Valid Names Results
Hemiberlesia diffinis (Newstead, 1893) (Diaspididae: Hemiberlesia)Nomenclatural History
- Aspidiotus affinis Newstead 1893d: 186. Type data: GUYANA: Demerara, Botanic Garden, on unspecified host plant.. Lectotype, female and first instar, by subsequent designation (MillerDa1998,197). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior homonym Notes: Homonym of Aspidiotus affinis Targioni Tozzetti
- Aspidiotus diffinis Newstead 1893f: 281. replacement name Replacement name for Aspidiotus affinis Newstead, 1893d
- Hemiberlesia diffinis (Newstead, 1893); Leonardi 1897b: 133. change of combination
- Aspidiotus (Diaspidiotus) diffinis Newstead, 1893; Cockerell 1897i: 23. change of combination
- Aspidiotus jatrophae Townsend & Cockerell 1898: 178. Type data: MEXICO: Frontera, on Jatropha.. Lectotype, female and first instar, by subsequent designation (MillerDa1998,197). Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Marlat1900, 425).
- Aspidiotus jatrophae parrotti Newell 1899: 23. Type data: MEXICO: Frontera, on "Berenjeno chiquito" [= small eggplant].. Lectotype, female and first instar, by subsequent designation (MillerDa1998,197). Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Ferris1938a, 190).
- Aspidiotus (Diaspidiotus) jatrophae Townsend & Cockerell, 1898; Cockerell 1899a: 396. Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; change of combination
- Hemiberlesia jatrophae (Townsend & Cockerell, 1898); Leonardi 1900: 339. change in status (level)
- Hemiberlesia iatrophae (Townsend & Cockerell, 1898); Leonardi 1900: 339. misspelling of species epithet
- Aspidiotus diffinis parrotti Newell, 1899; Fernald 1903b: 258. change of combination and rank
- Aspidiotus camelliae; Newstead 1917: 371. misidentification (discovered by Lindin1957, 545). Illustr.
- Hemiberlesia diffinis parrotti (Newell, 1899); MacGillivray 1921: 438. change of combination
- Aspidiotus parrotti Newell, 1899; Ferris 1938a: 190. change of combination and rank
- Aspidiotus guianensis Lindinger 1957: 545. Type data: GUYANA [=BRITISH GUIANA]: Turkeyn, on Erythraspis [=Erythrina] glauca; collected by G.E. Bodkin, 17.ix.1915.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by BenDovWi2003, 166). Illustr.
- Aspidiotus iatrophae parrotii Newell, 1899; Lindinger 1957: 545. misspelling of species epithet
- Hemiberlesia guianensis (Lindinger, 1957); Borchsenius 1966: 305. change of combination
- Abgrallaspis diffinis (Newstead, 1893); Komosinska 1969: 60. change of combination
- Hemiberlesia diffinis (Newstead, 1893); Miller & Davidson 1998: 197. revived combination (previously published)
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 26 | Genera: 36
- Anacardiaceae
- Spondias | MillerDa1998
- Annonaceae
- Annona | MillerDa1998
- Apocynaceae
- Plumeria | MillerDa1998
- Araceae
- Philodendron | MillerDa1998
- Arecaceae
- Cocos | MillerDa1998
- Asparagaceae
- Dracaena | MillerDa1998
- Asteraceae
- Faberia | Ferris1938a
- Burseraceae
- Bursera | MillerDa1998
- Calophyllaceae
- Mammea | MillerDa1998
- Cannabaceae
- Celtis | Ferris1938a McDani1969
- Cornaceae
- Cornus | Ferris1938a
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros kaki | TippinBe1970
- Euphorbiaceae
- Hevea | MillerDa1998
- Jatropha | Ferris1938a Leonar1900 MillerDa1998
- Manihot | MillerDa1998
- Fabaceae
- Cassia | MillerDa1998
- Erythrina | MillerDa1998
- Erythrina fusca | BenDovWi2003 Newste1917 | (= Erythrina glauca)
- Machaerium | MillerDa1998 | (= Drepanocarpus)
- Mimosa | Dekle1965c
- Juglandaceae
- Carya illinoinensis | BesheaTiHo1973
- Lauraceae
- Persea | Dekle1965c MillerDa1998
- Lecythidaceae
- Couroupita | MillerDa1998
- Lythraceae
- Punica | MillerDa1998
- Magnoliaceae
- Liriodendron tulipifera | Ferris1938a StoetzDa1974a
- Magnolia | Ferris1938a
- Malvaceae
- Hibiscus | MillerDa1998
- Ochroma | Balach1959a | ( Balsa)
- Theobroma | MillerDa1998
- Tilia americana | Ferris1938a
- Meliaceae
- Cedrela fissilis | Lepage1938
- Melia azedarach | Lepage1938
- Myrtaceae
- Psidium | Ferris1938a MillerDa1998
- Psidium guajava | Ferris1921
- Orchidaceae
- Oncidium | MillerDa1998
- Rosaceae
- Prunus | MillerDa1998
- Ulmaceae
- Ulmus | Dekle1965c Ferris1938a McDani1969
- Zygophyllaceae
- Porlieria angustifolia | McDani1969
Families: 3 | Genera: 8
- Aphelinidae
- Aphytis holoxanthus | LazaroGoRo2023
- Aphytis lepidosaphes | LazaroGoRo2023
- Aphytis lingnanensis | LazaroGoRo2023
- Aphytis melinus | LazaroGoRo2023
- Coccobius juliae | LopesOlOl2023
- Encarsia tarsalis | LazaroGoRo2023
- Encarsia citrina | LazaroGoRo2023
- Encarsia juanae | LazaroGoRo2023
- Encarsia lounsburyi | LazaroGoRo2023
- Encarsia subelongata | LazaroGoRo2023
- Encyrtidae
- Archinus | LazaroGoRo2023
- Metaphycus | LazaroGoRo2023
- Plagiomerus diaspidis | LazaroGoRo2023
- Signiphoridae
- Chartocerus | LazaroGoRo2023
- Signiphora dozieri | LazaroGoRo2023
- Signiphora falcata | LazaroGoRo2023
- Signiphora fax | LazaroGoRo2023
- Signiphora flavella | LazaroGoRo2023
- Signiphora merceti | LazaroGoRo2023
- Signiphora mexicana | LazaroGoRo2023
- Signiphora perpauca | LazaroGoRo2023
- Signiphora tumida | LazaroGoRo2023
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 16
- Argentina
- Corrientes | GranarCl2003
- Misiones | GranarCl2003
- Salta | GranarCl2003
- Santa Fe | GranarCl2003
- Tucuman | GranarCl2003
- Brazil | MillerDa1998
- Rio Grande do Sul | Lepage1938
- Colombia | Balach1959a Kondo2001 MillerDa1998
- Costa Rica | MillerDa1998
- Cuba | Ferris1938a
- Dominica | MillerDa1998
- Ecuador | MillerDa1998
- El Salvador | MillerDa1998
- Guatemala | MillerDa1998
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | Ferris1938a MillerDa1998 Newste1893d Newste1917
- Jamaica | MillerDa1998
- Mexico | Leonar1900 MillerDa1998
- Baja California Norte | Ferris1921 Ferris1938a
- Colima | LazaroGoRo2023
- Jalisco | LazaroGoRo2023
- Morelos | LazaroGoRo2023
- Nayarit | LazaroGoRo2023
- Puebla | LazaroGoRo2023
- Queretaro | LazaroGoRo2023
- Tabasco | Ferris1938a
- Nicaragua | MillerDa1998
- Panama | MillerDa1998
- Peru | MillerDa1998
- United States
- Alabama | WaltmaRaWi2016
- LazaroGoRo2023: pp.247-248 ( Adult (F) ) [Armored scale species on avocado in central Mexico]
- WeiScNo2021: pp.17-23 ( Adult (F) ) [Aspidiotini from Panama]
- SchneiClWe2020: pp.67-71 ( Adult (F) ) [Aspidiotini in Argentina]
- NormarMoKr2014: pp.46-47 ( Adult (F) ) [Modifications to Ferris's 1942 key to the species of North American Hemiberlesia to include both South American and North American species]
- EvansWaMi2009: pp.63-67 ( Adult (F) ) [Diaspididae species found on avocado]
- Koszta1996: pp.509 ( Adult (F) ) [Northeastern North America]
- Komosi1969: pp.76-78 ( Adult (F) ) [World]
- McDani1969: pp.107 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: Texas]
- Balach1956: pp.105-108 ( Adult (F) ) [Africa]
- Balach1953k: pp.114-115 ( Adult (F) ) [World]
- Ferris1942: pp.35 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Lawson1917: pp.217 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: Kansas]
- Cocker1905: pp.45-46 ( Adult (F) ) [Mexico]
- Newell1899: pp.4-5 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Systematics: Newstead (1917) described and illustrated some specimens under the name Aspidiotus camelliae Signoret from British Guiana (Guyana). Lindinger (1957) referred to Newstead's record as "A. [Aspidiotus] guianensis nom. nov.". This reference to Newstead's illustration and description validates Lindinger's name. Ben-Dov & Williams (2003) studied the types of Aspidiotus guianensis Lindinger, 1957, and concluded that the latter is a synonym of Aspidiotus diffinis Newstead, 1893, currently known as Hemiberlesia diffinis (Newstead).
According to Miller & Davidson (1998), H. diffinis can be confused with H. neodiffinis Miller & Davidson, because both species have the same characteristics of waxy cover, size, and morphology. However, in slide mounts they differ in the following morphological characters: H. diffinis has a macroduct between L1 on the pygidium (absent in H. neodiffinis), and the plates before L3 each contain more than one microduct (each contain only one microduct in H. neodiffinis).
- Structure: Scale of the female gray, somewhat elongate, high convex, the exuviae close to the anterior end; scale of the male similar in form and color (Ferris, 1938a). Adult female cover waxy to creamy white, circular or slightly oval, 1.5 to 2.0 mm in diameter, with subcentral exuviae yellow to slightly brown. Body of live adult female membranous, pale yellow, pyriform with slightly acute pygidium, 0.7‒0.9 mm long. (Lazaro et al., 2023)
- Biology: Occurring on the bark (Ferris, 1938a). The scale was found primarily associated with branches of avocado trees, but leaves and fruits are also affected. (Lazaro et al., 2023)
- Economic Importance: This species is considered to be of economic importance in Florida, USA (Dekle, 1976).
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female (misidentified as Aspidiotus camelliae Sign., according to Lindinger, 1957) by Newstead (1917). Aspidiotus guianensis was described from material off Erythraspis glauca. There is no such plant genus Erythraspis and Newstead must have mistaken the plant for Erythrina glauca (Leguminosae), often used as a shade tree in cacao plantations. Description and illustration of adult female by Ferris (1921, 1938a), Komosinska (1969), Kosztarab (1996) and by Miller & Davidson (1998). Description and illustration of female, male nymphs, male pupa and prepupa by Stoetzel & Davidson (1974a). Prior to the separation of Hemiberlesia diffinis and H. neodiffinis it was believed that H. diffinis was found in several of the United States. However, Miller & Davidson (1998) determined that H. diffinis was a tropical species that does not occur in the US, but a second species H. neodiffinis is temperate in distribution, occurring in the eastern and midwestern United States and northern Mexico.
- Balach1948b: taxonomy, 298
- Balach1953k: taxonomy, 115
- Balach1956: taxonomy, 107
- BeardsDaHo1976: economic importance, 103
- BenDovGe2003: catalog, 523-526
- BenDovWi2003: distribution, host, taxonomy, 166-167
- BesheaTiHo1973: distribution, host, 6
- Borchs1966: catalog, 305
- ClapsWoGo2001a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 18-19
- Cocker1894g: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 130-131
- Cocker1896b: distribution, 334
- Cocker1897i: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 23
- Cocker1899a: taxonomy, 396
- Cocker1899n: distribution, host, taxonomy, 21
- Cocker1905: taxonomy, 46
- Dekle1965c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 69
- Dekle1976: description, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 91
- EvansWaMi2009: taxonomy, 63-67
- Fernal1903b: 257
- Ferris1921: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 125-126
- Ferris1938a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 238
- Ferris1941e: taxonomy, 40,42,44,46
- Ferris1942: taxonomy, 446:35
- FletchGi1908: distribution, host, 113-133
- GranarCl2003: distribution, host, 625-637
- Houser1918: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 165-166
- Komosi1969: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 60-62
- Kondo2001: distribution, host, taxonomy, 44
- Koszta1996: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 509-511
- Lawson1917: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 221-222
- LazaroGoRo2023: biology, diagnosis, distribution, host, key, natural enemies, 247, 256-257
- Leonar1897b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 119,132-134
- Leonar1900: distribution, host, taxonomy, 339
- Lepage1938: catalog, 394
- Lindin1928: taxonomy, 106
- Lindin1932c: taxonomy, 204
- Lindin1957: taxonomy, 545
- Lizery1942a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 321-322
- Lizery1943a: distribution, host, 319-335
- MacGil1921: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 437-438
- Marlat1900: taxonomy, 425
- McDani1969: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 107-109
- MillerDa1990: distribution, economic importance, host, 302
- MillerDa1998: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 193,197-200
- Nakaha1982: distribution, host, 41
- Newell1899: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 23
- Newste1893d: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 186-187
- Newste1893f: taxonomy, 281
- Newste1917: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 371
- NormarMoKr2014: taxonomy, 46
- PorcelPeMa2012: structure, 320
- SchneiClWe2020: key, 70
- SchneiFiNo2019: key, taxonomy, 92
- StoetzDa1974: life history, taxonomy, 138-140
- StoetzDa1974a: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 501-505
- Suh2016: distribution, host, key, 322, 326
- TippinBe1970: distribution, host, 9
- TownseCo1898: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 178
- WaltmaRaWi2016: distribution, 231
- WeiScNo2021: key, 19
- Willia1985a: catalog, taxonomy, 235
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 222