Valid Names Results
Kerria albizziae is now Kerria (Kerria) albizziae (Green, 1911) (Tachardiidae (= Kerriidae): Kerria)
Nomenclatural History
- Tachardia albizziae Green 1903a: 98. nomen nudum (discovered by Green1908a, 42).
- Tachardia albizziae Maxwell-Lefroy 1908: 129. nomen nudum (discovered by Green1908a, 42).
- Tachardia albizziae Green 1908a: 42. nomen nudum (discovered by Green1908a, 42).
- Tachardia albizziae Green 1911: 32. Type data: SRI LANKA: Paradeniya, on Landolphia sp., Albizia stipulata, Filicium decipium, Harpullia cupanioides, Theobroma cacao, Sleichera trijuga and Croton lacciferum.. Syntypes, female and first instar, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Lakshadia albizziae (Green, 1911); Mahdihassan 1923: 50. change of combination
- Laccifer albizziae (Green, 1911); Cockerell 1924: 47. change of combination
- Laccifer albissiae (Green, 1911); Ali 1970: 64. misspelling of species epithet
- Kerria (Kerria) albizziae (Green, 1911); Varshney 1984b: 368. change of combination
- Kerria (Kerria) alvizziae (Green, 1911); Varshney 1984b: 368. misspelling of species epithet
- Kerria albizzae (Green, 1911); Mishra & Sushil 2000: 217. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 7 | Genera: 12
- Apocynaceae
- Landolphia | Green1911 SharmaBhSu1999
- Euphorbiaceae
- Croton aromaticus | Ali1967a
- Croton caudatus | SharmaBhSu1999 Varshn1976
- Croton laccifer | Green1911
- Fabaceae
- Albizia chinensis | Green1911 SharmaBhSu1999 | (= Albizzia stipulata)
- Amherstia nobilis | Ali1967a
- Malvaceae
- Pterospermum acerifolium | Varshn1976
- Theobroma cacao | Green1911 SharmaBhSu1999
- Moraceae
- Ficus nervosa | Ali1967a
- Putranjivaceae
- Drypetes | Varshn1992 | (= Hemicyclia)
- Drypetes sepiaria | Ali1967a | (= Hemicyclia sepiaria)
- Sapindaceae
- Filicium decipiens | Ali1967a Green1911
- Harpullia cupanioides | Ali1967a Green1911
- Litchi chinensis | Ali1967a SharmaBhSu1999 Varshn1976
- Schleichera oleosa | Green1911 | (= Schleichera trijuga)
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 3
- Burma (=Myanmar) | BashirWaLi2021
- India
- Bihar | Ali1967a Varshn1976
- Uttar Pradesh | Varshn1976
- Uttarakhand | Varshn2020
- West Bengal | Varshn1976
- Sri Lanka | Green1911
- RajgopMoSh2021: pp.65-66 ( Adult (F) ) [species of Kerria]
- TalukdDa2020: pp.10-12 ( Adult (F) ) [Kerria species]
- AhmadShRa2013: pp.530-531 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to the species of Kerria based on adult females]
- AhmadShRa2013: pp.451-452 ( Adult (F) ) [An updated key to adult female Kerria species from India.]
- MishraSu2000: pp.216-217 ( Adult (F) ) [Kerria species of India]
- Varshn1976: pp.21 ( Adult (F) ) [India]
- General Remarks: Good description and illustration of the adult female given by Green (1911), Chamberlin (1923) and by Varshney (1976).
- AhmadShRa2013: taxonomy, 531
- Ali1967a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 40-41
- Ali1970: catalog, taxonomy, 64
- BashirWaLi2021: distribution, 2
- BenDov2006b: catalog, taxonomy, 261
- Chambe1923: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 166-167
- Chambe1925JC: taxonomy, 34
- Cocker1924: taxonomy, 47
- Green1903a: taxonomy, 98
- Green1908a: taxonomy, 42
- Green1911: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 32-35
- Green1922: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 411-414
- Kapur1958: catalog, 14
- Lindin1933b: taxonomy, 228
- Mahdih1923: taxonomy, 50, 99
- Maxwel1908: taxonomy, 129
- MishraSu2000: taxonomy, 217,219
- RajgopMoSh2021: key, 66
- Ramakr1921a: catalog, distribution, host, 340
- Sassce1912: distribution, host, taxonomy, 87
- SharmaBhSu1999: host, 115-118
- Takaha1949: host, 8
- TalukdDa2020: key, 11
- Varshn1966: taxonomy, 117
- Varshn1977: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 22-23
- Varshn1984b: taxonomy, 368
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, 26
- Varshn1997: distribution, taxonomy, 27
- Varshn2009: catalog, 6
- Varshn2020: distribution, host, taxonomy, 7
- VarshnGa1968: taxonomy, 60
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 239