Valid Names Results
Hemigymnaspis Lindinger, 1934 (
Nomenclatural History
- Melanaspis (Hemigymnaspis)
1934c: 45.
Type species: Melanaspis eugeniae Lindinger
by monotypy and original designation
accepted valid name
- Hemigymnaspis
Lindinger, 1934;
1943b: 221.
by present designation
change in status (level)
- Systematics: Hemigymnaspis Lindinger resembles Furcaspis Lindinger, from which it differs by the pygidial plates of various shapes, not furcate; the paraspircular areas without pores; the third lobe normally longer than wide; and the interlobular space between lobes 3 and 4 about equal to the width of lobe 3 (Davidson & Miller, 1977).
- General Remarks: Definition and characters by Davidson & Miller (1977).
Associated References
- BenDovGe2003:
catalog, pp. 571
- Borchs1966:
catalog, pp. 348
- ColonFMe1998:
description, taxonomy, pp. 63
- DavidsMi1977:
description, taxonomy, pp. 499-502
- Lindin1934c:
description, taxonomy, pp. 45
- Lindin1943b:
taxonomy, pp. 221
- MillerDe2018:
history, pp. 7
- NormarOkMo2019:
taxonomy, pp. 53, 77
5 Species