Valid Names Results
Icerya purchasi Maskell, 1879 (Monophlebidae: Icerya)Nomenclatural History
- Icerya purchasi Maskell 1879: 221. Type data: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, on kangaroo acacia [=Acacia sp.]; collected by Dr. Purchas.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (Morale1991,57). Type depository: Auckland: New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, New Zealand; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Icerya purchasi crawii Cockerell 1897n: 94. Type data: USA: California, locality not indicated, on Citrus, collected Alex Craw.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (UnruhGu2008b,94). Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by UnruhGu2008b, 93).
- Icerya purchasi maskelli Cockerell 1897n: 94. Type data: USA: California, locality not indicated, on Citrus, collected by Alex Craw.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (UnruhGu2008b,94). Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by UnruhGu2008b, 93).
- Icerya purchasi citriperda Hempel 1920a: 337. Type data: BRAZIL: Sao Paulo State.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (UnruhGu2008b,94). Type depository: Sao Paulo: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil; junior synonym (discovered by UnruhGu2008b, 93).
- Iceria purchasi; Kiritchenko 1932a: 253. misspelling of genus name
- Pericerya purchasi (Maskell, 1879); Silvestri 1939: 649. change of combination
- Acerya purchasi; Rao 1943: 246. misspelling of genus name
- Icerya pulchasi Maskell, 1879; Chou 1947a: 30, 39. misspelling of species epithet
- Iceria purchasi; Kaussari 1957: 2. misspelling of genus name
- Perycerya purchasi; Gomez-Menor Ortega 1957: 86. misspelling of genus name
- Peryceria purchasi; Gomez-Menor Ortega 1960: 204. misspelling of genus name
- Perycerya purchasi; Gomez-Menor Ortega 1965: 114. misspelling of genus name
- Preicerya purchsi Hadzibejli 1983: 55. misspelling of both genus and species names
- Ycerya purchasi; Hadzibejli 1983: 266. misspelling of genus name
- Icerya purchase Maskell, 1879; Teodorescu 2018: 45. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- Australian fluted scale Hall1922
- Australische wollschildlaus SchmutKlLu1957
- citrus fluted scale Bodenh1951a
- cochenille australienne SchmutKlLu1957
- cochinilla acanalada de Australia Lizery1938
- conchuela acanalada de los citricos Gonzal1989 RipaLaRo2008c
- cottony cushion scale DeitzTo1980 Gill1993
- escama algodonosa QuezadCoDi1972
- escama australiana QuezadCoDi1972
- fluted scale DeitzTo1980
- pulgao branco da laranjeira FonsecAu1938
- white scale Marlat1897
- Australiese luis KondoWa2022b
- Australian bug KondoWa2022b
- cóccido acanalado KondoWa2022b
- cochenille flûtée KondoWa2022b
- cochenille l’icerya KondoWa2022b
- cochenille pericerya KondoWa2022b
- cochinilla acanalada de los agrios KondoWa2022b
- cochinilla algodonosa australiana KondoWa2022b
- cochinilla blanca del naranjo KondoWa2022b
- cochonilha australiana KondoWa2022b
- cochonilhaicéria KondoWa2022b
- escama algodonosa de los cítricos KondoWa2022b
- escama harinosa KondoWa2022b
- escama lanigera KondoWa2022b
- geribde djeroek-luis KondoWa2022b
- iceria di purchase KondoWa2022b
- iseriya-kaigaramushi KondoWa2022b
- izeriat haadaim KondoWa2022b
- mealy scale KondoWa2022b
- pulgão branco KondoWa2022b
- torbali kosnil KondoWa2022b
- white scale KondoWa2022b
- witte geribde schildluis KondoWa2022b
Ecological Associates
Families: 87 | Genera: 224
- Acanthaceae
- Avicennia germinans | LincanHoCa2010
- Blechum pyramidatum | LincanHoCa2010
- Justicia | Varshn1992
- Adoxaceae
- Viburnum rhytidophyllum | MatileLeRi1999
- Altingiaceae
- Liquidambar styraciflua | PencheYo2016
- Amaranthaceae
- Alternanthera echinocephala | LincanHoCa2010
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera indica | LincanHoCa2010
- Pistacia lentiscus | MifsudMaRu2014
- Schinus | Hall1923
- Annonaceae
- Annona cherimola | LincanHoCa2010
- Apiaceae
- Bupleurum | Varshn1992
- Cyclospermum leptophyllum | LincanHoCa2010
- Foeniculum vulgare | BenDov2012
- Apocynaceae
- Carissa | Varshn1992
- Ceropegia variegata | Martin1985
- Nerium indicum | Suh2020
- Nerium oleander | LincanHoCa2010
- Vinca minor | Martin1985
- Araliaceae
- Fatsia japonica | Morale1991
- Hedera helix | Martin1985
- Arecaceae
- Chamaedorea | JansenAl2023
- Cocos nucifera | CalderCaHo2012
- Dictyosperma | JansenAl2023
- Dypsis lutescens | JansenAl2023
- Hedyscepe canterburyana | Morale1991
- Phoenix roebelenii | JansenAl2023
- Asteraceae
- Acanthospermum hispidum | Rao1951a
- Anaphalis | Varshn1992
- Artemisia campestris | GomezM1957 Martin1985
- Artemisia gorgonum | VanHarCoWi1990
- Artemisia monosperma | BenDov2012
- Artemisia vulgaris | MifsudMaRu2014
- Baccharis | CABI2019a
- Bidens pilosa | TanakaOhTa2011
- Bidens triplinervia | Rao1951a
- Brickellia diffusa | LincanHoCa2010
- Conyza | Varshn1992
- Cosmos caudatus | GermaiDeLa2016
- Darwiniothamnus lancifolius | LincanHoCa2010
- Darwiniothamnus tenuifolius | LincanHoCa2010
- Erigeron | BenDov2012
- Eupatorium | Varshn1992
- Glebionis coronaria | Hall1923
- Gnaphalium purpureum | LincanHoCa2010
- Lecocarpus | LincanHoCa2010
- Lecocarpus pinnatifidus | LincanHoCa2010
- Macraea laricifolia | LincanHoCa2010
- Porophyllum ruderale | LincanHoCa2010
- Scalesia | LincanHoCa2010 LincanHoCa2010 CalderCaHo2012
- Scalesia aspera | LincanHoCa2010
- Scalesia atractyloides | LincanHoCa2010
- Scalesia baurii | LincanHoCa2010
- Scalesia helleri | LincanHoCa2010
- Scalesia incisa | LincanHoCa2010
- Scalesia pedunculata | LincanHoCa2010
- Senecio | CABI2019a
- Sonchus tenerrimus | Martin1985
- Symphyotrichum novi-belgii | Hall1923 | (= Aster novi-belgii)
- Synedrella nodiflora | LagowsGoHo2022
- Balsaminaceae
- Impatiens | CABI2019a
- Begoniaceae
- Begonia | LincanHoCa2010
- Berberidaceae
- Berberis canadensis | MatileLeRi1999
- Nandina domestica | Kuwana1922a
- Bignoniaceae
- Jacaranda | Hall1922
- Tecoma stans | SilvaGQuYe2013
- Boraginaceae
- Cordia | CalderCaHo2012
- Cordia alliodora | AriasMoFo2024
- Cordia lutea | CividaGu1996
- Heliotropium angiospermum | LincanHoCa2010
- Myriopus psilostachya | LincanHoCa2010
- Tournefortia | LincanHoCa2010
- Brassicaceae
- Brassica oleracea | LincanHoCa2010
- Burseraceae
- Bursera graveolens | LincanHoCa2010
- Buxaceae
- Buxus sempervirens | Martin1985 MatileLeRi1999 Rao1951a
- Cactaceae
- Jasminocereus thouarsii | LincanHoCa2010
- Cannabaceae
- Trema micrantha | LincanHoCa2010
- Caprifoliaceae
- Lonicera periclymenum | Hall1923
- Casuarinaceae
- Casuarina | Beards1966
- Casuarina equisetifolia | Hall1923 Hoffma1932 Rao1951a
- Celastraceae
- Euonymus | JansenAl2023
- Tricerma octogonum | LincanHoCa2010
- Cistaceae
- Cistus clusii | GomezM1957 Martin1985
- Helianthemum stipulatum | GomezM1957 Martin1985
- Combretaceae
- Conocarpus erectus | CalderCaHo2012
- Laguncularia racemosa | LincanHoCa2010
- Convolvulaceae
- Ipomoea habeliana | LincanHoCa2010
- Ipomoea nil | LincanHoCa2010
- Ipomoea pes-caprae | LincanHoCa2010
- Merremia aegyptia | LincanHoCa2010
- Cornaceae
- Cornus mas | MatileLeRi1999
- Cyperaceae
- Cyperus anderssonii | LincanHoCa2010
- Dilleniaceae
- Hibbertia trachyphylla | MilleHeCa2016
- Elaeagnaceae
- Elaeagnus | CABI2019a
- Elaeocarpaceae
- Vallea | LincanHoCa2010
- Ericaceae
- Gaultheria | Varshn1992
- Vaccinium corymbosum | JansenAl2023
- Euphorbiaceae
- Acalypha | Hall1922
- Acalypha abingdonii | LincanHoCa2010
- Acalypha parvula | CalderCaHo2012
- Acalypha wigginsii | CalderCaHo2012
- Croton scouleri | CalderCaHo2012
- Euphorbia amplexicaulis | LincanHoCa2010 CalderCaHo2012
- Euphorbia cyathophora | LincanHoCa2010
- Euphorbia punctulata | CalderCaHo2012
- Euphorbia viminea | LincanHoCa2010
- Excoecaria | WilliaWa1990
- Jatropha curcas | ArifAh2012
- Ricinus communis | LincanHoCa2010
- Fabaceae
- Acacia | Fuller1899 Gonzal1989 Martin1985 Maskel1879 Morale1991
- Acacia baileyana | Prasad1992
- Acacia confusa | CABI2019a
- Acacia dealbata | Foldi2000 Hadzib1983 Martin1985
- Acacia decurrens | JoshiNaVe2021
- Acacia elata | Rao1951a
- Acacia floribunda | Martin1985
- Acacia insulae-iacobi | LincanHoCa2010
- Acacia macracantha | LincanHoCa2010
- Acacia nilotica | Hall1922 LincanHoCa2010 | (= Acacia arabica)
- Acacia rorudiana | LincanHoCa2010
- Albizia julibrissin | Hadzib1983
- Albizia pistaciifolia | AriasMoFo2024
- Albizia procera | CABI2019a
- Amorpha fruticosa | Hadzib1983 MatileLeRi1999
- Amorpha nana | Martin1985
- Arachis pintoi | GermaiDeLa2016
- Bauhinia | Hall1922
- Bauhinia monandra | LincanHoCa2010
- Caesalpinia | CABI2019a
- Cajanus cajan | Hadzib1983 Hall1922 WilliaWa1990
- Canavalia rosea | LincanHoCa2010 CalderCaHo2012
- Cassia | MartinLa2011
- Centrolobium paraense | LincanHoCa2010
- Crotalaria incana | CalderCaHo2012
- Cytisus | Gonzal1989
- Cytisus scoparius | Kuwana1922a
- Dalbergia sissoo | Hall1923
- Desmanthus virgatus | LincanHoCa2010
- Desmodium glabrum | LincanHoCa2010
- Desmodium incanum | LincanHoCa2010
- Glycine max | Kuwana1922a Moghad2013a
- Glycine soja | CABI2019a
- Indigofera suffruticosa | WilliaWa1990
- Indigofera tinctoria | Kuwana1922a
- Inga edulis | LincanHoCa2010
- Lespedeza | Kuwana1922a
- Lespedeza bicolor | Suh2020
- Medicago sativa | CABI2019a
- Mimosa | Martin1985 WilliaWa1990
- Mimosa pudica | WilliaWa1990
- Neptunia plena | LincanHoCa2010
- Ohwia caudata | Suh2020 | (= Desmodium caudatum)
- Parkinsonia aculeata | VanHarCoWi1990
- Phaseolus | LincanHoCa2010
- Phaseolus vulgaris | LincanHoCa2010
- Piscidia carthagenensis | LincanHoCa2010
- Prosopis farcta | BenDov2012
- Prosopis juliflora | LincanHoCa2010
- Psophocarpus tetragonolobus | CABI2019a
- Psorothamnus scoparius | Kuwana1922a
- Robinia pseudoacacia | Martin1985
- Samanea saman | AriasMoFo2024
- Senna didymobotrya | Rao1951a
- Senna obtusifolia | LincanHoCa2010
- Senna occidentalis | LincanHoCa2010
- Senna pistaciifolia | LincanHoCa2010
- Sophora | Varshn1992
- Spartium | Gonzal1989
- Spartium junceum | Martin1985
- Stylosanthes sympodialis | LincanHoCa2010
- Tamarindus | Martin1985
- Templetonia | Fuller1897b
- Tephrosia vogelii | Rao1951a
- Ulex | Gonzal1989 Morale1991
- Ulex europaeus | CABI2019a
- Uraria rufescens | Rao1951a
- Vigna luteola | LincanHoCa2010
- Virgilia capensis | CABI2019a
- Fagaceae
- Quercus | CABI2019a
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium | Martin1985
- Pelargonium | CABI2019a
- Goodeniaceae
- Scaevola plumieri | LincanHoCa2010 CalderCaHo2012
- Scaevola sericea | Beards1966
- Hamamelidaceae
- Parrotia persica | PencheYo2016
- Hydrangeaceae
- Deutzia | MatileLeRi1999
- Hydrangea | CABI2019a
- Juglandaceae
- Juglans regia | AlJahdAlAl2020
- Juncaceae
- Juncus | CABI2019a
- Lamiaceae
- Hyptis pectinata | LincanHoCa2010
- Leucas | Varshn1992
- Mentha piperita | LincanHoCa2010
- Ocimum basilicum | LincanHoCa2010
- Origanum majorana | ElekciKa2021
- Origanum onites | ElekciKa2021
- Rosmarinus officinalis | PapadoCh2012a
- Salvia | Hall1922
- Tectona grandis | LincanHoCa2010
- Lauraceae
- Laurus nobilis | Hadzib1983 Martin1985
- Ocotea foetens | Martin1985
- Lecythidaceae
- Gustavia angustifolia | AriasMoFo2024
- Loranthaceae
- Loranthus | Varshn1992
- Lythraceae
- Punica granatum | Hall1922
- Magnoliaceae
- Magnolia denudata | Suh2020
- Malpighiaceae
- Malpighia glabra | CABI2019a
- Malvaceae
- Adansonia digitata | GomezM1968 Martin1985
- Alcea rosea | Hall1922
- Bastardia viscosa | LincanHoCa2010
- Gossypium darwinii | LincanHoCa2010
- Gossypium klotzschianum | LincanHoCa2010
- Hibiscus | LincanHoCa2010
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | LincanHoCa2010
- Matisia cordata | CalderCaHo2012 LincanHoCa2010
- Theobroma cacao | Castel1962
- Waltheria ovata | CalderCaHo2012
- Marantaceae
- Maranta bicolor | CABI2019a
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus heterophyllus | OberemGaUs2023
- Ficus | Hall1922
- Ficus altissima | OberemGaUs2023
- Ficus benjamina | AriasMoFo2024
- Ficus carica | PerezGCa1987
- Ficus sycomorus | VanHarCoWi1990 | including ssp. gnaphalocarpa
- Morus alba | Kuwana1922a
- Morus nigra | CABI2019a
- Myrtaceae
- Eucalyptus | GiraldWiDo2024
- Psidium guajava | PerezGCa1987
- Rhodomyrtus | Varshn1992
- Nyctaginaceae
- Commicarpus tuberosus | CalderCaHo2012
- Cryptocarpus pyriformis | CalderCaHo2012
- Pisonia | LincanHoCa2010
- Oleaceae
- Forsythia suspensa | MatileLeRi1999
- Jasminum nudiflorum | MatileLeRi1999
- Syringa | CABI2019a
- Onagraceae
- Fuchsia | CABI2019a
- Orobanchaceae
- Parasopubia delphiniifolia | Rao1951a
- Sopubia | Varshn1992
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflora quadrangularis | LincanHoCa2010
- Phyllanthaceae
- Glochidion | Varshn1992
- Phyllanthus | Hall1922
- Phyllanthus acidus | LincanHoCa2010 CalderCaHo2012
- Phyllanthus caroliniensis | LincanHoCa2010 CalderCaHo2012
- Phyllanthus emblica | SinhaKuKu2021 | (= Emblica officinalis)
- Phyllanthus reticulatus | Rao1951a
- Pinaceae
- Pinus caribaea | WilliaWa1990
- Pittosporaceae
- Bursaria spinosa | Rao1951a
- Pittosporum | Hall1922 Morale1991
- Pittosporum coriaceum | GomezM1968 Martin1985
- Pittosporum tobira | Malump2013a PellizPoSe2011
- Plantaginaceae
- Hebe | CABI2019a
- Russelia equisetiformis | LincanHoCa2010
- Scoparia dulcis | LincanHoCa2010
- Plumbaginaceae
- Plumbago auriculata | Rao1951a
- Plumbago zeylanica | Rao1951a LincanHoCa2010 CalderCaHo2012
- Podocarpaceae
- Podocarpus macrophyllus | Kuwana1931b
- Polygalaceae
- Polygala galapageia | LincanHoCa2010
- Portulacaceae
- Portulaca oleracea | LincanHoCa2010 CalderCaHo2012
- Proteaceae
- Macadamia integrifolia | CABI2019a
- Rhamnaceae
- Rhamnus | Varshn1992
- Ziziphus spina-christi | AlJahdAlAl2020
- Rhizophoraceae
- Rhizophora mangle | LincanHoCa2010 CalderCaHo2012
- Rosaceae
- Cotoneaster dammeri | MatileLeRi1999
- Cotoneaster franchetii | MatileLeRi1999
- Cotoneaster horizontalis | MatileLeRi1999
- Fragaria | CABI2019a
- Malus | Morale1991
- Malus prunifolia | Hall1923 Kuwana1922a
- Prunus laurocerasus | OberemGaUs2023
- Prunus padus | MatileLeRi1999
- Pseudocydonia sinensis | Kuwana1922a
- Pyracantha coccinea | CABI2019a
- Pyrus communis | Hall1923 PerezGCa1987
- Rosa | Hall1922 Hempel1920a SeabraVa1918
- Rosa centifolia | Martin1985
- Sorbaria sorbifolia | MatileLeRi1999
- Spiraea prunifolia | MatileLeRi1999
- Rubiaceae
- Chiococca alba | LincanHoCa2010
- Psychotria rufipes | LincanHoCa2010
- Rutaceae
- Choisya ternata | MatileLeRi1999
- Citrus | Fullaw1946 Fuller1899 Hadzib1983 Hempel1918 Kuwana1931b UygunSeEr1998 WilliaWa1990
- Citrus aurantiifolia | CalderCaHo2012
- Citrus aurantium | Martin1985 PerezGCa1987 WilliaWa1990
- Citrus junos | Suh2020
- Citrus limon | Hall1922 Martin1985 PerezGCa1987 WilliaWa1990
- Citrus maxima | WilliaWa1990
- Citrus reticulata | Hall1922 WilliaWa1990
- Citrus sinensis | MifsudMaRu2014
- Citrus unshiu | Suh2020
- Clausena | Rao1951a
- Glycosmis pentaphylla | Kuwana1931b
- Salicaceae
- Salix babylonica | Hall1923
- Santalaceae
- Osyris | Varshn1992
- Sapindaceae
- Acer | Morale1991
- Acer negundo | MatileLeRi1999
- Dodonaea | Varshn1992
- Sapindus saponaria | AriasMoFo2024
- Scrophulariaceae
- Myoporum | Martin1985
- Smilacaceae
- Smilax | GomezM1954 Martin1985
- Smilax aspera | Rungs1939a
- Solanaceae
- Solanum | Varshn1992
- Talinaceae
- Talinum galapagosum | LincanHoCa2010
- Tamaricaceae
- Tamarix africana | MatileLeRi1999
- Tamarix gallica | GomezM1968 Martin1985
- Tamarix senegalensis | LagowsGoHo2022
- Tamarix tetrandra | MatileLeRi1999
- Taxaceae
- Taxus cuspidata | Suh2020
- Theaceae
- Camellia | Varshn1992
- Thymelaeaceae
- Daphne | Martin1985
- Daphne odora | Moghad2013a
- Urticaceae
- Parietaria officinalis | GomezM1957 Martin1985
- Verbenaceae
- Lantana | LincanHoCa2010
- Lantana camara | WilliaWa1990
- Vitaceae
- Vitis vinifera | Bodenh1953a Hadzib1983
- Zamiaceae
- Zamia | JansenAl2023
Families: 18 | Genera: 39
- Anthocoridae
- Cardiastethus nazarenus | KondoRaPe2016 TawfikAwSw1976 UlgentSzUy2013
- Aphelinidae
- Ablerus molestus | Noyes2004
- Coccophagus lycimnia | Noyes2004
- Coccophagus scutellaris | Noyes2004
- Euryischia | Noyes2004
- Blastobasidae
- Holcocera iceryaeella | CABI2019a
- Chrysopidae
- Ceraeochrysa | AriasMoFo2024
- Chrysopa pallens | Jashen1999b
- Chrysopa sapporensis | Jashen1999b
- Chrysopa septempunctata | Jashen1999b
- Pseudomallada ventralis | Jashen1999b
- Semachrysa matsumurae | Jashen1999b Kuwana1922a | (= Chrysopa matsumurae)
- Coccinellidae
- Chilochorus rubidus | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Chilocorus bipustulatus | ArgyriStMo1976
- Chilocorus circumdatus | Jashen1999b
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri | Jashen1999b PuttarCh1957
- Decadiomus hughesi | CABI2019a
- Hippodamia | Jashen1999b
- Hippodamia convergens | CABI2019a
- Jauravia limbata | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Novius amabilis | PuttarCh1957
- Novius andamanicus | AlfredDAsPa2020 Pooran2023
- Novius argodi | AlAnsiAlFa2020
- Novius breviusculus | PuttarCh1957
- Novius cardinalis | BrainKe1917 Fuller1899 Kuwana1931b Lizery1938 MoraleHi1990 QuezadDe1973 UlgentSzUy2013 Zimmer1948 | (= Rodolia cardinalis)
- Novius fumidus | CABI2019a Pooran2023
- Novius iceryae | Jashen1999b MendelBl1991
- Novius koebelei | CABI2019a
- Novius limbata | Jashen1999b
- Novius minimus | Pooran2023
- Novius pumila | ChiuLoCh1985
- Novius pumilus | Pooran2023
- Novius punicus | GonzalKo2014 | (= Anovia punica)
- Rhyzobius fagus | Jashen1999b | (= Scymnus fagus)
- Scymnus | Fullaw1913
- Scymnus canariensis | Jashen1999b
- Scymnus gratiosus | PuttarCh1957 | (= Pullus gratiosus)
- Thalassa montezumae | GiovanMaSa2024
- Cosmopterigidae
- Pyroderces rileyi | CABI2019a
- Cryptochetidae
- Cryptochetum iceryae | Bartle1978c Cadahi1984 Flande1953a Jashen1999b MendelBl1991 QuezadDe1973 AlfredDAsPa2020
- Cryptochetum monophlebi | Ghesqu1943 Jashen1999b
- Cybocephalidae
- Cybocephalus nipponicus | LeeLeSe2024
- Encyrtidae
- Brethesiella abnormicornis | Noyes2004
- Brethesiella latifrons | Noyes2004 TrjapiTr2006
- Cheiloneurus pulvinariae | Noyes2004
- Homalotylus eytelweinii | KondoRaPe2016
- Homalotylus flaminius | KondoRaPe2016
- Homosemion bennetti | Noyes2004
- Isodromus iceryae | Noyes2004
- Lamennaisia ambigua | Noyes2004
- Tetracnemoidea brevicornis | Noyes2004
- Eulophidae
- Entedon coquillettii | Noyes2004
- Heliodinidae
- Stathmopoda melanochra | CABI2019a
- Mymaridae
- Alaptus iceryae | Noyes2004
- Phlaeothripidae
- Megalothrips | Jashen1999b
- Phoridae
- Syneura cocciphila | Autuor1928 | (= Syneura infraposita)
- Pteromalidae
- Pyralidae
- Laetilia coccidivora | Jashen1999b
- Rhipiphoridae
- Macrosiagon octomaculatum | CABI2019a
- Trichocomaceae
- Paecilomyces | KondoGuRa2012
Families: 4 | Genera: 4
- Anaplasmataceae
- Wolbachia | SanaeiAlYe2022
- Enterobacteriaceae
- Enterobacter | RosenbSaSa2012
- Formicidae
- Crematogaster castanea | GithaeOnNd2020
- Crematogaster sjostedti | GithaeOnNd2020
- Rhizobiaceae
- Candidatus Walczuchella monophlebidarum | GruwelVoPa2005
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 152
- Albania | CABI1971a
- Algeria | CABI1971a
- Angola | CABI1971a
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua | CABI1971a WalkerWaEv1974
- Argentina | CABI1971a GranarCl2003 Lizery1938
- Tucuman | GranarCl2003
- Ascension Island | WilliaMe2007
- Australia
- New South Wales | CABI1971a
- Queensland | CABI1971a
- South Australia | CABI1971a Prasad1992
- Tasmania | CABI1971a
- Victoria | CABI2019a
- Western Australia | Fuller1897b
- Azerbaijan | CABI2019a
- Azores | Fernan1981 KondoWa2022b LopesFiMa2008
- Bahamas | CABI1971a
- Bangladesh | Varshn1992
- Barbados | CABI1971a
- Bermuda | CABI1971a
- Bolivia | CABI1971a
- Bonin Islands (=Ogasawara-Gunto) | Kawai1987
- Brazil
- Amazonas | AlmeidPeMa2018 CABI1971a
- Bahia | CABI1971a CABI2019a
- Ceara | CABI1971a
- Espirito Santo | CulikMaVe2007
- Minas Gerais | CABI1971a
- Para | CABI2019a
- Paraiba | CABI1971a
- Parana | CABI1971a
- Pernambuco | CABI1971a
- Piaui | CABI1971a
- Rio Grande do Sul | CABI1971a
- Rio de Janeiro | CABI1971a
- Santa Catarina | CABI1971a
- Sao Paulo | Hempel1918 Hempel1920a
- Bulgaria | PencheYo2016 Tsalev1968
- Canary Islands | CABI1971a GomezM1967O PerezGCa1987
- Cape Verde | CABI1971a Fernan1973a SchmutPiKl1978 VanHarCoWi1990
- Cayman Islands | CABI2019a
- Chile | CABI1971a Gonzal1989 RipaLaRo2008c
- Coquimbo | PizarrAlBa2020
- China | CABI2019a
- Anhui (=Anhwei) | CABI1971a
- Fujian (=Fukien) | CABI2019a
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | CABI1971a
- Guangxi (=Kwangsi) | CABI1971a
- Hebei (=Hopei) | CABI2019a
- Henan (=Honan) | CABI2019a
- Hubei (=Hupei) | CABI1971a
- Hunan | TangHa1995 Yang1982
- Jiangsu (=Kiangsu) | CABI1971a
- Jiangxi (=Kiangsi) | CABI2019a
- Nei Monggol (=Inner Mongolia) | CABI2019a
- Shaanxi (=Shensi) | CABI2019a
- Shandong (=Shantung) | CABI1971a
- Sichuan (=Szechwan) | CABI1971a
- Xianggang (=Hong Kong) | CABI1971a
- Yunnan | CABI1971a
- Zhejiang (=Chekiang) | Wu2001b
- Christmas Island | CABI1971a
- Cocos (=Keeling) Islands | CABI2019a
- Colombia | CABI1971a Kondo2001
- Congo | KondoWa2022b
- Corsica | CABI1971a Foldi2003
- Costa Rica | JansenAl2023
- Crete | Ayouta1940 PellizPoSe2011
- Croatia | Masten2007
- Cuba | CABI1971a
- Curaçao | CABI2019a
- Cyprus | CABI1971a SismanUl2010
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (=Zaire) | CABI1971a | CABI2019a
- Dominica | CABI2019a
- Dominican Republic | CABI1971a
- Ecuador | CABI1971a
- Egypt | AbdRabEv2021 CABI1971a EzzatNa1987 Hall1922 Hall1923
- El Salvador | CABI1971a QuezadCoDi1972
- Eritrea | HussaiAhTe2017
- Ethiopia | CABI1971a
- Federated States of Micronesia | CABI2019a
- Caroline Islands | Beards1966 CABI1971a
- Fiji | CABI1971a HodgsoLa2011 WilliaWa1990
- France | CABI1971a Foldi2000 Goux1931 MatileLeRi1999 Vayssi1921a
- French Guiana | KondoWa2022b
- French Polynesia | WilliaWa1990
- Galapagos Islands | CaustoPeSi2006 LincanHoCa2010 RoqueA2003 RoqueACa1999
- Georgia (Republic of) | CABI1971a Hadzib1983
- Germany | SchmutHo2016 Schonf2015
- Gibraltar | CABI2019a
- Greece | Ayouta1927 MilonaKoKo2008
- Guadeloupe | MatileEt2006 Meurge2011
- Guam | Beards1966 Fullaw1946
- Guatemala | CABI1971a
- Guiana | Remill1988
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | CABI2019a
- Haiti | PerezG2008
- Hawaiian Islands | CABI2019a Zimmer1948
- Hungary | KozarKoFe2013
- India
- Andhra Pradesh | CABI1971a
- Gujarat | CABI2019a
- Karnataka | Rao1951a
- Kerala | Rao1951a RaoKa1966
- Madhya Pradesh | CABI2019a
- Maharashtra | Rao1951a
- Odisha (=Orissa) | CABI1971a
- Tamil Nadu | CABI1971a Rao1951a
- Uttar Pradesh | CABI2019a
- West Bengal | CABI2019a
- Indonesia
- Iran | CABI1971a Kaussa1957
- Iraq | CABI1971a
- Israel | Bodenh1924 CABI1971a MendelBl1991
- Italy | BarbagBiBo1995 Trembl1988a
- Sicily | CABI1971a
- Jamaica | CABI2019a
- Japan | CABI1971a Kawai1980 Kuwana1922a
- Johnston Island | CABI1971a
- Jordan | CABI1971a
- Kenya | CABI1971a
- Kiribati | CABI2019a
- Lebanon | CABI1971a
- Libya | CABI1971a Martin1954
- Line Islands | CABI1971a
- Lord Howe Island | CABI1971a WilliaWa1990
- Luxembourg | GertssSc2020
- Madagascar | CABI1971a
- Madeira Islands | CABI1971a
- Malawi | CABI1971a
- Malaysia | CABI1971a
- Maldives | WatsonOoGi1995
- Malta | CABI1971a MifsudMaRu2014
- Marshall Islands | Beards1966 CABI1971a
- Martinique | CABI1971a
- Mauritius | CABI1971a
- Mexico | Cocker1899n
- Chiapas | CaballRa2018 Foldi1995a
- Guerrero | Foldi1995a
- Sonora | CABI1971a
- Veracruz | CABI1971a
- Midway Islands | CABI1971a
- Montenegro | BugajNJuKa2021
- Montserrat | CABI1971a
- Morocco | CABI1971a Rungs1939a Rungs1970 Vayssi1920
- Mozambique | CABI1971a
- Netherlands | JansenAl2023
- New Caledonia | CABI1971a
- New Zealand
- North Island | Cottie1939 Morale1991
- South Island | Cottie1939 Morale1991
- Norfolk Island | WilliaWa1990
- North Korea | CABI2019a
- Northern Mariana Islands | CABI2019a
- Oman | AlJahdAlAl2020
- Pakistan | CABI1971a
- Palau | CABI2019a
- Papua New Guinea | WilliaWa1990
- Paraguay | CABI1971a
- Peru | Beders1969 CABI1971a Lindin1942
- Philippines
- Luzon | Morris1920
- Poland | LagowsGo2020
- Portugal | Fernan1992 Seabra1930
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | CABI1971a Hoffma1932 Martor1976
- Romania | CABI1971a KosztaKo1988F
- Russia | CABI2019a
- Krasnodar Kray | Borchs1950b
- Ryukyu Islands (=Nansei Shoto) | CABI1971a Kuwana1909
- Saint Helena | CABI1971a
- Saint Kitts and Nevis Islands | CABI2019a
- Saint Lucia | CABI1971a
- Saint Martin & St. Barthelemy
- Saint Barthelemy | CABI1971a MatileEt2006
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Sao Tome | Seabra1921 SeabraVa1918
- Sardinia | CABI1971a
- Saudi Arabia | Beccar1971 CABI1971a
- Senegal | CABI1971a
- Serbia | CABI2019a
- Seychelles | CABI2019a
- Singapore | CABI2019a
- Slovakia | CABI2019a
- Slovenia | Janezi1954 Seljak2010
- Solomon Islands | CABI1971a WilliaWa1990
- Somalia | CABI1971a
- South Africa | Brain1915 BrainKe1917 Howard1908
- South Korea | ESKSAE1994 KimYaJa2011
- Spain | GomezM1954 Martin1985
- Sri Lanka | Green1922 Varshn1992
- Sudan | CABI1971a
- Switzerland | Faes1925
- Syria | CABI1971a
- Taiwan | CABI1971a
- Tanzania | CABI1971a
- Thailand | CABI2019a
- Togo | CABI1971a
- Tonga | CABI1971a WilliaWa1990
- Trinidad and Tobago | CABI1971a
- Tunisia | CABI1971a
- Turkey | Bodenh1953a CABI1971a KansuUy1979 Tuncyu1970a UygunSeEr1998
- Uganda | CABI1971a
- United Kingdom
- England | MalumpBa2012
- United States
- Alabama | CABI1971a
- Arizona | CABI1971a
- California | CABI1971a Cocker1897n DownieGu2004 Gill1993 Koszta1996
- Florida | CABI1971a Koszta1996
- Georgia | CABI1971a
- Louisiana | CABI1971a
- Mississippi | CABI1971a
- Montana | CABI1971a
- New Mexico | CABI1971a
- North Carolina | CABI1971a
- Oklahoma | CABI1971a
- South Carolina | CABI1971a
- Texas | CABI2019a
- Virginia | CABI1971a Koszta1996
- Uruguay | CABI1971a Lizery1938
- Venezuela | CABI1971a
- Vietnam | CABI1971a
- Wake Island | Beards1966 CABI1971a
- Yemen | CABI1971a FoldiVa2004
- Yugoslavia | CABI1971a
- Zambia | CABI1971a
- Zanzibar | Newste1913
- Zimbabwe | CABI1971a Hodgso1969c
- MoghadWa2024: pp.166 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Icerya in Iran]
- Watson2022: pp.334 ( Adult (F) ) [Icerya in continental Africa]
- JoshiNaVe2021: pp.209 ( Adult (F) ) [Icerya in India]
- Gavril2018: pp.179 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Icerya]
- KondoGuPe2016: pp.6 ( Adult (F) ) [iceryine species in Colombia]
- KondoGuRa2012: pp.7-Jun ( Adult (F) ) [Key to the adult females of South American iceryine species (modified from Kondo and Unruh 2009)]
- UesatoKoUn2011: pp.49 ( Adult (F) ) [Icerya species in Japan]
- KondoUn2009: pp.94-95 ( Adult (F) ) [Crypticerya species of South America]
- UnruhGu2008b: pp.72-73 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Icerya]
- TangHa1995: pp.155-156, 615-616 ( Adult (F) ) [Asia]
- WilliaWa1990: pp.21 ( Adult (F) ) [Tropical South Pacific]
- Rao1951a: pp.156 ( Adult (F) ) [South East Asia]
- Borchs1950b: pp.45 ( Adult (F) ) [USSR]
- Morris1928: pp.208-211 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Icerya]
- Kuwana1922a: pp.2 ( Adult (F) ) [Japan]
- Morris1920: pp.150 ( Adult (F) ) [Philippines]
- RileyHo1890b: pp.106 ( Immature (F) Immature (M) ) [Palearctic]
- Systematics: GeneBank Accession No. AB439513 (Yokogawa & Yahara, 2009).
Hempel (1920a) indicated that Icerya purchasi citriperda differed from the nominal species in the colour of the dorsum, the larger size, especially of the ovisac, and in the number of the dark hairs composing the marginal tufts of the body. The mature females have bright orange-red, yellow, or brown bodies. The body is partially or entirely covered with yellowish or white wax. The most conspicuous feature is the large fluted ovisac, which is frequently 2 to 2.5 times longer than the body. The ovisac contains about 1000 red eggs. (Papadopoulou & Chryssohoides, 2012a)
- Structure: Colour photograph of adult female by Kawai (1980), Gill (1993) and by Foldi (2003a). An illustration of the general appearance by Borchsenius (1950b). The newly hatched nymphs are bright red with dark antennae and thin brown legs. The antennae are six segmented. After three molts, the adult female begins to lay eggs and secrete the conspicuous ovisac. As the ovisac is formed, the scale abdomen becomes more tilted until the scale appears to be standing on its head. (Papadopoulou & Chryssohoides, 2012a)
- Biology: Hermaphroditic self-fertilization is the most common mode of reproduction in this species, however, a few males may appear in population (Pierantoni, 1912, 1913, 1914; Hughes-Schrader, 1963; Royer. 1966, 1975). Yet physical observation and genetic data reveal that males occasionally mate with hermaphrodites and wild hermaphrodites occasionally outcross, thus preventing a complete loss of genetic variation. (Mongue, et al., 2021) In I. purchasi, selfing is understood to occur as a consequence of a diploid female containing a transovarially transmitted haploid spermatogenic cell lineage that may fertilize her eggs. (Hitchcock, et al., 2021) Matile-Ferrero et al. (1999) reported on dense populations developing since 1996 on many ornamental plants in Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France. These observations indicated that the cottony cushion scale could survive the low, winter temperature of Paris. Rungs (1939a) observed 4 annual generations in Morocco.
- Economic Importance: This polyphagous pest, mainly to the citrus industry throughout the world, has been successfully controlled by the coccinellid Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant). This classic case in the history of biological control has been extensively discussed in numerous textbooks, e.g. Zimmerman (1948), Bodenheimer (1950), DeBach (1964), Bartlett (1978c), Kosztarab (1996). Kuwana (1922a) described the history of its inadvertent introduction into Taiwan and Japan and the establishment of its natural enemy Rodolia cardinalis. During the 1980's severe outbreaks occurred in Israel in Citrus orchards and on ornamentals. Good suppression of the pest's population was obtained following the importation of the coccinellid Rodolia iceryae Jenson from South Africa, and the parasitic fly Cryptochaetum iceryae Williston (Mendel & Blumberg, 1991). Recorded as a pest of pigeon peas in South Africa (Mathews et al., 2001). In Greece, I. purchasi prefers to attack Rosemary stems initially and the leaves secondarily. Because of the many uses of rosemary, a reduction of its productivity would have a significant economic impact for Greece.(Papadopouou & Chryssohoides, 2012)
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Rao (1951a), Williams & Watson (1990), Morales (1991), Gill (1993), Tang & Hao (1995), Kosztarab (1996). Description and illustration of adult female, adult male and nymphs by Kuwana (1922a). Description and illustration of adult male by Hodgson & Foldi (2006). Description of adult female by Cockerell (1897n), Hempel (1920a) and by Unruh & Gullan (2008b). Description of adult female of the junior synonym, Icerya purchasi maskelli by Cockerell (1897n).
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 39
- AbouEl2001: distribution, host, 185-189
- AlJahdAlAl2020: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration,
- AlfredDAsPa2020: distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies, 990
- AllahHaHe2000: chemistry, 103-111
- AlmeidPeMa2018: distribution, host, 356
- Anneck1969: biological control, 849-854
- ArgyriStMo1976: biological control, distribution, host, 22
- AriasMoFo2024: biological control, distribution, history, natural enemies,
- Armita1919: biological control, 257-260
- ArouaKaBe2019: host,
- AustinYeCa2004: distribution, 220
- Autuor1928: biological control, life history, 193-200
- AvtzisLuLe2020: biological control,
- Ayouta1927: distribution, host, 19-20
- Ayouta1928: biological control, distribution, host, 317-318
- Ayouta1940: distribution, host, 2-4
- BaddouWaMr2024: biological control, 498
- Badr2014: distribution, host, 51
- Balach1928d: biological control, 286
- Balach1932b: ecology, 517-522
- Balach1954f: distribution, host, 93
- BalachMo1930: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history,
- BalikaKoPr2011: distribution, host, 580
- BarbagBiBo1995: distribution, 39
- Bartle1978c: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 132-135
- BartleLa1960: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1055-1058
- BaskarLaUt1999a: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 28-31
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 262
- Beards1966: distribution, host, taxonomy, 398-399
- Beccar1971: distribution, host, 194
- Beders1969: chemical control, distribution, host, 933-940
- Beingo1969d: biological control, 827-838
- BenDov2005a: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 207-217
- BenDov2012: catalog, distribution, host, 34, 44
- Benass1959b: biological control, chemical control, 867-872
- Benass1961b: distribution, ecology, host, 1-157
- Bennan1972a: chemical control, 15-25
- Bennet1971: biological control, distribution, host, 371
- Bennet1974: biological control, 69-76
- Bennet1974b: biological control,
- BennetRoCo1976: biological control, economic importance, 359-395
- Berger1932: biological control, distribution, host, 131-136
- BernarVi2002: biological control, 81-88
- BertelBa1966: distribution, economic importance, host, 17-46
- BindraVa1972: distribution, host, 14-24
- BlumbeIsGo1994: biological control, chemical control, 434-440
- BlumbeMe1991: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1107-1112
- BlumbeMeAs1989: biological control, economic importance, life history, structure, 395-400
- Bodenh1933: biological control, distribution, host, 89-91
- Bodenh1937: distribution, host, 220
- Bodenh1951a: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 472-511
- Bodenh1953a: distribution, host, life history, 156-157
- Borchs1937a: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 120-126
- Borchs1950b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 30, 45
- Boyce1948: control, distribution, economic importance, host,
- Brain1915: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 171-174
- BrainKe1917: distribution, host, 181
- BugajNJuKa2021: distribution, host, list, 305
- CABI1971a: distribution, 1-3
- CABI2019a: description, distribution, host, illustration, importance, taxonomy,
- CaballRa2018: distribution, 2
- Cadahi1984: biological control, 181
- CalderCaHo2012: biological control, 167-175
- Calkin1983: distribution, economic importance, host, 321
- Caltag1999: ecology, life history, 217
- Camach1929: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 569-572
- CarmanEwJe1951: chemical control, distribution, host, 1-16
- CarmanEwJe1956: chemical control,
- CarmanEwJe1957: chemical control,
- CarmanEwJe1958: chemical control,
- CarmanEwJe1959: chemical control,
- CarmanEwJe1960: chemical control,
- CarmanEwJe1961: chemical control,
- CarmanEwJe1962: chemical control,
- CarmanEwJe1976: control, distribution, host, 14-68
- CarmanEwRi1980: control, distribution, host, 14-77
- Castel1962: biological control, distribution, host, 754-758
- Causto2003: biological control, distribution, host, 448-457
- Causto2004: biological control, distribution, host,
- CaustoLiPo2004: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 315-325
- CaustoPeSi2006: distribution, 138
- CaveRe1996: distribution, host, 7
- ChangHu1963: biological control, chemical control, distribution, host, 688-700
- Charle1998: distribution, economic importance, 47N,51N
- ChoiLe2019: illustration, wax, 3
- ChoiLe2022: endosymbiont, phylogeny, 358,359
- Chou1947a: chemical control, taxonomy, 30, 39
- Cillie1978: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 85-87
- Clause1958a: biological control, distribution, host, 443-447
- Cocker1897n: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 94
- Cocker1899n: distribution, taxonomy, 4
- Cocker1902o: taxonomy, 80
- Cocker1902q: distribution, taxonomy, 257
- Cocker1914b: distribution, host, 335
- Collar1918: distribution, host, 154-162
- Comper1961: biological control, 177-178
- Comper1969: biological control, 755-764
- Comsto1881a: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 347-348
- Conway1951: distribution, host, 159-164
- Coquil1889a: biological control, life history, 70-74
- Costan1950a: distribution, host, 26
- Cottie1939: distribution, life history, 421-422
- CranstGu2017: biological control, 76
- CressmDu1930: biological control, life history, 197-199
- CulikMaVe2007: distribution, host, 1-5
- DahlstMi1999: biological control, 761-788
- DeBach1947a: biological control, chemical control, economic importance, life history, 406-407
- DeBach1958: biological control, distribution, ecology, host, 187-194
- DeitzTo1980: taxonomy, 51
- DelGue1906: distribution, host, 257-263
- DelavaRoDu1969: ecology, life history, 71-80
- DengZhZh2024: DNA sequencing, genome,
- DhaliwAr1994a: control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-55
- Doutt1958: biological control, economic importance, 119-123
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 117
- DownieGu2004: host, molecular data, phylogeny, 258-259
- DreistClFl1994: control, economic importance, life history, taxonomy,
- DuncanMa2024: biological control, history, 274
- Dzhash1970: distribution, host, taxonomy, 176-177
- ESKSAE1994: distribution, list, 110
- Ehler1990: biological control, 111
- EhlerEn1984: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1
- ElekciKa2021: distribution, host, 9
- ElekciSe2007: biological control, distribution, host, 29-34
- ElimemJeLa2022: distribution, host, illustration, natural enemies,
- ElmerEwCa1951: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 593-597
- EsfandMo2007: distribution, host, life history, 1239-1243
- EsfandMoEs2007: distribution, host, life history, 393-403
- Ewart1969: chemical control, 879-880
- EwartCa1951: chemical control, distribution, host,
- EwartCaJe1952: chemical control, distribution, host, 1-6
- EwartCaJe1954: chemical control, 1-11
- EwartDe1947: biological control, chemical control, 342-345
- EwartEl1953a: distribution, economic importance, host, 352
- EwartMe1956: chemistry, 441-447
- EzzatNa1987: distribution, 88
- FDACS2010: distribution, host, 3
- Faes1925: biological control, distribution, host, 679-682
- FaurotMi1965: chemistry, 93-97
- Fernal1903b: 25-27
- Fernan1973a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 265-266
- Fernan1975: distribution, host, 45
- Fernan1981: distribution, 47
- Fernan1992: distribution, host, 61
- Ferrer2001: biological control, 67-74
- Feytau1930: distribution, host, 133-141
- Flande1940b: biological control, ecology, 245-253
- Flande1940c: biological control, 814
- Flande1949a: biological control, 257-274
- Flande1953a: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 266-269
- Fletch1951: chemical control, distribution, host, 1-24
- FlintVa1981: biological control, economic importance,
- Foldi1995a: distribution, host, 176
- Foldi1998: catalog, 425
- Foldi1999: structure, taxonomy, 326
- Foldi2000: distribution, host, 77
- Foldi2001: distribution, 303
- Foldi2001a: taxonomy, 203
- Foldi2002: distribution, host, 245
- Foldi2003: distribution, host, 148
- Foldi2003b: taxonomy, 27
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 11
- FoldiVa2004: distribution, host, 80
- FonsecAu1938: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-11
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 17,25
- Frank2021: ecology, natural enemies, 6, 8
- FrankMc2007: biological control, 151-174
- Frogga1919a: taxonomy, 472
- Frogga1921b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 40
- Fullaw1946: distribution, host, taxonomy, 157
- Fuller1897b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 1346
- Fuller1899: biological control, distribution, host, taxonomy,
- GalchiYaNo2023: biological control,
- GalchiYaNo2024: control, 2
- Gavril2018: biology, key, taxonomy, 13,27,176,179,190
- GeierBa1950: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 104-116
- Germai2011: distribution, economic importance, 31-34
- Germai2011a: distribution, economic importance, 8
- GermaiDeLa2016: host, list of species, 3
- GertssSc2020: distribution, host, 136
- Ghesqu1939: distribution, host, 49
- Ghesqu1943: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 390-393,404
- Gill1993: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 37, 38, 53
- GiraldWiDo2024: behavior, distribution, host, Dataset S4
- GithaeOnNd2020: ant association,
- GithaeOnNd2021: distribution, host, 81
- GomezC1950: biological control, distribution, host,
- GomezC1954a: biological control, distribution, host, 19-35
- GomezM1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 395-401
- GomezM1954: distribution, host, 144
- GomezM1957: distribution, host, taxonomy, 86
- GomezM1958b: biological control, description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 121-129
- GomezM1958c: distribution, host, 408
- GomezM1960O: distribution, host, taxonomy, 204
- GomezM1965: distribution, host, taxonomy, 114
- GomezM1967O: distribution, host, 134
- GomezM1968: distribution, host, 563
- Gonzal1969: biological control, 839-847
- Gonzal1989: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 107-109
- Gonzal2016: description, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, 14, 51, 55, 61, 90-93
- GonzalKo2014: biological control, distribution, 4
- Goux1931: distribution, 330
- GraebnMoBa1984: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 227-33
- Grafto2000: chemical control, distribution, host, 47-50
- Grafto2006: distribution, economic importance, host, 5-14
- GraftoGu2003: biological control, distribution, ecology, host, life history, 1388-1398
- GraftoGuMo2005: biological control, 473-478
- GraftoLeSt2006: biological control, chemical control, 733-744
- GraftoOuSt2001: resistance, 20-25
- GranarCl2003: distribution, host, 633
- Greath1971: biological control, distribution, host,
- Greath1973: biological control, 29-33
- Greath1976: biological control, economic importance,
- Green1922: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 435-438
- Green1937: catalog, distribution, host, 280
- Greig1944: control, distribution, host,
- GriffiTh1947: chemical control, distribution, host, 386-388
- GruwelVoPa2005: endosymbionts, taxonomy, 79-114
- GullanCo2007: taxonomy, 413-425
- GullanKo2011: taxonomy, 3
- GutierCaMe1999: biological control, 243-252
- Hadzib1983: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 55-59, 266
- Hall1922: distribution, host, taxonomy, 2
- Hall1923: distribution, host, taxonomy, 31
- Hall1940: distribution, host, 489
- HallEhBi1980: 111-114
- HamonFa1998: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 352
- HardyGuHo2008: molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy, 51-71
- HarpazRo1971: biological control, economic importance, 458-468
- HattinCi1998: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 108-112
- HattinTa1995: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 489-493
- Hellri2004: distribution, 82
- Hely1964: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 53-57
- Hempel1918: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 195-197
- Hempel1920: description, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 112-114
- Hempel1920a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 337-339, 361-363
- Hendel1933: biological control, distribution, 97-103
- HerricSe1999: genetics, 41-71
- HitchcGaRo2021: biology, reproduction,
- Hoddle2003: biological control, 3-16
- Hodgso1969c: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 21
- HodgsoFo2006: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 162-168
- HodgsoHa2013: phylogeny, taxonomy, 795
- HodgsoLa2011: distribution, host, 27
- Hoffma1932: distribution, host, 726
- Horn1988: biological control, chemical control,
- Horsfa1983: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-13
- Hosny1968: distribution, ecology, host, 179-182
- Howard1908: distribution, host, 265-277
- HowellBe1981: description, illustration, taxonomy, 441-444
- HoyHe1985: biological control,
- Hudson1890: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 176-178
- Huffak1985: biological control, 13-23
- HuffakCa1986: biological control, economic importance, 95-107
- HuffakLuMe1976: biological control, 560
- HuffakMeDe1971: biological control, 16-67
- Hughes1925: chromosomes, structure, taxonomy, 264-292
- Hughes1926: chromosomes, sperm, structure, taxonomy, 500-501
- Hughes1927: chromosomes, structure, taxonomy, 509-540
- Hughes1930: chromosomes, structure, taxonomy, 359-380
- Hughes1963: life history, physiology, 173-184
- HussaiAhTe2017: chemical control, distribution, natural enemies, 1226-1230
- IceryaPu1923: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 277-282
- IntegrPeMa1991: biological control, life history, taxonomy, 1
- IsmailSm2002: biological control, 13-16
- Janezi1954: distribution, host, 127
- Jannon1967: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 85-128
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 28,34
- Jashen1999: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 44, 47, 48
- JoshiNaVe2021: distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, key, 200, 207, 209
- Jourdh1979: biological control, distribution, host, 75-79
- KansuUy1979: biological control, distribution, host, 565-567
- Kaussa1957: distribution, taxonomy, 2
- Kawai1972: distribution, host, 3
- Kawai1980: distribution, host, taxonomy, 87-88
- Kawai1987: distribution, host, 77
- KaydanUlEr2007: catalog, distribution, host, 98
- KeskinOzCi2022: distribution, host, taxonomy, 247
- KhaladBoMa2024: distribution, species richness, survey,
- KhaladGu2019: distribution, ecology,
- Khalaf1987: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 1-2,47-48
- KimYaJa2011: ecology, life history, 305-309
- KindlmDi2003: biological control, 118-124
- Kiritc1932a: taxonomy, 253-254
- Kobakh1965: biological control, distribution, host, 323-330
- Koch1989: biological control, distribution, host, 5-20
- KondoGuPe2016: distribution, 2
- KondoGuPe2016: distribution, host, key, 4
- KondoGuRa2012: biological control, distribution, taxonomy, 2, 6-7, 13
- KondoKa1995a: distribution, host, 97-98
- KondoMaCo2020: biological control, history, natural enemies, 125
- KondoRaPe2016: distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies, 191-192
- KondoUn2009: taxonomy, 94-95
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 22
- KondoWa2022b: control, diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, 96-98
- Koszta1987: life history, 216
- Koszta1996: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 41-43
- Koteja1996a: description, illustration, taxonomy, 69-71
- KozarKoFe2013: distribution, taxonomy, 56
- KreiteAuGe2006: distribution, economic importance, host, 143
- KreiteMaDi1998a: economic importance, life history, 201-206
- KumaraKoRa2024: biological control, history, 4
- Kuwana1909: distribution, host, 150-151
- Kuwana1922a: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 2-30
- Kuwana1927: distribution, host, 70
- Kuwana1931b: distribution, host, 163-164
- LagowsGo2020: distribution, 70
- LagowsGoHo2022: distribution, host, list, 10
- LeeLeSe2024: natural enemies, 3, 7
- LegnerBe1999: biological control, 87-101
- LenterWo1988: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 239-269
- LeonKo2017: biological control, diagnosis, illustration, natural enemies, 80-81
- Leonar1932a: biological control, chemical control, distribution, host, 1103-1107
- Lepesm1947: distribution, host, 267
- LimaRaSi2016: species richness, survey, 3
- LincanHoCa2010: distribution, host, 5
- Lindin1907a: taxonomy, 20
- Lindin1912b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 51,85,156,256
- Lindin1935: taxonomy, 135
- Lindin1942: distribution, host, taxonomy, 121
- Lindin1954: taxonomy, 619
- LiottaMiRa1977: economic importance, host, 29-67
- LiuSh2020: climate change, dispersal, distribution, ecology,
- LiuXuFa2019: distribution, host,
- Lizery1938: distribution, host, 346-347
- LlorenViRa2003: biological control, chemical control, distribution, host, 169
- LopesFiMa2008: distribution, host, 153-154
- Malump2012b: distribution, 211
- Malump2013a: distribution, ecology,
- Malump2014a: distribution, host, 79
- MalumpBa2012: distribution, economic importance, host, 18,38,39,41
- MalumpHa2012: distribution, host, 196
- MalumpSa2014: distribution, 23
- Marcha1913: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 13-27
- MarinL1990: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 64-66
- Marlat1897: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 217-236
- Marlat1915: distribution, host, 1
- Martel1910: description, illustration, taxonomy, 290-291
- Martin1954: distribution, economic importance, host, 113-116
- Martin1958: distribution, host, 120-123
- Martin1985: distribution, host, taxonomy, 101-102
- MartinLa2011: catalog, distribution, host, 46
- Martor1976: distribution, host, 1-303
- Maskel1879: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 221-223
- Maskel1882: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 226
- Maskel1893b: taxonomy, 247
- Masten2007: distribution, host, taxonomy, 1-242
- MathewMiSa2001: distribution, economic importance, host, 48-50
- MatileEt2006: distribution, host, 175
- MatileLeRi1999: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 175-178
- MayneGh1934: distribution, host, 3-38
- McCoy1985: biological control, 481-499
- MendelBl1991: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 68-74
- MendelBlAs1988: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 349-351
- MendelBlIs1991: chemical control, 103-112
- MendelBlIs1994: biological control, chemical control, 199-209
- MendelBlWy1992: biological control, distribution, host, 45S-49S
- MendelBlZe1992: chemistry, distribution, ecology, host, 118-124
- MendelPrRe2020: distribution,
- MendelZeTa1991: biological control, 68-74
- MetcalMe1993: control, distribution, economic importance, host,
- Meurge2011: distribution, 81
- Michel1962: biological control, ecology, 694-697
- MiddleDeDi2024: natural enemies, 10
- MifsudMaRu2014: distribution, host, 514
- MilonaKoKo2008: distribution, host, 33
- Mizell1990: distribution, economic importance, host,
- Mo2002a: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-2
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 61
- MoghadAbFa2021: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, natural enemies, 297-299
- MoghadWa2024: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, key, natural enemies, reproduction, 11, 13, 17-18, 167-169
- MohammGh2008: distribution, 154
- MoharuBa2015: distribution, host, 104
- MoliniBoVi2021: evolution, reproduction,
- Monast1958: control, economic importance, 131-165
- MonastZa1959: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, 50
- MongueMaGr2024: genome, 3-4
- MongueMiCo2021: cytology, illustration, male, reproduction,
- MongueRoWa2024: biology, genetic structure, genome, illustration,
- Morale1991: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 56-58
- MoraleBa1989: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 201-207
- MoraleHi1990: biological control, distribution, host, 129-130
- Morris1920: distribution, host, 151
- Morris1928: taxonomy, 189, 207-209, 223, 225, 226
- MorrisMo1923: taxonomy, 34
- MukaiHaTs1965: chemistry, 77-91
- MullenScNo2016: DNA sequencing, genetics, phylogeny, 209
- Muma1953: biological control, distribution, host, 24-25
- Muma1969: biological control, 863-870
- MumaSeDe1961: biological control, 1-39
- MurdocChCh1985: biological control, 344-366
- NRC1969: biological control, chemical control, ecology, economic importance, taxonomy,
- NegasuBaMi2016: economic importance, 4
- NeumanODGu2016: ant association, dispersal, distribution, host, 159-166
- Newste1913: distribution, host, 68
- Nohara1963: biological control, 157-168
- Noyes2004: biological control,
- OConnoGeMa2013: distribution, host, 41
- OberemGaUs2023: economic importance, 5
- OberemLaGa2024: DNA, control,
- OlkowsOlKa1978: biological control, 311-347
- OmerCoJoWh1946: biological control, 154
- Ordish1967: biological control, economic importance,
- OrganiWoCo1970: control, distribution, 14-23
- OsorioCe1984: distribution, economic importance, host, 110-114
- OuvrarKoGu2013: biological control, illustration, 2
- Paoli1927a: distribution, host, 382-387
- PapadoCh2012a: description, distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 148-149
- Peleka1962: distribution, host, 60
- Peleka1974: biological control, 14-20
- Pelliz2011: distribution, 313
- Pelliz2016: history,
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 63,66,72
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, host, 292
- PencheYo2016: distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, 19, 22-23
- PerezG2008: distribution, 217
- PerezGCa1987: distribution, host, 129
- Pieran1911: life history, physiology, 322-323
- Pieran1912: life history, physiology, 321-400
- Pieran1913: life history, physiology, 300-314
- Pieran1914: life history, physiology, 27-46,243-274
- PietriBiCo1969: chemical control, 909-915
- PizarrAlBa2020: distribution, host, 28
- PoirauVu1913: biological control, distribution, host, 27-33
- Pooran2023: illustration, natural enemies, 1, 8, 11, 14, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28
- Poutie1930: biological control, chemistry, 1023-1025
- PowellHo1979: distribution, host, taxonomy,
- Prasad1992: distribution, host, 115-121
- Pratt1958: distribution, illustration, taxonomy,
- Priore1963: biological control, taxonomy, 63-198
- Priore1971: biological control, 3-5
- PuttarCh1953a: biological control, 87-95
- PuttarCh1957: biological control, distribution, 6,8
- Quayle1911e: biological control, 510-515
- QuezadCoDi1972: distribution, economic importance, host, 20-22
- QuezadDe1973: biological control, distribution, ecology, host, life history, 631-688
- Quilic2002: biological control, 313-362
- RamachCh1944: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 92-102
- Rao1943VP: distribution, host, taxonomy, 246-247
- Rao1951a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 132-135
- RaoKa1966: distribution, host, 552
- Reboul1976: control, distribution, economic importance, host,
- Reddy1964: distribution, economic importance, host, 465
- Remill1988: distribution, host, 65-66
- Ribaga1902: biological control, distribution, host, 299-323
- RicciSt1988: biological control, distribution, life history, 989-998
- RiehlBrMc1980: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 319
- RileyHo1890: taxonomy, 333
- RileyHo1890b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 92-106
- RipaLaRo2008c: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, 150-154
- RoqueA2003: distribution, host, 177-180
- RoqueACa1999: distribution, host, 33-34
- RosasPRoRi2014: chemistry, molecular data, 719
- Rosen1969: biological control, 45-53
- RosenbSaSa2012: ecology, molecular data, physiology, 2357-2368
- Royer1966: life history, physiology, 341
- Royer1975: life history, physiology, 135-145
- Rungs1939a: distribution, host, life history, 101-105
- Rungs1970: distribution, economic importance, host, 91-94
- Russo1956: distribution, host, 181-190
- Russo1959: biological control, chemical control, economic importance, 20-21
- SaTaLu2001: biological control, 154-160
- SaccoPaD2000: biological control, distribution, host, 3-8
- Sailer1983: distribution, economic importance, host, 15
- Sakimu1935a: biological control, 76-82
- SalamaElMe1985: distribution, host, life history, 471-476
- Salaza1999: control, 42
- SalisbMa2017: description, distribution, host, illustration, 146
- Samway1981a: biological control, 1
- SanaeiAlYe2022: Wolbachia, 4
- Sankar1988: biological control, 151-158
- Savast1918: biological control, 1-3
- Schmut1969: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 99-100
- SchmutHo2016: distribution, host, illustration, 16, 81
- SchmutKlLu1957: 423
- SchmutPiKl1978: distribution, economic importance, host, 327
- SchradHu1926: chromosomes, structure, taxonomy, 182-200
- Scott1984a: distribution, host, 11-31
- Seabra1921: distribution, host, 95-96
- Seabra1930: distribution, economic importance, host, 123-126
- SeabraVa1918: distribution, host, 163
- Seljak2010: distribution, host, 101
- ShiLi1991: distribution, host, 161
- Shiau1990: taxonomy, 1-129
- Shirak1912: distribution, economic importance, host,
- Silves1920: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 487-494
- Silves1921: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-11
- Silves1939: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 649
- Simant1973: economic importance,
- Simant1976a: distribution, host,
- Simmon1969a: biological control, 765-767
- SimmonGr1977: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host,
- SinhaKuKu2021: control, distribution, host, illustration,
- SismanUl2010: distribution, host, 219-224
- SkaifeLeBa1981: distribution, taxonomy, 1-5
- SmailiBoBl2020: biological control, natural enemies, 2, 9, 12
- Smith1926: biological control, 294-302
- Smith1948: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 597-664
- SmithFl1950: biological control, 362, 376, 378
- SoaresCaFr2021: natural enemies, 124
- SoaresElSc1999: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 459-467
- SobczyOtRe2024: biological control, distribution, economic importance, history, record,
- SongWaTa2024: phylogeny, 4, 8-9
- Stehr1982: biological control, economic importance, 135-173
- SternSmVa1959: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 81-101
- StreibFrKa1994: chemical control, 23-30
- Subram1955: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 391-415
- Suh2020: distribution, host, illustration, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 26
- Sweetm1958: biological control, economic importance, 449-458
- SwinglWe1896: distribution, host, 1-7
- SwirskWyIz2002: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 61-63
- SzitaFeBe2017: distribution, host, 469
- Takagi2003b: biological control, distribution, host, 351-355
- Talhou1973: control, 457
- Talhou2002: distribution, economic importance, host, 82-83
- TanakaOhTa2011: ecology, host, 5
- Tang2001: distribution, 3
- TangHa1995: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 155-156,162-164,565
- TawfikAwSw1976: biological control, life history, 239-240
- Teodor2018: distribution, histology, 45
- Thiem1932: life history, physiology, 488-492
- Thorar1988: biological control, life history, 1-78
- Thorpe1931a: biological control, life history, 929-971
- Tisdel1990: biological control, 301
- Tort2004: host, life history, structure, 53-56
- Tourne1970: biological control, distribution, host, 97-107
- TownseCo1898: distribution, host, 165-167
- TozluTeTo2020: bacteria, biological control, entomopathogenic fungi,
- TrabouBe1965: biological control, distribution, host, 1-13
- Trembl1988a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 209
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 66
- TrjapiTr2006: biological control, 1-16
- Tuncyu1970a: distribution, economic importance, host, 67-80
- UesatoKoUn2011: taxonomy, 49
- UlgentCa2004: distribution, host, 79-84
- UlgentDo2019: distribution, host, 487
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S122
- UnalAyKa2016: honeydew, host, 104
- UnruhGu2008: molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy, 8-50
- UnruhGu2008b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 93-94
- UygunKaUl1995: biological control, distribution, host, 171-183
- UygunOnKa2001: biological control, 231
- UygunSeEr1998: distribution, host, 183-191
- Valent1967: biological control, 1100
- Valles1965: biological control, 259-279
- VanHarCoWi1990: distribution, host, 132
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, 15
- Varshn2005: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 142-143
- Vayssi1920: distribution, host, 259
- Vayssi1921a: distribution, host, 215-216
- Vayssi1923a: description, taxonomy, 425-426
- Vayssi1926: taxonomy, 319, 337
- Vayssi1931: distribution, 57-58
- Vayssi1932a: biological control, economic importance, 629-648
- VeaGr2015: phylogeny, 62
- VeaGr2016: evolution, 4
- Viggia1970a: distribution, economic importance, host, 48
- Viggia1989c: biological control, 49-51
- WaageGr1988: biological control, 111-128
- WadhiBa1964: distribution, economic importance, host, 227-260
- WalkerWaEv1974: distribution, host, 23, 30
- WaltonKrSa2009: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-6
- WangLoLi2002: distribution, host, 36-38
- WardOnBo2024: phylogenetics, 4
- Watana1958: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 515-517
- Waterh1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 156-171
- Watson2021: distribution, 525
- Watson2022: biology, distribution, illustration, key, morphology, natural enemies, 317,319,334,.336
- WatsonBe1932: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 41-42
- WatsonOoGi1995: description, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 39
- Webber1897a: distribution, host, 1-3
- Wei2002: economic importance, 66-70
- WhitteHo1999: biological control, 271-296
- Wight1890: biological control, distribution, host, 148-151
- Wight1890a: biological control, distribution, host, 224-226
- Wight1891: biological control, distribution, host, 395
- Wille1958: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 519-523
- Willia1985a: catalog, taxonomy, 217
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 243
- WilliaMe2007: distribution, host, 133
- WilliaWa1990: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 22-25
- Willis1888: biological control, distribution, host, 23-24
- Willis1888a: biological control, distribution, host, 328-331
- Woglum1919: biological control, 106,141
- Woglum1946: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-2
- WoglumLaLa1947: biological control, chemical control, 818-820
- Wolcot1955: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-3
- Wolcot1958: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 511-513
- WongChCh1999: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 3-4, 41
- Wood1962: biological control, distribution, 8-11
- Woodwo1903: taxonomy, 30
- Wu2001b: ecology, 250
- XieXuZh2004a: chemistry, 512-518
- XuQiGe2012: dispersal, distribution, list of species, A365
- Yang1982: distribution, host, 30
- Yasuma1969: biological control, 773-780
- YasumaNa1957: ecology, life history, 203-219
- YigitCaZa1994a: distribution, host, 409-420
- YokogaYa2009: genebank, molecular data, phylogeny, 57-66
- Zahrad1959a: taxonomy, 535
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 174
- ZchoriBePo2005: Cardinium, endosymbionts, 211-221
- Zhang2000: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 23
- Zimmer1948: distribution, economic importance, host, 136-138
- vanLen2003b: biological control, 167-179
- vanden2001: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 160-161