
- JaiswaSiPa2014: chemical control, natural enemies,
- JalaluMoSa1999: distribution, host, 161
- KandasEkKu2021: genetic structure, genetics,
- KandasEkKu2022: DNA, bacteria,
- KandasRoMo2019: DNA, natural enemies,
- KapoorPu2002: chemistry, economic importance, 8-14
- Kapur1958: catalog, 19-21
- Karsch1883: list of species, 669
- Kerr1782: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 374-381
- KondoGu2011: host, illustration, taxonomy, 347-350
- KondoGu2011: taxonomy, 347-348
- KondoKa1995a: distribution, host, 97-98
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 21
- KozarDr1998l: 454
- KozielSa2001: distribution, 1-5
- Lepesm1947: distribution, host, 268
- LiHoLi1997: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 519-524
- LiHu1994: distribution, host, life history, 224-226
- LiZhLi1994: chemistry, distribution, host, 456-459
- Lin2002: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 121-127
- LinSu2001: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 65-67
- Lindin1933b: taxonomy, 228
- Lit2002: structure, taxonomy, 25-38
- Lit2002a: structure, 122-136
- LitGu2001: structure, taxonomy, 119-126
- Mahdih1923: taxonomy, 98
- Mahdih1961: anatomy, structure, 115-126
- Mahdih1963: anatomy, life history, structure, 423-435
- MeenaSh2018: natural enemies, species richness,
- MehandRaSh1968: chemistry, 2231-2234
- MendelPrJa2012: 390
- MeshraBhDe2018: chemical control, natural enemies, 732-737
- Miller1937NCE: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 1-21
- MishraBh1995: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 6-8
- MishraBhNa1996: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 189-190
- MishraBhSi1995: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 28-29
- MishraBhSi1996: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 54-55
- MishraBhSu1995: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 351-355
- MishraBhSu1997: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 291-293
- MishraNaBh1995: control, distribution, host, 14-15
- MishraSu2000: taxonomy, 217,219
- MishraSuBh1995: economic importance, 28-29
- MishraSuBh1998: taxonomy, 171-172
- MishraSuBh2000: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 121-124
- MishraSuCh2000: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 343-348
- MishraSuCh2000: economic importance, host, life history, 343-348
- MishraSuKu2000: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 19-26
- MishraSuSh1996: biological control, chemical control, 17-20
- Misra1923: biological control, chemistry, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 1-83
- Misra1930: taxonomy, 161
- Misra1930a: anatomy, life history, structure, 455-466
- MohanaMeMo2018: ecology, host, natural enemies,
- MohanaRaSh2018: genetics, reproduction,
- MohanaShVe2022: economic,
- NegiMiGu1930: distribution, host, life history, 182-188
- NegiMiGu1930: distribution, host, life history, 182-188
- NiranjPaKu2006: economic importance, 35-37
- Olivie1791: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 96
- PrasadJaKu2004: distribution, economic importance, host, 54-58
- RajgopMoSh2021: distribution, host, key, 61, 65
- Ramakr1921a: catalog, distribution, host, 340
- Raman2014: history,
- RamaniSh1991: economic importance, life history, 47-53
- RamaniSh1995: economic importance, 19-20
- RanjanMaSa2011: molecular data, phylogenetics, taxonomy, 511-519
- RossHaOk2012: phylogeny, taxonomy, 199
- Roxbur1791: economic importance, life history, taxonomy, 228-235
- SahaJaSi2000: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 125-132
- SahaRaMa2011: economic importance, molecular data, phylogenetics, taxonomy, 112-120
- SequeiBe1998: chemistry, economic importance, host, life history, 225-234
- SerranDoBo2015: history,
- ShahTh2018: biological importance, ecology, host, 56-63
- Sharma1991: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 544-545
- Sharma1997: distribution, host, 29
- SharmaBhSu1999: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 115-118
- SharmaJaBh1997: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 17-22
- SharmaJaKu1999: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 95-99
- SharmaJaKu2000: biological control, 156
- SharmaJaKu2001: biological control, 369-371
- SharmaKuKu2005: distribution, ecology, economic importance, 95-96
- SharmaRa1997: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 169-174
- SharmaRa2001: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 456-459
- Signor1869: catalog, taxonomy, 853, 859
- Signor1874: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 102-105
- Signor1877: catalog, 649, 668
- Signor1886c: taxonomy, lxii
- SinghMiKu2001: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 166-170
- SinghMiSu2001: distribution, economic importance, host, 490-493
- SongWaTa2024: economic importance, phylogeny, 1, 4, 8-9
- Speigh2001: distribution, 1-5
- Srivas1964: distribution, economic importance, host, 83-91
- SrivasKuMi1998: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 1,9-12
- SrivasKuSa2002: chemistry, life history, 3250328
- SubbarRa1997: distribution, host, 187-192
- SunLiCh2003: distribution, host, 129-132
- SushilBhJa2002: biological control, 100-101
- SushilBhMi2000: biological control, host, 152-154
- SushilMiBh1997: biological control, chemical control, 39-41
- SushilMiBh1999: biological control, 365-368
- SwamiKaJa2017: biology,
- Takaha1941: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 139-140
- Takaha1949: distribution, host, 8-11
- TalukdDa2020: key, 11
- Tanaka1997: chemistry, 373-380
- TandonBaJa2003: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-354
- Tao1999: distribution, host, taxonomy, 49
- Targio1884: taxonomy, 410
- ThakurJaSh2006: distribution, economic importance, host, 79-82
- ThamasGu2003: distribution, host, life history, 77-79
- Thomas2003: distribution, economic importance, host, 24-27
- TulsyaBo1970: structure, 99-106
- Varshn1970: catalog, taxonomy, i-v
- Varshn1977: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 40-43
- Varshn1978: chemistry, physiology, 95-98
- Varshn1984b: taxonomy, 367-368
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, taxonomy, 28
- Varshn1997: distribution, taxonomy, 28
- Varshn2000: distribution, host, 27
- Varshn2009: catalog, 7
- Varshn2020: distribution, host, taxonomy, 14
- VarshnGa1972: anatomy, structure, 195-201
- VarshnSr1989: chemistry, life history, taxonomy, 380-382
- WadaKoAo2005: chemistry, 2097-2106
- Walker1852: taxonomy, 1081
- Waller1986: chemistry, 145-155
- WenLuHa2002: distribution, host, 56-64
- Willia2015: taxonomy, 580
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 240
- WilliaBe2009: catalog, taxonomy, 22,28
- WongChCh1999: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 7-8,45
- WouterVe1989a: chemistry, 189-200
- XieXuZh2004a: chemistry, 512-518
- YangLiSu2005: distribution, economic importance, host, 204-208
- YangZhCa1998: distribution, ecology, host, 647-651
- YogiPaKu2022: economic,
- ZhouLiZh2001: distribution, economic importance, host, 55-57